Chapter 3 : Grave Bodily Functions When they finally arrived at their destination, Ashley looked around and saw they were in a small room. Despite her terror and pain, she tried to remember where she was being taken in case the opportunity to escape presented itself. What she saw in the small room, though, filled her with revulsion. There was a small cage in the corner. The Quantrons dragged her towards the cage and, despite her struggles, they put her in and locked her in. Then they left and shut off the light, leaving Ashley in total pitch-blackness. The feel of the cold iron bars against her naked flesh, as well as the pain from the day's treatment, filled her with misery. She began to weep pitifully. Just this morning, she was free, going about her normal business. Now she was a captive, helpless. The memories of the day filled her and she started to shake uncontrollably. The beating, the shocks, but most of all, the terror and the humiliation - it was all so overwhelming. Astronema's face, laughing at her misery, smiling at her torture, was what haunted her most of all. How could such cruelty exist, she thought? Tears once again overwhelmed her, and she lay curled up in the corner of her cage in complete blackness until, overcome by an exhaustion she didn't even recognize, she fell asleep. Ashley awoke from a night of fitful dreams. As she lay gasping on the floor of her cage, she could see that they had turned on a light in the room. Her legs ached horribly from the day's treatment, and her back and buttocks were still incredibly sore from the whipping. There were small, almost undetectable burns where the cattle prod did its horrible work on her. She was sweating profusely, and she was horribly thirsty. Next to her she saw, much to her delight, a large pitcher of water. She picked it up and drank half of it in a single swig. It felt so good going down, it was maybe the first time since this whole nightmare began that she felt good. She started to put the pitcher down, and was getting ready to start gathering her wits about her when she heard a voice from the other side of the room. "Drink the rest of it!" Ashley looked ahead and saw Astronema sitting there watching her. Ashley was filled with fear at the sight of the woman who has so cruelly abused her the day before and, surprised by her request, just sat there. Suddenly, Astronema sprang forward towards her, holding a cattle prod in his hands. Ashley shrieked in horror and jumped to the back of the cage when Astronema screamed "DRINK THE FUCKING WATER!" Ashley quickly grabbed the pitcher and drained it down. "That's better," said Astronema. "Now, drink these." She produced two more pitchers of water. Ashley, hesitatingly, drank them down as well. "Good girl," muttered Astronema, and she picked up the empty pitchers and left the room, leaving Ashley alone. Ashley curled herself up in a corner of her cage and tried to rest. Since they had started torturing her, this had been the first time that she had been left alone. She shivered in terror and tried to gather her thoughts. How could she get away from all this? A lot of the bravado had left Ashley - it had been beaten out of her, but now that she was able to think a bit, some of her spunk and resolve was returning. She would keep an eye out for a mistake - Astronema always made a mistake, and she'd find it and escape. And once she did, she'd made the bitch pay. Oh, yes, thought Ashley, she'd make Astronema pay dearly for what she had done. The thought of revenge only strengthened Ashley's resolve when she heard her cell door open. The lights flashed on and, once she accustomed herself to the light, saw Ecliptor carrying a tray that had three more pitchers on it. He also had the dreaded prod at his side. Ecliptor walked to Ashley's cage and as he did, Ashley jumped to the front of the cage and spoke through it. "Ecliptor!" she cried, "Let me go! You know that the other Rangers will find me and..." she was cut short when Ecliptor took out the prod and motioned towards the cage. "Drink the water." "Drink?" asked Ashley, confused. She wasn't thirsty. In fact, her bladder was starting to fill from the three pitchers of water that Astronema had made her drink earlier. Ecliptor picked up the prod, stuck it through the bars of Ashley's cage and started shocking her with it. Ashley thrashed and screamed and tried to escape but could go nowhere. "STOPP!!! I'LL DO IT!! I'LL DO IT!!" And with that, Ashley picked up the pitchers and, under the watchful eye of Ecliptor, who continued to brandish the cattle prod, drank all the water. Once Ecliptor was certain that Ashley had finished everything he had given her, he took the tray and left. Ashley curled up in the corner of the cage, drawing her shapely legs under her. They had left her alone for an hour, and her