MOON SAYS: I have edited this, I mean really edited.

WORDS: 1978



~Let Go~

Chapter 4

Goku was tired. He had never felt so tired before. This new enemy was getting on his nerves already. It hadn’t even been half a day since he and Vegeta had went to Lookout Tower and discovered who the enemy was that they had felt through their dreams were.


He could only pray that those other fighters from Nemesis’ World would get here in time for what was to come.

Now all he had to do was start warning some people. But he didn’t entirely know what to warn them about. So he just told them to come to the Tower later that day and Dende would explain it

Goku thought back to what that dream felt like. If the enemy was that powerful, then they needed all the help they could get.

Now…he had to find Gohan. Only Gohan knew where those four were. But the question was would they help? How strong were they really? But if Gohan praised their skills and abilities then why should Goku worry? He would leave that to Gohan. Gohan would figure it out.


Vegeta had trained ever since he got home. For an hour he grabbed Trunks and they sparred.

Vegeta was a man who didn’t let his emotions overwhelm him. He didn’t let his feelings for others cloud his judgment. In that aspect he was like her. And once upon a time he felt so good whenever he had her approval.

Vegeta shook his head. All day, he had been thinking weird things, seeing stuff he didn’t remember. It was as if seeing Nemesis brought something back. It made him suspicious of his own memories. Someone had blocked some of his memories. And just now he was getting them and those thoughts back.


Trunks had noticed something wrong with his dad. He didn’t ask though. Vegeta wasn’t like Goku who was all carefree and told you when something bothered him. No, Vegeta kept it all inside, and dealt with it all on his own. Vegeta didn’t need anybody.

Trunks knew that everyone needed someone. Even his all powerful dad, especially his dad. He knew his dad cared for him and his mother, but…his mother could never understand his dad fully. She wasn’t a fighter; she had never gone through pain before. She didn’t and couldn’t know the thrill they got from fighting. She hated fighting, yet Trunks and Vegeta lived on it, thrived on it. Pain made them feel alive. Pain made them who they were.

Pain. That was a subject Trunks could go on for hours. Pain bonded people together. Pain brought people closer.

He knew that if his dad ever met someone who could share his pain…his mother wouldn’t stand a chance. Now, only Trunks wished he could find someone to share his pain with.

Trunks looked up and shook off his thoughts. Goten was coming for a visit. But they hadn’t talked about it before. Something was wrong.

Then it struck Trunks. His dad had been training really hard today, and that was weird. His dad never trained this hard when there was peace. And add to that the look on Goten’s face…yes something was wrong.

“Trunks, we have to go to the Lookout Tower. Grab you dad, I was told by mine that we have to get there as soon as possible. Dende is supposed to talk to us about a new threat.”

“We have a new enemy?” Trunks asked quickly, disbelief filling his voice.

Goten nodded at his friend. “Now let’s get going.”


Eighteen, Piccolo, Yamucha, Gohan, Goten, Krillin, Vegeta, Trunks, and four warriors Trunks had never seen before were gathered on the Lookout Tower. If you looked you could see Yajirobe in the corner stuffing his face, but no one cared about him. He didn’t matter. He never fought with them before, and it wasn’t like he was going to start now.

“Dad, what’s going on?” Trunks asked. He almost laughed when Vegeta and Goku turned. They were used to this by now.

Vegeta just grunted. He didn’t want to talk about this. That woman…Nemesis…somehow he knew her. He knew her from Planet Vegeta. They were close, he remembered. But he couldn’t remember much. It was coming back too slowly for his likening.

She was doing something to him. Something he didn’t like. There was a reason that was eluding him, a reason why he didn’t want to remember. Something about Nemesis told him there was something in the past that happened between them. It was something that hurt both of them. Did he want to remember that?

Goku left out Vegeta’s dream, knowing his friend wanted to keep that to himself. He told them the rest though. When he was done Dende came outside. He looked worse for wear, worse than both Vegeta and Goku together looked when they woke up this morning.

“What’s wrong Dende?” many of the fighters asked at once.

Dende sighed. “Arguing with a mirror doesn’t help one’s heath. I will tell you that, especially when it verbally abuses you.”

All but two looked at him like he was crazy.

Goku gave Dende a nod. “Can we talk to her?”

Dende sighed and threw up his hands. “Why the hell not? She doesn’t listen to me anyway. She prefers to play mind games and torture me. So go ahead. Be my guest. I will bring the mirror out.”

Vegeta snorted at that. Of course she loved mind games. She always did know how to side step the truth. It always made him mad when used against him, but against others? It was fun to watch. She was a tricky little fox that amused him greatly.

