THE COMING OF MUNIHAUSEN --- PART THREE (A Sailor Moon/Urotsukidouji crossover) By the Great Red Serpent It was now 1996, and a young man in Dayton, Ohio, in the U.S.A., was sleeping peacefully. In his dream, he was in a strange place which his instinct told him had some- thing to do with time. He started walking through the tun- nel, and then ran due to his excitement. He wandered around, staring at the walls and taking in the whole scene in awe and and wonder. He ran, unaware that he was running to the place where past, present, and future meet, but when he got there he couldn't believe the sight lying on the floor in front of him. What he saw was the badly mutilated body of a beautiful young woman, mutilated by a set of slashmarks on her face, all the skin and muscle tissue eaten away from all four limbs, her pubic hair and the upper layer of the underlying skin shaven from her groin, and a slit in her abdomen with both her intestines pulled out, also appearing to have been split open. Poor Nathaniel stood aghast at the sight before him, but at the same time he couldn't resist the urges that were emanating from the core of his subconscious and touching him on the fringes of conscious thought. Something was telling him to go down, to drop to his knees and go down on her. He resisted for what seemed to be an eternity of torment as his will battled his instinctual drive, but eventually his will lost and he did as commanded. The first thing he did was drop down and begin licking the blood off her thighs. It was quite dried up and caked onto her flesh after three years of being dead, but the rate of decay of organic matter on the ethereal plane was virtually nonexistent. Thus, there was no stench, and the blood tasted sweet to his virgin tongue. The flesh, however, was cold and stiff to his touch, but her coldness excited him and turned his semi-hard-on into a rock-hard woody. He moved his tongue up her leg, licking up all the three-year-old vaginal blood and savoring the taste. After reaching the top end of her right leg, at the point where it meets the groin, he began licking the left side of her pussy, and then began licking clockwise circles around the clit button. The pussy was colder than an Antarctic wind blast, but the icy feeling on his tongue and lips felt good. After a few revolutions around her clit, he went from licking to kissing it, to gently sucking. He sucked at her pussy while slowly moving his mouth down to the level of her sheath, and he kissed it on the lips head on, as though he were kissing her face. With his tongue, he licked the opening a couple times, and then decided it was safe to penetrate her orally. As he did so, mounds of pubic hairs, moist from spending three years in her excellently well-preserved, and very wet, vagina, found their way onto the tip of his tongue. He didn't like this taste, and once he realized that her pussy was a giant hairball, he decided to remove his mouth from her cavity and bring it up to the level of her tits. Her fuku was so much torn that he could easily access any part of her body he wanted, and so he started sucking on the tit with the bitten-off nipple. Kissing the well- developed breast, he worked his way to the part where the nipple was bitten off. Sucking gently, his mouth lifted up the blood that had been welled-up in the large wound. To him, it tasted like cold Coca-Cola, and for some reason this made it even more exciting. His hand caressed her other tit, the ripe, by now solid, and perfect breast fitting perfectly into the cup of his hand. This gave him one free hand, and with it he reached for and undid his zipper, and then arched his back so as to let the entire length of his dick go deep into her cold, dry, and unexplainably hairy snatch. From the beginning he pumped her pussy, pushing back that pubic hair, while that same hair gave his sensitive head the feeling of a thousand miniature tentacles all over the tip of his shaft. This drove him wild, bringing him to the verge of his rapture half an hour before usual. At the begin- ning of his ecstasy, it was like he wanted to share his "hap- piness" with the slow-rotting corpse, and lapped up as much of her tit-blood as he could with his tongue, then brought his lips up to her mouth. He closed his eyes and, kissing her gently at first, he worked his way up to "full tongue- in-cheek penetration" as his orgasm built up, then released. Right after his load released and the spasms in his penis were winding down, he felt something strange happening with the corpse beneath him. He opened his eyes and was surprised to see the wounds on her face healed. His first instinct was to look toward her limbs, but before he got a chance to follow that through the answer came to him, in the form of a pair of long fleshy arms wrapping themselves tightly around his torso. Her eyes were no longer cold, either, and instead glowed with the new life that had now been returned to her. She pulled his head down to hers, and kissed him long and passionately. She then freed her hands, pushed him off her body, and beat the shit out of him. ------------------------------------------------------------ It was now 2020, before that night on which the girls had their orgy. Mamoru was still unconscious, and Makoto decided to go for a walk around the underground city. It was amazing to her, that a system of caves could be carved into an entire system of roads, sewage drains, and an en- tire city. She made it to the cave, the opening at which Mamoru was beaten unconscious, and she could see that the blood had not yet been cleaned up from where he had been ganged up on, along with blood-staned bits of broken bottles, bricks, metal pipes, etc, littered throughout a 20-foot radius of that same general area. 