THE COMING OF MUNIHAUSEN --- PART TWO (A Sailor Moon/Urotsukidouji crossover) By the Great Red Serpent "Don't be too sure about that." Buju informed the other makemonos as he approached. "They're all mine, and I intend to fuck them all!" Without hesitation, the dick was removed from Usagi's mouth and the tounge from her pussy. The snakelike appen- dages sucking on her nipples ceased and Usagi was thrown into the wall, hard, but her flight was blocked by the re- mains of the Sailor V game. Her back hit the corner of the game's case with a loud crack, and it was a miracle her spine didn't snap. Nevertheless, it hurt like hell, and she screamed like a banshee from the pain. The four makemonos circled Buju, and one snarled, "You're not gettin' this one from us, asshole!" Buju didn't take well to people telling him no, so he went for his sword. The makemono who had just made that first statement lunged at him, and Buju brought his sword down in a vertical line, chopping off the makemono's left arm. "You muthafucka!" the makemono scremed in pain as he jumped at Buju this time, going for his head. Buju just ducked and swung at him again, cutting off both his legs in one swipe. When he was flat on the ground, Buju went up and stabbed him. "You fuckin' asshole!!!!" another makemono screamed as the remaing three charged at him from different directions. Buju swung at one, cutting him in half lengthwise, but the other two were able to get to his back. One stabbed a knife into his right shoulder, while the other grabbed his penis and was in the process of tying it in a knot. Buju pushed back with his right elbow, ramming it straight into the stomach of the makemono with the knife, knocking him down as well as causing him to pull the knife out of the shoul- der. Buju howled in pain as the knife left; the angle at which its possessor was holding it caused it to tear into even more of his flesh, his blood squirting all over the remaining make- monos. As for the makemono attempting to tie his penis in a knot, Buju spun around quickly and caused that one to lose his grip on the dick. "You fucking pervert!" Buju yelled as he went in for the kill. Buju lopped the head off that makemono, and turned to face the remaining one. "Do you still think you can take me on?" He asked coldly. The last makemono ran for dear life as Buju laughed and turned to face Usagi. "Now let's see if your pussy's worth the trouble I went through to get it!" Usagi had long since stopped screaming and was now un- conscious due to the shock of the extreme trauma she had been subjected to. Laying on the ground with the blood of the slain makemonos splattered all over her naked body, she was helpless against Buju's advance. Buju bent over the body and started fondling her nipples with one hand while sliding his tongue all across the length of her pussy. Noticing her cherry was still intact, he said to himself, "Mmmmm, so this is what a virgin tastes like." He darted his tongue deep inside her love-hole a few times and from there started nibbling on her clit. Her body was still warm and tender, and so he found it strange that she didn't respond. Her lack of response caused him to figure her for dead, and to him it was no fun raping a corpse; he enjoyed it too much when the victim could scream. "Some gratitude for saving your life," he thought to himself, as he got up, kicked her, and then walked away. ------------------------------------------------------------ On the outskirts of what was left of Tokyo, Mamoru was faring only slightly better. Almost as soon as he had reached the 2020's he was jumped by a gang of eight makemonos and had barely escaped with his life. Badly beaten and sore all over from the fight, he limped his way to the basement of the devastated mansion next to the site of his arrival. Most of the foundation had been crumpled and burned to the ground, but Mamoru was able to find an opening to a subterranean room that appeared to be completely undamaged. The room's walls seemed to have been made of the finest marble, with a floor made out of pure jade. The ceiling, also of jade, was domed, thus making the room appear to be higher than it really was. The furnishings were extravagant, being made of the finest gold or silver, and upholstered with the finest hides available. This could have been a king's bed- chamber, if there were any kings left to occupy it. But in any case, this seemed to Mamoru to be as good a place as any to rest, and even though he wanted to go on to find his be- loved Usako, the wounds from the severe beating he took from the makemonos forced him to stay there for awhile. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back in 1993, the senshi, the cats, and Chibi-Usa were all gathered in front of Rei's temple, discussing the morning's encounter with Munihausen. Ami described him to Chibi-Usa, and Chibi-Usa confirmed that that sounded just like the man in her dream. "Well, we know he's not from the Black Moon," Rei said, "but now the problem is how to find him." "Rei's right," Ami said. "You all heard what he said about his father, an Overfiend, and all that about ruling the three worlds, whatever all that was about. He's obviously crazy, and there's no telling what he might do." Makoto cut in, "Yeah, he is crazy, thinking he can..." Rei, out of the surge of a newly resurfacing memory, interrupted Makoto in mid-sentence, "Overfiend! Yeah, now I remember!" "Remember what?" Minako asked. "When I was younger, Grandpa used to tell me a story to put me to bed. He said that some people once believed there were three worlds, the Makai, where there were only demons and evil creatures; the Jujinkai, where the people there were half human and half beast; and the Ninjinkai, the human world. He also said they believed that every 3,000 years, a being known as the Chou-jin, the Overfiend, and the god above all gods would come and purify all three worlds, bringing them to- gether into a perfect world where everyone can be happy." "So what does the crystal have to do with any of this, Rei?" Makoto asked. "I don't know." Rei continued. "But the legend does say that the person who kills the Overfiend will be the new Overfiend, and rule over all three worlds. Maybe this guy thinks the crystal can do that for him." ------------------------------------------------------------ "Hey, asshole, get up!" Mamoru lay sleeping on the bed, not even hearing the command. "Hey, I said get the fuck up, asshole!" This time Mamoru woke up, even more sore than he was before falling asleep. On a reflex reaction, he grabbed at the blue-haired man who had been yelling at him. Mamoru grabbed at his throat, but the stranger was too fast for him. "That did it, you piece of shit human!" the stranger yelled as his eyes turned blue and beams shot out at Mamoru, striking him in the chest and burning off his shirt and the topmost layer of flesh over his torso. "Now get off the bed and make room for a lady!" Mamoru looked and noticed that the stranger was carrying