Title: A Heavenly Sunny Child Rated: PG-13 Authors: Moon Venus Power & Aishiteru Tenshi E-mail Addresses: SatonFire@hotmail.com & MariNeptune2002@hotmail.com Disclaimer: We don't own Sailor Moon just this story. *************************************************************************** Five years later, it was late at night Serena and Darien were cuddle in bed " Serena let's have another baby Serena please pretty please " Darien asked kissing her. " You want to have another one too?" Serena asked smiling at him with her big blue eyes shining " yes" he said and gave her a kiss " let's start" Serena replied smiling. " Umm I like your idea, I like it alot " Darien replied kissing her again " good you better like it" she replied her blue eyes looking in to his. They started a make-out session but suddenly someone knocked the door to there room. "Who is it?" asked Serena. (AN: Both Serena and Darien are dressed) Serena heard a faint cry and opened the door to see Madison. "Mommy" she said and started crying. Darien got up and closed the door. "What's wrong sweetie?" asked Serena. "Mommy, there's a monster in my room" Madison cried. "A monster, heh?" asked Darien. Madison nodded to her father. "They all went to her room. "Madison, where did you see this monster?" Darien asked. "Under the bed, Daddy" she replied. Darien looked down and pulled out David. "David what were you doing trying to scare your sister like that?" exclaimed Serena. "Sorry Mommy" David said sadly " Say sorry to your Sister" Darien replied picking him up. " Sorry Maddy" he said " your welcome "Madison said looking at her brother. " Now you to go to bed" Darien said putting David to bed " good night daddy" they said Good night" I love you mommy and daddy" they said " we love you to" Darien as they left. Now where we?" Serena asked. They got on the bed and continued there make-out session. The next day it was Madison and David's first day of school. Serena woke up the kids and the kids dressed, brushed there teeth and headed downstairs to see, their grandparents, their godmother and godfather, and all there other friends of there parents and servants too. Good morning, grandma, grandpa" said Madison. Good morning, darling" the queen said. "Good morning, Madison" the others all said. "Where's your brother young lady?" asked Serena. "I have no clue mommy, last Time, I saw him was when he was yelling at me to get out of the my bathroom because he left something in there, and he knows well, that's not his potty room" Madison said. Mina giggled a bit and said "Madison it's the bathroom not potty room, sweetie" said Mina. "Sorry, godmama" Madison said. int the meantime, David was coming downstairs. "Good morning, everybody" he said. " Where were you young man" Serena asked " in the bethrom" he said " honey it's bathroom " Serena told her son " now what did you do" Serena asked. "I put Madsion doll in the potty" he said " what" Serena asked grabbing his hand and went back up staries with her son to see his father. Madison followed them. Serena went and said "Darien, guess what our son just did?" she asked. "I don't know" he said. "David tell daddy what you did" Serena said. "I put Maddy's dolly in the potty" "You what?" Darien asked. Darien thought "Oh great, another plumbing bill, this is the 5th time this month this happens." " Now son you are going to go buy your sister a new doll " Serena told him. " Yes Mommy " he said " well go after school " she told him " Because you are going to be late for school" she told them as she picked him up and Darien picked up Madsion and they walked to the carriage and got in. " Now Please David be a good boy today" Serena asked her son who was looking at her with his stormy blue eye's and black hait going over his eye's which Serena moved out of his eye's. About five Mintes Later the carriage stoped in front of Bright Academy and the happy family got out and walked in to the school. they got inside. "Hello, King Endymion, Queen Serenity" the teacher said. "Hello, Prince David and Princess Madison you may sit wherever you want" she said and they went to sit down. David sat in the back with a bunch of boys and Madison in the front with a bunch of girls. "King and Queen you have nothing to Worry about" the brown haired teacher known as Mrs.Williams said. "Ok" the Queen and King replied. "Mrs.Willaims today Lady Mina will pick up the kids, so you can dismiss them with her" said Serenity. "Yes, I see" she replied. "How's Lady