Proving Our Love By: Moon Venus Power And Sailor MariMisty Rated: PG-13 Type: Comedy/Romance Email Addresses: And Disclamer: We do not own Sailor Moon, but we do own this story, and a few of the new characters that we added. ***************************************************************************** It had been a week since Serena found out she was having twins, she was so happy so was Endymion when she had told him. "I am hungry" Serena thought as she walked arould town she was alone had been sleeping all day, and Endymion and Malachite were in a meeting. "Oh I should have told Darien where I was going he hates when I am out her by myself when I am pregent " she thought again she had gave the message boy a note to gave to Darien so he would know where she was. " I am going to go in to this store " Serena said and walked in. Meanwhile at the Palace the message boy was going to the dinner room where Darien,Mina, and Malachite just walked in and sat down and was waiting for Serena. Serena didn't show up for a whole hour, and Darien started worrying his head and excused himself and went to see if he's love was asleep. No she wasn't asleep, not even there. Darien worried for fifteen minutes until the message boy came and gave him the note. It said: Endymion, I'm in town, shopping, I've slept all day, and home bores me, don't worry about me and the babies, we are fine. Ta-ta darling. *Serenity* "She's in town " he thought as he read it again "I still don't like the idea of her being alone with single males, looking at her waiting her, but she's mine all mine" he told himself with a big smile on his face. He then flip the note for and saw something else it said: PS: There's a single males bar down here where all the single males look for a wife or woman so you better stay home so no girl throws their self at you and don't worry if and one hits on me I'll just put on a smile. When he read that his face went red. Darien decided to go to town, to find his wife. He was a bit jealous. He got into town and looked in alot of stores, finally he found his wife seeing a flower store that just opened it was called "Rosy Loving's Flower Shop." Serenity was talking to the owner a sweet old lady named, Lisa, but everyone called her Rosy just because she was always wearing light rose,and being very cheerful. Darien headed inside the flower shop. He walked up to her and gave her a kiss and a hug. She turned arould and smiled "Hi " she said "Hello Honey" he said taking a few bags from her. Serena said good bye to Lisa and walked with Endymion outside. "So why are you here? " she asked knowing why he was " Do you think I want a man looking at my wife? " he asked her " Nope, just like I don't want woman looking at my husband" she told him with a smile. "Come on let's go to the baby store " she said pulling his arm. They got into the baby store called "Barbie's Baby Store." They went in and bought a lot of stuff for the twins. They got out and Serena was hungry and she said "Darien, I'm hungry." Oh, what do you have a crave for my love?" he asked. "I want to eat a chocolate pizza with tomato and chocolate and I want pickles on it" she said. Darien thought it was digusting, but he remembered what Amy said. ***Flashback*** "Endymion, Serenity will have strange cravings for food, all pregent woman are like that" Amy said. ***End Of Flashback*** " Ok my love we will go back to the palace and I will have the cook make you want you want " he told her as she put on a smile. "Good " she said and fallowed him home as they where walking to the carrige the saw alot of men walking around with no shirts. "Hmmm... look and Mr. Hot stuff " Serena thought but really said out so her husband would get jealous. Serena loved when he was jealous it was the best way to get him in bed because he always wanted to prove he was the man and Serena loved it. Darien got super jealous. They headed home, and soon were there. Endymion was a great chef and Serena, ate the ChocolatePizza with Pickles.(Yuck.) Serena made Darien eat his concotion as well. "Yum,your right this is good, Serena" he said being sincere. Serena thought if herbeing pregent had gotten to his head, because he had tasted all his concotions like yesterday, she wanted Shrimp Ice Cream with Soup.(Yuck.) Darien ended up barfing all over the kitchen sink which is pretty large. Serena then said "Honey are you feeling alright?" she asked so worried. " Ya I am fine" he said " you didn't make yourself sick? " she asked "Maybe I did maybe I didn't " he said looking at her. " Why would you do that? " she asked " Because you said those guys where hot and I only want you to look and me that way" he told her as he puton a smile for her. "Also I am worried you would leave me for another" he said looking sad as the walked to their room. Serenity followed Endymion. Serenity got in front of him and said "Endymion I will love you forever, and you know I didn't mean that guy was hot, Ijust said that to make you jealous" she said. "Oh." They kissed and went to there bedroom. They were talking and in the middle of the talking Darien rushed to the bathroom and