I Will Love You Forever By: Moon Venus Power And Sailor MariMisty Type: Romance Rated: PG-13 Email Addresses-SatonFire@hotmail.com And MariNeptune2002@hotmail.com Disclamier: We Do Not Own Sailor Moon! ***************************************************************************** Serena Philiphs walked through the front door of her house weary, sad, and feeling all-alone. Her father had die of a heart attack when she was only 10 years old . It happened right in front of her. She could still remember him riding threw the yard and waving to her then him falling off of his horse to the ground in pain. She remembered that day her father had brought her home a know mother named Beryl and two new sisters named Ann she was really mean to Serena but her sister Mina was really nice to Serena. Mina never treated Serena like a servant she treated her like a sister muchless then Ann, Ann hit Serena and took everting nice from her that her father had given her. Serena had a nice room but her sister Ann took it from her so now she lived in the attic with a mattress one sheet,one pillow,and one havey sheet. The only thing Serena had from her father was her heart Nickless and from her real mother a ring that Beryl had let her keep. " SERENA " her stepmother yelled "Coming stepmother " she called and walked in to the dinner room where her stepmother and sisters where. " Yes stepmother? " she asked looking at her as she put on a smile, "we are going in to town today to get Ann and dress and some other things, we need you to carry the bags" she told Serena " Yes stepmother " she replied and walked out of the room." Endymion " Malachite yelled " what if you or we get caught?" he asked the prince. " Oh Malachite stop " Endymion told him as they walked in to town. While they were walking into town, they started talking "Malachite do not call me, Endymion, someone can find out I really am the prince in disguise, call me Darien! " Yea, sure, Endymion."Close to them, wer! e Mina, Ann, Beryl and Serena carrying the bags. "Mother, can I help Serena, those bags look heavy for her?" asked Mina. "No Mina!" she said back at her angrily. Ann was thinking, I hope Mother keeps treating that little servant girl bitch the same, and worse I hate her. Ann laughed. Mina was with Serena, and helped her with the bags even though her mother didn't let her. Mina and Serena walked to another store, when they bumped into Endymion and Malachite. Serena and Mina fall to the ground Darien and Malachite looked down and they asked" Are you ok, ladies? "Serena looked up and smiled " Yes we are ok " Serena said picking up her bags off of the ground. "I am sorry about that " Darien said picking up the bags. Serena and Mina looked at them again and smiled " It is ok " Serena said taking the bags form them. Darien smiled at Serena "May I ask your name?" he asked looking at her. "My name is Serenity, but everyone calls me Serena." "Oh" replied Darien. "What about your friend's name?" asked Malachite. "My name is Minako but everyone calls me Mina." "Did you know your name means surronded by beauty and love?" Malachite asked. "No I did not"she replied. "What are your names?" asked Serena. Darien thought of saying his actual name, but decided not to because he would be caught. "My name is Darien and this is my friend....... he thought of a name for Malachite. "And this is my friend.... Jonathon." Serena nodded then heard " SERENA GET IN HERE NOW " Beryl yelled "Oh no she's mad " Mina said "SERENA MINA NOW " Beryl yelled " I better get in there before mother flips " Mina said and walked in to the store. " Goodbye" Serena said and walked in. Darien and Malachite looked at each other " let's spy on them!" Malchite said and walked in. " Serena how many times have I told you not! to talk to anyone " Beryl said really mad "Sorry" she said " You'll be cleaning the whole house now " Beryl said and gave her more bags as the left the store. " Yes stepmother " Serena whispered. "Mother, it 's unfair that Serena has to do that, when I did the same thing, so I deserve punishment as well," Mina complained. "Fine, you want to work?" Beryl asked. Mina nodded. "Well, go help your stepsister then" she said very angry. Mina and Serena went home, and cleaned the house. "Mina, I'm sorry, I got you into this mess." It's not your fault, Serena it's mother's for always spoiling Ann, that now she only cares about her." Endymion were spying at them and Endymion said "Malachite, I want to send there stepmother to prison, she's so unfair to them, espically Serena." I know, but we can't do anything if you lied about your position, they think we are poor." Your right, I just wish I could do something for Serenity's sake." As do I for both there sakes" agreed Malachite. " Mina you should not have said anything, I can do this by myself I have seens I was ten when my father die " Serena said. " Serena stop I am glad to help you " Mina said smiling "You know mother will do anything if the prince picks Ann at the ball " Mina said. Serena looked at her " Mina you know if he picks her that I will be sold to Diamond " Serena