All the other Z Fighters, when they heard Vegeta snort, assumed it was because Dende was talking to a mirror. Never did they think that he was snorting because he knew the girl inside the mirror.

Dende brought it out and hung it on the wall of the Entrance Doors. “Can you make it bigger?” he asked the mirror.

Now everyone really thought he lost his mind. And when they heard someone say, “Of course,” they knew they lost theirs as well.

The mirror became bigger so that now everyone could see it. The mirror was black but it soon faded when candles were lit. This time was different then when Goku and Vegeta talked to her, they could see her clearly last time, this time they couldn’t. They could make out colors and shapes, but not defining features.

“Dende, I grow tired of your games.” A silky, husky female voice said. It sounded as if she was annoyed. “I do not like my creations to be put on display. Explain yourself you stupid green gaki.”

Dende sighed. This relationship with her wasn’t going to work out. He didn’t like being verbally abused. He was going to have to get another job. If the Guardian had to deal with her, he didn’t want to be the Guardian of Earth anymore. Let someone else deal with her, someone who liked getting verbally put down.

“These are the Z Fighters, Nemesis. I thought they deserved to know what their facing.” Dende replied.

That was when the mirror got a hell of a lot of clearer. They saw everything now. She was beautiful. Her long blonde hair wasn’t in its buns, but spread out all over her. She had the same thin strapped black tight fitting shirt on as before.

Yamucha wanted her, but reframed from doing or saying anything. Over the years he had gotten mature of sorts. Even if she was hot, he knew not to act out, especially if she could tell them about the threat they were facing.

“You brought men to see me? I really don’t like being put on display green gaki. Though I see one woman, sheesh, you guys are all sexists.” She rolled her emerald eyes. “What do you want again?”

Vegeta snorted again. “Never could keep your mind on the matters at hand, could you? Always getting distracted, that isn’t a very good fighter.”

Vegeta felt like he had said that before, and heard the comeback before too.

“Of course you get all up on me forgetting things, but tell me Mr. Princey Poo, how many times did you get distracted because my clothes got ripped while fighting?” Nemesis shot back at him.

Vegeta waved that off with a hand. “I’m a man, what can I say?”

Nemesis snorted now. “You can have a little self control. Damn, I forgot how idiotic you were Vegeta. Though, I can see that you have changed.” She said as she looked him up and down. “You’re not a teenager anymore, but you’re still short.”

The Z Fighters were too stunned at the verbal exchanged to laugh at their insults. Trunks was mesmerized, he wanted her, but knew if she acted this way with his dad he couldn’t have her. It seemed his dad had found someone who knew him. The true him.

“Short? You’re calling me short? What about you, my little blonde midget?!”

Nemesis grabbed a pillow and threw it at the mirror. For a second, they thought the mirror was going to break, but instead the pillow was sent through and hit Vegeta. He fell with a yell.

“What the hell midget? What is this made of, bricks?” he asked as he picked up the black as night pillow and dropped it on the ground. It made a massive hole in the floor of the Lookout Tower.

Most were curious to how she threw that. She didn’t look strong.

“How do you sleep on this? I knew you were hard headed, but this?” Vegeta questioned her seriously, but there were subtle tones of teasing mixed in as well.

Nemesis raised an eyebrow. “You’re still an idiot. When I picked it up to throw it, I changed its weight.” She paused as she thought for a moment. “You really forgot me.”

Vegeta looked up and expected her to have a sad face. But she didn’t. She was grinning. Oh that was it. She went too far.

“What the hell did you do to me midget?” Vegeta growled.

Nemesis shrugged. “Midgets don’t know anything do they? You told me that once.”

Vegeta growled again at her and threatened her. “If you don’t tell me I will go through that mirror and beat it out of you.”

Nemesis didn’t seem fazed by his threat. Everyone else was horrified that he would hit a woman. “You always say you’re going to beat me, yet I still kick your ass.”

That got face faults from everyone. That was when Nemesis noticed they were there.

“I forgot they were there.”

Vegeta sighed. “You really are a blonde midget.”

Nemesis eyes narrowed. If looks could kill…many would have been dead after lots of pain.

“If you call me a midget one more time, I will go through this mirror and kick your ass so bad it will make what I did to Gotheam looked like what a child will do.”

Vegeta froze. “You wouldn’t.”

He remembered Gotheam. He watched her destroy that Planet to bits. First, she went down and beat some, sliced some, tore some apart. Then when they begged her to stop, to leave them alone, saying they would do anything, she just smiled at them. She then began throwing energy attacks all over the planet. When more than three fourths were dead and one fourth was in utter agony, only then did she destroyed the Planet.

Dende’s face drained of all color. “You destroyed Gotheam?” his voice was but a whisper.