barfed. Serena began wondering what was wrong, had Darien lied, had he been a girl and now a guy or something? He couldn't bepregent,he had all the clues, barfing, weird eating, and some more stuff to come. Serenity rushed to the bathroom and said "That's it your coming to the doctor with me now!" yelled Serenity. "No, I'm ok!" he yelled back. "To bad,"she said starting to pull him, "your coming with me!" Serenity had took him to Amy's so she could have a look at him. " Amy what is wrong with him ? " Serenity asked " Serenity he just has food poisening that is all, which would make him eat almost anything also it would make him sick, so just put him to bed and he will be fine after he get's some sleep" Amy told her " Thank god, I thought he was a girl in another life" Serenity said Endymion who had walked in said " Thank you honey for thinking I am a girl" he said as he and Serenity left to go home to bed. When they got home, Endymion said angrily"Why did you think I was a girl?" Because, you were barfing and having weird food cravings, I didn't know you had food poisening, for crying out loud!" said Serenity getting angry. "Oh," he replied. Serenity couldn't get angry at him, the next thing they knew they were kissing. " I am sorry I thought you were a girl" she told him as she walked to their bed. " It's ok " he said putting on a smile for his wife and walked over to her. She smiled back at him " ok" she replied and got up again "you get some sleep and I will leave you alone so you can get some sleep, because I am going in to town again and maybe I might even see that guy again " she said laughing. Endymion was asleep already, she noticed it and went to sleep as well. The next day, at breakfast Minako and Malachite made an announcement. "We are getting married, in 3 months" said Minako. "Finally, Mina, I thought you and Malachite would never get married" said Serenity. "Very funny, Serena" replied Mina. "Oh come on guys, calm down for once" said Lita. "Yeah Serena?"(Note: Amy, Raye and Lita are living the palace, the King decided on that along with the Queen.) "Yea, yea, sure Raye and Lita " replied Serena. Amy just sweatdropped and got a call by her cell phone.(Cell phones and all techonoly exist in this time, except cars, cars are being invented.) Amy opened her phone and talked to Dr. Samantha Sanders a very famous doctor from America.(Note: The setting of the palace is in Europe.) "Hello, Samantha" "Hi, Amy, I have good news, if that's what you call it." "What is it Samantha?" Amy asked with curiosity. "Amy, Ann has recovered, she is not crazy anymore, we tested her." "When is she getting out of the lunatic aslyum?" "In a few weeks, Amy." "Oh" she replied. "Amy, I have to go, we just got a new patient here at the lunatic aslyum." "Yeah, ok, see ya Samantha." "Bye, Amy." Samantha hung up and Amy followed by hanging up as well. Amy had a scary look on her face. "What's wrong Amy?" asked the queen. " Samantha said Ann isn't crazy anymore " Serena had a shocked looked on her face. " I can't believe it Ann is free" Serena said to herself as she walked out of the room. " Why is she out?" Serena thought as she walked in to town alone again. "Maybe she changed" she thought again and kept on walking. " Haha, these dumbasses " Ann thought "they think i am ok well I will kill the little bitch of a stepsister and become Queen with Prince Endymion like I should have " Ann thought ever happliy. "In 2 weeks, I shall be free, once more" Ann thought. Meanwhile,Endymion walked in to the dinner hall " Where's Serena?" he asked looking around for her. The king said "I guess she's with Amy, Amy left too." Oh." Endymion left to continue to! look for Serena. Serena and Amy were in the swim! ming pool, swimming and talking. Amy was ! swimming and Serena was just standing in the water seeing Amy swim. "Come on, Serena, swim, it's good excersise" said Amy. "Ok" she said as she began to swim. The two swam for a while, and got out of the pool, both were resting while sitting on chairs. Endymion walked in. When Serenity saw Endymion walk in she ran to him and got him all wet. " Oops " Serena said with a smile as she gave him a kiss." It's ok Serena " he said hugging her " Come on we gotta dry " Serena replied smiling. "Why?" he asked " becuase " she said pulling him " why " he asked agin. " Becuase some guys are coming here and do you want them to see me with my half naked body , that I could show off for them, and I am sure they would what to see me" she replied " what do you think?" she asked. Endymion just nodded and grabbed Serena's hand and went upstairs. When upstairs, Serenity kissed Endymion, but Endymion pulled back and turned around, giving her the silent treatment. "What did I do?" asked Serena. Endymion just grabbed clothes and headed downstairs towards a guestroom to change. Serena meanwhile, was in the room, sitting on the bed saying to herself "I shouldn't of said, what I did." " I don't feel so good " Serenity thought she walked in to the bathroom to change " I am not going to bother him when he is mad " Serena told herself and got changed in to a slik see threw nightgown " If I go bug him he'll flip on me " she thought and walked and walked to her bed and got in " I think I will stay here for a while " s! he! t! hougth and got in to bed and pulled out a book and started to read it. " I will just let him cool off for a while " Serena thought as she looked at her book. Serena in the middle of chapter 6 couldn't take it anymore, she turned off the light, and put the book in the bookcase! and went down to Room#100 where Darien was. Dari! en was awake with the light on. Darien was si! tting on a chair just drawing a picture of some cherry blossoms. Serena knocked the! door. "Come in" Darien said. Serena came in. Serenity walked in " I came to say I am sorry " she replied putting a hand on her tummy. He nodded " ok don't say anything don't talk to me " Serena said " but if you care I just wanted to make you jealous so I know that you still want me and love me and even when i get fat you wont go get a mistress " she told him and walked out of the room and almost ran back to her own room. Endymion followed her but Serenity didn't notice. Serenity was about to enter her room but decided not to, she went to see if she could talk to Raye, she was getting pretty good, at giving advice. Serena went to Raye's room, luckily, she was still awake. Serena knocked the door and Raye let her in. Raye closed the door. "Raye" Serena said, and started crying, Raye hugged her. "What's wrong, Serena?" Raye asked. "Darien and I had a fight" she replied. Serena told Raye what happen "I think I am going to go back to bed" Serena replied and gave Raye a hug and walked back to her room " I think I am going to go stay with Amy for a while " Serena said and got out her bag and sat it on the bed. " I wont go for long " Serena thougth and got some of her clothes that's when she heard " Serena what are you doing " Darien said "Umm... nothing, Darien, nothing at all" Serena said nervously. "Serena your lieing" Darien said. "How can you tell that I am lieing?" Serena admitted. "Cause you have never sounded so nervous in your life except when you lie." "Oh" she replied. Darien got closer to her and kissed her rosy lips. They soon separted and Serena said "I think we shou! ld continue this in our bedroom." " Darien I am sorry for trying to make you jealous " Serena replied. " It's ok Serena " he said gaving her another kiss. " I love you Serena " Darien told her " I love you to " she said. " I should have not thought that you didn't love me " she told him putting on a smile " also it's really still our room." The continued to talk and soon found themselves, in front of the room and both entered. "Darien, I love you so much" Serena said. Darien just gave her a kiss, and this began to become a make-out session. They soon went to sleep. In the morning, they woke up, Darien earlier than Serena and when Serena woke up, there was a note next to her it said: Serena, Amy called, a while ago saying Ann was going to be set free today, she will stay with us because both my mother and father believe she is well, they saw her. Anyway, I got stuck with Amy to pick up Ann. See ya, my love, around 5:00 pm. Yours Truly, Darien "Hi still don't like the idea of her comming here " Serena thougth but there is nothing I can do. So Serena got out and got in to the shower " I don't feel like leaving my room to day so am not going to " Serena told herself as she walked out of the bathroom. " Hummm so what am I going to do today " Serena thought as she sat on her bed, " I know I will think up baby names" Serena told herself as she put other pj's on and got in to bed and got out a pad and pen and started to wirte down names. After a while it was 4:59 pm " Darien should be home Serena said as she looked at the names she wrote down. John David Sam Sara Rini Laura Mary " Humm I like Laura and David " Serena replied to know one " I have not ate anything all day I missed lunch and dinner " Serena told herself and walked back in to the bathroom to have another shower. She took a shower, and then headed downstairs, waiting for her, they had just gotten here, were Ann, Amy and Darien along with the Queen. "Finally, Serenity, I haven't seen you all day" said the Queen. "Sorry, Queen Marie I've just been busy." Serena call me, Marie." "Yes, Marie." Amy then said "I gotta go, do some stuff" and headed upstairs to her room to talk on the phone with Samantha Sanders because she had a feeling Ann was still not well.Back downstairs, Darien couldn't keep his eyes off of Ann. Ann looked sexy and wasn't crazy, she was nice. Serena saw this and didn't like Ann at all. The Queen had excused herself a few minutes ago, and ever since then it was so quiet. Serena watched the two check each other out and felt like she was going to cry. ' He does not love me anymore ' Serena thought as she walked out of the room. Darien didn't even notice her the whole time.' I hate her I hate him.' Serena thought with tears in her eyes. She ran out of the palace and to the carrage where Melvin was fcleani! ng his carriage. " Melvin " Serena called " Yes my lady " Melvin called. " Please take me to my parents home" Serena replied." Yes