Mina and everyone?" Quite fine" replied the King. The bell rang and the King and Queen got out of the classroom. "So you parents are the King and Queen?" Christopher a little red head boy asked. " Yes they are " David said " Cool" Joseph a little brown hair boy said sitting down beside David. Meanwhile with Madsion " Is that your brother? " A little girl named Elizabeth asked her " yes" she said " he's cute" Heather said " ewwww" Madsion said a started to draw a picutre for her parents. " I hope David is good today " Serena replied watching the school as it got smaller and smaller . Darien smiled " They'll be fine and when we have another one maybe you wont worry so much " he said laugthed " I don't worry that much " Serena replied As they stoped at the store to get a few things. A few hours later, it was lunch time, and both David and Madison were quite nice and popular, everyone thought they were really nice. Soon school was over, and Mina picked the kids up. They went home and when they got home, Mina asked them "How was school?" Great!" both kids said. "I'm glad, do you have homework?" she asked them. "Yea," both replied. "What is it?" asked Mina. "Do a picture of you mommy and daddy" Madison replied. "Oh, well hurry up, we are having the Army general, his wife, and two kids for dinner, dinner today is early" Mina said. "Ok" both said and went to do there homework. A few hours later David and Madison went looking for the parents and knock on their door " Coming " they heard and few mintues later Darien opned the door. " Hi daddy " they both said " Hello kids" he sais as the walked in and he closed the door. " How was school " Serena asked comming out of the bathroom " great mommy" they said. " Come on tell us about at dinner " Serena said as they walked down staries once there Serena bumped into someone at looked up "Nicolas" Serena replied" Serena " he said they staried at each other until Dairen spoke " do you two know each other " he asked." Yes we used to be engaged when I was 14 and he was 16 " Serena whispered. "Madison, David go wash up for dinner" Darien said. They nodded and left. "Hello King Endymion and Queen Serenity" Nicolas said. "Hello" both the Queen and King said. "What are you doing here Nicolas?" asked Serena. "I'm the army general" he replied. They had dinner, and the family met Nicolas, his wife, Jessica and his two sons, Christopher and Micheal. After they left " Serena you where going to marry him?" Darien asked her when they went to their room " I was mad at my famliy and so I wanted to leave " she told him. " Did you love him?? " he asked looking at her eyes. " No I only love you " she said "I will only and Always love " she said hugging him and gaving him a kiss. " I am glad" he said hugging her back. They started another one of those make-out sessions. Two weeks later, Serena was picking up the kids and soon they got home. Serena was helping Madison and David with there addition problems, when she suddenly felt the urge to puke. "Excuse me" Serena said and went to the nearest bathroom and puked. "Uggh.. Mommy Puked" said Madison. "Cool" David said. Serena got back and helped them finish there homework and went upstairs to rest a while, after an hour she went downstairs and suddenly felt dizzy when she got downstairs, luckily Raye was there, and caught her when she fainted. " Serena " Raye said holding her "Serena wake up" Raye sais shanking her. Raye picked her up and carried her Amy's room. Amy looked over and them " what's wrong " Amy asked walking for to them. " Serena passed out in my arms " Raye told as she layed her down on the bed. " I will check her over " Amy said looked over her as Raye when to get Darien. Raye went and found Darien and told him the whole story of how Serena fainted. Darien and Raye went to where Serena was, and when there, Amy and Raye got out of the room. When out, Amy whispered something into Raye's ear and Raye smiled just like Amy was smiling as well. "Darien" Serena said. "Yes?" he asked. "Honey, I'm pregant" " That's wonderful sweetheart" he said smiling a kiss her " me to " she and kissed him back. " come on we gotta go tell the kids" serena said smiling. " oK " he hugged her and they left to go tell the kids that they there going to have a little borther or sister."Are you happy we are going to have a therid child ?" Serena asked. " Yep " he said as they stopped at the kids door. They knocked and went in to Madison's room suprisly, David was with her as