By: Mzbadgurl E-mail: Homepage: Notes: All characters belong to the person who made them and I make no claim on them. I only copyright the story, story idea and the character Kitya. Please e-mail comments. The Arabian Prince The prince looked over his new present from Persia. It was exquisite, pretty and new in his country. It had long golden hair stylishly braided and fixed in a bun, a pale porcelain face and a small, thin body-shape. It was the Persian emperor's own daughter. It was present symbolizing peace. He took one more glance at his new gift and realized that he couldn't see her eyes. "Look at me." He commanded the trembling girl beneath him. She slowly lifted her eyes from the floor to meet the prince's eyes. The prince saw large, crystal blue eyes that held sadness and fear. "Take her to my chambers. I will look at her later. " With that he dismissed her and went on to his study. The girl shook and tried hard not to let the tears come. Father did what he knew, for a long time, Persian princesses were symbols of peace to other countries. It was tradition for the king to give away daughters to foreign kings and princes in exchange for peace. The girl walked around slowly, shivering in her thin little dress. They had stripped her of her ornamental dress; only to put her in an impractical nightgown that was too thin. The door creaked open and in stepped the prince. He was magnificent, thick dark hair, stormy night eyes, and the well-chiseled face of Arabians. He had come in alone. The girl shivered again, not from cold but from what was to come. She knew her mission on earth was to serve peace and to do that, she needed to keep the prince happy. Yet she hated it. She detested the idea that she was only a toy for the prince. She wanted more, love and a family. She was only seventeen, a child compared to the prince's twenty-five. The prince observed the many emotions flickering across the girl's face. "Undress me" He ordered. Slowly, as if in shock, she moved towards the tall prince. She bowed her head and started, slowly, to unbutton his shirt. She had to reach up for the last two buttons. She gently pulled the shirt off him and began pulling off his thin shirt underneath. After that she unfastened his necklaces by going on tiptoe to reach behind his neck. Next, she eased off his shoes and socks. Finally there was only the pants left. She bowed her head and determined not to mess up or cry; unfastened his pants and slid them off. She closed her eyes, intent on not seeing anything of him. The prince looked at the girl, his handmaid now, with a funny look. No other girl had shied from looking at him. She was different. "Undress" She knew it was hopeless now, she would have to surrender. Gradually, she pulled off her sheer gown and shut her eyes again. The prince was happy with his gift; she was pure and unscarred. "Get in bed" He himself waited till she was in before he got on. He did as did until he felt her innocence. He muttered and pulled himself out with much temptation. She opened her eyes. She was worried. "I will not destroy your innocence unless you wish me to. All you shall do is wait upon me." With that, he rolled on to the side and slept. She could cry in relief. The prince was not cold hearted after all. Two months passed with the prince keeping his promise. The girl was happy. She found that her job wasn't so hard and she had even begun to grow fond of the prince. Until one night. He walked in cursing and swearing. She trembled but vowed not be scared. She did her ritual undressing him and shook when he grabbed her tightly. He pushed her onto his bed and crushed her with his weight. He kissed her hard so her lips were bruised from the rough treatment. Then, suddenly, he entered her and pumped himself till he was tired and fell asleep. The girl was crying openly now. Her heart felt as if a dozen icy daggers had cut it open. Her thighs felt sore and hurt. She was bleeding a lot and she felt so hurt. She thought he could be trusted. She cried and cried until the prince awoke. She hurriedly rubbed her eyes dry. The prince recalled last night with a bang. He swore again and looked at the girl next to him. Her lips were bruised and so were her arms where he grabbed her. Her eyes were puffy and red. She was curled up in a ball and he could see that she was bleeding a lot. "I-I. I had no intention of hurting you. Get up." The stammer was gone and fierce authority replaced it. The girl was trying her best not to cry when a lone tear escaped down her cheek. The prince noticed and said gruffly and incoherently, "Sorry. I will ship you back to Persia now." The girl looked at him in fright. She could not go back to Persia, her gift was gone and she was only a worthless slut now. Surely he wouldn't. Suddenly she realized that although the prince had hurt her badly, she