a naked, bruised, and bleeding blond in his arms. "Usako!" he gasped, his voice evidencing the pain he himself was ex- periencing. "You know her?" the stranger asked. Still gasping, and trying to recover his senses from the pain of having his skin burned of and the joy of seeing his beloved Usagi again, Mamoru was barely able to articulate an explanation. "I was her boyfriend. But that son of a bitch... he used me to get the ginzuishou from her, and... sent us through... this gate... when he got it." "Ginzuishou? What son of a bitch? Who?" "I forgot his... name, but I think it was... Muni, Muni..." "Munihausen?" the stranger interjected. "Yeah." "That fucking piece of shit's still alive? I thought I killed him twenty years ago. But he got the Silver Crystal from her? That means she's... she's... No, she couldn't be..." The stranger mumbled. "How do you know... about the Silver Crystal?" Mamoru gasped. "Or Usako?" "I know a lot of things you don't. But Sailor Moon was killed fighting the Chou-jin's cousin back in 1999. This girl couldn't be her." "What do you mean 'back in 1999?'" Mamoru asked. "It's 1993!" The time reference struck Mamoru's brain really strange, but even harder hitting was the reference to the word he had only heard for the first time from that strange woman: Chou-jin. The stranger laughed, "What did you do, get hit on the head or something? It's 2020 now, and the world's been des- troyed by Nagumo." "What? We're in the future? That would explain a lot of things." "Yeah, whatever you say. But anyway, your girl's still alive, but she's real fucked up. I wouldn't try moving her if I were you." With that the Jujin flew through the walls and left. ------------------------------------------------------------ In 1993, the senshi had been discussing at length over tactics to get back Usagi, Mamoru, and the crystal, but after half an hour the discussion started going around in circles, while for the whole time not one person or cat, not even Chibi- Usa, noticed that the crystal on the key she wore around her neck had been glowing ever since the time of the encounter that day (no, Chibi-Usa wasn't there, but the key sensed the gateway of time opening, and responded anyway). Finally, after all this time, the unnoticed phenomenon caught Luna's attention. "Chibi-Usa chan," she said, "your key." "Yeah, what about it?" "The crystal on your key, it's glowing!" Artemis, Chibi-Usa, and the girls all chorused a "Huh?" "Yes, it is." Ami commented. "But what could it mean?" "This key was given to me by Pu so I could go back to the future after I find my mom and the crystal. But it's not supposed to glow like that at all." Ami pulled out her computer and did a reading on the key. "Interesting," was her analysis. "The key seems to be reacting to some kind of disturbance in the space-time continuum. It's way beyond our technology, but if I'm reading it right, we should be able to use it to travel through time." "Didn't I just say that?" Chibi-Usa asked everybody. ------------------------------------------------------------ Three days had past since Mamoru found the strange room, and since his encounter with the blue-haired Jujin. Usagi had regained her consciousness, but for now was asleep. During the times she was awake, he did not tell her of his encounters with the strange creatures or with the Jujin; tel- ling her would only upset her mental state worse than it al- ready was. He was still sore and in pain from the beatings and his encounter with the aforesaid creature, but by this time he was feeling well enough to move around. In the room in which he was staying, in the middle of the floor was a six-foot-wide steel dome, its top coming a full two feet off the floor, fastened to the floor by means of a single hinge on one side, and bearing a handle on the other side. This structure, obviously a door of some kind, intrigued him, and as the room's already meager food supply had been worn down to almost nothing, and he'd most likely be killed if he went upstairs to search for food, the only answer to the problem seemed to be on the other side of that dome. Before attempting to open the dome, he first transformed into Tuxedo Kamen. It didn't take away all his soreness, but the transformation did replace the skin that had been burned off his chest and healed up most of his wounds, and it also increased his physical strength by what he estimated to be 10%, along with increasing his agility by a factor of 15%. After transforming, he attempted to open the door. At first it wouldn't budge, and after a few tries he decided that maybe he could pry it open with his cane. He succeeded this time, but ended up breaking the cane in the process. The dome opened to reveal a moss-covered stone ladder descending into a dimly-lit tunnel. The smell of sewer gas ascended from below. "Not much chance of finding food down there," Mamoru thought to himself, "but maybe the tunnel'll resurface some- where that it's safe to come up." With this in mind he went down the ladder and jumped into the tunnel. About an hour after Mamoru had gone down into the tunnel, Usagi awoke from her slumber. She was in pain, but the fact that she had just woken up from a wet dream left her thighs feeling incredibly hot. But the smell emanating from the now open hole in the floor was ruining the mood. Even though in a weakened state, she managed to crawl over to the dome and shut it, and then over to the bed to pleasure herself. The bedposts were tubular, eight inches tall and one-and-a-half inch wide with a rounded top, and this gave Usagi an idea. During the time she had been in the underground room, she had been wearing only a sheet to cover her nakedness. She took it off and kneeled on the bed, rubbing her right hand all over her crotch to get it lubricated just right. She teased it, rubbing her first two fingers over her slit while massaging the clit with her palm. With her other hand she felt up her butt-cheeks, rubbing them all over and even fondling the area where the cheeks met, right by the asshole. By this time she was ready to shove her middle finger up her pussy, and she did so with all her might, causing her to moan a loud moan. She took her finger out and tasted the juices. They were sweet to the taste, as she expected. She returned to finger-fucking herself as she slowly moved to the corner of the bed, toward the bedpost. Once she made it to the bedpost she turned her back to it and straddled it, letting it into her virgin pussy. The bedpost was more than wide enough to rupture her hymen, thus sendig blood all down her leg and painting the blankets and part of the floor red. But the metal post felt cold to her aching snatch, giving her neurons a sensation of pleasure that far exceeded the pain. Yet she screamed anyway, not knowing whether it was from the pleasure or from the pain, but screaming loudly as she moved up and down on the hard metal shaft. The blood had stopped flowing from her pussy and was now being washed away from her