my lady " Melvin said and helped Serena in to the carriage and drove off. It took about five minutes to get there " Thank you Melvin, oh and please don't tell anyone where I am " she asked "yes" Melvin said as he drove back to the place. When he got there Darien walked out and over to him. " Melvin have you see Serena? " he asked with a really worried face she had been gone for hours." I can not lie to you yes I know where she is but I can not tell you " he said to the prince. " Why can't you tell me where my wife is? "he asked Melvin with a angry vocie." She asked me not to " he said " Tell me where my wife is now" he yelled." I will take you to her " he said as he drove off with the rince to where is wife was. When he got there the prince walked up to the door and knocked" Luna answerd it." Luna is Serena here " Darien asked as Luna let him in " Yes, she is upstaries getting a new born baby asleep"she told him " May I go see her" he asked " Yes of cruse you may" Luna said as he nodded and walked up to her. Darien had walked up staries to where his wife was sing to the little baby in Luna's home. He stoped at he door to listen. " Oh Come on you cute little thing I now your tried " Serena replied " Maybe if I sing you will fall asleep " Serena told the little baby. " This how I feel about my husband now " she told the baby as she beging to sing. Where Are You Now By Britney Spears Calling out your name Your face is everywhere I'm reaching out to you To find that you're not there I wake up every night To see the state I'm in It's like an endless fight I never seem to win I can't go on as long as I believe Can't let go when I keep wondering (Chorus) Where are you now, what have you found ! Where is your heart, when I'm not around Where are you now, you gotta let me know Oh baby, so I can let you go End Chorus I can hear your voice The ring of yesterday It seems so close to me But yet so far away I should let it out To save what's left of me And close the doors of doubt Revive my dignity Bit, I can't go on as long as I believe Can't let go when I keep wondering (Chorus) I should let it out, it's time to let you go Oh baby, I just want to know Darien heard a beautiful voice, and saw Serena singing to the baby, Serena didn't realize and Darien hugged her, they both kissed and went home. They went home and from that day on, Ann tried to be everyone's best friend. Two months later, Mina and Malachite where ever so busy working on there wedding. Malachite picked the best man, the prince, Darien. Mina picked Ann for the maid of honor, because lately they were closer. Serena got so jealous, that she wanted to kill Mina! Serena didn't want to go to the dinner hall to help with the wedding so she went to see Amy. " Hi " Serena Amy said " Hello" Serena said " aren't you suppost to be helping with the wedding?"Amy asked " yes but I feel sick " she told her. Amy felt her head "well you do look plae and your head is warm" she said the Serena passed out but woke up 10 minutes later and was staring at the wall " Serena " Amy asked but Serena didn't hear she seem to be in a trance "Serena " Amy asked again, all Serena did was get up and started to walk Amy followed her " I must follow the little man" she said " what " Amy asked as she went to tell the others. After a while Serena snapped out of it and she went to look for Darien while Amy was telling the others, in another part of the palace. Serena found Darien with Ann descussing Mina's wedding. "Darien!" Serena yelled very angry. "Hi Serena" both of them said. "Don't hi me!" she said angrily. "What were you talking about?" Serena asked pointing from Ann to Darien to Ann and Darien all over again. "Serena, we were just discussing what Mina plans for us to wear, for the wedding and I was asking Darien, if we would end up wearing similat color of clothing" Ann said, sincerely. "Oh, sorry" said Serena and walked out of the room. " Serena I am glad I found you " Melvin replied walking up to her. " What is it Melvin? " Serena asked him as they walked in to town so Serena could let soem steam off. " Well" he satared but looked away. " What is wrong " she asked looking at him " Serena I found something in the carriage when I was clanning it. " What ? " Serena asked . Melvan looked away and held up devorse papers witch Ann had put there so Serena would Leave Darien so she could have him. Serena looked at them "I don't understand" she replied looking at them. " I am soory Serena" Melvan told her " here gave them to Darien " she said and walked away to go sit by her parents graves. Melvin walked back to the palace " your higness" he said Darien looked at him "yes" he asked " I found these in the carriage with your name on them Serena saw them and was shocked" he said " saw what Melvin?" Darien asked. "Your highness, divorce papers that Lady Ann seemed to have with you are your wife's name on the papers" said Melvin. "Melvin you must be kidding me, you know Ann is studying to be a lawyer, she probably did that for pratice, my friend Jadeite did the same thing when he was starting out" he replied. "Oh, excuse me, your highness." You