'What a mess!' she thought to her- self, 'How the hell can anybody just look at that without it bothering them?' And, homemaker that she is, she pro- ceeded over there to clean up the mess. Her time over there was short-lived, and only minutes later she was startled by the ring of gunshots and the clashing of swords from just outside the cave. She ran up to the opening of the cave and saw what looked like an army of hideous, grotesque creatures locked in fierce battle with the guard outside the cave. The monsters' shouts of "Kill them all and take the women as slaves!" quickly made up her mind as to whether or not she should get involved. "Jupiter Star Power...MAKE UP!!!!" After all the flashing lights of her transformation were over, she headed straight into the fray. As she got to the edge of the cave, she saw two in- dividuals circling each other, throwing insults at each other like old enemies closing in for a duel to the bitter end. One of the opponents, a hideous, grotesque creature, with one red eye, bluish hair, and a single horn on the side of his face. "You've kept me from the women in this cave long enough, Jahmal, and now I intend to pay you back for it!" The other, a black man who Makoto thought was quite handsome in form, but who was also just as big as the makemono circling him, was who seemed to be the creature's target. "Yeah, right, Buju. We've been through this before and you're really starting to bore me. So let's get this over with so I can go back to washing my hair or something. But then I guess all you can do is talk since you can't take on a real man, anyway." He started laughing. "Why, you..." Buju lunged at Jahmal, fist forward, but Jahmal just sidestepped, grabbed Buju's extended forearm and pulled it forward, causing Buju to lose his balance and fall flat on his face. Jahmal was an honorable man, and so he gave Buju a chance to return to his feet before continuing the struggle. Buju only half got up before rushing into Jahmal again, this time knocking his entire weight into Jahmal's knees and toppling him over. "The bigger you humans are..." he said to himself and prepared to go for his sword. "The harder you makemonos fall!" Jahmal was still lying on the ground, but he was able to manage a kick from that position, connecting with Buju's right wrist (the one going for the sword) and carrying enough force to snap his wrist back so far that Makoto could hear it snap thirty feet away, and it snapped his wrist so far back that his skin was ruptured and was ejaculating blood. In pain, Buju let out a scream. "Muthafucka!!!!" Buju brought his left fist down, aiming for Jahmal's face, but Jahmal was able to roll out of the way and Buju's fist just hit the rock-hard ground, not even phased by the apparent pain such an impact would cause bare flesh. Buju's maneuver had caused him to be in a bent-over po- sition, and Jahmal, still on the ground, brought his foot up again, this time kicking him full in the testicles. Again, Buju let out an indication of pain and this gave Jahmal time to get up and finish the job. He implanted his right fist square into Buju's left tem- ple. "That was for my mother!" Next, with his left hand, he ripped off the bone-looking mask that covered Buju's face. Come to find out, it wasn't a mask, and the monster could do nothing but scream in blood- curdling agony as a large part of his face was (somewhat) surgically removed from him. "And that was for my wife!" Finally, he brought his right foot into Buju's neck, the force behind the kick severing Buju's spinal cord, break- ing his spine, and all the skin on his neck except for a small bit; his head was hanging on the rest of his body by nothing more than a tiny "thread" of his skin. "And this... this was just for the hell of it!!!!" Buju's lifeless corpse now lay on the ground before Jahmal, who had avenged his mother and his wife after twenty years, but didn't really have much time to savor his triumph; upon seeing Buju dead, a band of fifteen makemonos broke off from the battle going on all around and headed his way, guns ready for slaughter. But they never made it. "SPARKLING WIDE PRESSURE!!!!" A large disk of lightning made its way to the advancing column of makemonos, disintegrating five of them while they were about ten feet away from the victorious Jahmal. The re- maining makemonos started laughing and kept on coming. "BURNING MANTRA!!!!" This time, seven were roasted in the flames, the smell of burning flesh and hair, dirty flesh and hair, filling the entire area outside the cave and insulting the nostrils of the humans, while driving the makemonos on. ------------------------------------------------------------ Inside the cave, Makoto had meant to go out and help the guards fight off the makemono raiders, but as soon as she first caught sight of Jahmal, her heart was struck with such awe and wonder that she just couldn't move. It was as if the sight of the tall, stately black knight had enthralled her and it took all she could do to keep from masturbating on the spot or throwing herself at him right then and there, thus giving his opponent the chance to wipe him (and her) off the face of the earth. She knew she had to go out there and help, but her mind just forced her to freeze, unable to do any of the things she wanted to do or had to do, and so she had no choice but to admire her hero from afar. A soldier ran past her and into the cave, yelling, "Makemono! The makemono are attacking!!!!" This still didn't get her to move. Seconds later, three entire platoons exited the cave to