soft folds and from the bedpost by the hot juices of her auto-induced fornication. As she kept fucking the bedpost, the tension slowly built up from within her, causing her to moan louder and more often. Her muscles began contracting around the hard bedpost, causing those same muscles to hurt and bruise, but she was so lost in it that she didn't care. To her, the pleasure of a piece of solid silver inside her pussy out- weighed the pain of a badly injured back and of a twat whose muscles were all too tightly contracting around that hard piece of pure silver. Not too long afterward it it her. She had the best damn orgasm she had ever had in her life, even though her entire sex life had consisted solely of masturbation. Her back arched, her tits swelled and her vagina glowed a bright red, and she screamed as her heart beat at breakneck speed and the muscles in her pussy and in her thighs pulsed and spasmed at a breathtaking, awe-inspiring rate. No, it wasn't Usagi's usual morning. It was much better. (No offense to Mr. Wong intended.) ------------------------------------------------------------ Mamoru, or, rather, Tuxedo Kamen, had been exploring the tunnel for an hour and a half by the time Usagi climaxed, and so far there was neither incident with hostile creatures nor sign of an opening in the ceiling. After traveling for another ten minutes, having traversed a distance of about two miles from the entrance that led him here, he came to a point at which the tunnel divided into three branches. On an impulse, he decided to take the tunnel that branched off to his left. After walking for two minutes, he could hear the sound of music and revelry far in the distance. He began to follow the sound, but the work of travelling for one-and-three-quarter hours, along with his only partially healed bruises, took its toll on him, and he had to rest. He sat down on a nearby rock and started thinking to himself about the situation he was in, how to get the crystal back from Munihausen, and whether it would ever be possible for him and his beloved Usagi to ever return home. He sat there, resting, for about twenty minutes, and then decided to go on his way again. He followed the music, and it took him straight down that tunnel for what seemed to be hours, and over a distance that seemed to have been more than a hundred miles, until he realized that the smell of the other tunnel was gone, and replaced with the aroma of meat being cooked. Walking a little while longer, he was able to see a campfire in the distance, with a lot of people hanging around it. The people dressed no differently than people did back in 1993, and seemed to be of all ages. He decided to sneak up closer to get a better look at the scene before him, and pulled out a rose just in case of trouble. Halfway between the point where "village" stood and the point where Mamoru first laid eyes upon it, the the brick walls of the tunnel stopped and he found himself in an open cavern, with hills to the left of the village. He went over to the hills and decided to approach the village from that direction, hoping it would provide him more stealth. Yeah, as if. Mamoru had come past the opening of a small cave going into the rocky hill and thought nothing of it, but as soon as he crossed the opening he heard a loud "bang," and felt a hot piece of metal bury itself in his right shoulder. Hurt and bleeding, but still able to use his right arm, he threw a rose into the dark cave. The only reply he got was, "Ya think ya gonna hurt me wit dis flowa, ya liddel faggit! Why don't cha come in 'ere an take me like a man?" Mamoru used to walk away from such challenges when he was little, but after being ostracised by the other children to many times because of it, he became the type to stupidly take on an entire army by himself if one of them so much as looked at him funny. Thus, the only response to come out of Mamoru was, "Alright asshole, let's get it on!" He walked into the cave to find that it was much bigger than its opening had made it appear. It consisted of a five- foot-wide tunnel which ran for a length of ten feet from the entrance, and led to one large, round, well-lit chamber. Ma- moru went into the chamber to find out that no one was in it. "What da fuck ya doin on my mountin, ya fuckin faggit?" a voice boomed out of nowhere. "That's for me to know," Mamoru replied calmly, not let- ting on to how much the bullet wound had hurt him, "now show yourself, you little bastard!" "I'm through da tunnel on da odda side. Why don't cha come an get me, muddafuckah?" Mamoru saw a boulder on the far side of the chamber move, exposing a tunnel similar to the one that led him into the cave. He traversed the room to get to it, but as soon as he made it to the center of the room, a trap sprang and Mamoru suddenly found himself caught in a net suspended from the high ceiling. Once he was caught in the net, at least 200 people came out from that tunnel and from various holes located all over the walls of the chamber, and the first one to approach him was a human about seven feet tall and 800 pounds of pure muscle. "Hey, diss faggit's all dressed up in a liddel soot and tye!" He yelled to the spectators. "I didn't come here for trouble!" Mamoru asserted. "Maybee troubel come 'ere for yoo!" the giant countered as he grabbed Mamoru's leg. The creature grabbed a machete and then said, "Yoo shouldn't be sneekin aroun like dat. Yoo mite just beecum somebody brekfist!" He then prepared to lop off Mamoru's leg. Mamoru was still somewhat able to move around inside the net, and was able to stab the giant in the forehead with the broken-off part of his cane. The cane went deep into the giant's head, killing him instantly while blood spat out of the hole created when Mamoru pulled the cane out. "He killed my brother!" a voice yelled from the crowd. "Let's tear him down and kill him!" A split second later, Mamoru felt a knife cut the rope hanging him from the ceiling, and he hit the stone floor of the cave with a loud crash. A swarm of people were hovering over him, kicking him, punching him, hitting him with bats, belts, even pieces of broken glass. They beat him repeatedly, while calling him every name in the book, and the last thing he could remember was a steel pipe hitting him over the head before he went unconscious. ------------------------------------------------------------ In 1993, Ami attempted to do another reading on Chibi- Usa's key, to no avail. Then Rei attempted a fire-reading, from which she was able to divine that the key would function for time travel for all of them in conjunction with the Sailor Teleport. Rei also attempted to find out where Faust had gone with the crystal, but was unable to get any answers. "The fire's not telling me anything about Munihausen," Rei related her information to the others, "but it did tell me that Chibi-Usa's key will take us all into the future if we put her in the middle of the circle while we use the Sai- lor Teleport, while we think of