Key Guide to this Fanfiction P.O.V. means Point Of View, “Character Speaking”, (Author’s Thoughts), ‘Character Thoughts’, ---Scene Change--- A.N.: Wow, I think this is going to be the longest chapter in this story! This is because I’m going to explain quite a lot of things in here so bear with me if it’s too much chatter LOL. Also . . . the Darien/Serena situation might disappoint you, I’m sorry. I’m starting to develop the deadly WRITER’S BLOCK! Dun dun dunnnn! Haha.. But anyways, here’s the story! Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, Darien, the Sailor Scouts, or any of the other Sailor Moon-y people even though I wish I did, Naoko Takeuchi owns and created Sailor Moon. Sometimes I wish I owned it though but those are one of my happy dreams the only characters that belong to me are Emily Rhapsody and Faith Harper; do not use them without permission from me! ENJOY! Chapter 6: Darien Knows and Emily's Secret Previously in Chapter 5 (Finally! A CATFIGHT!) “No, no, no! You can’t do that, Mr. Yamasaki!” Emily cried loudly. “PLEASE NO, SIR!” Lita was afraid, for the first time. “I’m afraid I have to . . .” “Oh, I’m going to be dead!” Emily sobbed. -------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh, I’m going to be dead!” Emily sobbed. “Not as dead as I’m going to be! You don’t know my parents!” Lita groaned as she slumped in her seat. “Shut up! You don’t understand me so who cares? Just don’t tell me that your parents are worse than mine!” Emily cried. She put her head down onto the desk, her arms creating a barrier around her face so no one could see. ‘Father is going to be so mad! Oh no, no, no!’ Emily thought ‘this is probably worse when IT happened!’ “I’m adding to your punishments just to let you know I mean business,” Mr. Yamasaki informed the two hysterical girls. “Could it be any worse?” Lita grumbled. EMILY’S P.O.V. ---Rhapsody Family Mansion--- (Summertime, exactly 6 months ago) A.N.: I am making Emily speak and write properly because originally, Emily was brought up to be a proper lady but this situation (you’re going to read it soon) made her the cursing, lying, devious bitch she is. (Pardon the language.) “Emily,” mother gently called to me, “come over here.” Obediently, I walked over to my mother and she embraced me tightly. She confused me and I don’t mean just now. Everyday there is something different about my mother that is just so unexpected and surprising. “I love you,” mother cried, tears were freefalling and I had no idea why she was so emotional. “I hope that someday you will forgive me!” “What . . . why mother?” I asked making her cry even more. I had nothing planned today so I was spending the entire day at home in my usual home attire (just a tank top with a skirt). “Um . . . I need some time alone,” mother shooed me away, “please go.” I walked out of the office, extremely confused. I looked for father but found that he went to the country club with his golf friends so I decided to take a nap in my room. I woke up many hours later. I slept at 1:30 p.m. but ended up waking up at 7:00 p.m. Next to me, I saw a huge wrapped present that read TO: MY DARLING EMILY and thought mother surprised me with a gift again like she always does. Spoiling me was one of her favorite things to do. As I started unwrapping the present (carefully as to not damage the wrapping paper, one of my favorite parts) an envelope fell out with my name written on it with my mother’s handwriting. This was especially odd because mother hates writing and often has her secretary (whom she fired a week ago) type up her memos and letters. I read the entire thing and reread it. I was shocked and full of disbelief. Actually – I don’t remember what emotion exactly I was feeling because I was experiencing so many at the same time. Anger, sadness, disbelief, hurt, jealous, etc, and many things I don’t have words for. The letter read: My darling Emily, Dear, I’m afraid that this afternoon will be the last time we meet in a long time. I am sorry if I have been neglecting you the past few weeks. I do not know how to tell you this . . . I wish I didn’t have to tell you this! Oh, baby doll! I don’t want to burst your bubble but in some ways, I feel I must. First of all – We will meet again. If not sometime in the near future, I will find a way to meet you once more! We will be reunited! Please don’t worry about me, sweetheart. I am safe. Nothing has happened and you will most definitely not find my body floating in a nearby water! (I’m not sure if that made you laugh because I am a horrible comic!) Second of all – This is the hardest thing I have ever had to say to anyone, especially my dear daughter. I have a second family. Please don’t