said sitting down as she took out her hair and got in to the water and started to wash Beryl and Ann's clothes. Mina helped Serena with washing the clothes and soon they were done. By the time, they were done, Beryl and Ann were back. "Serena, Mina, get your buts over here!" yelled Ann. "Yes, Ann?" asked Serena. "Serena, excuse Ann's behavior, Ann got a new dress and it broke a bit sew it up right now!" yelled Beryl. "Yes, of course, Stepmother." Now, Mina I want you to go start on dinner" continued Beryl. "Yes, Mother" she replied and went to the kitchen. Serena began sewing the dress, in her room, the dress was a rosy pink, and it sparkled alot, it looked really expensive. "How I wish, I had something better to wear, at least 1 dress, that looked almost as good as this one" she thought. She continued sewing and soon she was done and went into the living room, and gave the dress to Ann. Mina by this time was finished cooking, and they all sat and ate there dinner without saying a word. " Serena, Mina go eat outside " Beryl the two girls " yes " they said and went out side. "Mina do you think I will be sold to Diamond?" Serena asked looking at her stepsister. " I don't know " Mina said looking at her food " who knows what mother has planned " Mina replied looking up. "Yes you are right " Serena said standing up, Mina looked at her "Are you going to eat?" Mina asked " No all I get and now you is bread and water Mina" she said looking at her. "Serena do you think the prince will pick Ann and if do I guess I you will be Diamond's Mistress" Mina said. Serena said looking down "By the looks, of it, Stepmother is doing everything to make the prince pick her." Darien and Malachite just listen to them talk. "Poor girls" said Malachite. "Yes, Poor girls" replied Darien. "Darien, it's time we get back, it's pretty late, as it is." "Alright." They went to the castle. "Prince Endymion, your father has been going mad, again" a servant said very scared. The servant left and they heard screaming. "You better, get in there Endymion" said Malachite. Endymion went in and King Alexander asked angrily "Why were you not here today, Endymion, you know your mother Queen Marie and I have been trying to get you a wife?!" "I don't want a wife, that I don't love!" If I have to get married I want to be in love!" Queen Marie entered the room. "What's all the screaming about?" she asked. "Father is trying to make me get! married again " Endymion yelled. " Alexander, let him pick is own wife " Marie told him. " Fine but if he does not fine one before the ball I will pick for him and "I will not let him be King and I shall live forever" he replied " Fine with me I don't want to be King" he said and walked out of the room. The king watched him " He's your son " he replied at walked away. Marie went to talk to her son Prince Endymion. "Endymion, your father, just wants the best for you, you don't really want to be King?" asked Marie. "No mother, I never have wanted the position in the first place, mother, everyone just wants to marry me because of me being future King, nobody thinks of me, that I am cute, nice, or anything of the sort" he said. "I understand, but you still have to get married" said the Queen and left. Endymion went to his room and he was laying on his royal bed and he couldn't stop thinking of Serenity, known as Serena. He couldn't stop thinking of how they met. ***Flashback*** Mina and Serena walked to another store, when they bumped into Endymion and Malachite. Serena and Mina fall to the ground Darien and Malachite looked down and they asked" Are you ok, ladies? "Serena looked up and smiled "Yes we are ok" Serena said picking up her bags off of the ground. "I am sorry about that " Darien said picking up the bags. Serena and Mina looked at them again and smiled " It is o! k " Serena said taking the bags from them. Darien smiled at Serena " May I ask your name?" he asked looking at her. "My name is Serenity, but everyone calls me Serena." "Oh." ***End Of Flashback*** " I think I am going to go find Malachite" Endymion thought and walked off. "Serena go in to town and get Ann a new dress " Beryl told Serena. "Yes StepMother " Serena replied at walked away, " Serena wait up I am coming " Mina called as she ran to Serena. " So Malachite do you think we will see them again?" Darien asked his best friend. "I don't know but I hope so " he said as they kept on walking. As Serena and Mina were looking around a carriage was out of control and was headed for Mina Serena saw it and yelled " MINA WATCH OUT" Serena ran to her and pushed her out of the way. The carriage hit Serena, but she wasn't really hurt at first, anyhow. "Mina are you ok?" she asked getting up. "Yeah, thanks to you, your a life saver" replied Mina. "Oh, ouch" said Serena. "Serena! I'll take you to Amy, ok?" Serena put her arm around her, and Mina and Serena walked two blocks towards Amy's office. When they were almost there, they bumped into Malachite and Endymion almost. "Hi girls" said Malachite known as Johnathon. "Hey, are you ok, Serena?" asked Darien. "I'm fine Darien." It's