Usagi. That should take us to wherever she is, but it will take us to the same time. But I keep thinking, I've heard the name Munihausen before, but I just can't remember where." "I think I heard about him in honors history last week," Ami tried to help Rei's memory. "If I remember it correctly, a man named Munihausen helped the Nazis with their occult research during World War II, but Hitler had him shot when he didn't produce the results that were ex- pected." "Could that have been this guy's father?" Makoto asked. "He could be," Ami answered. "But even if he isn't, he's still got the crystal and he's very dangerous, so we'll have to be ready for the next time we run into him." "Ami's right," Artemis spoke up. "He almost fried you guys last time, and if you aren't prepared to run into him again, he could kill you." "He just caught us by surprise last time," Makoto soun- ded as if Artemis had insulted the senshi's abilities. "We can take care of him, no problem!" "Right!" the other girls chorused. Luna sighed, "All right, if you insist, we can't stop you. But can't you go without taking Chibi-Usa with you?" "No," Rei answered. "According to the fire, we have to take her." Ami pulled out her computer. "She's telling the truth, Luna. The key is in sync with Chibi-Usa's energy, and it will only respons to her mental commands." "I see," Luna bowed her head. "Just make sure nothing happens to her." "No problem, Luna. You know you can count on us!" Minako assured her. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mamoru was just now coming to. When he did regain con- sciousness, he found himself naked in a cold 6'x 8'x 6' cell, carved into the rock of the cave itself and locked with a wooden door. He could hear a conversation going on outside the door. "Caught him sneaking around the hills about an hour ago. He was dressed up like a fag and throwing flowers at people to boot." "Probably working for that asshole Caesar, no doubt. If it weren't for the makemonos, he'd be working us as slaves." "He does. He uses the makemonos to work in the plant up top, and he lets the humans take the brunt of the makemonos' frustrations. Lets them rape our women and everything else, too. That's why we're down here underground, isn't it?" "You're right. But as for this asshole, what're we sup- posed to do with him?" "We're supposed to wait till he wakes up, and then we can do anything we want with him. Boss's orders." "Thought so. I was kinda anxious for something like that, anyway. Let's go see how he's doing." Mamoru was now way too hurt to move, with bruises and lacerations covering every square inch of his body, and so he could do nothing when the door opened and the two guards walked in. "Rise and shine, asshole!" one of them yelled as he poured a large bucket of cold water over him. The other guard bent over him and heard Mamoru let out a light moan of pain. "Look, Zeke, he is awake. Can I try something new on him?" "May as well, Billy. Boss said we can do anything we want to spies." "Hee-haw! Then let's get this fuckin' show on the road!" With all too much zeal, Bill turned Mamoru over on his stomach. From then on, Mamoru could see nothing except floor, but a wave of pleasure coursed all over him seconds later when a cold metal rod was rammed straight up into his ass. "Now lookee here, Zeke. I'm gonna learn ya somethin' new." Billy pulled out a stun gun, put it up to the tip of the rod inside Mamoru, and turned it on. Multiple pleasure waves shot all through Mamoru as the electricity was let loose throughout his intestinal tract, causing him to or- gasm immediately before going unconscious. Zeke noticed the semen. "Look, Billy-boy. This guy's creamin' all over himself. He really is a fag!" Billy started laughing hysterically as he turned the stun gun off. "Well whadda ya know, Zeke, the boy's just our type!" Zeke said, "Get that there thang outta 'im, then! I wanna be the first to fuck it!" "What'm I gonna do then," Billy protested, "just sit 'ere an' beet mah meet?" "He got a mouth, too, don't he?" Zeke answered. The two wasted no time whatsoever in taking off their pants and dropping down to the ground. Zeke did not enter Mamoru's asshole at first. Instead, he positioned his limp dick right between Mamoru's butt-cheeks, perpendicular to his asshole, and started rubbing it against his victim's black-and-blue flesh. He kept doing that until it got hard, and only then did he bring it into to poor Mamoru's opening. Billy, on the other hand, just inserted his dick into the inert mouth and started fucking it like a jackrabbit, wondering why there was no response from his victim. "Suck it, ya fuckin' asshole!" he yelled as he bitch-slapped him. No response. He hit him again and again and again to no avail, but, as Billy was also a necrophiliac, he decided that this was actually quite good anyway. (Pretty sick, huh? I warned you that this story had an extreme "gross out" factor!) Bill and Zeke's pleasure was to be cut short, however, by an intensely bright, rainbow-colored light materializing on the other side of the wide-open door to the cell. The two looked up at the light and could make out the forms of four fuku-clad teenage girls holding their hands in a circle, and indside that circle was the form of a little girl, no more that ten years old. "Well I'll be! More fun for our liddel partee!" "Don't get too excited, Billy-boy, day mite jest be sent by dat jakass Caesar." With that in mind, they pulled out of Mamoru's orifices just as the light was dissipating and the forms of the girls became solid. When the light was gone, all that was left was the girls. Of course, the over-hyper, perverted-as-hell Billy was the first to speak up. With his zipper still down and his little stump of a dick hanging out, he called over to the girls, "Hay, y'all wanna join our get-together, li'l phil- lies?" "Not if y'all was the last vibratahz on earth!" Minako yelled back, trying to imitate their accent. (Hey, why not? If they can put Brooklynites and Southerners in Japan, why not a couple of rednecks?) Zeke replied, "C'mon, y'all, just tryin' to be naybor- like. Got a fresh juicee one rite here fer ya too!" He motioned his head toward Mamoru's unconscious body. "You sick perverts!" Rei yelled. "You won't be allowed to abuse the bodies of unwilling young men! I am Sailor Mars, and on behalf of the planet Mars..." Each senshi inserted their planet into the speech... "And on behalf of the planet Mercury..." "Also on behalf of Venus..." "And for Jupiter!" Finally, the girls shouted together, "We'll punish you!" Zeke and Billy just hit the deck laughing. "Y'all think that's gonna scare us? Why don't y'all just go back and tell Caesar dat we ain't goin fer it!" "Supreme Thunder!" In an instant, the room inside the cell glowed with a light more intense than that of looking directly at the sun in full daylight. The skeletons of the two were clearly visible under their flesh as the voltage flushed through their bodies. Jupiter's attack also