still loved him. The prince overheard his cook conversing with his butler. " 'Tis a pity! The young girl going back to Persia." "Yes, god knows she'll be abused there and tortured." "Yes, those Persians are stuck up. If she returns, they'll beat her and rape her!" "Yes, the prince shouldn't send her back. That is immoral and cruel!" "Yes, like delivering meat to wolves!" The prince had heard enough and vowed to change his plans. The girl waited in his chamber, dressed in an ornamental Arabia dress. She was ready to leave for Persia. Her hair had been washed and combed to a glossy finish and red rouge covered her bruised lips. The prince stepped in and called out. "You. You shall go to the house on the far side of Arabia. You shall not return to Arabia. You shall take a small maid with you and live there alone." With that, he swept a tall girl towards her and left. The girl smiled shyly and said, "I'm Kitya Lyn. I'm to be your new handmaid miss." Together they walked to the horse and arrived at their new lodging. Three months later, the girl was invited to the prince's party. She dressed up and got there. She was ushered to a room. The prince, dressed fantastically, arrived and looked at her. She smiled shyly at the prince. Her smile disappeared when a buxom woman stepped out from behind him. "You're my new maid? Come here to my room" She took her maid and left her to clean her room and take out her hats from the attic. The buxom woman smiled at the prince and hooked her arm around his. They walked towards the ballroom when a loud crash was heard. They hurried back and saw the girl lying unconscious, bleeding. A doctor was called and she was put back in her house with Kitya. When Kitya's missus awoke; Kitya was crying and smiling. The girl looked up and felt a pain in her stomachache. She commanded the young maid to tell her what had happened. Her unborn baby had died when she had fallen. The girl screamed and broke out in great sobs. The pain in her heart was greater than when she thought the prince wanted her back, only to have her serve his mistress. It felt as if her heart was shattering. For days, the sad girl lay curled up on her bed, grieving after the loss of her baby. One day, the prince arrived at her house. He had felt an urge to see her face. It gave him peace and he felt as if everything was all right when she smiled. Kitya, gathering up her courage, told him to stay away. "What? You order me? Get out of the way girl." He pushed her aside, only to have her say, "You hurt my mistress. You killed her baby and her heart. Do you have feelings? That was your child you sentenced to death. She loves even now! All you do is keep her away so gossip does not spread. I'm sorry sir, but do not hurt her again. She'll die! Ask what she wants. It'll be "I love you" she's wanting." The prince strode in and pushed open the girl's bedroom door. Sure enough, she was crying and her arms around her back. The prince felt pained. HE knelt beside her and whispered. "Don't cry. Smile." The girl only muffled her crying and ignored him. He held her hand and made her look in his eyes. "Do not cry." She only sobbed harder and the prince held her close. He could feel her pain emitting from the small, lithe body he held. They stayed like that until she wandered to a blissful peaceful sleep, the first in months. He stayed holding her for hours until she stirred and moved away from his touch. He asked. "What is it your heart desires?" The girl shook and said softly, the first he had ever heard her speak. Her voice had a lilting, tinkling quality to it. "Answer my question truthfully with nothing to cloud your thoughts. Whom do you love?" He sat and thought. "I love-" "Promise to not let anything cloud your thoughts, whether it be guilt or pity." "I love you." With that, he swept her up in his arms and kissed her softly and gently. Kitya closed the door and left them there. After happy weeks, the prince arranged a gala to celebrate his new wife, Persian princess Serena. It was in the night and Serena had dressed especially nice. She wore a pale blue, flowing, Grecian, dress and her hair was fixed elaborately in a complex style that looped and hung with several braids. She looked stunning, although her eyes still and forever would, held sadness. Today, there was glint of happiness and love. Arabian Prince Darien watched with pride as his lovely wife descended down the stairs. Beryl, Darien's old and jealous mistress watched and plotted against the royal couple. Darien held out his arm to Serena and they glided over to the dance hall. They danced silently for a while until Darien spoke. "You look-you-look great." Though Darien loved and admired Serena very much, he still had trouble complimenting her and talking naturally. Serena understood this; she herself had trouble speaking to Darien since