Key Guide to this Fanfiction P.O.V. means Point Of View, “Character Speaking”, (Author’s Thoughts), ‘Character Thoughts’, ---Scene Change--- Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, Darien, the Sailor Scouts, or any of the other Sailor Moon-y people even though I wish I did, Naoko Takeuchi owns and created Sailor Moon. Sometimes I wish I owned it though but those are one of my happy dreams the only characters that belong to me are Emily Rhapsody and Faith Harper; do not use them without permission from me! ENJOY! Chapter 3: Emily's Got the Cat in the Bag Previously in Chapter 2 (Look in the Gossip Column “Oh,” Serena started. “My,” Amy said after. “GOSH!” Molly ended it. They were all disturbed as they began to read it to themselves silently. Serena read under her breath, “Students of Crossroads Junior High . . .” ---Homeroom with Serena, Amy, and Molly--- Serena read under her breath, “Students of Crossroads Junior High. It is my greatest displeasure to –” “Oh, Serena!” Molly gasped. “It’s not true, right?” “Molly, you know she wouldn’t do such a horrible thing like that!” Amy spit out. All three of them looked at the newspaper once more. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Crossroads Gazette It’s much more than a report Serena’s BIGGEST Scandal By Perfect Beautiful Rich Girl – An Anonymous Tip It has like come to my attention that last Friday, just four days ago, Serena Skeeto did something that will rock most of your worlds. Well, not so much rock but like weird out. Wonder why Ms. Skeeto was absent before like at that time like without telling us? Well . . . insiders, basically me, have uncovered the truth. She had an ABORTION. Gosh. First she like did it with someone THEN she KILLED an innocent baby. Gosh. Wow. I can’t believe it. Perfect Beautiful Rich Girl out! -------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh,” Amy sighed, “who would –” “Emily!” Serena exclaimed. “Of course,” Molly nodded. “Who else would be conceited enough to write Perfect Beautiful Rich Girl as their name?” “And just look at all those ‘like’s and grammatical errors!” Amy shouted in disgust. “And who else says Serena SKEETO?” Serena shrank in her seat as she noticed a couple of students giving her the look. “Wow, Serena,” a kid named David Jericho walked up to her. “I didn’t know that you were so –” “GO AWAY!” Serena felt herself erupt. She felt her face get hotter by the second as the time got closer for school to start. “Serena,” Emily said in a singsong voice, “how are you, darling?” “You bitch,” Molly snarled. Emily pretended to be insulted but the look on her face was pure joy. “I hope you don’t mind Serena, but I sent a copy of this newspaper to Darien’s house,” Emily chuckled. “I mean . . . keeping your boyfriend updated is important, right?” Serena resisted the urge to punch Emily in the nose. Her heart beat faster as Emily found her seat and giggled away. “Excuse me,” said a familiar voice to Serena. Serena turned around and gasped as she saw whom it was. It was . . . To Be Continued . . . A.N.: Wow . . . thanks for all the upbeat reviews! Sorry this was such a short chapter but I have to go. Who should the mystery person be? Darien, perhaps? Suggestions would be nice! No review responses today, sorry. I just did it before because those were my first reviews!