well. Darien closed the door. "Madison, David you are going to have a new baby brother or sister" Serena said. "Cool" both said. "Mommy where do babies come from?" asked David. "Uggh..." both parents sweatdropped. " Ummmmmmmm" Serena said " Well you see when a mommy and daddy love each other they have a baby " Darien told them. " Oh " Madison said " No goddada said thay when mommy and daddy play in bed and scarm and jump that's where babies come form" David said " is that true? "David asked. "No darling, it works differently actully, when a mommy and daddy want a baby they ask a stork to bring them a seed" said Serena nerverously. "Oh." They got out of the room and went to see Mina and Malachite. While going, Darien kept saying to himself "I am gonna kill Malachite" " You know honey you look cute mad " Serena said as she held his hand as they walked down the hall. " Thank you" he said as they kept oh walking togther. " I can't believe Malchite told him that " Darien replied looking at his wife. " Ya I know" Serena replied as they walked in to the room where Malachite and Mina where. " Malachite I am going to kill you " Darien told him. "Huh?" asked Mina. "Did you know what Malachite told David?" What, Darien?" Mina asked. "He told David about how babies are made" Darien said. Serena nodded. "Oh my god" " I told him as a joke" Melchite replied "well you didn't have to say the turth " Serena replied. " what did he say " mina asked " he said when mommy and daddy play in bed and scarm and jump that's where babies come form" Serena said "like I said guys it was a joke" Malachite replied to Darien and Serena boy was Darien mad. "You might of said as a joke but damm......." Darien started to blow his temper. "Really, Malachite I don't care if you tell you 2 year old daughter Hallie that because she is little but a five year old!" he snapped. Serena and Mina went downstairs and began talking both were scared of Darien's tone. "He's mad" Mina told Serena who where in the dinner hall eating " Ya I know" Serena said as she ate her cake " he'll be fine later after I cool him of " Serena replied. Mina looked at her " what do you mean "she asked looking at her " two words "In bed" Serena said. " Mina looked at her " huh" she asked. "You know Mina?" she smiled. "Oh" she replied knowing what Serena meant. Later that night, Serena and Darien were in there room, just talking "So honey how did it go with Malachite?" she asked. "I told him to tell David it was a joke" he replied. "Oh" she replied. They kissed, and parted and Serena then said "Oh great, I forgot to go with David to buy that doll for Madison" she said. A few hours later it was a ball that the king and Queen where holding for the army men and their wifes. " Honey " Darien started " I got to go talk to mother for a minute be right back ' he said. " ok sweetheart" she replied at watched him walk off after he was gone Nicolas walked up " care to dance? " he asked Serena looked at him " not really" she thought but said sure. Serena I need to talk to you alone later " Nicolas told her "um maybe" she replied at wished Darien would come. Endymion watched as Serena danced gracefully with Nicolas. His eyes narrowed. Who does he think he is? He growled to himself and walked purposefully to the couple."Excuse me, may I cut in? Endymion said with a forced smile. "Yes" Nicolas said and went to dance, with his wife. Nicolas just watched them dance, and thought *Serenity you shall be mine* and then grinned. "Nicolas I'm so happy for once, you decided to have fun and be with me my love" Jessica said. "Yes, sweet heart, I was kind of sick of being a boring guy" he lied. They got closer and kissed. "I love you Nicolas" Jessica said with love in her eyes, that sparkled like a bright light of the sun. "I do too" Nicolas lied, and was looking at Serenity and Endymion. Jessica noticed. "Nicolas howcome your looking at the King and Queen?" Oh, I just admire there dancing, I think I've seen it from the duchess(Marie) and the sir(pronunced the way u say it fancy i forgot i forgot the title anyhow it's Marie's husband) "I would love to have the still and grace those two have when they dance" he admitted as he danced with Jessica. "Yes, indeed, darling, those two are wonderful at dancing" Jessica agreeded. Jessica had no idea what Nicolas was planning. Serena smiled while Darien talk to her he look jealous. " I thought you were talking to your mother ? " Serena asked him as they dance togther. " yes