cry, Emily! I can sense it that you are crying over this and it is breaking my heart to do this to you! I regret everything that I have ever done and wish I could go back to the simple times with you and your father, but this is the way it must be and I cannot change time. I know you will grow into a fine young lady and you will always always be in my heart. I love you, Mother Damn her! I felt tears pricking my eyes as I caught sight of another envelope marked DO NOT READ UNTIL READY. Was I ready to read something else that that woman wrote? I slowly opened the envelope as I felt my heart break into two and I longed for the mother I used to love. I took in a deep breath as my shaking hand took out the piece of paper that was neatly placed into the envelope. Are you sure you want to read this Emily? I was caught off-guard by the first sentence of the letter but proceeded anyways. I know that someday you will want to talk to me (most likely to throw daggers into my side) so I will give you some information. Please do not give this to your father. I still love him very much. My name will now be Elizabeth Suzuki and . . . I looked for more after that. I couldn’t find anything else written until I felt another piece of paper behind it. My soon-to-be husband’s name is Suzuki Ichiro and we have a . . . . Daughter named Kiyoko and a another child on the way. That is why I had to leave you two. I wish I could explain everything to you, baby doll, but I can’t. Stay healthy and good and please someday forgive me! I love you so so much, Mother. “Mother, I HATE YOU!” I screamed and I threw her present on the ground without checking it and ran onto my bed and cried. In the box, I heard glass shattering. (A.N.: I will probably write a one-shot or short story on this.) END P.O.V. ---Mr. Yamasaki’s Office--- Emily cried harder after she thought about the situation with her mother, exactly 6 months ago. Today was the 6-month anniversary of her mother’s leave and she couldn’t hold it in. All these bad things happening to her. After her mother left, her father started abusing her. He was never drunk and in public he was very fatherly and protective of her. In private . . . it just wasn’t the same. She blamed her mother and crawling inch-by-inch she soon became the girl she was today – Emily Rhapsody, girl horror. “So, you do understand your punishments, yes?” Mr. Yamasaki cleared his throat. He was used to students crying in his office but not as much as Emily was now. “Yes, sir,” Lita bowed her head in shame. She was going to be in serious trouble at home but she would do anything for her best friend Serena. “Let’s see,” Ms. Haruna took the paper from Mr. Yamasaki and read off the punishments. “Phone call to your parents, 72-hours of School Community Service, a month’s worth detention, and a week suspension. All of these are reasonable and of course your detention moderator will be me, girls.” “Yes,” Mr. Yamasaki agreed. “My additional punishment, as I have said before, is a long lecture from me about fighting after-school today. Dismissed!” ---Crossroads Junior High Campus--- “I wonder where Lita is,” Amy said to Serena as they both walked outside. Amy shivered even though she was wearing a thick blue winter jacket. “I think you have a cold, Ames,” Serena commented after feeling Amy’s forehead. “Yeah, I better get home. See you tomorrow at Raye’s temple!” Amy waved goodbye to Serena. Serena waved back and started walking to the school gates. A few feet away from the gates, Serena froze with fear. There, standing just five cars away from each other stood Darien and Mr. Tsukino. Luckily, for Serena, there were many students on campus at that time so she was able to slip behind a tree and scream. Quickly, Serena whipped out her cell phone and started writing a text to Darien. DARIEN. BHIND SKOOL TREE. CUM. CAREFUL CUZ MI DAD IZ HERE. SNEAK. -SERE Serena watched Darien as he reached for his cell phone. After reading the message, Darien looked around at all the trees on campus until finally he saw Serena. Serena saw Darien freak out as he saw her dad standing outside of his car in his usual overprotective father way. Basically he was standing there with a frown and crossed his arms. Darien quickly ran into the crowd of school students when Mr. Tsukino was not looking, trying to blend in, and ran behind the tree. “Oh, Darien, I’m so glad you’re here!” Serena hugged Darien but he was stiff and didn’t hug back. “Something wrong?” “Hell yeah!” Darien screamed. He sounded extremely pissed off and Serena was confused, having forgot about the newspaper incident. “And would you care to tell me why you’re pissed off?” Serena asked innocently. “Oh, don’t play angel with me! It’s