she was very shy. "Thank you" Darien just looked at her with much pride; she was by far, the most gorgeous woman in the palace. Beryl made her move and stepped in front of Darien. "Oh your highness! I just came to congratulate you on your lovely prize-I mean wife. You really must be proud of her. I hope you'll still, um, come VISIT me." She gushed and emphasized visit. "Serena? You mustn't be angry with him; it's very modern to have another woman. You really must keep up with the times. I mean, he had you while he had me first. So, basically, you stole him!" She then turned to press against Darien, causing his reluctant reaction before leaving. Serena just looked after her, her face revealing nothing. She knew that Darien had been with other women. It didn't matter as long as he didn't now. She looked at Darien. His face was red and he pulled Serena out of the ballroom to his study room. Once inside, he started to explain. Serena stopped him saying gently, "Thank you but all you need to say is that you will never cheat on me or try not love another. It doesn't matter about your past." Darien nodded and kissed her forehead softly. One day in May, Serena woke up and hugged the body next to her. She cuddled up to him and kissed him softly, awaking him. She ran her fingers through his thick dark hair and touched his cheek. He smiled and slept whilst his wife touched and explored his face. Finally, she got up and dressed. Unknown to her, Darien watched from behind and grabbed around her waist when she finished. She gave a muffled shriek and laughed. Darien held her tight and inhaled her scent-fresh roses. "Where are you going?" "Nowhere, the doctor's coming here for a checkup. You ought to do one too." Serena reply was muffled as Darien had covered her mouth. "I hate doctors. I'm not going. I have a meeting in Royal Busch Gardens, this really exclusive and expensive restaurant, this afternoon. I'll come back for dinner but I'm not eating lunch here." "Ok!" They got dressed, or folded the covers in Serena's case and ventured downstairs to eat their breakfast. After that, they went on their separate ways and Serena went to the room to be checked by her female doctor, Amy. Amy looked up and smiled at the Persian now Arabian as well, woman who walked in. She lay down on a low bed and closed her eyes while the physician checked her body and noted some notes. When she was finished, Serena sat upright and looked at Amy. "Alright? I can go now?" "Not quite, your highness. There is a matter of health I need to attend to. Have you been eating right?" "Um, yes. I do have these urges for food all of a sudden but I usually have strange urges." "I see. And your...?" "Um, it's sorta late but it's really irregular." "Any new or funny things?" "Um, mood swings and I'm eating too much I think." "Ah." "Um, what's the matter? You're really scaring me." "Well, the good news is-" "Wait, I want to know the bad news first." Serena winced in anticipation. "Well. There really isn't a bad side. Your highness, I hope to present to you your child in six months." "Thank you, Am- My what? What did you just say? I thought you just said-" "Child. I did. Congratulations, your majesty." "Oh. Oh my god. This is a joke, right?" "No. This is real!" "Impossible, two years ago, I was told that I would never have another child." "Perhaps, but it isn't an impossible task!" "I-I think I need to sit down." So Serena sat down and held a cup of steaming tea as she pondered her new condition. Amy told her what to expect, what restrictions she had and basically, filled her in on what to do. Serena was happy but the old fear from her last miscarriage returned stronger. She vowed to keep this one out of harm's way; no matter what. She decided to tell Darien that afternoon at the restaurant. She told Amy so. Outside, Beryl heard and schemed. Serena walked to the Royal Busch Gardens and was directed by the maitre'd to a table behind the palm fronds. She quickened her pace and stopped short at the sight. Beryl was with Darien, hanging over him. Serena could hear every word said. " Oh Darien, what happened? You said you loved me. Can't you feel this child growing?" Beryl placed his hands on her rounded stomach (actually fathered by another man) and smiled a sickeningly sweet smile. Serena felt again, the heartache. The feeling that her heart was frozen and cracking inside was very strong. She felt dizzy. She needed air. She ran out of the restaurant, back to the limo awaiting her. Darien felt sick. His life had been fine, blissfully happy until less than 12 hours ago. Now, he had a frightened, hurt wife who loved him and a selfish, supposedly pregnant bitch that loved his money. How could life be so fickle? Darien broke free of Beryl's grasp and ran out to his car, he raced back to the palace and ran up the stairs, two by two, to