burned off their hair and clothes, and was now burning their skin away from their muscle tissue, and was slowly burning the muscle tissue away from the bone. Their eyes popped right out of their sockets, and the little peas they had in their crania were starting to ooze out their noses. All they were able to do was scream when the lightning first hit them, but now they were unable to do even that. In a matter of seconds, the two guards were dead. When the carnage had ended, a small voice came up from behind the senshi. "I didn't have to see that, you know. I'm just a kid!" The senshi's minds thought a singular thing, "Oh, shit!" Hindsight revealed that one of them could easily have covered Chibi-Usa's eyes and ears, but it was too late now. Rei went over to Mamoru and bent over him. "Are you all right, Mamoru?" He didn't reply. Ami looked at him with her VR visors. "He's uncon- scious," she related the information to the group, "and there's some type of liquid substance under his abdomen. Maybe we should turn him around and try to resuscitate him." "Good idea," Makoto said, as she grabbed his lower half and helped Rei turn him on his back. It was then that they saw exactly what the liquid on his abdomen was. This made Minako think back to the speech Rei gave when they first encountered Mamoru's assailants. "Hey, Rei, maybe he wasn't so unwilling, after all." "What do you mean, Minako san?" Chibi-Usa asked, having no idea what Minako meant by that? The girls just started cracking up. Perplexed, Chibi- Usa just gave up trying to understand with an "I don't get it." "He's also badly hurt." Ami continued relaying infor- mation to the group. "It appears he has multiple contusions, heavy internal bleeding, and burnt tissue inside the rectum and intestinal tracts. I think the best thing we can do is clean him up and get him someplace safe." "But how are we gonna clean him up, Ami chan?" Makoto asked. "I don't see any water fountains here or anything." "According to my computer, there seems to be a washroom around the corner from the hall we materialized in..." Ami's reply was interrupted in mid-sentence by the sound of footsteps. Before long, a group of about 20 armed men was visible outside the cell. As they were about to walk right past, one of the men at the back end of the group noticed the senshi beyond the open door. "Hey, yo! Look at this!" The entire group stopped and accosted the senshi. "What the hell're you.... Hey, wait a minute!" One of them noticed the bodies. "That's Zeke and Bill! Why, I oughta..." "You oughta what?" Jupiter's tone was as if she was trying to intimidate them. "Shake your fuckin' hand for getting rid of those two assholes! They were causing more trouble for us than helping us by raiding Caesar's amy's supplies every two days, and then almost leading them here. By the way, what're you all doing dressed up as the Sailor Senshi?" "Because we are!" Makoto blurted out. "Yeah, right. And I'm Tuxedo fuckin' Kamen!" the stranger retorted. Makoto, now insulted by the stranger's snide comment, used Sparkling Wide Pressure on the wall of the cell. A hole was punched in the wall to reveal a bedchamber with a brown- headed man involved in a wild orgy with about 15 women. They continued about their business, oblivious to the fact that a four-foot hole had been blasted in the wall. "Whoa, you really are Sailor Jupiter," another man from the wolf-pack said in awe, "or you're one of Caesar's fucking demons!" "Now just wait a minute." Ami butted in. "Just who is Caesar? And why do you hate him so much?" "They're loyalists!" Another voice shouted. "Kill them!" "But wait!" a fourth voice spoke up. "What if they really are the Senshi? They could really help us in our fight for Caesar!" The man who accused the Senshi of being loyalists went up to the man who made that last comment, and punched him hard, bringing his fist right through the other guy's skull and out the back of his head, sending his blood and brain tissue everywhere. As the corpse fell to the ground, the man let out, "I hate traitors!" Chibi-Usa, still traumatized from her nightmare and from seeing the violence of the past thirty minutes, fell into a state of shock and fainted. "Chibi-Usa chan!" Mercury cried out. "I won't allow you to get away with killing a fellow human being and traumatizing a little girl. I am Sailor Mercury, champion of justice, and even if God forgives you, I won't!" She was about to use Shining Aqua Illusion on the murderer, when suddenly she heard a nerdy voice from behind call her name. "Ami san? Mizuno Ami. is that you?" Everybody turned around to see the brown-headed man that was involved in the orgy. His appearance was anything but nerdy, with big muscles, a handsome face, and a dick that was invisible because it was currently being sucked on by three different women. But his voice sounded strangely familar. The men all backed off once they heard the man recog- nize Ami, and she herself turned around to be disgusted by the sight of the ongoing orgy. Ami honestly could not recog- nize the man, who appeared to be in his late forties, but after one whole minute of staring she made out a few things in his facial features and by the marks on his nose that could only have come from wearing glasses, she chanced a guess. "Umino?" (Remember the "Sailor Says" for U.S. episode #20, "...anybody can change...maybe even Melvin!" Also re- member Volume 1, Act 4 of the manga, where the senshi wondered what Umino might look like with his glasses off.) "You mean, you're Sailor Mercury? I thought you died 21 years ago. But you don't look like you've aged a day since back when we were 15. Where've you been?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. But what do you mean, I died 21 years ago?" "You mean you don't know about it? It was all over the news. The Sailor senshi were all mysteriously killed back in 1999, and their bodies were found hooked up to this strange machine that looked like it raped them and took their blood at the same time." All the girls let out a gasp. Minako spoke up, "You mean, we were killed 21 years ago in 1999? That means, were in 2020!" "Right you are!" Umino answered. "How come you act like you didn't already know that?" "It's like Ami said," Makoto opened her mouth, "You wouldn't believe us if we told you." "Try me." Umino's facial expression changed as it became apparent he was about to come. "Okay," Rei was the first with the courage to tell him their story. "Back in 1993, this guy calling himself Muni- hausen showed up and he used Mamoru to get the Silver Crystal away from Sailor Moon. Then, he threw Mamoru and Usagi through this green thing that looked like a gateway of some kind. We came here to get the crystal back and to find them." Minako continued Rei's explanation. "Yeah, when we teleported to the future, we ended up here and two goons were torturing Mamoru. Jupiter zapped them and then we ran into these guys," she pointed toward the thugs standing outside the cell. "Is that how