bladder felt like it was going to burst. She had never had to pee so badly in her life when Astronema entered the room, accompanied by two Quantrons. Ashley looked at them in misery. "So, my pretty Yellow Ranger, do you need to go to the bathroom," Astronema asked. Ashley looked at her with as much control and sternness as she could muster. "Yes, Astronema, very much so." It was an understatement. Ashley thought she was going to burst. Astronema laughed. "Well, then," she said, "Let's take you somewhere and let you pee!" They opened the door to Ashley's cage and quickly threw her on her stomach and secured her arms behind her back with handcuffs. They led her out of the small room where her cage was and directly into the torture chamber. Ashley whimpered as she was dragged into the horrible room. "Where are you taking me? I thought you were going to let me!" Ashley cried out, almost unable to hold back any longer. "Why, we're going to let you pee!" laughed Astronema, and Ashley was led to a strange looking device in the corner of the room. It had two metal strips, much like the fork part of a forklift, over a large metal plate. Attached to the plate was a series of wires that led to some sort of control panel. Ashley was made to kneel on the metal strips. Straps were secured over the back of her calf, just under the knee, and over her shapely ankle, securing her tightly. An elbow cinch was added, securing her arms even more firmly. The metal plate was then lifted so that it was only two inches from her cunt. When they are finished, Astronema flipped a switch on the control panel and it began to hum softly. One of the Quantrons picked up a whip and approached Ashley, who was looking around in confusion and fear. Astronema stood before Ashley. "Now piss." "What?" cried Ashley. Although she wanted to piss more than anything, she didn't want to piss in front of everyone like this! "You must be crazy! You must… AAAAAUUGGGGHHH!!!" The Quantron let fly with a stroke of the whip and the pain was so sudden and sharp that Ashley lost control of herself and started to pee. As soon as the piss hit the metal strip, Ashley's cunt exploded in agony. The metal strip was electrified, and it sent bolts of electricity up the piss stream directly into Ashley's delicate urethra. As she wailed in pain, the Astronema laughed merrily. "Piss!" screamed Astronema, and she motioned to the Quantron who delivered another blow of the whip to Ashley's shapely ass. Again, a stream of piss poured out of Ashley and again, the electric charge flowed up the piss stream. "AAAUUGGHH!! NOOOO!! NOOOO!! PLEEEAAASSEE!! AAAUUGGHH!!" Ashley thrashed and struggled. She needed to pee so badly and yet each time she did caused her unimaginable agony. Somehow, she managed to stop. "PISS!! GOD DAMN IT, PISS!!!" Astronema motioned once again to the Quantron, who sent another vicious stroke of the whip onto Ashley's ass and Ashley cried out in pain, and that caused the damn to burst, so to speak. Piss poured out of Ashley and she was helpless to control it. It was a merry time for Astronema. Ashley had thrown her head back and was wailing in pain. She felt like broken glass was being rubbed into her delicate cunt as the electric shocks traveled up the piss stream into her genitals. Astronema drank in every second of Ashley's voluptuous agony. Finally, after what felt like an eternity to the suffering girl, the final few drops of piss dripped out of Ashley's urethra and the pain stopped. She knelt on the torture device, panting and sweating. Two Quantrons untied Ashley, and each took hold of one of her shapely arms. They dragged Ashley to her feet, where, despite the pain and shock, she attempted to stabilize herself. Astronema stood before her, eyeing her naked body. She motioned to the Quantrons. "Follow me," Astronema said, and turned down the hall. The Quantrons led Ashley down the hall. Ashley struggled to keep up with them, the clicking of the heels from Astronema's boots contrasting with the soft sounds that Ashley's bare feet made as they walked along the cold floor. Astronema opened a door and motioned the Quantrons to bring Ashley in. Astronema then followed. Once they entered, Ashley saw that the room was empty, although there was what appeared to be a trap door on the floor. Astronema stood next to the trap door, and smiled. She then reached down and opened the cover, exposing a small pit, four feet long by four feet wide. The floor of the room was eight feet below the floor of the room. But it wasn't the size of the pit that caused Ashley to recoil in revulsion. The stench of what was in the pit filled the entire room. It was filled with human excrement and urine. It was utterly revolting. Ashley twisted her face and turned her head away from the smell. Astronema walked over to her, and grabbed her by