all my fault, she's in pain, she saved my life, we had a carriage accident" said Mina. "Oh" both guys replied. They went inside to Amy's Medical Office. " Serena you don't look so good " Mina told her " Serena looked at her and passed out " Serena " Mina called " I'll carry her "Darien said picking her up. They walked in to the room and placed Serena on the bed. Amy walked in "Prince Endymion, General Malachite, what a suprise to see you here" said Amy. Mina's mouth dropped " I know you two looked like someone! I have seen many times " she told them. Mina was just in shock, and then asked "You mean, to tell me you guys lied?" she asked in an angry voice. "Yes, but it's because we are sick of being treated like a positions and not a people" said Malachite. "Still you don't have no excuse, am going to go see Serena" and she headed towards the room Serena was in. Serena started waking up and she heard Mina say to herself "Those liers, I don't believe this Johanthon is General Malachite and even more suprising Darien is the prince!" Mina said. "! What do you mean that Darien's a prince, and that Johanthon is a general?" she asked angry. "They lied, Serena." Serena started to get up. "What are the hell are you doing, Serena?" What does it look, like I'm doing, I'm getting up!" she yelled. "Your too weak" Mina said. "I don't care, I feel fine!" she said. Serena got up, and went outside, and Lita her nurse(Amy's helper) was there. "Lita where are Prince Endymion and General Malachite?" asked Serena. In Amy's office" Lita replied. Serena went straight in the office and Ami, General Malachite and her secret love Darien who lied about being Darien and didn't say he was Prince Endymion were there. Amy and Malachite left. " Why didn't you tell me?" she asked they looked at her "Because I want to find a girl to marry that would want me for me, not silly money and a fucking title " he told her. Serena looked at him and was suprised at his language, she hadn't thought he would say a bad word, he was royalty after all. "But I wouldn't have a heart you like that " she replied trying so hard not to get mad. " I would have of told you if i knew that earlier" he said. "Why can't I get mad at him everytime I look at him I want to kiss him" she thought. " I understand " Serena replied . "I will see you later" Serena said and walked out of the room. Prince Endymion left as well, after and went home. Malachite went to a flower shop where his friend Raye worked in. Malachite was going to get flowers for Mina.(Oh.. what a sweetie) Meanwhile, Endymion was at home, thinking in his royal room laying on the bed(sound familiar, heh?) when he suddenly got up and got his crystal lamp and threw it on the floor! HHHMMMSWWWWWW!!! sounded the lamp. Endymion went like nuts, he threw everything in sight, his mother went up and he was about to throw her off the balcony,(what a lunatic? hee hee) "Endymion, It's me, your mother put me down!" the Queen demanded. Endymion put her down and said "Sorry," It's ok, what bugging you?" she asked. He told her what happen,the queen smiled at him "So my son is in love?" she asked him. " Yes mother, but I don't think that she'll ever what to see me again " he said sadly. "Son she may come to the ball tonight. "Endymion looked at her " Mother she's the one I want to marry to rule with to have children with her" he told his mother. "Son she will forgive you " the queen said walked off. " I hope so " he told himself. Elsewhere, Malchite walked to Mina who was sitting by a pond. " Mina can I talk to you " he asked she looked at him " Go ahead " she replied. Malachite sat next to her, and said "I'm sorry, I lied Mina, I truly am sorry, please accept these pink roses as a symbol of my honest apoligies. "I accept Joh... Malachite." she said, she had forgotten his name a second(sounds alot like me.) Malachite and Minako were getting closer to each other and they had a kiss. They separted soon after, and Malachite asked "Minako do you want to be my girlfriend?" Yes." she replied and they kissed again. Meanwhile, Endymion was getting ready for tonight, the big ball where he would choose his future wife was finally here! Serena walked in to the ball with Mina and Beryl also Ann. "Remember Ann is going to be your future queen " Beryl told Serena and Mina. Serena rolled her eyes and looked arould for the prince when she found him he was sitting with Malachite talking. " Mina tell Malachite you need to talk to him so I can talk with Endymion please" Serena asked. "Of course " she said and they walked up. " Malachite can I talk to you" Mina asked " Sure " he said and walked off with Mina. " Endymion" Serena replied he looked up at her and stand up " Serena " he said. " Hi. I wanted to say I am sorry for getting upset " she replied. " I probably would have lied too about being a servant" she started" but I wanted to say I am not mad anymore also was wondering if you will forgive me" she said. "You have nothing to forgive " he told her " I love you, I want you to be my Queen the woman who will have my children " he said. Serena smiled " I love you to " she said and he smiled at kissed her. Serena rapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss as he pulled her closer. Ann would saw the prince walked up to him and also saw him kiss Serena " Mother is going to hear about this " she said and stormed off. Meanwhile the King and Queen where looking for their son and saw him with a young lady " That must be who he was telling me about " The Queen thought as the King and Queen got up and walked to their son. Serenity and Endymion were dancing and soon the song ended. King Alexander and Queen Marie started talking to Endymion and Serenity. The wedding was arranged for one month after the ball.