help fight off the invaders, with the senshi in tow, but even the sight of her friends didn't do it for her, not even Rei's slapping her in the face to get her to snap out of it. It was only when Jahmal had defeated Buju, and when she saw the makemono coming at him then, that her brain re- linquished the stiffness it had placed on her body. Against one, the man she wanted between her legs had no problem, but against fifteen of those monsters. "NO!" she yelled out loud. "I can't let them... SPARKLING WIDE PRESSURE!!!!" Five were electrocuted and their tiny little brains were coming out their noses, eyes popping out of their soc- kets, and all that other fun stuff. But the rest still kept coming at him. "It's about time, girlfriend!" Rei looked at Makoto in relief that her friend had come out of her comatose state, and saw where she was aiming. 'Damn! Talk about ugly!' she thought as she looked at the man Mako chan seemed to be pro- tecting with that shot. 'Oh well, for her sake...' "BURNING MANTRA!!!!" Seven more were toasted. The smell of burning, oily, flesh and fur insulting the nostrils of all the humans in the area while driving on the makemonos who were fighting them. But as for the remaining three that were approaching Jahmal, they, all of a sudden, turned chickenshit an ran. "Demons!" they shouted as they ran back toward where the bulk of their kind were, "There's demons inside that cave!" But their cries fell upon deaf ears as the ring of human machine guns, and the bullets from those guns, finished them off. By now, the other senshi had transformed and were about to leave the cave and enter the fray. Makoto wasted no time in leading the charge, and before she was even ten feet away from the opening, about eight of the creatures had jumped her. She kicked one of them in the groin, distracting it long enough for her to knock out the two that had guns, but the other five were able to grab her and pull her to the ground before she could accomplish that task. The one that got his nuts crushed a few minutes ago got up. "That ain't funny what you did to my nuts just now, ya bitch!" He proceeded to grab a machine gun from one of his cohorts. "Now try some of this!" As hard as possible, he rammed the barrel of the gun straight up Mako's pussy, the warmth of recently used steel and the smell of gunpowder turning her off immensely. "Yeah, bitch. If ya wanna live, say you like it. Say you want me to pull the trigger inside you..." Makoto was so repulsed by this statement she started screaming and kicking, and contracting her vaginal muscles in such a way as to push the gun out of her pussy. But that was all she was able to do. Eight against one proved to be terrible odds, and the makemono just grabbed her and subdued her again. "We was just gonna fuck ya," one yelled as he slapped her, "but now that ya had ta try that shit..." Then he just trailed off into an evil laugh. She continued to struggle, but the last thing she could remember was the butt of a rifle striking hard up against her left temple before she blacked out. ------------------------------------------------------------ When Makoto woke up she found herself on a bed, with a bandage over the left side of her head and her clothing on the floor and to the side, and was still feeling quite disorientated when she heard the squeaking of an opening door. This quickly brought her to her senses, and she jumped out of her bed. Realizing that she didn't have enough time in which to dress herself, she went to hide right next to the door, hoping to get the advantage of whoever, or what- ever, was coming in to see her. The door opened, and from the shadow cast by the light coming in from the hall, she could see that it was only one person or creature. As soon as the person had made it past the door, she didn't even think of finding out who it was and simply dropped down and kicked him in the back of the knees, putting her full weight and force into it. Her victim fell on his face, and without hesitation got up over his back and punched him straight in his spine, but even all of her force seemed to come short of cracking his vertebrae and severing his spinal cord. "Whoa, wait up a minute! I was just coming in to make sure you're all right!" Makoto looked up from her target and noticed a bowl of soup spilled and broken on the other side of the room, and realized that something had flown out of his hands when she had first downed him. She stepped away, stood up and demanded of him, "Get up slowly so I can see who you are, and you better not try anything funny!" He got up slowly and began turning around. Before she could even get his profile, she recognized him, and bowed extra-humbly-low in apology. "Jahmal! Oh I'm so sorry!" He had finished turning around, and was surprised. "How... how did you know my name?" "You might think I'm wierd but... I saw you outside, fighting that big monster. I just had to meet you but..." Jahmal just now realized that she was naked, and was a bit embarrassed to be looking at her like that, and was hoping she wouldn't notice the bulge in his pants. "It's okay, don't be sorry. I'm gonna cut out right now so you can get dressed. How about it if we talk later?" But it was too late, and she did notice his bulge. "No, don't go... I need to ask you something." "What's that?" She went over to him and very seductively probed his ear with her tongue, while petting his dick with her right hand. "Is it true.." she was almost to embarrassed to continue. Almost. "Is it true what they say about African-American men?" Jahmal was shocked. Back in the 1990's he remembered how his friend Jason would tell him about the pow-wow