may be excused Melvin" Darien said. Darien went to go talk to Ann, to see if it was practice. Darien found Ann in the library. Darien came in and Ann put down her book. "Ann, did you have some divorce papers for Serena and me?" Darien asked. "Yes, it was part of practice you know?" Ann said. "Ok" he said and left to look for Serena, Ann thought "Soon Darien, soon you will be mine, but first I got to become friends with Serena." She laughed, "MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!" her laugh went and noone heard her. Serena was sitting in the middle of her parents graves " oh how I miss you " She replied " I wish you where still alive but your not, you know you are going to be grandparents I know hoe it was your guys dream to be a grandparent but you can't now" Serena started " Guess what mother Luna told me I have a sing voice like you father used to say that " she told her dead mother " oh and Daddy Luna had a baby " she told him I now how much you wanted your sister to have a baby " she said " sometimes I wish I was dead just like you I have nothering here for me " she told them as she placed flowers down on the graves. Serena after putting the flowers went to the Palace Gardens. She was there, just staring in the sky. The next thing, she knew a tear dropped slowly down her peachy face. Meanwhile, Darien was looking for Serena and found her, he went to hug her and both hugged and kissed.One month later, Serena had four months and it was Mina's wedding. Everyday for the pass mouths Darien,Mina had been spening time with Ann and was never with Serena anymore. Darien came to bed late and left early in the morning becuase of Ann." I am sick of this" Serena thought as she got out of bed. " He does not love me anymore I know it we have not spened anytime together for mouths " Serena told herself " well I had it I am leaving " she cried and worte a note to Darien and placed her wedding rings in the note and put it on the bed and left. Serena left and went to an old house, she and her father used to go on vacation before Beryl, was married with her father. Meanwhile, Darien had just came in the room and read the note and saw the rings as well. Darien didn't know what to do or say for the first time in his life. "Ann read this note" he said giving her the note. Ann nodded and began reading it said: Darien, I can't stand this anymore! All your time your with somebody else, am sick of it, am sick of it all! Don't look for me, I'm perfectly fine. *Serena* Ann finished reading, and said "I'm sorry, I can help you look for her" she offered, however, she thought of this as an oppertonity to win Serena's friendship for then destroying her."Thank you Ann I can't loss her " he said getting up "She's my everything,my life,my angel, I love her so much " he told her. " I know you love her" Ann said getting up come I think I now where she is " Ann said " where " he asked " At this house were here and her father always went before he married my mother" she told him as they road to where Serena was when they stoped at the house Ann looked at Darien " do you love her or not if not we wont go in " she said. "I love her," he replied. Ann said "Stay inside, be right back." Ok." Ann went inside and saw Serena and hugged her, "It's gonna be alright, Serena, come on, let's go home" Ann said. Serena nodded no. "Darien's really worried, and so am I, by this time, the others should know too" Ann told Serena. Meanwhile, Mina saw the letter and said "HOW COULD SHE?" CALM DOWN, MINAKO!" yelled Amy. "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN, IF IT'S PARTLY MY FAULT SERENA IS LIKE THIS!" yelled Mina. "Mina, come one, stop blaming yourself" Malachite said calmly holding her. Mina nodded. Lita said "Finally you calm down." "Hey guys have you seen Raye?" asked the Queen who appeared. They all nodded no. Meanwhile with Ann and Serena, "Serena please talk to him" Ann asked Serena just looked away then looked at Ann " Fine,Fine I will" Serena said looking at her in the eye's. " Good Now stay here" she said and took off to go get Darien. " Darien " Ann replied" yes " he said " go talk to her " she said putting on a smile. " ok " he said and walked in side and up the staires to Serena's old room. " Serena " he said she looked up at him " yes" she asked. Serena was inside and Ann was just talking to Artemis the one who took care of this house, meanwhile, with Serena and Darien. Darien entered the room, and closed the door. Serena was just there quiet sitting down on the bed, covering her face with her hands, because her face was as read as a tomato. " Serena " he said walking up to her she looked up at him " yes" she asked. "Are you ok, your face looks as red as a tomato?" he asked. "It's nothing!" she retorted. Darien got closer and hugged her but Serena pushed him aside, and said "Leave me alone, you jerk, and I regret ever marrying you, having children with you, and alot of other things you gayass!" " I wish Mina was not my stepsister, I wish my father never married Beryl" she told him. " I wish I would have died with my mother in the carriage accent" she cried. " I wish