I was until I saw you and Nicolas together out here so I came to dance with you " he told her holding her close. " Aww I see " Serena replied " see what " Darien asked looking at her baby blue eyes. " You are jealous " Serena replied with a big smile on her face. "Yes, darling" Darien admitted for once. "Darien are you ok, you just admitted you were jeolous?" she asked with eyes full of concern. "Darling, it's just I love you so much, and I don't want to have so many arguements like we did when Ann came back and we had David and Madison. "Oh I see" Serena replied. " Sweetheart we wont have many more figths " Serena replied " I hope not " he told her and held her close. " you most be Jealous " she replied gaving him a kiss he kissed her back " Sweetheart remeber were we are" she told him. " oh ya " he said smiling. " plus you know when we figth we always make up and I know that's you favorit part, i think you make up figths so we will make up am I rigth " she asked Darien looked at her, in an expression, that Serena knew it was true. Soon, the ball was over, they went to sleep, basically doing the usual, thing the baby shower and today Serena had just given birth to her child. "It's a girl" Amy said as she gave the baby to Serena for her to hold her. Amy left. "Darien what should be her name?" Serena asked. "How about Sunshine Dawn, it suits her, don't you think?" he asked back. "Yes it does." "Serena she looks like a mini you, she has your eyes and hair" Darien said. "Yes, I guess your wish to have a child with my hair and eyes came true" Serena answered. " she is so sweet ' Serena replied holding the sleeping baby in her arms. " I hope the kids like her" Serena replied smiling, " oh honey they will" Darien told her as he gave her another kiss and looked down and his new daugther. " she is beautiful " he said holding her. " God I did a good job " he replied smiling. Serena just smiled. Amy came back in and gave the usual details on the sheet of paper, the hospital already had the details along with alot of other things. Name: Sunshine Dawn Peterson Birth: June 20,1820 Time Born: 6:00 am Weight: 5 pounds Height: '0'6 Other: Compeletly healty. Amy left to talk to the others. Serena and Darien just smiled. Sweedy can you getthe kids " Serena asked smiling at Darien. " sure" he replied and left. Soon he came back with Madison and David and they walked over to their mother and new sister. " Is this out new sister? " they asked " yes" Serena replied showing them there new sister. "She cute, can I hold her mommy?" asked Madison. "Sure honey, just be careful" Serena catiouned. "Ok" Madison replied as she took Sunny(Sunshine ya know, her nickname is Sunny) into her arms. Sunny liked being carried by Madison, and soon fell asleep in her arms. " Mommy " David asked looking at his mother, Serena looked at him and smiled. " Yes " she asked " when do you come home " he asked " soon, and when I do we are going shopping for a new doll for Madison"he told him. " yes mommy" he said gaving her a kiss on her check. " come on kids let's take you home" Darien said but on there way out Darien ran in to Nicolas. "Hello" Nicolas said. "Hello" said Darien. Mina appeared and Madison and David ran happily to there godmother and left. "Nicolas what are you doing here?" Darien asked. "The army sent me, to give these to the Queen for her new child" he replied saying the truth. "Oh" Darien went to get a cup of coffee. Nicolas headed to Serena's room which was room 101 and knocked. "Come in" Serena said. Nicolas came in and said "Hey" as he closed the door and put the flower's in a vase with water. "Are those from you?" she asked. "No the whole army, I was assigned to bring them" he answered. Nicolas saw Sunny. "Is that your daughter?" he asked her. "Yes" she answered seeing her daughter sleeping away. " well thank you " she told him " So Serena how long have you been married for " he asked her. " five years"she told him smiling" do you love him " Nickolas asked " yes. yes I love him he's my everything " she told him. " oh " he replied as he walked to see Sunny more closly and he tripped on the floor. Darien came in. "Are you alright, Nicolas?" asked Darien. "Yea, I'm alright just tripped" he said. "I gotta go" he said and left. Serena and Darien just stared at each other. " That was werid " Serena said and looked at the door. " I know " Darien replied gaving her a kiss and pulled away,Serena looked at him " don't I get more" she asked " do you