Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Makoto awoke in darkness. She preferred it that way. She wouldn’t have to look at the trash scattered through her dusty apartment. She didnt like what she saw in her mirror, either.

Makoto had felt the change in the wind, it spoke to her about a better life. The wind promised to bring her to a place with friends and lovers. It promised a place where she could be strong and pretty. The wind had brought her to Juban, to her destiny as a Senshi. But the wind had lied, the Juban district was hell. She swore that she would kill herself the next time the wind called her. She swore that every night.

Something was missing… or someone. Maybe that was why things had turned out so badly.

Rei had studied the secrets of her family, the shrine maidens, monks and priests, going back 15 generations. She had learned a secret. Often her ancestors would disrobe before facing demons and spirits. Many fled when facing naked human females. Others would be entranced and would die at the first touch of a woman’s reproductive organs and juices.

There was power in the vagina, in the breasts and even the sphincter. Human reproduction was a magic that the forces of the Negaverse could not overcome. The smell of sex would draw them. The touch a woman’s flesh could kill them. Not always, but often… and there were other ways to kill.

Rei had given her secret to Makoto. Rather than a fighter, Makoto became a trap, a foul trap. Rei had primed her and turned her lose. She was killing machine working for the forces of good… as Rei defined it.

Makoto’s stomach began to ache, she ran to the bathroom hoping not to vomit before she reached the toilet. She almost made it before spewing up some of the cum and blood from the night before.

The face in the mirror had dark bags under the eyes. There were bruises and bloody scrapes and she could see the imprint of a hand across her throat. Today was December 5th, her 15th birthday. “Happy birthday to me” she sighed.

Makoto was unable to find any clothes, only bloody rags remained. She still had a raincoat she could use and a pair of mismatched sneakers. The wind was calling.

The damp, chilly wind blew through the streets of the Juban district. The outdoor cafes were mostly empty. Makoto ran and when the wind told her, she began to transform.

Almost instantly her raincoat and sneakers disappeared as the bodysuit, fuku and boots of Sailor Jupiter appeared. In an instant she was strong again. She radiated health and beauty. She continued to run.

Two boys coming out of a pachinko parlor saw her and began to follow. A middle aged shopkeeper dropped his broom and began to run as if he were 20 years younger. An office lady returning late kicked off her shoes and followed. A boy with thick glasses shyly held hands with a red haired girl. Suddenly he was running as the surprised girl called out, “Ummm in...” her voice was quickly lost in the wind.

Soon, nearly a dozen people were following the Senshi through the trendy streets of Juban. Jupiter broke through a wooden fence blocking off a condemned row of buildings in a less reputable part of the district, stopping finally in what had once been a parking garage. Leaning against a wall, she turned to face her pursuers. Jupiter recognized two or three of the people chasing her.

The first to reach her was a teenager. He was a little younger than she was, his face covered by pimples and pits, an unfortunate side effect of his recent entry into puberty. He slammed into the Senshi and began to claw at her fuku, knocking his glasses aside. The boy bit into one of her nipples and began to suck as if his life depended on it. His hand groped the crotch of her body suit, probing for her hairless pink slit. He smiled when he found the source of the spreading damp honey.

Others came up and pressed in close, hands mauling her as they ripped every shred of her costume. The middle aged man pushed the boy aside. His cock split through his pants as he jammed the warrior backwards. Thrusting his cock deep into her cunt, she was pinned against the concrete wall, her head whipping forward and back to the rhythm of the rape. Two women were fighting over access to Jupiter’s left breast, punching it as often as they punched each other. Another man was trying to penetrate her pussy at the same time as the first man.

Makoto’s eyes rolled back in her head, showing only whites. As her body fell to the ground as the men, women and even children pounced in a sexual feeding frenzy. A father and son penetrated her mouth together, fighting to be the first one to cum down her throat. A rape this intense would have already destroyed a normal human. But this was a Sailor Senshi.

Momentarily she recognized a young boy with a look of crazed concentration, fisting her ass after dumping a huge load of cum in her bowels. Tsukino Shingo was dreaming of his sister as he tried to destroy Jupiter’s rectum. He was pulled off by a woman who then buried her face in the Senshi's bleeding ass. Shingo licked his fingers, satisfied with that for the moment.

The office lady pounded her pussy on Jupiter’s face, breaking Makoto’s nose in the process. As the pain hit her, Makoto managed to shout, “Jupiter Holy Absorption”. For a moment, the rapists halted, all the rage drained out of them. Their skin began to glow. Shafts of energy leapt from them to Jupiter’s mouth, her tits, her cunt and asshole. Life-force filled her and charged Jupiter’s powers higher than before. The humans swayed and fell to the ground, drained and unconscious.