I was never born " she creid putting her face in her hands. " we will get a devorse so you may marry Ann like you should have" Serena replied not looking at him." Also you may see the childern anytime you want, because I know you and Ann will marry and have other kids" she cried. "What the hell are you talking about Serena?" asked a confused Darien. "You know very well, what I'm talking about!" she retorted. "Huh?" Darien had a confused look on his face. "Well, then I guess I have to refresh your memory for you!" yelled Serena walking to a vase with flowers and water inside. She got the flowers out and poured the water on Darien's head."What did you do that for?!" screamed Darien shivering a bit since his head was so cold because of the water."To refresh your memory, remember?" Serena said. "Tell me what's going on!" Darien demanded. "For one thing, I never see you anymore, your always with Malachite or Ann or someone else, another thing, is that all you care about is yourself, I hate you Endymion Darien Peterson!" exclamied Serena. Darien tried getting closer to her to hug her and kiss her, but Serena just said coldly "Don't touch me!"Darien grab her and pin her to the bed " you listen to me, you are my wife I love you and I am sorry for not being arould you, and we are not going to get a divore either you are my wife and that is the way it's going to stay" he told her before he kissed her lips. He pulled away and looked down at her " You do love me don't you, because you are still wearing your wedding ring" he replied not looking at her."Yes,yes Serena I love you and please tell me you love me too " he asked " are you really that dumb " she asked softly " please Serena come home with me " he asked holding up her wedding rings. "No, I will not and let me go your about to sit on me!" Serena yelled. Darien let go because if not he would probably kill Serena and the twins. Serena sat down and Darien was standing, Serena took off her ring, and gave it to Darien. "One last thing, your highness, we are getting a divorse!" she snapped. "I will send out for an attorney" Serena said, and Darien headed out the room. Ann saw Darien come out and looked at him " I better go in there and make Serena get back togther with him or my plan will be ruin " she thoguth and walked in to the house."Serena" she called " what " Serena asked" please Serena forgive him there is a reason he was not with you all the time " she said."and want was that " Serena asked " do you really want to know " Ann asked. " Yes" Serena said " he was thorwing you a baby shower" she said " what " Serena asked." He was not even with me he just said that so you would know, I know you don't turst me but I changed I am sorry for what I did before I really am so please Serena stop hating me" she replied. " Ann" Serena said as Ann was leaving the room. " Yes" she asked " I am sorry, and maybe we can be friends" she told her. " Serena before we can be friends you and Darien should make up " she told " I don't think he wants me " Serena whisperd you don't know that " Serena Ann said as the looked at the door and Darien who was staring at Serena's wedding rings. Serena looked at him " Darien wait " Serena yelled at ran to him " I am sorry " she replied. "Huh?" he asked. "Ann told me you were doing a baby shower." Yea, I thought you knew already anyhow" he replied. The two kissed and both put the rings on each other's fingers."Serena everyone is worried about you we better go home " Darien replied at helped her on to his horse. " Yes they probably are " she replied." I am still sorry it's just that I have me father's tamper" she told him. " I should have asked you before I left, But I did lied I still love you" Serena replied as she held on to him his arms where arould her and holding the horse leash as the road home. " I love you to my little bunny" he said gaving her a quick kiss. Serena went home to rest while everyone else was in the party, Darien decided one hour later, to join Serena, the two ended up watching the sunset together. Another three months passed, during these three months Ann was becoming closer to everyone, no one suspected she was still crazy. Serena had seven months with the twins, soon she was to give birth around these months, today was the baby shower.Everyone was in the dancing room getting ready for the baby shower. "Where's Serena?" Mina asked Darien who was sitting down beside her. " sleeping up staries" he said. " Well someboday as to go get her" Mina replied." I will "Ann said " ok" everyone said as Ann left. Ann walked up to Serena's and Darien's room and saw Serena fixing her hair. "Hello Serena " Ann replied but before Serena could reply Ann had a knife to her her neck and stomach and took her down staries " Jason, John open the door " Ann told her men they opend it and Ann walked in with the knife to Serena's neck and stomach Mina was the first to turn around " Oh my gosh " She yelled. " "Anyone moves and she dies" Ann said as everyone turned around. "What the hell are you doing Ann?" asked Endymion. "Oh nothing, just taking your beloved wife with me, and if you people follow me