circuit and all about the groupies there, the non-Indian women who would practically throw themselves down on the ground spread- eagle before him, just to see what an Indian dick felt like. He remembered his black friends telling him similar stories about the girls from the suburbs, wanting to know if black was truly beautiful. But it had never happened to him; not in America, and in the almost twenty years he had been stranded in Japan, not even the hama-ko (litterally, "Ham- mer child," slang for Japanese girls who try to act black, and do it worse than the American kids who try to do the same thing) did that to him. She was the first to try it, and it took him by surprise, but then a little voice inside his head said to him, "Relax. This bitch is hot, and she wants your dick bad. Go for it!" Thus it was so. He lifted up his right hand and reached for her titties, but without hesitation she pulled away from him, saying, "Not so fast." She dropped down to her knees and unzipped his pants, pulled out his dick and started jerking him off, but as soon as she started stroking it, he came right in her eye. Makoto's reflexes didn't fail her, and she closed her eyes right as the sperm was about to hit. She then turned the mishap into an opportunity for further (though obviously unnecessary) seduction, by rubbing her right index finger over her eye and getting it covered with semen, and then slowly inserting in into her mouth, licking the creamy and fine white wine off her finger, and then, moving it around in a spiral motion, slowly took her finger out of her mouth, taking over two minutes to complete the operation. While she was doing this, she also moved herself into such a position that she was lying on her back, with her knees bent and her feet firmly on the floor, so that her tight, firm, beautiful ass was suspended in mid-air. She began twisting her hips in a clockwise motion, shaking her ass around slowly, deliberately, to the point of almost making her lover come again. When she was done licking the nut off her finger, she moved that hand slowly down to her clit, carressing every inch of skin in between that and her mouth, and paying special attention to her beautifully well- developed tits, which were in fact the part that fascinated Jahmal the most about her, as such mammary glands were uncom- mon among Japanese women. She bent her head over and grabbed the tit with her hand, allowing the nipple to make contact with her tongue. This caused waves of pleasure to surge through her body, and she decided this was too good to stop, so she kept doing that for awhile. Jahmal had had all he could stand and was about to explode a second time. His full length was already exposed and in plain sight, so he just dropped to the floor on his knees and grabbed her hips, pulling them towards his throb- bing rod of love. She was caught by surprise when she first felt him grab hold of her and drag her across the floor, but she was far enough away that she had the time to get ready and plan what to do next. So, as soon as his head was about to touch her gorgeous lips, she pulled away. "Not yet, loverboy. First ya gotta suffer just a little bit more." Jahmal was a brilliant fighter, as he had a ninth- degree black belt in jujitsu and was also one of the original party to take refuge in the subterranean tunnels so many years ago, and had been the commander of all the refugee "ar- mies" to form since then. But sexually he wasn't real good at asserting himself, so he took the back seat to Makoto's commands. She raised up to her knees and resumed sucking her left tit, while moving her right hand down to her vaginal area, rubbing it not so much to pleasure herself as to drive him wild with passion. With this in mind, she just rubbed herself and finger-fucked herself, even faking an orgasm, since in her limited sexual experience she had already learned enough to know that most men can't tell one part of a woman's vagina from the other, let alone tell when a woman's faking an orgasm. Makoto's plan worked. The stately warrior Jahmal Ard, Supreme Commander of the now well-developed underground army (which could now almost rival Caesar's), defender of the caves and slayer of Buju, the Eastern Kyou-Ou, was now reduced to less than silly putty before a girl not even one-third his age (he was 46). By this point, he was now so worked up, so consumed with passion, that he was about to begin jacking off, but decided instead to take the same course that his friend had taken with her friend 27 years ago... "Bitch, prepare to get FUCKED!" "Yeah! That's more like it!" Makoto had wanted to hear him say something to that bottom-line effect before she would let him set his dick indside her, and she was now quite pleased to see him take such an initiative. He went over there, sick-and-tired of her juvenile game, and took charge by grabbing her torso and forcing his entire length inside her inviting snatch, which ripped on account of his thickness, and the fact that the width of her love-hole was inversely proportional to the size of her tits. But she didn't feel her pussy being ripped in half, as her leading him into taking charge was also turning her on, too, playing a little girl's game with a grown-up man. She screamed in pleasure, louder and louder, with every thrust of his pul- sating love-tool. "Harder! Harder!" she commanded, and he really had no problem complying to her command. He pumped her harder and harder, his dick not softening up even after he came a second time, or even a third time, but his own desire for this woman allowing his dick to stay hard enough to keep pumping and pumping and pumping, alternately kissing