NOT FUNNY!” Darien grunted. Serena was hurt; she really had no clue what he was talking about. Until it clicked, of course. “Oh, no,” Serena put a hand to her head. “Oh, yes, Serena. You have a lot of explaining to do!” Darien was now very red in the face. “Darien please do not believe that newspaper!” Serena said. She couldn’t believe that Darien, who was supposed to be her boyfriend, would believe stuff as stupid as that. (A.N.: In this story, I made it so that Serena doesn’t know she’s Serenity and Darien doesn’t know he’s Endymion). “Serena, explain NOW,” Darien now lost all his patience. “Darien, I’ve got to go,” Serena had tears filling her eyes as her boyfriend kept accusing her of all these things. Mr. Tsukino, she saw, was now getting extremely mad that he did not see Serena anywhere so Serena thought it would be best to go before her father thought something happened. “Where to? Lover boy?” Darien said harshly. “Shut up!” Serena retorted. She was going to explain everything to him later but now he was making her furious. Later would have to be now. “I was never pregnant! I never had an abortion! EMILY RHAPSODY MADE IT UP!” Darien was confused for a while. ‘Who’s Emily Rhapsody? Who cares?’ he thought when suddenly he remembered. FLASHBACK: “Darien, want to go grab a hot chocolate with me?” a giggling girl asked Darien two months ago. “Um . . . who are you?” Darien asked. Suddenly the girl wrapped her arms around Darien and Darien pulled back. “Emily Rhapsody, but you can call me Em,” Emily sighed dreamily, gazing into Darien’s wonderful eyes. “I got to go,” Darien quickly ran away from her. “Bye, baby, I love you!” Emily shouted out to him, making sure everyone on the street heard her. END FLASHBACK Darien practically threw up when he remembered her. She was so forward and was definitely not the type of girl he wanted. “Wait . . . why would she do that?” Darien asked. He was oh so very clueless. “Are you that stupid?” Serena decided to stop being so sweet to him. “She’s jealous that you’re my boyfriend, though now I’m starting to have doubts because of your lack of belief in me!” “Oh,” Darien said quietly. “I have to go now,” Serena’s voice was cracking. She really wanted him to apologize but she guessed it wasn’t that simple. “Serena wait!” Darien grabbed her arm before she could leave. “What?” Serena sighed. “I’m sorry,” and then Darien pulled her into a kiss. They kissed for a few seconds before Serena pulled away. “Something wrong?” Darien wondered. “I’ve got to think about this. I mean . . . apologies aren’t this simple. You obviously don’t mean yours,” Serena whispered. Boy . . . when it came to school Serena knew nothing, but when it came to love, Serena was an A+ student! “Well . . .” “Darien, I can’t see you in public for a while because my dad found the paper and got mad,” she told him. “Meet me tonight at 8:30 in the park.” Then, Serena left to go to her dad. ---In the car with Serena and Mr. Tsukino--- “Why are you crying, honey?” Mr. Tsukino was back to his normal self. Until he said, “Was it that punk, Darien? I swear I’ll beat the crap out of –” “No, dad. I just read a really sad book,” Serena lied. ---Mr. Yamasaki’s Office--- “Now,” Mr. Yamasaki said once he had finished his lecture on fighting with fellow students, “have we come to an understanding?” “Yes, sir,” Emily and Lita said in unison. “Good,” Ms. Haruna said. “We’ll see you next week after your suspensions are over and during detention!” “Dismissed,” Mr. Yamasaki concluded. ---School Hallway--- “If you didn’t have to start that fight, we wouldn’t be in this mess!” Emily shouted at Lita. “ME? Well you aren’t perfect, either! You started that gossip about Serena!” Lita cracked her knuckles, causing Emily to wince. “WELL –” “Ahem,” the girls heard Ms. Haruna behind them. “Sorry,” Emily and Lita giggled nervously. “Well, thanks to you, my mom and dad are now going to kill me!” Lita groaned. Emily quietly whispered, “At least you have a mom that cares enough to kill you,” before she ran off. “What was that about?” Lita wondered as Ms. Haruna watched Emily run off worriedly. A.N.: Oh my, my brain is in overload. I was planning on writing more but summer school is getting to me. Ew, summer school LOL. Please send in suggestions. That would be nice. Actually… This chapter wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. I swear . . . next chapter will be fully focused on Serena and Darien! I hope.. Anime sweat drops With only a little about Emily and Lita’s encounters with their parents. I think there is going to be a little more than 2 chapters left because I can’t finish everything with only 2 chapters! Oh, UNEXPECTED: Serena’s starting to doubt Darien! Oh!