she will be dead" she said and ran off, Darien was about to run after her but Malachite stopped him and said "Do you want Serena to be dead?" he asked. Darien nodded no and said "But what can we do?" he asked Malachite. "I got an idea" said Lita suddenly. "What is it Lita?" asked Mina. "Well, how about we secretely follow them" she said. "Are you nuts Lita, that's too dangerous, Serenity might be killed!" exclamied Raye. "Yes, I know, but do you have a better plan?" asked Lita. Raye nodded no. Serena was in the carriage and the door was open John drove and Serena fell out of the carriage. "Ouch that hurt" she complained. John had gotten away thinking Serena was with him but Jason suddenly appeared and got Serena. Darien tried to get Serena back but Jason had taken off with Serena in a black carriage. " I TOLD YOUR FRIEND NOT TO TOUCH ME AND THIS MEANS YOU TO " Serena yelled again as he pushed her out of the carriage but but before he did Serena punched him hard.Serena got out of the carriage on her own and sat down on a rick with her arm cross."What's wrong with you two " Ann asked " she kicked me in the balls and puched Jason in the mouth and eye" John told her. " Well yo can go have fun with her " Ann said " Ok " John replied at walked up to Serena. Serena just punched him and went unconcious. Jason then tried but Serena puched him as well, and he went unconcious too. "Well, I see the bitch had a lot more power than I thought" Ann said, and kicked her with all her might in her stomach. "Ouch" she whined."I want to kill kids but you more!" Ann yelled. "Ann I thought you changed how can you be so cruel?" asked Serena tears coming out of her eyes. "Simple, I pretended" Ann kicked her again. Meanwhile, a mile away from where Ann and Serena were Darien was just walking as were the others, and Darien was thinking of Serena, and about there favorite song, he started singing in his mind, little did he know that Serena was singing the song as well in her mind. At The Beginning By: Richard Marks and Donna Lewis We were strangers starting out on our journey Never dreaming what we'd have to go through Now here we are and I'm suddenly standing At the beginning with you No one told me I was going to find you Unexpected what you did to my heart When I lost hope you were there to remind me This is the start (Chorus) Life is a road and I want to keep going Love is a river I want to keep flowing Life is a road now and forever wonderful journey I'll be there when the world stops turning I'll be there when the storm is through In the end I wanna be standing At the beginning with you We were strangers on a crazy adventure Never dreaming how our dreams would come true Now here we stand unafraid of the future At the beginning with you (Chorus) I knew there was somebody somewhere Like me alone in the dark Now I know my dream will live on I've been waiting so long nothing's gonna tear us apart (Chorus) Life is a road and I wanna keep going Love is a river I wanna keep going on Starting out on our journey Life is a road and I wanna keep going Love is a river I wanna keep flowing In the end I wanna be standing at the beginning with you "With you"...said Darien. "Huh?" asked the others. "Nevermind let's just find Serena" he said, wiping his face, because a few tears had ran down his face remembering Serena, his angel. Serena got on her knees and was covering her stomach " I will not let you hurt my childern " Serena told her. " You do know Darien does not love you if he did he would be here saving you" Ann said. " Shut Up " Serena yelled "Witch" Darien and the others heard. "Ann please let me go " Serena cried holding her stomach. " Um No " Ann said '' I will kill you and your childen and become Queen " Ann told her " Please Ann don't hurt them " Serena cried in pain.Darien and the others heard they were only half a mile away, from Serena and Ann. "Amy how much longer? I want to sit down" complained Minako. "Around half a mile" she said. "Uggh"...Mina complained. "Mina we will be there soon" Malachite said. "How soon?" she yelled at him, this was going to be there first fight ever since they got married three months ago. "I'm sorry for yelling, I'm just so worried and tried" Mina said. "It's ok" everyone said. Elsewhere, "Ann please stop" Serena pleaded. "Never!" she yelled. At this time, Darien, Malachite, Mina, Amy, Raye and Lita appeared." I said I will kill those brats and I will " Ann told her " why they never did anything to you, neither have I " Serena told her." Yes you have you were always the prettiest, the one who sang better, the one who was always happy that's why mother and I hate you, plus that you were just like your mother " Ann told her. " That's not my fault " Serena told her " Maybe not but I am going to kill you " she said lefting a knife above Serena's neck. "HELP, SOMEBODY HELP!" Serena screamed. "NOBODY CAN HELP YOU!" said Ann. MUHAHAHAHAHA!" laughed Ann. Suddenly Darien appeared and saw what was happening just like the others. Darien rushed to Ann and tried to pull Serena out and Serena helped a bit as well, Serena got out and the knife went from Serena's neck