the hair, twisting Ashley's face towards her. She smiled. "Quite a smell, eh, Yellow Ranger?" mocked the evil woman, looking Ashley directly in the eyes. "Quantrons," she said, turning to the two evil minions holding Ashley's arms tightly, "Put her in." "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" screamed Ashley in absolute terror. As the Quantrons started to move her towards the pit, Ashley began to struggle wildly and madly. She put her feet out and spread her toes, trying to maybe get a grip on the floor to prevent them from moving her. She screamed piteously. "No!! Please don't put me in there!! Please!! NO!!! OH GOD PLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSEEE!!!!" Astronema threw her head back and laughed. Despite Ashley's struggles, the Quantrons dragged her to the pit, lifted her and started to lower her in. Ashley, desperate, spread her legs and put each of her feet at the top of the pit, trying to block herself from being lowered in. Seeing this, Astronema went over, grabbed each of Ashley's legs around the calf and put them inside the pit. When Ashley's legs were both inside the pit, the Quantrons slowly lowered her in, completely ignoring Ashley's frantic struggles and pleas for mercy. As she was being lowered into the pit, Ashley desperately tried to get control of herself. She was going to be put in the pit, she knew that. Panicking would do no good. The stench was overwhelming as she got lower into the pit, and a shudder went through her as her naked feet touched the muck at the bottom of the pit. But all thoughts of control left Ashley when they let her go and she dropped to the floor. Her bare feet sunk deep into the excrement and she finally realized that the shit came up almost to her knees. The stench was overwhelming, and her stomach began to churn. She looked up at the opening above her and saw, to her horror, that Astronema was standing there with a bucket. Before Ashley could say a word, Astronema dumped the contents of the bucket down on the naked, sickened girl. The bucket was filled with even more shit and piss, and Ashley shrieked as the feces and urine struck her on the head and dripped over her face. Ashley tasted the bile in her mouth as she vomited. She started to scream. "LET ME OUT!!! OH, PLEASE LET ME OUT!!" Astronema looked down the pit and smiled. "I don't think so, Yellow Ranger," she said, "but I will make it nicer for you." And with that, Astronema replaced the cover on the pit. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Ashley screamed as the darkness enveloped her, making the stench even more unbearable. She screamed piteously, pounding the walls pleading for release, and then revulsion overtook her and she vomited again. The stench of the vomit added to the unbearable smell and it overwhelmed Ashley and she fell to her knees. The shit and vomit and piss were even closer and she vomited again. She started pounding against the walls, pleading desperately for succor. "LET ME OUT!! PLEASE!! I CAN'T STAND IT!! PLEAASEE! PLEEE... UUUGGGHH!!" Ashley couldn't control herself and she vomited again. The stench combined with the now stifling confines overwhelmed her, and she collapsed into a sitting position. The shit came up almost to her nipples, and the smell filled her nostrils, there was no way to escape it. Ashley was left in the pit for six hours. During the first two hours, she continued to pound the walls of the pit, pleading for release. She continued to vomit until she had completely emptied the contents of her stomach. Finally, she just collapsed. She sat there in the shit, dry heaving almost continuously as the heat and the lack of air circulation made the stench even more unbearable than it had been before. Finally, after six hours, the lid was removed. Ashley was too drained to even move as she was lifted out of the pit, covered from head to toe in the most horrible filth imaginable. She didn't flinch as the Quantrons hosed her off, cleaning her so carefully that when they were done, she was as clean as a baby - you would never have know she was in the pit. And she was actually grateful when they put her in the pitch-black cage, for, drained as she was from the day's torture, she immediately fell fast asleep. Chapter 4 : The Rangers React The Megaship was abuzz with activity. The Rangers were searching every corner of the galaxy to try and find some trace of Ashley. Andros kept barking orders. "Any sign of her yet?" Carlos and Cassie looked up from the monitor. "Nothing yet. This quadrant looks empty," Cassie said. "I'll keep checking it, though," Carlos added. "Good. TJ, any luck on Earth?" "No, but, Andros, what if..." TJ paused. Andros looked up. "What if what?" TJ looked at the other Rangers. They all had a fear that they knew where Ashley was. They just didn't want to