want more ?"he asked her with a big smile " what do you think " she said pulling his head down. " your not going to leave me alone today are you?" Serena asked " cuase I want you to stay " she said. "I'll stay, darling, but remember we are in a hospital" Darien said. "Oh" Five days later, they went home, Serena said hi to everyone and everyone saw Sunshine Dawn. "Serena she looks excatly like you" said Raye very suprised. "Yes, Raye is right" Lita agreed. "Sunny woke up and she started crying. Serena took Sunny to another room to see what was wrong. It ended up that Sunny was hungry. After Sereba fed her she put here down for her nap. Serena walked out of the room and went to get David. " son" she called " he walked over to her " yes mommy" he asked " we are going in to town now to get your sister a new doll " she told him. " Yes Mommy" he said as Serena picked him up and they walked in side. " Hello Serena " Nicocal replied " hi " Serena said uneasy. " where are you going " he asked " in to town " she repilied.HE smlied may I walk with you ?" he asked. "No thanks" she replied, "Ok" said Nicolas as he went to talk to Lord Alexander(Darien's dad, the ex-king). The Lord ended up that he was in a doctor's appointment. "Oh holy shit, the Lord's not here" he thought. "No matter, I will destroy Darien without a stupid file" he thought. He smiled. "Then Serenity shall be mine" he muttered silently. Noone heard him. Nicolas walked up to Darien who was with his daugthers while his wife and son were in town. " Hello your higness" he replied, Darien looked up at him " hi" he said. " um I was looking my favorite woman " he said smiling " who would that be " Darien asked. "Jessica my wife she said she was coming here" he said. "Oh, Serena called me telling me she ran into her" Darien replied. "Oh, later" Meanwhile with Serena, Jessica and David. David had just bought a doll. The doll's name was Abby and she had a pink dress, and blue hair, and blue shoes. They soon got to Jessica's house and dropped her off. David and Serena got home soon enough. When they got home Serena saw Nicoals agin " Serena may I talk to you alone " he asked. " Um ok " she said and followed him, Meanwhile David walked in to his parents bed room where Sunny,Madsion and Darien were. Darien looked up at him " HI daddy" he said hoping on to the bed. " hello son" he said " where's yout mother " he asked. David looked at him talking to some man name Nicolas " he said. "Oh" he replied. David gave the doll to Madison and Madison hugged him. Sunny saw how thight the hug was and had a little laugh. Her first laugh, thank god Darien recorded it on video type. Serena meanwhile, was talking about Christopher and there other son because he was going to join them as a guest, because Nicolas and Jessica were going on vacation alone. " how long will you be gone?" Serena asked him " a week" he told her. " I hope you have fun " Serena replied " We will " Nicoals told her. " Serena can I ask you something " Nicoals asked " sure " Serena replied. " why did you marry King Endymion and not me ?" he asked. "Why do you ask that, Nicolas?" she asked. "Just curious" he replied. "Because I fell in love" she said. Nicolas just thought *you fell in love because of the fucking money, you little bitch* They continued to talk and when Nicolas and Serenity were in the garden talking, Nicolas tripped as did Serenity. Nicolas and Serenity had there lips close and they kissed by accident. "I am so sorry," Nicolas said. "It's ok, it's not your fault I'm so clumsy" she replied. Nicolas thought *Actully it is, I made you trip by making the bench looser, at least, Plan 1, is compelete* " So Serena, why did you marry the prince of earth " he asked." I told you I fall in love " she replied." But we were to marry " he told her. " I know but I founf out I didn't love you " she told him. " Serena what if the the King wants a devoris well you gave it to him? " Nicolas asked. "I don't know" she replied. "Oh, well I have to go, your highness, later" he said as he bowed and left. Serena went to go see what Mina was doing. Mina was right now talking with Lita, when Serena came in. "Hey" they all said, and soon began a whole conversation. " Mina,Lita can I tell you something " Serena asked looking at them " sure" they both said. " ok um Nicolas kissed me and asked me if I would gave Darien a divorce" she said. " Serena you should tell Darien " Lita replied."Ya I know " she said. Serena walked out of the room