her and sucking her tits, fondling her nipples with hand and tongue, and probing the far reaches of her mouth, which was now attached to a now almost-unconscious body. Finally the moment arrived. Her back arched to the point of almost breaking, and within and without her she could feel the massive spasming of muscles, convulsing around the hard piece of meat that had been drilling her for the past two hours. It was wonderful, the pleasure spilling all throughout her entire body, manifesting itself as the juices that now made his dick feel like it was really sweaty, but the pulsation of her twat forcing him to come a fourth time. "Was it as good for you as it was for me?" she asked... ------------------------------------------------------------ When a man is sleeping, knocked out, or otherwise un- conscious, he dreams, and Mamoru was no exception. In his dream he saw himself naked, with the naked forms of all four senshi surrounding him, pleasuring him, sucking on all his body parts and driving him wild with desire. But, no matter how much he begged or pleaded, none of them would give him the pleasure of letting him lick their cunts of assholes. Minako and Makoto shared his dick, taking turns between devouring his shaft or his balls, while Ami massaged his chest with her tits. Rei, on the other hand, had tied his hands to stakes implanted in the rocky ground he was lying on, and was now stradding his face, keeping her ripe, firm ass a few inches out of reach from his lips. She would shake it around in front of him, stirring it round and round, teasing him, but by no means was she going to let him have it. Of all the senshi, and of all their incredibly delec- tible cunts, tits, and asses, Rei was probably the only one he liked anywhere near as much as he liked Usagi, and he knew that she liked him even more; she was just playing hard- to-get. He didn't like women that did this to him anymore than he liked women who were overly pushy, but this time he didn't have much of a choice. He found solace in Ami, however, as she laid her snatch right in his face, and she was already wet, enabling him to get his parched throat a nice, hot, juicy drink. So he exten- ded his tongue to get a few licks, and enjoyed the taste. He started darting his tongue in and out of her pussy, sending waves of pleasure up her spine and more love-honey down his throat. The taste was not to be sweet for long, however, as Mamoru's licks soon caused Ami to lose control of organs other than her pussy, namely her bladder and her urethra, and she spilled at least a quart of urine down his throat. Mamoru didn't recognize this, and, thinking she had just come, was- ted no time in swallowing the salty and strangely bitter liquid, smiling all the while. He continued eating Ami, while Minako and Makoto stayed on his dick, Minako deep-throating his shaft and Makoto licking the line between his balls and his ass, eventually taking his balls in her mouth and massaging them with her tongue. Her tongue caressed his balls, moving across the surface of his scrotum in a circular pattern, while sucking on his sack at the same time, applying better suction than even the most expensive of vacuum cleaners. Minako, on the other hand, would've had a hard time keeping his little button-dick from slipping out her mouth in real life, but in his dream his dick was long enough for him to stay in business. So she kept it down her throat, the friction of his glans against her esophagus sending ex- treme impulses down his shaft and to his brain. What wasn't touching her esophagus, she laid siege to with her tongue, and it was so good that Mamoru came right there. When he came, it was a little more than he bargained for. Fuck that, it was a LOT more. As soon as the first drop of nut left his glans, his penis started transforming, turning into something completely monstrous and alien, into ten long tentacles with spikes surrounding their heads. The spikes ruptured Minako's mouth, puncturing her cheeks and the entire area of her throat. The second one grew where his balls were, and its ma- terialization split Makoto's head in half, brains scattering all over Minako's and Rei's bodies. A third one formed in the place of his tongue, and had a like effect on Ami, but this one grew to be so thick that it litterally caused her body to explode. Other penes formed, strangling the life out of poor Rei, while others surrounded her tits and even others entered her mouth and pussy, indeed all the holes they could find on her luscious body, and even inventing some new ones, before killing her. "Noooooooooo!!!!!!!" was all he could scream as he looked on in shock, helpless to prevent himself from killing his beloved Usako's best friends. But then he saw the cause of his misery. Before him appeared the black-robed form of Munihausen, floating in the air and laughing. "Hahahahahahaha.... So how do you like my little pre- sent, Mamoru Chiba?" "You call this a present? Is that supposed to be some kind of a sick joke?!" "Not at all, for now you are just in a dream of your own devising. But I will tell you this, Mamoru. Behold, and I will show you the fate of your lover!" Munihausen opened his robe, and the figure of Usagi ap- peared, bound, gagged, and naked. "You have exactly two hours to appear before me if you want to see your woman again, Mamoru Chiba. When you awake, follow your instinct, and I will tell it where to find me." ------------------------------------------------------------ Makoto continued eating Minako, who would've let out some audible acknowledgement that Makoto was doing her job well, but she was just too well-mannered to talk with her mouth