conceive of the possibility. But if they were going to have a chance to find her, they would need to look the worst case right in the eye. And TJ was the one who could do it best. "What if she's on the Dark Fortress?" Andros bristled. "No! That's not possible! We'll find her..." "But you said there were Quantrons, right," TJ interrupted. "And you said that Ecliptor was there, too. Where else would they take her?" "NO! It can't be! She can't be with Astronema!" It was Carlos' turn to speak. "Andros, you need to accept that possibility. None of us wants it to be true, but we can't find her anywhere, and Ecliptor was there, so it could be." Andros face went flush. He had considered the possibility, of course, but he had refused to accept it. He looked at his friends, ashen-faced. "You think she's there?" TJ nodded. "I think we need to go on that assumption." Andros put his head in his hands. "Oh, God, imagine Ashley with Astronema! What could she be doing with her?" Cassie walked up and hugged him and he put his head on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Andros, we'll find her." TJ agreed. "It sound horrible, but it'll be OK. We'll get her, and if she's with Astronema, that's still OK. We'll find her. We'll find her before anything bad happens to her." All the Rangers nodded in agreement. They would save Ashley before Astronema had any chance to do anything bad to her. Chapter 5 : The Horror Escalates Ashley winced as the lights flashed on in her cell. She was still disoriented, trying to accustom her eyes to the light when the Quantrons reached into her cage and grabbed her arms. They led her down the corridor to the torture chamber and tied her to a dentist's chair. They strapped her arms and wrists tightly to the arms of the chair, secured her smooth body to the chair, and strapped her muscular legs and shapely ankles to the bottom of the chair. She tested the bonds by straining at her wrists, and wiggling her bare feet. She was securely fastened to the chair, and when she looked around and drew her breath in. Astronema stood before her, holding a strip of wet rawhide in her hands. Ashley was a little afraid she was going to be whipped again, and she looked at Astronema with trepidation. Astronema laughed. "Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to do anything bad to you," laughed Astronema. "I've got a surprise for you, and I just want you to be prepared." With that, she wrapped the rawhide snugly around Ashley's neck. It wasn't too tight, nor was it uncomfortable. The wet leather felt cold against Ashley's skin, but it wasn't unpleasant. "There," said Astronema, surveying her handiwork. "Now you're ready for my surprise! It may take a little while, but oh, boy will you be surprised!" With that, Astronema pulled up a chair, sat in front of her, and silently watched her. Ashley had no desire to know what the surprise was - she hadn't liked anything that had happened to her so far (and that was an understatement!), and she had no reason to expect anything to change. She had no idea what to expect. Her eyes glanced around the "playroom" looking for a way out. A couple of times she tried to talk to Astronema, who told her not to speak. Ashley was lost in her own thoughts when she felt a constriction about her throat. Her pretty face looked puzzled, and at this moment Astronema put her hand down her pants and started to masturbate. The tightening around her throat got slowly worse - it was slow but inexorable. Ashley realized, to her absolute panic, that as the rawhide was drying, it was tightening around her throat. It got tighter and tighter, slowly, oh so slowly. It began to make breathing difficult - she let out a cough and it burned so much that she would have cried out if the strap hadn't made any sound impossible. She started to struggle and panic. At this time, Astronema got up, walked to her helpless victim, and started fondling Ashley's breasts. Ashley desperately, desperately struggled for breath as Astronema fondled, squeezed, and bit her breasts. She licked Ashley's face, licking her nose, her lips, licking the tears that flowed from her eyes. Astronema brought her smiling face close to Ashley's face, which was now tightened and contorted, her tongue starting to protrude from her mouth. Astronema smiled and touched her tongue to Ashley's tongue. And then, with a wicked smile, she cut the cord around Ashley's neck. Ashley sucked air in as quickly as she could. Never had the simple act of breathing felt so good. She was a bit light-headed since the strap had minimized the flow of blood to her head. It took her a good ten minutes for Ashley to return to normal, and Astronema enjoyed watching her recover. Once Ashley had recovered, Astronema walked to her and began to stroke her tear stained face. She smiled at Ashley, a smile