to Ann's neck and blood was coming from all over her neck."I hate you" Ann said, and her eyes closed. "Lita can you check on Ann?" asked Amy. "Yea, sure"and headed towards Ann to see if she had a pulse and she didn't. "Everyone, Ann is dead" Lita said. " She's dead really dead" Serena asked looking at the body of Ann just lying there with blood all around."Yes she's gone " Lita said " I can't believe it " Serena replied covering her mouth " I just can't " she said, " Believe it she is really gone history " Raye replied making sure she was dead."Well I wish she went a better way I am sorry Mina"Serena said before falling to the ground in pain.It's ok " Mina said before Serena fell to the ground. " Serena what's wrong? " Darien asked " I am think I'm a bit tired, can we go home?" she asked. "Yeah sure." Suddenly, Melvin appeared with a huge carriage."How did you know we were here?" asked Raye. "Easy, Minako" Melvin said. They all looked at Mina and then Mina dropped her purse and her cell phone appeared."Figures" Malachite muttered. They went to the carriage and got home safety, and they took Ann and did her funeral very fast. That night, Serena couldn't sleep, she kept going to the bathroom. In one of the times, she went to the bathroom it was around midnight and she woke Darien up by accident. "Are you ok Serena?" he asked half asleep. "I can't sle...." she said and then fell to the ground, and said "Darien I think the twins are coming." "What?" he asked Serena rolled her eyes " I said the babies are coming " she replied. When she said that Darien had fallen out of bed. " What?" he asked getting up and putting her to the bed. "God you are dumb" she said "Go get Amy " she told him. " OK " he said and went to get Amy who was reading a book. " Amy" he asked coming in to the libary. She looked up " yes " she asked " Serena's said the babies are comming " he told her. Amy got up " we beter go " she told him and they went back to the room. " When they walked in to the room Serena looked at Darien " I am going to kill you" she replied in pain. "Serena you can kill him, later, we are taking you to the hospital" Amy said. Darien called the ambluelence and Serena was taken to the hospital. Lita was working tonight late, and Mina, Raye and Malachite went as well, so did the King and Queen. Serena was taken to the delivery room and so was Darien, alot of doctors and nurses such as Amy and Lita were going to operate on Serena. "Serena it will be ok" Darien told her, as Amy and the doctors began the operation. " I hate you how could you put me in so much pain "Serena yelled. " I am sorry Serena don't worry our next kid won't be that bad " he said. " NEXT KID?!" she yelled " yes he said and believe me we will have more let's say and least 6" he said before she grabbed his hand. " HA WELL SEE" she yelled "Come on Serena push" Amy replied to her. " ok" Serena said and pushed "It's a boy " she replied and now for number two "Amy told her. "Push Serena" Amy said again. Serena pushed. "Serena you second baby is a girl" Amy said. "Oh" she said. Amy did a few more details and in 10 minutes Serena was going to a regular room. Darien went and told the others. "How did it go?" asked the Queen. "A boy and a girl" he said happily. "Are they heaulty?" asked the King. "Yeah" he replied and then excused himself to go see Serena. Inside the room, Darien and Serena were talking when Lita came carrying the two babies. She gave the boy to Serena and the girl to Darien and excused herself. "Serena, she looks just like you except for the hair" Darien said. "Yeah, I know she has your black hair." "Good thing is she has my eyes " Serena told him "And David has your hair and eyes " she told Darien " ya but there cute " he said what are we going to name them" he asked " Well how about Madison Destiny and David Matthew " Serena said " Those are the names I picked " Darien replied " I know " Serena told him and looked at her son" they sure are cute " he replied kissing his wife. " I hope we have another one who has your hair" Darien said. "Why Darien, I hate my hair?" she said. "Well, your hair is very pretty" he commented. "Ok" she said. "Serena, when can we have our next kid?" asked Darien. "Darien, we just had two are you nuts?" she asked. "No, I was just wondering, darling" he said. "Oh" she replied. Amy came in and asked for there names and added the information on paper, and gave to Serena because the hospital had the details already. The paper said: Name: David Matthew Peterson Birth: April 15,1815 Time Born: 3:00 pm Weight: 8 pounds Height: '0'9 Other: Compeletly healty. Name: Madison Destiny Peterson Birth: April 15, 1815 Time Born: 3:03 pm Weight: 6 pounds Height: '0'7 Other: Compelety healty. A few days, later they were out of the hospital, having fun with there kids since the day they got home, little did they know what was expecting for them five years later. The End!!! ***************************************************************************** We are going to do a sequal to this story as well, but it won't come out for a while, please review and the sequal will probably be here faster.