his bedroom. There he found Serena laying facedown, sobbing. Kitya, her handmaid, was packing her clothes. Darien swore and went to Serena. "Look, Serena. That wasn't like you thought it was. Beryl was just being mean. I love you. I really do. Serena, please forgive me. Come on, look at me." "I-I don't know. You told her you loved her that must have held some meaning. Maybe you did love her. Maybe you-you just married me because of -of duty." Serena wasn't sobbing but her tears ran openly down her face. "Look. I didn't mean for you to hear that. I just love you. I married you because I-" "Because you thought I was a prize? You thought I was a prize or trophy you can keep?" "No! Serena." "I don't know. My heart hurts so bad, it's worse than before. I love you, even though you didn't. Even now, I love you. I don't know why. It's just that. That. My heart's been tricked for too long. Each time, I fill it up with hope and you just throw it away. I can't trust you anymore. I want to but it's too hard. You and I know what happens." Darien felt really guilty, he knew he had done some things that even God would find hard to forgive. He had tricked her, lied to her each time. "Maybe, Maybe you and I just weren't supposed to be together. Maybe we should have never met or married. I'm-I'm sorry." Serena screamed in pain and a glowing light surrounded her. A low voice echoed out. "I, King Kenjin, swear upon this stone. If my daughter, Serena Heraldlin, feels pain and hurt so much that she could die, let her die in peace. Now, so it be. I cast this spell and bind it with her life and mine." Thunder clapped and light faded, leaving a pale, empty shell of the woman that had loved Darien so deeply. With a start, Darien realized what this meant and gave a savage howl. He only suggested they part because he thought she hated him. Serena couldn't die. No, it was impossible! Serena was his light and joy! No! Darien screamed all this and hugged her with a raw, savage emotion. He cried for the first time, his crystal tear landing at her pale lips. Another light came, this time golden yellow and gentle, like waves lapping at a shore. A figure came out; it was too bright to tell who it was. "Darien. I'm disappointed in you. She was a jewel among coals, so bright that even a blind person could tell. Why couldn't you?" "Oh. I-I truly did love her." "Saying it to me isn't saying anything. I don't care." "I-I wish she could come back. You can make her right?" "Nay, Darien. The king was strong in magic, even if not in sense. I can't help you there." "No! I can't live without her. She was like my morning light, so bright! She gave me happiness and love even though I didn't deserve it." "That's darn right! You sure as hell didn't deserve it! " "Please, help me! You've got to!" "No, I said I couldn't help. I can only-" "Whatever! If it helps, please!" "I can only give her life for two minutes. You must make her want to live. That counters the spell, she won't die if she's happy." "Please!" Glittery dust swirled and spiraled around the couple. Serena woke up and looked around her. She frowned, was this the Land of the Dead? It resembled Darien's room. Wait, there was Darien. She must be alive. "Serena, honey, please listen to me. I really want to tell you that-that I love beyond love. I can't live without you. You're like my sunshine. I need you forever. I'm sorry about what I did before. I know I don't deserve you but please, give me one more chance!" "I-I" "Serena, please. Beryl's baby isn't mine. I love you, not her. You love me, right? Please say yes!" "I-I don't know. I'm scared to try." "Please? It'll be different this time. I promise. I won't hurt you again and I swear not to even look at other women." "I-I want to but it's hard. I don't care if you love another, just tell me." "I won't. I love you, my princess." The desperateness in his voice was real. "Oh, I love you Darien!" BANG! The voice was here again. This time it chuckled and said, "Darien, you can still convince a lady. Good for you! By the way, Congratulations!" "Thank you! Congratulations on what?" Darien felt a hand tugging on his shirt. It was Serena and she was grinning mischievously. "What? You know what he's on about?" "Well, make three guesses!" "Um, well, I guess, getting you back, sweet." "Nice but no. Try again!" Serena had her arms around him and hugging him tightly. "Um, having a bright new life?" " I hope so! But, not quite." Serena was rubbing her tummy and smiling at him. "Um, wait. It's-Its. I'm gonna be daddy?" Darien asked in astonishment, hardly d aring to breathe. "Yes!" Darien had his hand on her tummy, feeling and marveling at the tiny beats from inside. He looked at his wife, the most beautiful woman in his life; the one who loved him without a limit. He loved her so much. The prince had finally learned to love.