this hole got into my wall?" Makoto blushed. "Sorry, but these guys didn't be- lieve we were the Senshi, so I showed them. And when I did, one of them started calling us demons sent by Caesar, who- ever that is." Umino told his guards to back off. "Hey guys, calm down. I knew these girls back before anybody even heard of Nagumo or Caesar." He took a long, hard look at Jupiter. "Makoto Kino, right?" "Hey wait!" Ami reacted in surprise. "How do you know our real names?" "Well, you look just like Ami and Makoto. You're just wearing different clothes than usual. That's all. Besides, you can say I'm not the same Umino you knew back in school. Not long after we graduated, I learned that you can't trust anybody in this world if you want to survive. I got mani- pulated, beat up, and fucked over just too many times. So I took up weight lifting and martial arts. When Chou-jin destroyed the world and Caesar took it over, however, its like things went from bad to much worse, and so we all decided to go underground past the sewer tunnels. We occasionally raid his army's barracks for food whenever we really need it, and occasionally one of his spies or his patrols'll find this place and we have to kill them before they can tell any- body else about us. That's why the boys are so jumpy." He looked at Mamoru. "You're friend looks like he's really hurt. You want me to have someone look at that for you?" By now he was coming into the girls' mouths, full throttle. "That would be great, but I'd like to stay there and watch." Ami replied to Umino's offer. She knew Umino to be a good person, but the sight of him coming into the mouths of three women made her suspiscious as to how else he could've changed. Rei thought for a minute, then blurted out her train of thought. "So the legend of the Overfiend really is true! It's not just something my grandpa told me just to put me to sleep!" "Nope." Umino answered as his orgasm was beginning to subside. "The Chou-jin turned out to be a human in Osaka named Nagumo, even nerdier than I ever was and a complete hentai otaku to boot. Who'd have known he'd turn out to be the Overfiend?" "But you keep talking about a Caesar taking over the world. Who's he?" Minako asked, voicing all the senshi's curiosity. "Right after Chou-jin destroyed the world, this guy named Caesar took advantage of the ensuing chaos to take over, staging public orgies and other types of parties to keep the people distracted in their own pleasure while he was out conquering entire nations. Now he rules the world with terror, and they say he has an advisor called Faust who has the power to boss demons around." ------------------------------------------------------------ Up top, Faust had found another sacrifice and had of- fered it to Ulotec. Once again, the thousand-penised form rose up out of the lake to rape its intended victim, this time taking the form of a humanoid with a jaguar's head, the hands of a gorilla with eagle talons for nails, and a 20-foot- thick body of a flourescent red color. Instead of outright raping his victim like he did before, he decided to go for foreplay, licking her butt-cheeks and messaging her tits with twenty of his penes. He fondled her clit with his right hand while holding her up in his left, and inserted his whole hand into her pussy, causing her to scream as she ejaculated more blood than Sailor Pluto at her death. The loss of blood sent her into a state of shock as he continued finger-fucking her, and so her body was completely inert throughout the rest of the episode. About 80 of his penes weren't doing anything just yet, so he put them to use by splitting them between her mouth, the space between her tits, and her asshole, after he had finished licking her there. He used some of the others to hold her arms and legs apart, placing her body in an "X"-type position, pulled his claws out from between her labia, and de- cided to redistribute the number of penes to be ramrodded in each hole. As any onlooker witnessing this incident would be able to see, the time for foreplay was over and it was time to just get on with the business at hand. Ulotec decided to try some- thing new, and so shoved five of his penes in each ear, rup- turing the eardrums, and drilling holes in her very brain. He fucked her in these new holes, and the folds of her cerebrum proved to be an effective surface for getting these appendages off. While he was litterally fucking her in the brain, he sent about twenty penes up her pussy and another eighteen in ber butt. The blood he had drawn from her snatch made the flesh sticky, giving her pussy more grip on all twenty dicks, creating an ethereal ecstacy much relished by the demon. The remainder he shoved in her mouth, inert as it was, but he used his hands to move the mouth back and forth, in effect jacking himself off with it. He pulled some of his dicks out her mouth just as they were about to come, covering her face with a thick, purple nut. As he busted nut in the rest of her holes, the tentacles holding her arms and legs impulsively started pulling in opposite directions, slowly quartering the victim. The monster stared at Faust. "What is it this time, Munihausen?" Faust held up the ginzuishou in his left hand, in the same manner as when he showed it the the senshi back in 1993. He both informed and command Ulotec, "I have the ginzuishou. Now you will show me how to use it to reactivate the world after the Overfiend and Evil King meet." Ulotec responded, "I sense that you have sent both Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba into the present. This is a wise choice, for you will need them both. But beware, the Sailor Senshi have followed them here." "They are of no consequence. If they interfere, they shall be destroyed." "Whatever. But you must kill Mamoru Chiba and wash the ginzuishou in his blood, then throw his corpse to the make- monos. As for Usagi Tsukino, she must be forced to give up her possession of the ginzuishou and to pronounce you as its heir. Then, and only then, shall you be its master, and after that, you need only wait for the Overfiend and Evil King to meet, and the ginzuishou will discharge its duties at your volition." "Excellent. Now you will tell me where I may find both Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba." So Faust was told exactly where he would find the two, and was informed of Mamoru's condition, and the location of the other senshi as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ A day had past since Mamoru had found the village and the other senshi had arrived, and Usagi was still in the mansion's basement. Her wounds had pretty much healed by now (inhabitants of the Silver Millenium seem to heal at five to six times the rate of terrestrial humans), but all food had now been depleted, so she was both hungry for food and worried about her missing Mamo chan. Masturbating may have helped her get her mind off these things the day before, but she had had enough of that and was now no longer