full. But Makoto's tongue was now well inside Minako, darting in and out at full throttle. Minako had urinated recently, so there was a nasty taste to her genitalia, but Makoto was somehow able to ignore that and kept on licking. Their fun was interrupted when Mamoru, hours ahead of schedule, regained consciousness, jumped up to a sitting position, and cried out as a man who had just seen his lover kidnapped, tortured, raped, and otherwise hurt, "Usakooo!" At that same instant, Rei looked up at Mamoru and was able to feel the fear coming from him. Minako looked up, slightly pissed off at having her fun interrupted, "What the hell are you talking about? Is Usagi in danger?" "That son of a bitch has got her! We gotta do something fast!" he yelled as if he was yelling to no one but at every- one simultaneously. Ami ran in the room from her self-imposed guard duty, "Mamoru? What happened?" Makoto answered her, "He just shot up all of a sudden and started yelling for Usagi, saying that somebody's got her and we gotta do something about it." "Who's got her?" Ami asked. "Is it Munihausen?" "Dunno. Could be, but he didn't say." Ami turned to Mamoru. "Who's got Usagi?" Mamoru answered, "He's got..." He was cut off in mid-sentence by a pack of twelve creatures coming through the walls. They were of many colors: green, black, brown; and of multiple forms. Some had only two arms and two legs while still others had many arms, legs, wings, and (you guessed it) dicks. In the nick of time, Rei, Ami, Minako, and Makoto reached for their power sticks to transform. They were too late. Ten of the monsters had already made it to where they were before they had a chance to say their transformation commands. An eleventh had gone through the wall to the room where Chibi-Usa was sleeping, and the twelfth had stopped right above Mamoru's bed. Rei was able to disable one of the demons with an ofuda, which actually surprised the rest of them long enough for the senshi to transform. Thus they did, and the Burning Mantra disintegrated the one heading for Mamoru. Mamoru's transformation had worn off, but, as the accum- ulated result of both his nightmare and of his current situa- tion, his adrenalin surged to levels unheard of in modern medicine, and he subconsciously changed back into Tuxedo Kamen, forgetting about all his bruises and sores, and began helping the senshi. His cane was whole again, and he hurled it like a spear, landing it into the head of a brown one who was about to rape Jupiter, but the creature just laughed, split in two, and resumed its task. Venus was in pretty much the same position, having at- tracted attention to herself by the sheer fact that her trans- formation takes the longest of all the senshi (I think; might be a good idea to time the scenes next time I watch it...). Two monsters, a black one with wings, seven claw-like arms, each ending in two claws with ten "fingers" each, and a green one with horns on his head, a heavy exoskeleton like a thri- kreen (a sentient, 11-foot-long cousin of the praying mantis known to the D&D game), with about fifty tongues coming out of its mouth, ending in three penes per tongue, four eyes, and twelve arms and legs, with feet ending in talons and fingers ending in scrota (correct plural of scrotum), each connected to a penis. The black one flew toward her and had already knocked her into a wall by the time the green one had arrived. She still had a free arm, and so tried punching the black one, but she didn't have enough force to get it off her. She then realized that she should have just gone for the lovely chain, but by that time the green one had arrived and was in the pro- cess of twisting her arm out of its socket. The black one was more intent on what it wanted, however. Instead of play- ing with her appendages, it just decided to grab the right side of her fuku and rip the fucking thing off of her, which it accomplished with no problem whatsoever. While it was doing this, it had already jammed three of its penis-fingers into her mouth, and was feeling quite comfortable there, as the vibrations her throat gave off as the result of trying to scream were found quite pleasurable. While this was going on, Ami, who didn't get the chance to transform, was in the process of getting raped full-throt- tle (pun intended). Three monsters had surrounded her, each demon going into different hole, screaming at her to suck it harder, take it deeper or whatever. By now, her clothes had been shredded by one demon's blade-like claws, and the re- maining pieces of lint were strewn all about the floor around her. Her panties still remained, but the fifty penes being rammed up her pussy, and the hundred churning in and out her ass, had torn holes it her underwear so big that they would've fallen off had it not been for the multitudes of invading genitalia keeping it from doing so. Rei seemed to be the only one doing all right for her- self, having blasted the hell out of five demons, but she was still way too busy to assist any of her comrades, for as soon as she had killed one, it seemed that another was there to take its place, and some were even splitting into two, three, and even four parts when hit. They would come at her, one after one, three after three, and so on, and her continued resistance only made them want her more and more, in the same way that the fruit that is the most forbidding and dangerous is normally also the most desired. But eventually she, too, succumbed to the advancing monsters, the cold, and extremely erotic feeling of a tongue sliding against her clit signaling to her that she was finally overcome. During the time she was being eaten, ten