Makoto surged up to her feet. Her body had changed again. Her large firm breasts swelled obscenely and began to sag. They became pendulous, the nipples now expanding and pointing downwards. Milk began to dribble down her huge brown areola. Her once firm abs began to loosen, a little pot belly swelled as if she had been birthing babies for years. Stretch marks appeared on her clear skin. A tangle of thick brown hair sprouted across her crotch as her labia began to grow and thicken. Through the blood engorged, protruding lips of her pussy, her slit pulsated. A warm whitish fluid flowed slowly down her thighs.

She was a living fertility symbol, the avatar of the earth mother. She was sex and birth personified. Her brown hair and ponytail had become a braid wound tightly around her head. Aged and ageless, she exuded the essence of human fertility. She slowly walked through the darkness. The wind blew her heavy aroma in every direction.

Hiding under a pile of stones was one of the creatures that had escaped the crumbling Negaverse. A weak sprite of malice, it had no name and did not presume to give itself one.

There was something killing off Beryl’s minions. Everyone knew but no one dared speak of it. Beryl’s anger knew no limits. Every time the half devoured remains of a yoma or spirit were found, Beryl would destroy the messenger as if that would stop the killer. Beryl’s control had slipped and the sprite fled to human world, hoping to save itself. Without a stronger will to guide it, it was harmless.

It sensed… something… The wind whispered to it. There was a smell, a thick musk that was sweet and foul at the same moment. Its limbs trembled. Although it had no sex, it began to transform, a long thin dick grew upwards from its small form, Scales and tiny spikes erupted on the growing phallus. The itch maddened it and stroking its cock ripped the flesh from its hand.

It could not get enough of the smell. It surged to the surface, not caring if it was discovered. Its weak eyes focused on the naked figure emerging from the darkness. It was caught in the trap.

The avatar of fertility continued to walk forward. The sprite ran to her, needing to shred her with its cock. For a moment it inhaled the thickening smell… and died, leaving a small pile of bones and dissolving flesh. After this happened twenty or thirty more times, the earth mother knelt on the pile of bones.

Larger and more powerful demons became ensnared. Biting the flesh of her pussy or gnawing on her nipples produced more spectacular deaths. The creatures tore their own flesh, exploded or died in more horrifying ways.

Others were drawn. Humans who had been captured or willingly served the Negaverse. There were human and demon crossbreeds and independent servants of the darkness - intelligent and powerful beings that would not be destroyed by the taste or smell of the naked creature squatting obscenely before them. Something that looked like a cross between a man and a frog, with warty green skin and the smell of a fetid swamp hopped forward. A surprisingly human looking cock emerged from a fold of skin and lept upon Makoto. Its huge sticky tongue invaded her mouth at the same time its cock surged into her gaping slit. The tongue began feeding from the inside, sucking at the fluids in her stomach. Jupiter bit down hard and in her mind she chanted a battle cry. The frog’s eyes suddenly began to steam and burst. Electricity flowed, turning the creature to ash. Jupiter swallowed the remaining stump of the tongue as the blackened cock fell out of her pussy. She waited patiently.

She never saw the true form of the next creature. Although it appeared as a handsome young man in a domino mask, she was not surprised to be suddenly speared by tentacles entering every opening simultaneously. She was violently jerked up and held in mid-air as the tentacles began to fuck her deeply. Its flesh was like sandpaper and rubbed away the layers of tender inner flesh, destroying her sphincter, esophagus and birth canal. Blood began to leak from her nose and ears. Her eyes wept blood. It didn’t matter. A moment later the creature was nothing more than a heap of charred bones. The remains of the tentacles liquefied and soothed her damaged flesh.

The final creature that faced her was human. She had seen him before in one of the earlier battles when Usagi & Rei still fought together with her. The brown haired man in the gray uniform was the one who killed Luna. She was afraid of this one.

Nephrite approached her.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?
Sailor slut? Sailor whore?
Or just another piece of human scum?”

Makoto spread her legs seductively, but Nephrite was not going to enter the trap so easily.

“Hasn’t it occurred to you”, he said, “that your Sailor tricks won’t work on me?”

Jupiter attempted to rise but faster than she could see, Nephrite leapt, one foot cruelly pinning her to the ground.

“Quite a good trick, draining energy from the humans and using it to lure these traitors to their deaths. How can I thank you for doing my work for me?”

The general ground Makoto underfoot, breaking a rib because he liked the sound it made.

“Beryl will be pleased. You’ll supply us with all the energy we need to awaken Metallia."