that sent a chill of terror through the helpless girl. "You're so very pretty, Ashley," muttered Astronema, rubbing hair away from Ashley's face, "So very, very pretty." She leaned close and kissed Ashley on the lips, then ran her tongue all over Ashley's face. Ashley whimpered in misery. "No more, Astronema, please no more" she muttered as Astronema's tongue made its way around her face, "please oh please no more..." Ashley's pleas were cut short as Astronema pushed Ashley's head back and quickly wrapped a strap around her forehead, securing her tight. For a moment, Ashley was afraid that it was another wet strap, but the leather was dry, and all it did was hold her head so she couldn't move it. Astronema them picked up a long, flexible metal tube and held it before Ashley's wide, terrified eyes. "See this?" mocked Astronema. Ashley's face was a mask of fear, and it filled Astronema with happiness. "I'm going to use it on your pretty nose!" And with that, Astronema positioned the long tube at the end of Ashley's nose. She slowly started to slide it up Ashley's nose. Ashley whined and cried as Astronema slid the tube deep into Ashley's delicate nasal cavity. She then connected the end of the tube to a battery and electric shocks pulsated up Ashley's nose. Ashley felt like her whole head was going to explode, like someone had forced fire up into to nose! She couldn't imagine such pain! Astronema kept the current flowing into the suffering girl for what seemed like an eternity, until Astronema tired of this sport and shut the current off and removed the tube from Ashley's nose. Ashley sat in the chair, panting and stunned. Her entire body was shaking from the torture. She was able to give no resistance when the Quantrons moved her onto a table. They strapped her arms at her side, and tied her legs wide apart, and secured her body with a thin strap just under the breasts and another on her lower abdomen, between her pubic hair and navel. Astronema leaned close to show Ashley her newest "toy." It was a thin rod with what looked like small thorns on it. Ashley, almost in a daze, could hardly even register it. With a wicked laugh, Astronema started to rub Ashley's pubic hair and prepared for the next torture. She moved the rod towards Ashley's genitals and quickly, almost before Ashley knew what had happened, slid the rod up into her urethra. Ashley gasped in shock and pain as she felt the rod invade her most private hole. But nothing prepared Ashley for the agony she felt when Astronema took the end of the rod that protruded out from the urethra and started spinning the rod between her palms. Astronema merrily spun the rod back and forth while Ashley writhed and screamed in unbelievable pain. Ashley screamed, thrashed, banged her head against the table: the pain was overwhelming her, the misery and horror of the torture consumed her very being. She was certain she was going to pass out when Astronema finally stopped and removed the monstrous rod. Ashley lay, bound helplessly on the table, sweating profusely, her naked chest raising and dropping as she grabbed deep breaths. The sight of the girl's suffering was too much for Astronema. Turning away from the miserable girl, she stripped off her clothes and fitted herself with a large dildo. This was a very special dildo, though. It was eight inches long and three inches around in circumference. It was made of smooth metal with a series of tiny holes on its surface. It fit snugly over her genitals, but on the side next to her cunt there was a small nub that was directly on her clitoris. A cord ran from the dildo, ending with a small switch that Astronema gazed at lovingly. She then turned around and showed Ashley the dildo. Ashley's face filled with fear. Astronema couldn't be serious! She wasn't going to take her virginity with that horrible, awful thing! Ashley couldn't believe it would happen, nobody, not even Astronema could be that cruel and inhuman! "Oh God what's that... what are you doing... oh God please no no no..." Astronema just smiled and crawled on top of Ashley. She put the dildo at the edge of Ashley's vagina and started to push in. "NO!!! NOOO!!! PLEASE! ASTRONEMA PLEASE NO!!" Begged Ashley when she felt the cold metal at the door to her virgin cunt. But Astronema paid no heed to the girl's pathetic pleas for mercy. She slowly pushed the dildo inside Ashley. Ashley cried, screamed, and pleaded as the dildo made its slow, inexorable way into her cunt. Her humiliation at losing her virginity this way added to the searing pain as the cold metal pushed its way into her private areas. Astronema thrust deeper and deeper until the entire length of the dildo was inside Ashley, and Astronema's face was inches from Ashley's. Then Astronema pushed the button at the end of the cord and Ashley went wild. The