demons grabbed her and wrapped some of their penes around her arms and legs, spreading her out until her body looked like a capital "X". One began to approach her by kissing her, giving her a long, passionate, French kiss. "So, my pet, it seems that the great Sailor Mars has finally been conquered after all..." Rei protested at first, "No! No! I'll never give in to... oh... oh yes... take me, take me right now!" So much for protest. After kicking and screaming, and litterally amputating several demon-dicks with the spikes of the red heels on her beautiful feet, she finally gave in to the harsh, merciless carresses the remaining dicks adminis- tered to her body. Multiple tongues massaged her breast, giving special care to her over-sensitive nipples. Still held in the "X"-like position, face down and ass up, she could still feel a penis stroking itself on the skin at the base of her breasts, between her tits, and going straight up into her mouth. Now, finally, back to Makoto. When Mamoru had thrown the rose at her lone attacker, it split into two and continued its self-appointed mission, which was nothing other than to get hold of and squeeze the life out of the biggest set of tits in the room. "Well bitch, your friends seem to be en- joying themselves. Now let's see how you like to get fucked!" This talking bought Makoto some time... "SUPREME THUNDER!!!!" The attack hit the monster head-on, but, just like on her first encounter with any of Faust's demons, it served no purpose to her benefit. Instead, the lightning bounced right off the creature's head and struck her, twenty times more powerful than it was when the attack had been launched, fry- ing her extra-crispy on the spot right then and there. "Oh well," the demon thought aloud, "she'll get over it." While all this was going on, the monster who had headed toward Chibi-Usa's room returned, holding Chibi-Usa, screaming and crying. The "moonbeam" shining from her forehead and directly on Makoto's corpse, somehow reviving her (remember that later in SMR we find that she lost the ginzuishou of the 30th century because it had merged with her without her knowing it, therefore this is quite possible). As this event got the attention of all the senshi, the monsters disappeared as quickly as they had come. Right after they had disappeared, the senshi were in- stantly restored to their condition before the encounter, and it was as if the entire ordeal had ever happened, except for the hole in the wall leading to Chibi-Usa's room, and the abscence of Chibi-Usa. Mamoru, still in his garb as Tuxedo Kamen, was the first to take notice, yelling "MUNIHAUSEN!!!!" Not waiting for the other senshi, he ran out and left. ------------------------------------------------------------ True to his word, Faust had endowed Mamoru with the instinct to find him, and this first led Mamoru back to the room in which he and Usagi had been staying, only to find that it had been ransacked by what appeared to have been many huge creatures. The creatures, or at least several different groups of similar creatures, seemed to have been through there many times, and now the room was totally empty save for a note: "Go up, and she shall be there." He ascended the stairs and made it to the lake, seeing nothing around him, but Usagi tied to a tree, in a position reminiscent of a crucifixion. "Usako?" he asked aloud. Then his amazement at seeing her turned into rage over seeing her condition. "What has he done to you!" And in his rage he began to charge. Usagi, looking up, saw him and started to worry, "No, Mamo chan! It's a trap!" It was too late. Before he got so much as within ten feet of his beloved Usako, the robed figure of Munihausen appeared between them, next to Usagi's naked, quasi-cruci- fied figure. This multiplied Mamoru's rage a thousandfold, but Faust raised his hand and caused him to stop in his tracks before he could move any closer. "Come no closer," he informed Mamoru, smiling because he was already well aware of what condition Mamoru was now in. "For not only have I Usagi Tsukino, I also have... this!" Thus he opened up his robe and revealed the comatose, yet still apparently unharmed, body of Chibi-Usa, floating in the air before him. "What... what have you done to them?" Mamoru demanded, almost blind with fury. "Nothing," came the reply. "At least nothing, yet. For the safety of your lover, and your daughter, rests in your hands." "Daughter? She's Usako's cousin!" "As you wish. But if you wish to see them alive, and free from captivity, then you will hand youself over to me." "Don't do it, Mamo chan!" Usagi yelled. Faust reached up his hand and felt Usagi's tit, fondling it so Mamoru could see. "She has lovely breasts, doesn't she?" He then started sucking them and started moving his hand down to her cunt, rubbing it but not penetrating. "Especially this part. She would make an excellent concubine to bear my seed, and continue my father's work." Faust turned to face Mamoru again, and could see a tear coming out of his eye, for the decision to be faced was far from an easy one. Either give himself up to Faust, whom he thought wasn't all that unattractive, or give up Usako, with whom he knew he had been destined for at least a thousand years. But he knew that protecting Usako was the most im- portant thing. "Okay, you win." "Hahahahaha. Good." With that he raised his hand and a blade came out, severing his head from the rest of his body, and a blinding flash ensued. When the flash subsided, his head could be seen on a pike, implanted in the ground right above his decapitated body. Faust went over to the body and squatted over the corpse. He put the ginzuishou in his left hand, and forced that hand down into Mamoru's now-exposed neck, submersing the crystal in the prince's blood. The crystal became quite well-engorged with the life force of Prince Endymion, Mamoru Chiba, Tuxedo Kamen, and the defunct Moonlight Knight (the crystal vomited out that one), and with the future life-force of King Endy- mion. Usagi was forced to witness all this, and started whining at the top of her lungs, causing even Faust to trem- ble. "NOOOOOOO!