and walked to Darien's study and walked in. " Darien can we talk" she asked "Sure" he said as she sat on his lap."Darien Nicoals kissed me on the lips and asked me if we are or if you gave me a divorce what I should do " she replied. "Did you two kiss by accident?" he asked. "Yes, that stupid bench was loose and we tripped and he landed on top of me" she replied. "Oh, don't worry so much I'm sure he was asking that, cause he was curious of his old fiannce" Darien said. "Yes, probably" she agreed. They closed the door, and soon began a make-out session(no Sunshine Dawn doesn't share a room with her parents she has her own room.) " You know Sunshine,David and Madison are out for the rest of the day " Serena told her husben as they lead in bed. " Really ?" he asked. " Yes Mina and Lita took them out " he told him " So that means we can spent some time alone togther " she told him. " I like that " he replied gaving her another kiss. Meanwhile with Lita and Mina " aunt Lita what are mommy and daddy doing alone back at the palace?" Madison asked. Lita thought *Probably making out, but what do I say* "Uggh....talk like all adults do" Lita replied. "Oh" Madison said. Sunny started crying, Mina took her out of her carriage that she was in, that Mina was holding. Mina carried her godaughter. She stopped crying and Mina started thickling her. David saw and turned around thinking *Godmama only gives attention to Sunny now adays and everyone else too, I hate Sunny* Madison noticed all the attention and then Lita went to sing to Sunny *Why, does dumb Sunny get all the attention?* I hate her, I wish she was never born* " why is mommy and daddy not here " Madison asked her borther " I don't know " he said. " I wish mommy and daddy where here " David said looking at his sister. " me too" Madison replied " let's go off and play " David told his sister. " Ok " Madison said and followed her brother off. " So when are we going to go home " Madison asked " soon" David told her as they played at a pond at the back of the palace. " I wonder what Mommy and Daddy are doing " David said out load. "Talking, like godmama said" Madison said. "Maddy do you really believe that?" he asked. "Yes" she replied. "I'll tell you the truth follow me to that tree where godmama and auntie won't hear" he whispered to her ear. "Ok" she said as she followed him there. "Maddy godmama and auntie are a bunch of dumbasses" he said. "What's a dumbass?" she asked. David whispered to her the meaning in her ear. "Oh, so it's a bad word" she replied. David nodded. "Where did you learn that?" she asked. "You know the new kid Duncan that's in our class, we became friends and he told us all about that shit" he said. "Don't say that David!" Madison exclamied. Lita and Mina were just trying to get Sunny quiet. " David let's go home and spent time with mommy and daddy before sunny get's home " Madison told him. " Ok " he said as they ran off to their parents.They walked to their parents room and knocked "Comming they herd. When the door open both kids saw their father looking at them." Is something wrong " Serena asked walking up to the door. " No " they both said Darien looked at them " then why are you not with Mina or Lita" he asked " because they are with Sunny " they told them. " what's wrong with her " Serena asked " she's crying " Madison said. Serena picked Madison up " come on let's go see" she said as Darien picked up David aswell. They soon got there and Sunny was quiet, they all went home. The next day, was Monday and today Madison and David began 1st grade. They behaved very bad that Mrs.Hunter almost gave them a scam but decided not to for the sake of Lord Alexander who was a bit sick and the family had enough to worry about him, and Sunny then for Madison and David. Serena went to pick up the kids form school. " how was you day " she asked the two " fine mommy" they both said. " that's good " she replied as they got in to the carrige. " Oh and when you go howm we got a surprise for you two " Serena told them as they road home. " ok " they both said " what could it be " they both thougth as they made it home. " Now go up to your room and change and come back down " Serena told them as she took their bags. The two nodded at ran off " there is something wrong with them " Serena thought as she walked to Darien's study to tell him about the childern. " why are they so bad lately " Serena thought as she walked in to the room and over to her husband. She closed the