(Pretty fast, heh?) Ann told Beryl what happened and she said "I got a plan, accept the wedding but let's poisen Serenity" she whispered to Ann. Ann just laughed. Beryl went to talk to the King. "You have a great stepdaughter you know." Yes I do" she smiled wickedly. "It's getting late" Serena told Endymion " I better get home " she said smiling "But I don't what you to go home to your stepmother and sister" he said hugging her they were outside all alone looking at the stars. " Well where would I go" she asked him "Would like me to to sleep" she asked I only have one home and that is with my stepmother and sister" she said smiling at him. "I wouldn't mind you sleeping with me" he told her and then kissed her " Oh really?" she asked. "Yes I would not mind you sleeping with me" he said. "Well, I do mind, Endymion, for one thing, I don't want something bad to happen" Serena said. "I understand" he replied. They kissed and Mina, Serena, Ann and Beryl went home. When home, Beryl gave the whole family tea. Little did Serena and Mina know that Beryl had put poisen in Serena's tea. Serena fainted at the table and they took her to doctor very rapidly. Beryl and Ann acted very well, Mina didn't suspect a thing. They soon got to Amy's office. "Amy what's wrong with Serena " Mina asked " Mina she was poisen, but I gave her a pill and she'll be ok " Amy told Serena. " I am glad " Mina said a few hours later Serena woke up. "What happen?" Serena asked Mina walked in to the room and over to Serena. "You were poisened " Mina told her " OH " Serena said and tryed to sit up " what time is it? " she asked " 8:30 " Mina said " Mina we were supposed to go to the palace at 8:00" she said getting up and walking to her. "So how did I get poisened?" she asked, I don't know " Mina said looking at her. "It seems Mina, that whoever poisened Serena, hates her terribly, and Serena's not safe, you must tell the Prince at once" said Amy. "Yes, indeed, Serena you must be careful" said Lita the nurse. "Oh." They went to the palace. "We are sorry for being, late, it's just I ended up in the doctor's office" said Serena. "Dear, what happened to you, Serenity?"asked Queen Marie. "Amy says I got poisened, but that's impossible, I only drank tea today" she replied. "It was the tea" said both Mina and Serena at once, beginning to realize things. "It must have been Beryl and Ann " Mina said as Serena rubbed her head. "Yes Mina but we can not prove it was her " Serena said sitting down and crossed her arm and and placed her head down. " We will find a away my dear " the Queen said. "I hope so " Serena said smiling "My queen where is Malachite?" Mina asked " Oh he and Darien are coming here soon" she told them with a smile. "I am tried " Serena said " Well Amy told me to tell you to get some sleep" Mina told her as Serena fall asleep as Endymion and Malachite walked in. Endymion and Malachite entered the room, and Serena had fallen deep into sleep. "Why is Serena, asleep?" asked Malachite. "Endymion, Malachite someone tried to poisen Serena, and we are thinking it's Beryl and Ann so both Mina and Serena will be staying here for there safety" the Queen said. They nodded. "Endymion please take Serena to Room #8.(It's a huge castle.) "Yes Mother" and he carried Serena off to her room. "Malachite, please show Mina to Room #9 and the whole palace, you know Serena knows these walls, and I want Mina to them as well" said Queen Marie. Malachite nodded and Mina and him left. Queen Marie called the flower shop mistress who was also the town's fortune teller, Raye. Raye got to the palace quick. "Raye, please find out who poisened Serenity, with your fortune telling." "Yes, Madam" Raye said as she curtised and went to the temple in the castle. " Hello Raye " The queen said to her " Hello my Queen " she said with a smile "How's Serena?" she asked. "She 's ok " The Queen told her " That's good to hear " Now let's get to work " she replied. "When Serena woke up she saw Endymion next to her " Hi " she said to him "Hello " he replied walked to her. "How do you feel?" he asked sitting beside her "better " she told him with a smile. " I am hungry " she told him " Shouldn't I go home and eat " she asked. "Oh no, Serena your staying here, mother has already decided and I here father agreed as well" he said. "Oh." They continued to talk but elsewhere, Raye was seeing in her flames the truth, Beryl poisened Serenity, and Ann helped her