Chapter 1 -- Lord Zedd Discovers Pain

Lord Zedd had been spending most of his time these days trying to figure out a way to rid himself of the Power Rangers once and for all. Time and time again, they thwarted his attempts to take over the Earth for himself. Each defeat left him more and more frustrated, and these defeats increased his anger at the Power Rangers and, consequently, his desire for revenge. He had tried everything -- each monster was bigger and stronger, and yet it didn't matter. Each time he thought he had created the ultimate monster, the six accursed teenagers would "morph" into action and somehow, some way, defeat him. And it was at this point, just when Lord Zedd was at his lowest, feeling that perhaps the Rangers were too strong for him and that he should leave Earth alone, when he made a most horrific discovery. While monitoring Earth's broadcasts one day, he discovered torture.

To the participants in the NPR discussion panel, they probably thought they were doing a good deed. The participants were regional representatives of Amnesty International, and were discussing the use and abuse of torture throughout the world today. The concept was foreign to Zedd -- after all, beings such as him do not feel pain. So he tapped into some of Earth's literature, and learned all about what torture was. And it excited him.

This, he thought, was the ultimate device to use on the Rangers! Subject them to torture, and that would destroy them once and for all! He sent Goldar and some Putties down to Earth to gather all the literature they could find that would help him inflict pain on a human being. They returned shortly with a series of books -- several anatomy books and medical texts, documentation from Amnesty, and shocking manuals from the CIA, KGB, and other agencies detailing how to torture victims.

Lord Zedd exulted when he saw the pile of books. He knew just what was needed -- a new monster, more hideous and horrific than any he had ever created. This new monster would be made from the books, and as such would have complete knowledge of torture. Zedd laughed a great, hearty laugh and pointed his staff at the pile of books and chanted, "Behold! I give you Tortura!"

A bolt of lightning came from the staff and flew into the books. The books melted together and began to grow -- and soon, there stood the horrible Tortura. Tortura was six feet tall. He had several colors on his skin, from the different covers of the books, so there were splotches of red, blue, green, and yellow on him. His body was rubbery, the way all of Zedd's monsters were, but he seemed much more human-like than Zedd's other monsters. Most striking of the human-like characteristics were Tortura's hands -- instead of the huge tentacle-like hands most of Zedd's monsters inevitably had, Tortura's hands were delicate and firm. In other words, very well suited for the unspeakable work he was made for.

Once Tortura stood there, Zedd looked at his handiwork and was quite pleased. Now all that was left was to choose a Ranger for torture, although that decision had, in fact, been made as soon as Zedd had first discovered torture. It would be Kimberly, the Pink Ranger. She stirred emotions and feelings in Zedd that he didn't quite understand. But what he did understand was that she was delicate and oh so sensitive. Zedd was truly looking forward to subjecting petite and pretty Kimberly to Tortura's hideous skills. It would be a truly marvelous revenge on those Power Rangers that he hates so much.