door. "Darien, something is wrong with Madison and David" she said. "I've noticed as well, darling" Darien replied. "I am going to ask Mrs.Hunter tommorow" she said. They soon went to sleep. The next day, Serena and Darien went to school with Madison and David. Madison and David sat down, and Serena and Darien talked to Mrs.Hunter. She told them, what happened yesterday and soon the bell rang, Serena and Darien left. " Why are they being so bad " Serena asked Darien as they road back home. " I don't know, but I am going to ask them " he told his wife who he was holding on their way home. " yes, we better ask them " Serena replied as the walked in to the carrige. When they walked in Nicoals was sitting in the libary when Serena and Darien both walked over to him. " Hello, how are you feeling " Serena asked as she held Darien's hand. " I am fine " he replied looking at the two " Dairen may I spenk to you alone " he asked. " I will leave you two " Serena replied and left " Darien can I ask you a question Do you think Serena married you just becuase you have money " he asked " becuase that's how I feel about Jessica. so do you think she did or ever thougth " he asked. Serena standed by the door waiting for Darien's answer. "I don't think so, she is to full of happiness always, I don't think she's even interestined in money" he replied and left to find Serena. They left the library with some books."I heard what you told Nicolas" she said. "Oh" They went to there room and were reading the books they got on child scokology. Soon, Darien got to a page in a book and read it. He read "Sometimes, when a parent has a second child the first child becomes very jealous which causes to do anything for attention even become a bad kid" Serena heard this and said "I think we found our answer." " you think they are jealous " Serena asked looking at the book. " Yes " Darien replied as she sat on his lap as they looked at the book togther. " we should talk to them " she told him as she looked up at him. " your rigth " he replied at gave her a small kiss on the lips. " If we had more to you think they run away " Serena asked as she ran the next page. " I don't know " Darien replied reading as well " well we will talk to them. " we need to talk to them now before it get's wosrted " Serena replied as they just looked at each other. They kept reading to see some more stuff, about the children acts. Serena read "At times, when the first child is jealous of the second they might go crazy as to do something to the younger sibling" Serena read it again and began to worry. "I don't think none of them would do that" he said. They heard a scream, it was Madison and David making Sunny cry. Serena and Darien ran to the Sunny's room and opened the door. " What are you two doing " Serena yelled. "nothing " they said, Darien looked at them " don't lie to your mother " he told them. " we were just playing " Madison said " playing " Serena replied " do you call picking at your sister playing " she asked. " We didn't know she cry " David replied " I don't understand why you two have been so bad lately, if your tryied to get attention this is not the way " Serena replied. " you only care about the baby " Madsion replied sadly. Darling we care about you and David and Sunny" Serena said. "Maybe so, mother, but you sure don't show it you bitch" she yelled at her mother. "What did you just say Madison Destiny Peterson?! Serena asked angrily. "Your a bitch, that's what I said" Madison replied. Serena was getting angry. "Young lady, go to your room for speaking like that to your mother" Darien yelled. "NO!" Madison screamed. " It's alrigth Darien " Serena replied taking Sunny and left the room in tears. " Young lady I want to know where you learn these words " Darien asked in a angry voice. " school " she replied " well I don't ever want to hear thoses words agin, you hurt your mother by calling her that word and I want you to think about what you two just did, Your mother and I love you and we don't spent all are time with Sunny, David you and your mother always so in to town to spent tiem togther on fridays and mondays and madison you and your mother spent time togther on tuesdays and thursdays, and one last thign your motherhas not spent mush time with you this week becuase she was thorwing to a briday party today but I don't think she wants to go now " Darien replied and left the room to look for his wife. Madison just stood there. When her dad left, she went