button caused small metal bumps to come out of the holes on the dildo, and they dug into the walls of Ashley's cunt. At the same time, it caused those same bumps to get hot, increasing Ashley's pain. To add to all this, once the dildo was active, the nub next to Astronema's clitoris started to vibrate, sending waves of pleasure through Astronema. Astronema began to pump in and out, and Ashley's screams reverberated off the walls of the torture chamber. Astronema kept on pumping and Ashley kept on screaming. After a few seconds, Astronema grabbed Ashley's left breast with her right hand and started to squeeze it with all her might. With her left hand, she grabbed Ashley's hair and held her head tightly. She put her lips right up to Ashley's screaming mouth and kissed her victim. She lay there, pumping the dildo into the thrashing girl, lips locked, drinking in Ashley's now muffled screams of agony, and pumped and pumped and pumped. Astronema was going wild with joy as she felt her victim's hideous suffering, and she continued to pump and thrust with sadistic lust until finally she had a massive orgasm, driving the dildo deep into Ashley's cunt at the same time she drove her tongue deep into Ashley's throat and dug her fingers deep into Ashley's breast. When she dismounted and removed the dildo, Ashley lay still on the table. Everything was just a haze to her now, she was in a little bit of shock after the brutal rape. Astronema stood in front of her, sweating, with the dildo still prominently protruding from her. She turned to the Quantrons. "Turn her over." Ashley, who had been barely listening to what was going on around her, felt her body being turned over so that her beautiful shapely ass was exposed. She felt the straps securing her to the table. She weekly looked around and saw Astronema, still with the dildo on, almost drooling with lust. And then the full import of what was going to happen to her hit home. Astronema was going to fuck her in the ass! Suddenly, panic flew through her and she tried to struggle but to no avail. "NOOOOO!" she shrieked in utter terror. She struggled wildly, but the straps still held her tightly. Astronema approached her. "This is going to be great," panted Astronema, barely able to control her excitement. Ashley looked back over her shoulder. "Oh God no," she pleaded. "Please, don't do this, please oh God please..." "Keep quiet, my pretty Yellow bitch," Astronema growled, slapping Ashley's ass with all her might. Her lovely ass quivered with the blow and she jumped with the pain. Se grabbed the back of her thighs and caressed them, relishing the feel of her smooth soft skin. Astronema carefully guided the dildo so that the head pressed firmly against Ashley's asshole. The dry, hot flesh was firm and resistant. Astronema paused a moment, feeling Ashley's body tense as she waited silently, struggling to clench her ass cheeks closed to no avail. "Ready Ashley," she said mockingly, "Here we go!" Scared beyond words, Ashley trembled as she felt her sphincter stretched wider than she could have thought possible by the head of the dildo. The pain was unbelievable. Nothing could match the pain Ashley felt from just the head of Astronema's awful dildo entering her virgin asshole. She felt certain her body was being ripped apart as Astronema eased it inch by inch inside of her. By now, half of the dildo was inside of her. Ashley's screams had quieted down now and she simply sobbed steadily as Astronema continued to thrust the dildo deep into her bowels. Just when Ashley thought she couldn't take anymore, Astronema gave one final thrust, and the last few inches of the dildo worked into Ashley's ass. The stretched hole of Ashley's ass gripped the dildo tightly. And then Astronema flipped the switch again. Searing pain ripped through Ashley's ass and she started to thrash and scream. Rearing back, Astronema plunged the dildo into her in one violent thrust. Pulling out just as rapidly, Astronema began to ass fuck Ashley wildly. Ashley's screams of agony were so loud that they almost hurt Astronema's ears, but the ecstasy she was feeling made everything worthwhile. To get more leverage, Astronema grabbed Ashley's hair and pulled her head back, thrusting in and out of Ashley's tender ass. Astronema pumped and pumped and Ashley screamed and screamed and finally Astronema threw her head back, gave a shriek like that of a banshee and came, her screams of joy almost drowning out Ashley's wails of agony. Panting, exhausted from pleasure, Astronema dismounted. Ashley was hysterical on the table, still thrashing and screaming. Astronema motioned to the Quantrons who, once Ashley had calmed down, took her back to her pitch-black cage and put her in. Astronema, drained from the ecstasy, went to her room and slept soundly in her soft, comfortable bed.