Key Guide to this Fanfiction P.O.V. means Point Of View, “Character Speaking”, (Author’s Thoughts), ‘Character Thoughts’, ---Scene Change--- A.N.: There is going to be a LOT OF CURSING in this chapter so please . . . don’t read if under 13. Okay? THIS CHAPTER IS RATED PG-13! Ooh verbal and physical fight! What could be better? LOL Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, Darien, the Sailor Scouts, or any of the other Sailor Moon-y people even though I wish I did, Naoko Takeuchi owns and created Sailor Moon. Sometimes I wish I owned it though but those are one of my happy dreams the only characters that belong to me are Emily Rhapsody and Faith Harper; do not use them without permission from me! ENJOY! Chapter 5: Finally! A CATFIGHT! Previously in Chapter 4 (Daddy, Please Believe Me! “Hey, Emily?” Lita said sweetly, holding up the cookies she baked last night up to her chest. “Yeah, what?” Emily answered in her usual snobby tone. “Have some of this!” Lita said before handing Emily her cookies – then smacking her on the face. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---With Lita and Emily in the cafeteria--- “Have some of this!” Lita said before handing Emily her cookies – then smacking her on the face. “AGH!” Emily cried out in pain as the palm of Lita’s hand made contact with her cheeks. Emily dropped her lunch bag (basically her lunch in one of her designer reject bags) and her hands touched her face. “Ow, it burns! YOU BITCH!” “Serves you right,” Lita smiled. Lita wanted to hurt Emily much more but she knew Serena would be furious if she did more. Just as she was about to walk away, Lita felt the pointy heels of a certain someone’s expensive boot dig into her foot. “Ha ha ha,” Emily said slowly, emphasizing each ‘ha’ as Lita screamed, “AH! DAMMIT!” “Grr…” Lita growled loudly, causing Emily to flinch and back away slowly. “Serena . . . can I please hit ditzy here?” “Bu –” Serena started but stopped after seeing the look of fear on Emily’s face. She actually enjoyed seeing Emily so defenseless. “I guess so!” “Ha! You’re mine now,” Lita said to Emily menacingly while cracking her knuckles. “Faith? Sakura?” Emily whispered to her friends, Faith Harper and Sakura Abe, as she tried to back away from Lita. “No way!” Sakura gasped as she ran out the cafeteria door. “Sakura, WAIT! I’m coming with you!” Faith ran out with her best friend. “Freaking bitches, I’ll get you back you good for nothing whores!” Emily cried. Finally, Lita had Emily trapped to the corner of the cafeteria. Exactly where she wanted her. “Oh, look!” Lita said innocently. “You have a split-end! Oh dear, I guess I’ll have to PULL IT OUT!” “AGH!” Lita smiled as she pulled Emily’s long blonde hair. Emily cowered under her arms but couldn’t take the pain of it. “Let go of my hair SLUT!” Emily screamed. Finally, she got out of Lita’s grasp and punched Lita with all her might (which wasn’t that good anyways because Emily was such a girly-girl). ---Serena and Amy, still in the cafeteria--- “Oh, no!” Serena cried. “This is all my fault!” “I wonder why a teacher hasn’t come up yet . . .” Amy wondered, noticing that there was no adult in the cafeteria, only kids cheering for Lita. “Dammit,” Serena whispered, “I wish I hadn’t told her yes!” ---Back to Emily and Lita in the corner of the cafeteria--- “You call that a punch?” Lita laughed. “Take this!” Lita then thrust her fist into Emily’s perfect “angelic” face. “MY NOSE!” Emily cried, tears falling on the ground. She built up enough courage to go for Lita’s arm and stabbed it with her long pointy nails. “Agh!” Lita screamed. She pulled her arm away and held it gently. “Psh… you call yourself tough?” Emily guffawed. “You’re nothing but a whore who sleeps around with every guy you see – JUST LIKE SERENA!” At that comment, Serena felt her face burning up and wished she could turn into Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon is her alias on the team of Sailor Scouts) but refrained from it because she didn’t want to blow her cover. ‘If only I could use the scepter to blow that bitch to smithereens!’ she thought evilly. “You’re all talk but no action!” Lita snarled. “Oh, yeah?” Emily said (she was now steaming mad). “WATCH ME!” Serena and Amy watched in horror as Emily pushed Lita to the ground and was now elbowing her ribs. “I-I really think we should get a teacher!” Amy gasped. Both of the girls, Emily and Lita, were bleeding and needed a nurse. “Yeah! But I don’t want to risk Lita getting expelled!” Serena said thoughtfully. “But Lita is really hurt!” Amy explained as the watched Emily bite Lita’s arm and Lita punched Emily’s stomach. “Damn… too late,” Serena said quietly as she saw Ms. Haruna, her homeroom teacher, and Mr. Yamasaki, the vice-principal, run toward Emily and Lita. “BREAK IT UP YOU TWO!” Ms. Haruna screamed while Mr. Yamasaki, who was actually quite a big man, broke them up. They now stood an arm’s length away from each other but were still growling at each other through their teeth. “Can someone explain what happened?” Mr. Yamasaki groaned. ‘Great. Another pair of troublemakers to work right before my lunch break!’ Mr. Yamasaki said in his head. “Lita totally kicked the crap outta Emily!” Ko Matsui, one of Emily’s mini-crushes from class, said excitedly. He illustrated the whole thing in his own weird way by talking to himself and pretending to be Lita and Emily. “Lita’s like ‘TAKE THIS’ and Emily’s like ‘NO NO NO!’ (A.N. He said this in a shrill girl voice LOL) and then Lita’s all like ‘YOU DAMN BI –” “Mr. Matsui, my office,” Mr. Yamasaki groaned and pointed out the door. Ko started walking out the cafeteria but before he did, he yelled, “GO LITA!” Lita blushed but Emily went red. All the students in the cafeteria, by this time, were back to eating their lunch and acted as if nothing had happened. “Girls . . . you two go to my office and I’ll deal with you then!” Mr. Yamasaki said as Ms. Haruna shook her head in disappointment. “Yes, sir,” they obediently said. They walked out the door; Lita walked five feet away from Emily. Of course Ms. Haruna, as a precaution, accompanied them. ---Vice-Principal Yamasaki’s Office--- “I am deeply disappointed in both of you girls,” Ms. Haruna sighed. “We’re sorry, Ms. Haruna,” Emily and Lita said together, both of them looking at their feet. “Don’t say sorry to me. Say it to each other!” Ms. Haruna said as she took out some cloths for Emily and Lita to wipe themselves with. “Well? Are you going to apologize?” “I’d rather eat a snake than apologize to her,” Emily snarled. “Hey! Same here! Humph,” Lita turned away. The chairs she and Emily were sitting in were very uncomfortable so she decided to sit on the ground instead. “Don’t say that!” Ms. Haruna gasped. “Lita, get back on the chair and wipe yourself. You look ridiculous!” “Yeah,” Emily agreed. “Well . . . more so than you usually do!” “Stick a fork in it Emily. You look the same!” Ms. Haruna frowned. “Hey!” Emily was deeply insulted, as was Lita, to have Ms. Haruna say that she looked like Lita. “Just please wipe yourselves before Mr. Yamasaki arrives!” “Yes, ma’am!” they both took a wet towel and started wiping themselves. Emily looked into her compact and started crying at the sight of her mangled face. ---Cafeteria . . . again. --- “I am extremely disappointed that none of you in here tried to stop the fight!” Mr. Yamasaki bellowed loud enough for everyone in the cafeteria to hear. “But, sir!” a cry came from a boy in the back. “Catfights are the best kind of fights there are, I mean, besides mud fights between two girls.” “How disgusting, those feminist pigs!” Serena whispered to Amy as boys around the cafeteria agreed. “Well!” Mr. Yamasaki cried in disgust. “I am outraged to see what is happening here! You are risking the lives of fellow students for your own entertainment? That’s it! Double detention for …” Mr. Yamasaki checked his clipboard and wrote something down in it, “Fifth period lunch. Attendance will be checked. Have a good lunch.” With that, he left and everyone groaned. Many of the guys hit Rein Machida, the guy in the back who gave the feminist comment, who was also the class pervert. “Well . . .” Serena groaned. “Could my day get any worse?” “Could,” Amy returned to reading her book. “Thanks,” Serena said sarcastically. “First I can’t see Darien, then I get two detentions, and my best friend is probably going to get detentions and suspensions because of me!” “Yeah,” Amy said automatically. Serena looked at her and saw she wasn’t paying any attention to her. “Ugh! I give up!” Serena threw her hands in the air as the cafeteria returned to normal and Molly and Melvin returned to their table. “Something happen?” Molly asked in her thick Jersey accent. “Congrats,” Serena said cheerfully, “you’ve got two detentions starting tomorrow!” “WHAT?” Molly and Melvin screamed at the top of their lungs. ---Mr. Yamasaki’s office! Oh, joy--- “I see you ladies are getting along,” Mr. Yamasaki chuckled as he saw Emily and Lita shooting daggers at each other. Very sharp pointy ones, might I add? “Mr. Yamasaki! I-I was just sitting there eating my lunch, not bothering anyone, when all of a sudden this – this MONSTER attacked me! I-I don’t know what happened but soon she started punching, kicking, and biting me! I only hurt her in self-defense!” “Can it, Miss Rhapsody,” Mr. Yamasaki said as he held up a copy of the school paper. “You aren’t so innocent yourself.” “I-I-I,” Emily was obviously stunned. “How’d you . . .” “Oh, it is very obvious, Miss Rhapsody,” Mr. Yamasaki said as he showed her something that was circled in red at the bottom of his paper. Inside the circle was some fine print that read ‘EMILY RHAPSODY WAS THE TIP-OFF’. “Oh!” Emily groaned with anger in her voice. “When I get hold of that Amelia, oh she is one dead whore!” “Pardon?” Mr. Yamasaki said. “N-nothing!” “So what is our punishment, sir?” Lita spoke up. “Ah . . . well, since you disturbed my lunch break,” Mr. Yamasaki chuckled, “I am not thinking straight yet. But, I have a vague idea.” “Which is?” Emily said impatiently. Mr. Yamasaki wrote something on a piece of paper and slid it toward Lita and Emily. They both collided as they reached for the paper. They growled at each other but resolved it by reading it together. When they were finished, they were both in utter scock. “No, no, no! You can’t do that, Mr. Yamasaki!” Emily cried loudly. “PLEASE NO, SIR!” Lita was afraid, for the first time. “I’m afraid I have to . . .” “Oh, I’m going to be dead!” Emily sobbed. To Be Continued . . . A.N.: Oh, wow. That was such a long chapter. I can’t believe that I wrote that much, hehe. I hope you enjoyed it! All 1684 words of it, LOL. I’ll try to write as much as this next time so you won’t be disappointed. Next one is about Lita and Emily’s punishment. Its pretty bad for them but you may not think so. You might also learn a secret about Emily! Three more chapters left, I think. Next one will feature Darien! I got to go clean my room now TT ah well.. C’est la vie!