horny. She had become tired of being cooped up in the same room all this time, but her first encounter with the make- monos had made her too afraid to climb the stairs that would take her above ground. She remembered the open doorway in the middle of the floor, and that she had closed it because of the awful smell coming from the open hole. "Could Mamo chan have gone down there?" she thought to herself. "I hope I didn't lock that thing on him." But she didn't have too long to sit and ponder on things like that. Her train of thought was broken by the sound of footsteps right above the opening, and a dim light, kind of like sunlight on a cloudy day, shone in as the pas- sageway in was opened. "Mamo chan?" she called out in relief, glad that her lover had returned. But it was not to be. As soon as she was able to see the feet of the person coming down the stairs, it was obvious that he wasn't Mamoru. It was a gold, mechanical foot on one leg, mostly all covered by a long black robe. "So we meet again Usagi Tsukino." Munihausen informed her. "I was wise to throw you into my time, as now I have you alone and you may yet be of some use to me." "Never! I'll never help you!" Usagi said. "Your dear Mamoru is here too, and he is dying. There may be nothing that can be done to save him. But your love, perhaps..." Usagi remembered the last time somebody tried playing that trick on her, when the Dark Kingdom had captured Mamoru and Kunzite told her he wasn't doing too well in order to get her to cross over into their realm. "You're lying!" "You may choose to believe that all you wish, but know that I am telling you the truth. I will show you." Faust held up the ball and gave Usagi a little picture show. At first, she saw the scene as it actually was, with Mamoru stuck in a bed in a broken-down hut, with Ami watching him and several attendants taking care of his wounds. This was exactly what was going on at the moment, with no alter- ations. They were cleaning him, putting ice on his bruises, stitching and bandaging his wounds, and other medical stuff. Usagi looked on and said loudly, "Mamo chan!" She looked at Faust and asked, "Will he survive?" Faust calmly replied, "Behold, I will show you his future." This was when he changed the scene into what he believed to be Usagi's worst fear. The scene before Usagi now was that of Mamoru in bed, with the other senshi around him. "He's not going to make it past tonight," she overheard Ami saying to the other senshi. "Should we really give him his last dying wish?" Makoto asked the other senshi. "Why not!" Rei exclaimed. "He is cute, oops! I mean, it really is the man's dying wish. I just wish Usagi were here to see this. We'd make her way jealous." "She had no right hogging this hunk all to herself when there's plenty to go around, anyway." Minako voiced her opinion. "Can you believe the nerve of some people?" "I never really liked her, anyway." Makoto said. "I was just pretending to be her friend because she's the leader." "You're right." Ami replied to Makoto. "All she does is whine and moan about her own petty little problems. 'Why doesn't Mamoru love me? Why? Why?' If she'd stop being such a ditzy airhead, maybe she'd still have Mamoru instead of having to wonder why he left her for the four of us." Makoto laughed. "Yeah, but she doesn't know he's been boinkin' us on the side, right?" Minako replied, "No, I don't think so. She's too ob- sessed to figure it out. But there's one thing I wanna know. What was his dying wish?" "He's fucked us one at a time," Rei filled her in, "but we've never had just one big anything-goes-fun-filled-orgias- tic-as-hell fuckfest. He said wanted to do that with all four of us before he died." A tear rolled down Usagi's cheek. I was one thing for the other senshi to talk about her, especially Rei, but the thought of Mamoru leaving her to sleep with her best friends was just too much to bear. "Turn it off! I've seen enough you ugly creep!" she yelled at Faust. "No, Usagi Tsukino, you have not. There is more to their deceit than that which you have already seen." It has always been said that the more intellectual peo- ple in the worlds are also the most perverted, and Ami was the last person to prove this saying wrong. She was the fas- test to take off her clothes and strddle Mamoru's chest, bubbing her pussy against the badly bruised and wounded flesh of his upper torso, getting herself off more so than him. Rei preferred the more direct approach. She went over to his limp dick, put in in her hand, and started jacking it off in order to get it hard. After stroking for half a minute, his microscopic soldier finally stood at attention. (***For those who want to know why I pick on Mamoru's dick size, go to any X-rated Sailor Moon image pages and you'll find one of Tuxedo coming in Venus' mouth. I mean, look at how tiny that thing is!) To continue. Once Rei got his dick hard, she moved her hand to his balls and took all of his dick into her mouth (DOWNLOAD THE FUCKIN' PICTURE!!!!), gently carressing his head with her tongue and very, very, very slightly rubbing the length of his shaft with her teeth. He was barely con- scious, but this caused him to wake up and let out a large moan of both suprise and pleasure. This gave Ami the idea of slowly rubbing her crotch up his chest until it found its way sitting directly over his mouth. In spite of his dick size, Mamoru's tongue was more than long enough to make up for it, and he responded to the hot piece of meat over his mouth by immediately darting his tongue in and out of her luscious sheath. Makoto and Minako were watching this and getting quite turned on. Mamoru's mouth and dick had already been taken, so they moved to a place where he could see them and started giving him a little show of their own. At first, they star- ted with the basics, kissing each other while Minako fondled Makoto's well-endowed bosom with her hands, kneading the huge mounds and rubbing them around in a circular motion, making sure her palms paid special attention to Mako chan's rock- hard nipples. Makoto returned the favor by lowering her left hand to the level of Minako's groin and fingering the area around her vagina, getting it just lubricated enough so that she could stick her fingers in. With her right hand, she decided to use that for the purposes of her own pleasure. Back on Mamoru, Rei was still sucking him and could feel that he was about to come, so she ended her little blow- job and kept her hand on his dick in order to help him to maintain his erection. She got on top of him, and was in such a position as to be facing Ami. So she rode Mamoru's dick with all the force she could muster and at the same time keep her balance so she could kiss and fondle Ami. This proved to be something of a challenge, but it worked out just fine. Rei could barely feel Mamoru's dick inside her, as she was still a bit stretched from having been with Jason just the other night, but she could feel it twitch as he was about to let loose a