A ball of energy appeared in his hand, waves of force begin to flow from Jupiter draining the human and demon life force she had taken. As the globe filled it floated upwards and blinked out. Beryl was pleased when it appeared in her realm. A few more like this would make up for everything she had lost and more.Beryl was rarely pleased by anything these days.

Nephrite bent to cruelly kiss Makoto, drawing the air out of her lungs along with most of her remaining life-force and Senshi energy. He would not share this with Beryl, this was his reward. He felt renewed. He could do anything now.

Makoto struggled weakly and tried to bite him, but he was ready for that. Nephrite laughed. This forced draining was the cruelest rape. Wiping his mouth gently with a silk handkerchief, he looked down at the fallen warrior.

“Well, my dear bitch, ready for our little journey?”

First he unpinned the long braid of her hair. He cradled the back of her head and whispered,. “Never, ever, try to bite me again.” His fist suddenly lashed out, striking her face again and again. In moments he knocked out or shattered most of her teeth.

Wrapping the long braid of hair around his hand he jerked her head up.

“Don’t worry bitch, I am sure they will grow back. I hope so. I will enjoy knocking them out again.”

Using the braid as a leash, he dragged the naked form through the rubble.

Sailor Mars, using her growing psychic abilities, “watched” from the temple. Her own battle was over for the night. Makoto was becoming so much more than she had hoped for. “Murderously submissive”, Rei thought. But things were not going as expected. Shingo and Umino were surprises, especially Shingo. As the brother of Sailor Moon, Rei had thought he would be immune from Makoto’s power. This might be the lever she needed to bring odongo head into line.

“I hoped to draw Nephrite or one of the other Shitennou out of hiding, but not this soon”, she thought. “I better get to Jupiter and fast.”

Nephrite was tired of dragging the fallen Senshi. Using his foot he kicked her until she forced herself onto all fours. Finding a broken antenna from an abandoned car he struck her ass until she began to crawl forward. He found it satisfying yanking her braid and whipping her ass at the same time. The welts on her ass were perfect decorations.

When Mars arrived, Nephrite had guided Makoto to a puddle and let her satisfy her thirst. She was still spitting up blood and teeth and he knew if he wanted to get her to Beryl alive, he needed to go easily now. He loosened his grip on her hair. He approached her from behind and gently began to rub her ass, using his power to heal some of the wounds he inflicted. He knew this would bind the broken creature to him. Beryl had taught him well.

Mars watched from a distance. She wanted Nephrite to lead her to the portal of the Negaverse.

Using the same hand that punched out Makoto’s teeth, he began to pet her. She quivered at his touch. Nephrite liked squeezing her leaking tits. He would enjoy milking this cow when he had her safely caged. Lazily, his finger traced the outlines of her sex. It was warm. The smell was very inviting. And now that she was broken it would be safe to rut her. Breeding some pups on her would bind her to him forever.

Mars watched Nephrite stroke his cock. She would wait a few minutes until he was lost in orgasm and then attack. She admired the way his cock grew in his fist. Rei had gained a great appreciation of male masturbation. She laughed to herself. “All things considered, this would be the perfect moment for him to die.”

He drove his cock deeply into his helpless bitch. Mars prepared to leap and suddenly stopped. She saw Makoto’s head snap up as her tormenter penetrated her abused cunt. Mars realized that Jupiter was far from powerless.

Jupiter transformed again but not into her Senshi or her earth mother form. She didn’t have her electrical powers, Nephrite would have noticed that immediately.

The transformation was a small one. She regenerated her broken teeth and formed them behind her lips, but not the ones where the teeth had come from.

Her cunt suddenly tightened, gripping more than half of his swollen scrotum. In spite of the sudden pain, Nephrite could not stop his downward thrust.

Makoto’s pussy opened wide and sucked in his rigid staff and balls. Her cunt was a mouth ringed with knife sharp teeth. She instantly bit through Nephrite’s manhood. Her cunt swallowed it in a single gulp.

As the bleeding general fell backwards, he could hear the teeth grinding. Somewhere a voice said, “… just another piece of human scum.”

Jupiter transformed again, back into Makoto. Her raincoat covered her bloody form and mismatched sneakers protected her feet.

Stumbling back to the abandoned garage she saw the unconscious humans. She hoped they would be all right. None of this was their fault. She barely remembered what had happened here and was again surprised to see Usagi’s brother. She couldn’t leave him here. Stepping over the unrecognized body of Umino, she managed to lift Shingo onto her back and lurched off, breaking "someone’s" thick eyeglasses underfoot.

Finding her way home, carrying the young boy was further proof that this was hell.

Wrestling the sleeping Shingo into her apartment before she collapsed, she swore to herself that if the wind called her again, she would kill herself.