Chapter 3 -- "Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi, Kimberly's Being Tortured!

Kimberly was thrown into a small cage and the door locked. "Sleep well, Pink Ranger, for there is more pain coming! Finally we are getting our revenge!! Ah, ha-ha-ha-ha!" mocked Goldar as he locked her in. Once she was left alone, she threw herself down and began to cry, great heaving sobs. Finally, she composed herself. The other Rangers would save her, she thought. Zordon, Alpha-5, and the others -- they had always been able to save one of them when they were in trouble. She had somehow managed to survive her ordeal today, and they would soon be here to rescue her. The group had always succeeded in the past, and there's no reason to believe that this time would be any different. They had to come and save her -- she wasn't sure how much more of this treatment she could take.

Meanwhile, the other Rangers were beginning to wonder where Kimberly was. They were all gathered in study hall when their communicators went off. They ran outside to a secluded spot, and Jason called in. "Jason here, Zordon, what's up?" "We have a very serious situation," intoned Zordon solemnly. "Alpha-5 will teleport you here immediately." And with that the five of them -- Jason, Trini, Billy, Zack, and Tommy -- were teleported to the command center. When they got there, Alpha-5 was clearly in a very excited state.

"Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi, what are we going to do? This is terrible! Ay-yi-yi!" the little robot said as he scurried to and fro. "What's going on?" asked Zack. "Does this have anything to do with Kimberly?" asked Trini, hopefully. "Unfortunately, it does." said Zordon. The five teenagers stood quietly and looked at Zordon's massive image. "What's happened to her?" inquired Tommy, echoing the question on all the Rangers's minds.

Zordon didn't mince words. In situations like this, he felt it was best to be straight with the Rangers and hope they could handle it. "Kimberly has been kidnapped by Lord Zedd, and is being held in his lair." These words sent shivers through the Rangers. They knew that they had never been able to find Zedd's lair, and even if they could, they most likely would never be able to attack it successfully. If Kimberly was being held there, then there may not be any way for them to rescue her. "What's happening to her? Why does he want her?" Jason demanded to know. "I will tell you, but the answer is horrible. It will take strength, courage, and wisdom to be able to withstand this knowledge. Look at the viewing globe and you will see what has been happening to her." They walked to the globe and the image that greeted them was Kimberly, naked, with her hands bound over her head. Immediately, the sight of Kimberly's naked body gave Jason, Tommy, and Zack hard-ons, of which they were instantly ashamed and hoped that nobody else noticed. But the scene soon shifted, and images of Kimberly being whipped filled the globe. The Rangers were horrified at the site of Kimberly writhing in pain, and Trini buried her face in Tommy's shoulder. The image faded, and Zordon spoke again.

"Lord Zedd has created his most horrible monster yet. The monster is Tortura, and it has a complete knowledge of how to torture a human being. Lord Zedd plans to continue to torture Kimberly in order to scare all of you away from being Rangers. As of now, we don't know where she is being held, but Alpha-5 is working on it." "I'll help!" cried Billy, and everybody nodded their consent -- Billy had often times in the past been able to work with Alpha-5 and together they were able to find things they thought couldn't be found. "There isn't much we can do for her now," continued Zordon. "All we can do is to try to find her, and pray that she can remain strong." "Oh, poor Kimberly, we've got to do something! Oh, Kim..." Trini cried, her voice trailing away to sobs as she hugged Zack.. Jason and Tommy both approached the globe where Kimberly's image was last seen. "Hold on Kimberly," whispered Jason. "Yeah, Kim," continued Tommy. "We'll be there!"