cataclysmic load. She was beginning to feel good too, from Ami's kisses and fondling of her tits. As for Ami, Mamoru's tongue was a more than efficient instrument for bringing her to an orgasm, too. Consequently, the room was filled with earth-shattering yells as all three came together. Makoto and Minako had changed positions while this was all going on, and were now involved in an intense sixty-nine. Makoto licked and licked circles around Minako's opening, paying extra-special attention to her clit and making sure to tease that special place every so oftenby licking circles around it. Minako moaned in plasure in order to voice her ap- proval, while she was fingering Makoto's clit while darting her tongue in and out of Makoto's inviting snatch. The sound of their companions coming had brought them to an orgasm shortly afterward, but their moment of triumph was cut short by an "Oh shit!" coming out Rei's mouth. Everybody looked up to see what was wrong, and Rei told them that his dick wasn't getting limp after he came. Ami bent over to check his pulse, and that confirmed the worst. Mamoru was dead. The four girls just stared at each other for a few seconds, and then started cracking up in a maniacal fit of laughter. "We should've beat his ass a long time ago and done it to him then!" Rei said... The show stopped there as Usagi cried out enough tears to flood the entire room. How dare they? Not only did her beloved Mamoru leave her for all four of her best friends and not only did her friends betray her by sleeping with him, but they all beat him up just so they could have an orgy be- fore they died! "The nerve of those girls!" Usagi yelled out. "Doing that to me! I'm gonna kill'em!" Faust grinned and chuckled under his breath, then stopped it as soon as Usagi looked up at him again. "Do you know where he is?" "Yes. But he is too far away for you to save him without my help." "Take me to him! Please, I'm begging you." ------------------------------------------------------------ In the village, Mamoru was asleep in a bed, with the other four senshi, long since changed back into their normal identities, in the same room watching over him. Four of Umino's people, all doctors who had also fled underground to escape Caesar, had tended Mamoru's wounds and told the girls that he'd be all right in about a week or so. Everybody was worried about Usagi, but Mamoru was the only one who had any information about her whereabouts, and since they knew better than to try getting information out of an unconscious person, they reluctantly decided to wait for the morning, when the doctors predicted he would gain consciousness. Everybody was on the verge of falling asleep, but Rei's evil sense told her that falling asleep was the worst thing they could do. The other four girls (Ami, Makoto, Minako, and Chibi- Usa) were talking to each other about how they all wanted to turn in for the night. "I don't think that's a good idea," Rei protested. "I've got this weird feeling that that guy's gonna come for Mamoru tonight, and I think we'd better be ready for him." "What about Chibi-Usa?" Minako asked. "She doesn't have to stay up with us, does she?" Rei answered, "Of course not, Minako, just us four. Damn. You're getting as bad as that airhead Usagi!" "Well excuuuuuse me!" The four of them put Chibi-Usa to bed in a room next to the one in which they had Mamoru. "So what do you think we should do to keep ouselves awake?" Makoto asked. Minako came in. "I bet I can think of something." With that she started taking her shirt off and motioning to the others, "Ever wanted to know what it felt like with a girl?" Ami was repulsed by the idea. "You're sick, Minako. Besides, this is no time to play sex games when that man can come for Mamoru at any minute! You all heard what Rei said." "Oh, c'mon, Ami," Makoto defended her friend, "don't you geniuses ever have any fun?" "Yeah!" Minako was kind of turned off by Ami's re- sponse. "We'll all fall asleep if we don't do something to keep us awake. And if you don't wanna get involved, you can put yourself on guard duty." Ami reluctantly exited the room to stand guard over the girls' room and Chibi-Usa's while the girls decided to have some fun. Minako was already working on taking off her clothes, and had already taken off her light blue dress. She moved over to Rei and put her breasts in her face. Minako's bra opened from the front, so Rei understood the cue. With her teeth, she opened the front clasp and began kissing Minako's lovely mounds of flesh. Makoto came up from behind Minako and pulled down her panties, also with her teeth. As soon as the panties were out of the way, she started kissing Minako's butt-cheeks, and licking her asshole. She took her left hand started pleasuring herself, massaging her clit and her labia until she started lubricating, then she stopped licking Minako's asshole for just long enough to put her own finger in her mouth and taste the juices. Minako noticed her doing this, and asked, "So how's it taste, Mako-chan?" "Mmmm-Mmmm! Yummy!" She said as she went back to work, this time eating out her friend while pleasuring herself at the same time. Rei had stopped kissing on Minako's tits and was now kneading them with her hands while the two girls shared a massive French kiss. After about four-and-a-half straight minutes of kissing, Minako ended it and whispered in Rei's ear, "Lay down. I wanna know how you taste." Minako took off Rei's brown shorts and red lace panties, and Rei lay down on her back. Minako pursued Rei's descent to the floor, and Makoto followed so as to finish what she was doing. Rei grabbed her right tit inside her right hand, and with her left hand she reached down to masturbete a little before Minako reached her cunt. She lubricated her pussy enough to get her index finger in, and then she, like Makoto, pulled it out so she can taste the juices. As she sensuously licked the juice off her finger, making a spectacle out of it for Minako's pleasure, a smile crossed her lips. Minako took this as the signal to go down on her, diving in not to tease her clit or massage her labia or any dumb shit like that, but to just ram that tongue straight up in her pussy for the sole purpose of basting it her Rei's love juices. Rei let out a slight moan as Minako's tongue went in deeper than she had expected. Makoto continued eating Minako, who would've let out some audible acknowledgement the Makoto was doing her job well, but she was just too well-mannered to talk with her mouth full. But Makoto's tongue was now well inside Minako, darting in and out at full throttle. Minako had urinated recently, so there was a nasty taste to her genitalia, but Makoto was somehow able to ignore that and kept on licking. Their fun was interrupted when Mamoru, hours ahead of schedule, regained consciousness, jumped up to a sitting position, and cried out as a man who had just seen his lover kidnapped, tortured, raped, or otherwise hurt, "Usakooo!" * * * T O B E C O N T I N U E D * * *