Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Rei Hino knelt before the sacred fire. The shrine maiden had taken a long bath, but still felt unclean. She was wrapped in a towel, drying her long silken hair by the fire. She was exhausted, but at the same time full of restless power.

“This isn’t what I signed on for” she said to herself.
“Some warrior I am, more like a shit digger.”
“Mother fucking cat!"

She did not notice how her inner language now contained words that she never used.

She did not notice what her fingers were doing under the towel.

Luna had trained the three Senshi to battle single or at most, small groups of aggressive Yoma, stealing human life force. But again tonight they faced dozens of frightened creatures. She and Jupiter had crawled through a dung heap to roust the deformed Yoma. There seemed to be more of the creatures every night.

“And of course Usagi was no help. Miss Moon is too sensitive to get herself dirty. At least Lita can fight… when I tell her to.”

Absentmindedly, the priestess inhaled and then licked the warm sticky moisture from her fingers. It smelled good, it tasted better.

There was something missing. The Senshi were not a team, not really. Usagi was less than useless as a fighter. Sometimes when Yoma possessed people there was no way to save them. Why couldn’t the odongo brained fool realize that a quick death was more merciful for them? Lita was becoming more sullen and withdrawn. Rei had noticed that Lita sometimes had cuts on her arms. “Self inflicted, I bet.” The idea did not disturb Rei.

“At least I am unchanged” she thought to herself , tugging and stretching her nipple, enjoying pain and pleasure.

“Is something missing?” Rei removed her towel and sat naked in the lotus position. It did not take long to enter the trance.

At first her vision was unclear. There was a white cat running down a twisted tunnel.It didn’t move like a cat. There were shudders and convulsions and the fur was somehow alive. Its eyes were full of maggots.

She saw Sailor V, but wearing an orange outfit instead of her usual fuku, trying to but unable to catch up to the cat. The cat that wasnt a cat and Senshi disappeared into the darkness

The scene shifted. The blonde Senshi was naked and her head rolled from side to side like she was drugged. Her legs were spread wide open, secured by tiny threads that cut into her skin. There was something moving in the dark. A small animal with sharp teeth and claws was following a trail of blood and slime that lead to the girl’s pulsing pink slit. Rei wondered what would happen next.

The scene shifted again. At first Rei thought it was her father, but didn’t know why. The man in her dream was a giant. A huge, muscled man, with long black hair bound in a circle of sliver with a red gem. Physically he was the opposite of her father, though both men were clearly used to power and enjoyed command.

He was a generous king, leader and father to his people through war and victory He was their protector, their champion. His people loved him. And inside… he was cold, very cold. He was not evil, at least not to himself. People were tools to be used. People were coins to be spent.

Rei shuddered, a thousand moments in the man’s life flashed by. He smiled as he brokered a peace agreement between the warring factions of Jupiter and Venus. As he planned, both kingdoms had become weaker than his own.

Another shift. Secretly he had seeded Xenian flowers which destroyed Planet Persephone. The king took great satisfaction in the kidnapping of the last survivor, the red headed witch queen and seeress. He already controlled his own daughter, destined to be the next Sailor Warrior of Mars and intended to breed and control a second Sailor Warrior.

Rei saw through the great king’s eyes, thought his thoughts and felt what he felt. The witch queen had been strapped to a table in the feasting hall. A dozen trusted soldiers had humiliated her, using her mouth, ass and breasts for their sport. Her naked body covered in welts and bruises. None had presumed to penetrate her, that was for the king. Rei knew that the cruelty was designed to break her will and give the king power over the child he wanted to breed. Cruelty without purpose was boring. Rei understood this. The queen did not tremble or show fear. Flames of hatred appeared in her amber eyes.

The king and Rei stood naked above their victim.

Rei’s hand began to stroke their cock. Although she had never even seen one before, it felt natural in her fist. It felt so right to have a cock that grew harder and thicker. It was so sweet, so fucking sweet. Her balls were so tight they ached. Were they hers or his? It didn’t matter any longer, where the shrine maiden began and the king ended. It was their body. It was their cock, it was their cunt.

Rei knew what would happen next. As a woman it repelled her, but as as king it was her right. She hoped that the bitch would conceive before she became bored with this one.

The soldiers made jokes about the king’s “mighty staff” and his “orbs of power”. Once he had bred the child he wanted, she would be turned over to these men. She might not be much fun by then, but fucking a queen would give them status in their own eyes.

Rei was electrified. Their cock was a weapon. They would use it as a club to conquer their victims. They would use it dominate their enemies. Every bit of power was somehow tied into their cock. They would use it to rule. Their cunt was a trap, to lure their subjects, to reward the faithful. From the distant past to the future, the king and the shrine maiden came at the same time. The orgasm was mind shattering.

Later, in her dreams Rei stood naked upon an altar of bones, overlooking thousands of people kneeling in the cold. Behind her on the left, a man reached around and began to finger her slit. Behind her to the right, a woman reached around to stroke her cock. Rei’s orgasm was mighty and fell upon the praying masses as warm rain.

The future was bright.