to her room and David followed her. Madison and David went into Madison's room. David closed the door and sat next to Madison. The next thing, he knew Madison started crying and David was hugging Madison. "I'm so sorry, I told you that" David said. "It's ok, I never should of said that" she replied crying. "I hope mom, can forgive me" she said. "I hope so too, and dad and everyone" he said looking at his sister. I want to go find mommy and daddy " Madison told her borther. Ok let's go " David said as they walked to their parents room. " Serena don't do this " Darien asked his wife. " Oh honey it will only be a week, I need to think" she replied." Can't you think here must you leave" he asked. " Yes Madison,David and Sunny will be fine with you " she replied gaving him a hug. " Now go takw the childern to the party, I can't see them rigth now I am a little hurt" she replied. " ok " Darien said. Madison and David heard this and ran to Madison's room. "Mommy's leaving, it's all my fault, David" she told her twin. "It's our fault, sis for saying all that stuff" he replied. They hugged and cried together. Meanwhile, Serena was still packing and soon she went out with a suitcase, she went outside alone, it was night, when suddenly she was attacked!!!!!! Serena walked out side and droped he bags becuase a hand grabbed her arm " huh, who's there" she yelled " now you are mine princess" a voice replied. " what, who are you" she said Serena looked up and saw Niclaos looking down at her. " STOP, NOOOOOOO,GO AWAY " she yelled. " no, you are Mine now and forever " he said and kissed her. " NO STOP " Serena kept on elled at him. "HELP SOMEBODY HELP!" She screamed. Darien heard a scream he thought it was someone in the house but it wasn't it was from the garden!!!!!!! "LET HER GO!" Darien yelled as faught against Nicolas. Serena was let free and in a few minutes, Nicolas was in the floor in pain. Darien called the police and Nicolas's family. "I HATE ALL YOU ROYAL SAPS!" Nicolas yelled as he was taken in the police car. Jessica was just there crying, as was Nicolas's mother Laura. It was a good thing the kids weren't here. Serena coverd her mouth " I can't believe it " she said lookign at her husben. " I know " he said hugging her " come on your not going anywhere " he said as they walked inside. " Don't tell the childern " Serena replied " I wont " he said hugging her. " Well you better go back to the party I need to rest " Serena replied gaving him a kiss and walked to their room. The party was ok, and Serena still left for a week. When she returned, there was an "WE ARE SORRY" Banner in the top of the castle. There was a huge party just for the people living in the castle and more. It was great, everyone was forgived. Even Jessica showed up. Life was wonderful for always. Two years later, Madison and David were 7 had just finished third grade and Sunny was 2. They decided to go on vacation. "Where do you guys want to go on vacation?" asked Darien. "SOUTH AMERICA!" yelled Madison. "AFRICA!" yelled David. Sunny was just sitting next to Madison. "Ok, what about you Serena?" Darien asked. "I really don't care as long as we are together" she said. "Umm..let's get a map and let Sunny decide ok?" Madison suggested. "GREAT IDEA!" David said. They got a map and Sunny pointed to North America. "We are visiting the states then" said Madison and David happily. "YEP!" Serena agreed. "This is great, I wanna go to New York!" Madison exclaimed. "NO WAY, SIS, Colorado is much better!" he yelled back at his twin. "Kids, kids no need to argue about it we will all go to where we want to go" said Darien. "Yes" said Madison and David. " Now go pack " Serena told them as the two ran off Sunny walk behind them. " Boy there are cute " Darien replied " and are boy well be cute to Serena replied walking off. " What " Darien asked " Serena smiled " Really " he asked " yep " she replied as they walked to their room to get ready to go. " Serena and Darien had invite Jessica and her family to come with them. " As well as Mina and Andrew and there two childern. " Are you two ready tp go " Serena asked " yep " they said as the got in to the carrige and the Happy familt drove of togther. Everyone,went to North America(U.S.A) and had a great time! Everyone loved it and when they returned, they said "THAT WAS THE BEST VACATION EVER!" They all loved the vacation and lived happily ever after. THE END!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Plz review!