Nemesis rolled her eyes. “That was one of the more toned down ones if I say so myself.”

“Dende, what’s Gotheam?” Krillin asked.

Piccolo lost all color too. “It was a Planet. I heard that a single Saiyan completely wiped it out alone. It was a girl? You had to have been a child then. It had to have been over forty, fifty years ago.”

Nemesis gave him a cool look. “I remember you. You’re that stupid Namek that got himself sealed away on Earth. It was fun to watch that. But it was sad to see such a powerful fighter brought down so easily.”

Goten took Nemesis in. “You destroyed this whole Planet by yourself? What were they weak?”

Vegeta wanted to slap him. “Actually that Planet gave us the quite a bit of trouble. It had killed around five of our Third Class. It was ranked a C World, but we found out when we lost those five that it wasn’t a C World. It was an A ranked World. They were more powerful the Third Classes, even if there were five of them. So they sent both of us. My job was just to watch, and if she needed help, I would back her up. She walked away with only a few cuts and bruises too. One of her best destructions, but in all it wasn’t the best of all. It was brutal and cruel what she did, but it wasn’t the worst.” He said as a little admiration slipped in.

Nemesis rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes I destroyed a Planet, whopped de doo. Can we move on? It’s no wonder you all have trouble defeating your enemies. You spend too much time talking. No wonder Cell and Boo walked all over you.”

“How can we trust you?” Yamucha asked. Yes, she was hot, but deadly and evil. She destroyed a freaking Planet when she was a child for goodness sakes! “You just admitted to destroying one Planet and hinting at the destruction of others!”

Nemesis didn’t even look at him or pay him much attention besides answering the question.

“Besides the fact I have Rules that I cannot break? You have no choice. I am in charge of the fighters that will save your asses. It’s my choice whether or not they get sent here. Your World’s fate is resting in my hands.”

Dende already knew this. He knew that she couldn’t directly cause the destruction of this World. Of course he didn’t know that her Rules were voluntary. If she wanted to, she didn’t have to follow them. Lucky for him he didn’t know that.

“Can you tell us about it or not?” Dende stirred the conversation back to the original purpose.

“Now, I don’t see why I have to tell you about the enemy. It’s not like you can do anything about it. You just have to take care of its minions while my fighters take care of the one it is possessing.”

“What can we do about the one possessed? Can we save them?” Vegeta asked.

“I wouldn’t have thought you would have said that Vegeta. It seems you have changed.” Nemesis said before she gave him a sad look. “I am sorry about that. In our World the enemy took people’s Star Seeds, their life. Here everything is different. The enemy won’t take Star Seeds, it takes something else. You have to kill them all. The minions and the possessed. There is no other way. Something half of my fighters will not want to accept.”

“The other half?” Goku asked. He was curious about these fighters.

“Know their place, they know what needs to be done and will do it always, no matter what. They unlike the others know their duty. The others do not see the big picture.”

“Then why send them?” Gohan asked.

Nemesis’ eyes fell on him. “Simple, because they wouldn’t shut up about it, they would have bugged me to death about it. If I could, I would have killed them by now, but I can’t.”

“Why?” Dende asked. He was curious as well.

“You all asked that question a lot.” She mused. “I can’t kill them because no matter how tainted their blood is, they are still my people. The only ones left, and it would be a waste, considering how much time and energy I have spent trying to keep them alive without them knowing.” Nemesis said.

Before any other questions could be asked, something flashed in the room with Nemesis.

“Oh shit,” she said. She threw the covers off the bed. “I can never get any sleep can I? What with enemies breaking Doors down, people coming and going, people wanting to talk to me, yep, I have no sleep.”

She had long black silky pants on. She ran to the other side of the room. It was a twenty four by twenty five feet room. She grabbed a device off of a dresser. She looked at it, and her breathing stopped.

Vegeta could tell by her body language that something was wrong. “What did you find out?” he asked quickly.

Nemesis turned back to them, her face drawn in sadness. “It’s started. It seems that Chaos has made itself known. The color is purple. It seems that whoever is possessed has been for more than half a day. Even if there was a way to save those possessed it would be as soon as they got possessed. There is no hope for this one.”

Everyone’s head was bowed in sadness. But Nemesis voice cut through their guilt and sorrow.

“My Scouts are coming. Go, I can see the person who is possessed, but barely. I need to be closer.”

They saw Nemesis eyes now, black as darkness itself. There were no pupils in her eyes. It was just the darkness. Those that looked into her eyes were afraid if they kept on looking they would be lost forever.

“It’s running, searching, I don’t know what for, but I will find out. It’s in a clearing now. It has found one of the things it was looking for. Hurry! Oh damn, it started making Earth minions. You might want to hurry now.”

To be continued...