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!" "For it to stop, you only need do one thing. To keep me from doing the same thing to the little rabbit, you must relinquish all rights to the ginzuishou and declare me its rightful heir." "No! I'll never hand the crystal over to nega-trash like you!" "Usagi Tsukino, even as yet you do not understand. If you do not pronounce me rightful owner of the ginzuishou, I shall do likewise to this child what I did to Mamoru Chiba." Now, by telekinesis, he willed the form of Chibi-Usa to float over to his hand, and placed one arm around her body and the other on her head, in such a position as he could snap the neck at any moment. "Do it! For I grow impatient with you. My hand could slip at any time." As was the case with Mamoru, Usagi was now also faced with a difficult decision. Either sacrifice Chibi-Usa's life, and possibly her own, to keep the crystal from truly becoming the possession of a madman, or give it to him so that the child may live. If it was just her, she would've sacrificed her life to that end without hesitation, but this time it wasn't just her; it involved an innoccent as well. So, reluctantly, she made the only decision her conscience would allow. "Alright. You win. But first you have to let her go before I agree to do anything for you." "No. She is my insurance, in case you refuse." He started to twist her head, slowly, not to kill the child as much as to make a point, and Usagi got that point loud and clear, along with Chibi-Usa waking up and screaming when she realized her own predicament. "Okay, okay. I, Usagi Tsukino, Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom and Sailor Moon, relinquish all rights to the ginzuishou, and I name Munihausen its rightful owner." The crystal pulsated a brilliant red in Faust's hand, and he was caught off-guard of his would-be attackers. "What!?" Faust was taken by surprise as he was wrapped in a gol- den chain. He turned around, only to see the other senshi had followed Mamoru and had just finally gotten to where they were. "Ah, we meet again. But know now that I have the gin- zuishou by formal rite of succession, and all its power is now mine. Behold!" He held up the crystal now the color of blood, and a swath of red light emanated from it and cut straight through the body of Sailor Mars. He laughed maniacally as entrails splattered all over the senshi and Mamoru's corpse, and even on Chibi-Usa, who panicked upon seeing this. "SUPREME THUNDER!!!!" This was aimed at the ginzuishou to knock it out of his hand, but instead bounced off a black force-field that seemed to be surrounding him. "Foolish child. You think you have the power to stop me?" "CRESCENT BEAM!!!!" No effect. "SHINING AQUA ILLUSION!!!!" Still, no effect. From behind a rock, a lone figure had gotten there, and was watching the tide of the battle, dismayed by its apparent outcome. She knew she could stop it, that she had the only possible way that this lunatic could be stopped. But it was forbidden for her to use it. Thus the battle continued on, with Mercury getting gutted, then Jupiter. Finally, Venus was all that was left, and she was about to die, too. So just as the ginzuishou, or, as it would now be better called, the akazuishou, was about to emit the final, deadly ray of light, the figure inter- vened. Dark Dome Close... Everything stopped. Well, except for Minako and Usagi, everything stopped, and Minako was able to untie Usagi, and Usagi was able to retrieve the akazuishou since it had fallen to the ground when time stopped (but not before a piece of it had chipped by hitting one of Faust's teeth, and going down his esophagus). When she picked it up, it automatically turned white again, and Mamoru and all the other senshi were resurrected. Time resumed. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back in 1993, in Azabu-Juuban, Tokyo, a cat was yelling at a young girl. "Usagi! Get out of bed! You'll be late for school!" Come to find out, Usagi was having nothing more than a very strange dream. But when she woke up, she corrected her cat, telling her there was no school since it was a Saturday, and she went over to Rei's temple, where Jason the exchange student was staying. All the other senshi were there, along with a greenish-black-haired woman she had never seen before, and Jason's friend Jahmal was visiting since his mother had just been stationed in Japan. The green-haired woman had brought her boy-toy, an American whom nobody else knew (Jahmal and I hadn't yet met Nate back in 1993), and all the males fucked all the females' brains out and lived happily ever after. T H E E N D (for now) Well, I did it, got me and my friends laid by their favorite senshi, and preserved the continuity of both series to boot. Not a bad little package. Anyway, for all us NON-Chibi-Usa lovers out there, watch out for "Sailor Moon Super X," coming soon. This is where those of us disgusted at the brat get to see the Super S storyline rewritten, and in the very first episode, CHIBI-USA DIES A HORRIBLE, GORY, GLORIOUS, MAGNIFICENT, AND SUPER-COOL DEATH!!!! :) Obviously not for any Chibi-Usa fans out there. Until next time... Great Red Serpent