as well." Raye called the Queen "My dear queen, the flames tell me Beryl poisened Serenity and Ann knew." Oh my heavens, we have to tell the King about this." They headed to tell the King. " She did did she" he said after his wife and Raye had told him what happen. "We will send a guard to tell Beryl and her daughter to come her " he told them. "Serena Mother and Father wish for us to marry sooner " Endymion told her. "Really when?" she asked "In a week" he said. Serena smiled "Great" she said kissing him " so Serena said how many kids do you want and stuff" she asked him smiling. Meanwhile, at Beryl's house, Beryl and Ann were talking, "Mother, you are so clever, really." Thanks, Ann, but your just as clever as I." They laughed. The door bell rang. "Coming," said Ann getting up and running towards the door. "Ann and Beryl Phillips, your under arrest." My mother and I are what?" Beryl heard this and had a heart attack and died according to the police. "Mother, mother?" She's crazy, take her to the lunatic alsyum" said a policeman. They got Ann and they took her to the lunatic asylum by force. Ann screamed and pleaded but it was no use. Ann was going to the lunatic alsyum and Beryl to her grave. They had her funeral soon enough, and Ann went crazier each day, they said if she ever was normal again it would be rare, finally one week passed and it was Serenity and Endymion's wedding. "I can't believe we are getting married today " Serena told her sister who was doing her hair. " Ya I know " she told her " I bet you can't wait to after the wedding when you go on your honeymoon" Mina told her. " Mina" Serena said " It's true " Mina told her laughing at her. "So how many kids are you two going to have?" Mina asked " I don't know" Serena said as the walked out in to the hall. Meanwhile, Malachite and Endymion where talking about the same thing. "I am so happy you are marrying for love" Malachite said "So where are you and Serena going for your honeymoon?" he asked " To a little cottage outside of town" he told him. " Sooo... Endy what are you and Serena going to do for two weeks alone?" Malachite asked. "Malachite don't you think that's kind of personal, would you like me to ask you in two months when you marry Minako all that?" Uggghhhh.... Malachite sweatdropped. Meanwhile, Serenity, had gotten dressed and her bridesmaids, Amy, Raye, Lita and Mina were helping her. "I need something new" she said. "Here's this new necklace for you" said Lita. Serena but it on, and said "I need something old." Here, try this it's very old and it's a hairband for you" said Raye. Serena but it on. "I need something blue" she said. Amy didn't say a word and let her blue sapphire braclet. "I need something borrowed." Here borrow my white hat for you can marry the french way" said Mina. "Thanks, Mina everybody." You can thank us later, just hurry up" said Amy. They all got to the wedding except the bride. Darien started talking to the priest, Malachite, and his father. "When is she going to get here?" he asked pacing back and forth. "Calm down, Endy, you know the bride's the last to come" said Malachite. "Just wait two months when your the one getting married" Endymion replied. "Endymion calm down, boy!" demanded his father. "I can't!" Endymion paced back in forth. The priest then said "Here comes the bride!" "Well it's about time " Endymion said as he watch the bridemaids come down. After five minutes he saw his beatiful bride come down smiling. "She looks so beautiful " Endymion thought as she stopped in front of him. The did the usual things, first the priest asked if they wish to be married and both said "Yes" and soon a chain united them, Malachite and Minako but the chain around them, and then sat down again. "The rings please, the ring bearer Robert gave the rings, and Endymion put the ring on Serenity and Serenity put a ring on Endymion's finger. "You are now man and wife." You may kiss the bride." They kissed and Serenity threw the bouquet and Minako caught it. Minako was the next to get married according to tradition. Whoever, caught the bride's bouquet of flowers was the next to get married. After the wedding they all had a party " Mina I can't wait for you to get married " Serena told her sister as she waited for Darien to come so they could go on their honeymoon. "Wow this is a beautiful place" Serena said walking in to the room. "I am glad you like it " Endymion said hugging her, Serena smiled at gave him a kiss. Two weeks later Serena woke up feeling a little sick "Honey what's wrong? " Endymion asked walking in to the room. She looked at him " Were going to have a baby" she told him. "Really? " he asked " Yep " she said and he picked her up and gave her a kiss and carried her to their bed " I am so happy " she said before he gave her a kiss. "I will love you forever " he said and kissed her again. The End!!! ***************************************************************************** Hey, hope you enjoyed our fanfic! Anyway, we are planning on writing a sequal e-mail one of us, and also please tell us what you think! Thanks for reading!