I spent the rest of the summer eating as much as I wanted like ice cream, chips and other junks food. The only difference was I went to the gym now 3 times a week. I loved going to the gym instead of dieting I got to stay my weight, eat good junk food and not be sick. Darien and me had been dating secretly the whole summer. I didn’t really mind though keeping it to ourselves but we promised each other that we would let our secret out . That day was approaching really soon and I was so scared. It was a week to be exact. The week flew by with school clothes shopping and school supplies shopping, when the day before school came Darien came over.

Hey Rena”

I know what you must be thinking right? Why is Darien calling me Rena? I don’t know I really didn’t ask because I call him muffin so we have our own little nicknames for each other. One of my favorites is dare-bear but his is the one I rather not mention it is really random and embarrassing.

Hey muffin” I smiled

You look so beautiful today you know that?” he asked

well I guess I do now huh”I blushed

He then leaned forward to kiss me. But I stopped him.

Darien, we cant now we need to talk”

Aww why bunny?”

There he said it. Have great laugh I have no idea where he got it from but he likes it.

Because school is tomorrow and everyone is going to know where dating right? Where still telling them? If you want them to know about me,” I asked

I wasn’t sure I would love to shout to the entire would I love my boyfriend Darien shields. Although he was the popular and most wanted guy in school maybe he didn’t want to be seen with me.

Of course I do, I want all the guys out there to know that you’re mine and too keep their paws off”

So how are we going to let them know? Are we going to tell people or just randomly make out in front of everyone?” I giggled

I like the second one. Serena don’t worry to much about it ,we will act like we normally do around each other and you’ll eat lunch with me and people will get the hint alright?”

What about Lita? I can’t abandon her like that”

She can come too”

Really! Darien you’re the best. I love you”

I love you too”

And then he went to kiss me again and this time I let him.

After he left I went and picked out something for school. I wore a pair of pants and a really fancy shirt. I was going to straighten my hair and do my make up.

After I got everything ready I went to bed. In the morning I woke up really early and started to get ready. When I was finished I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t even look noticeable I wonder if anyone would notice who I was.

That morning Darien was coming to pick me up. When he arrived I got into the car and he stared at me for a minute.

Hey gorgeous”

Hey handsome” said

You look so beautiful I will have to be beating guy off”

Oh Darien” I said

We where almost at the school already it wasn’t that far from my house so it was only like a 10 minute drive. When we pulled up in the parking lot drive way.

You ready sweetie” said

If you are” I said nervously

He first got out of the car and then opened the door from me and helped me out of the car. He then reached for my hand and we continued to walk to the school building. I could see people staring, which made me even more nervous so I squeezed on to his hand tighter. He just looked at me and smiled.

We went to our first period, which we happen to have together and we sat, beside each other. I knew now I would seem to like school more because he would be there. I saved a seat also for lita incase she came. And she did.

Hey Lita”

Wow Serena you look so different” she said

A good different I hope”

Yup. Can I ask you something why are we sitting next to Darien Shields?”

Uhm well he’s my boyfriend” I shyly said

WHAT! You didn’t tell me? How long?”

Since in the hospital and I couldn’t we promised each other”

Oh I forgive you but from now on no more secrets”

Alright. Here ill introduce you guys” I said

then I tapped Darien on the shoulder.



I want you too meet my best friend Lita. Lita this is my boyfriend Darien”

Hey” they both said.

While we where all talking Andrew came and sat on the other side of Darien.
You remember him the rude best friend of Darien.

Hey dare”

Hey drew”

who’s you friend?” he asked

I guess he really didn’t recognize me.

Uhm this is my girlfriend”

Wow girlfriend when did this happen?”

This summer”

Well she is hot. Introduce us”

Alright. Sweetheart?”

Yea Hun?”

I want you too meet Andrew”

Hey”Andrew spoke.

I didn’t want to talk to that jerk. I was pretty now so he could be nice to me. I don’t think so.

Hi”I spoke coldly and turned my head.

When the teacher came in finally. He began to do attendance.

When he reached H I began to get scared.

Serena Harvey?”

Here” I squeaked out.

Everyone turned to see where I was and when they saw that I was Serena Harvey it looked like they all died.

Serena is that really you?” the teacher spoke

One and only” I said

He just gave a shocked look and continued with the class.
At the end of class me, Lita and Darien walked out into the hallway.

Bye Rena, Ill see you at lunch”

Unfortunately Darien and me only had 2 classes together English and Drama.

Bye muffin meet me at my locker”

We began to kiss as if we were never going to see each other again. I don’t know why we did this maybe it was because we missed each other so much when we were apart.

Serena where going to be late for class” she interrupted

Oh sorry Lita lets go. Bye Darien”

When we where walking lita asked me something.

So I guess where not eating together anymore?”

Of course we are. All three of us”

Oh great im the third wheel”

Lita listen to me your not the third wheel if anyone would be t would be Darien. You’re my best friend” I smiled

Okay Serena”

The day flew by rather quickly. I received so man dirty looks from the girls in our school and a bunch of guys where staring at me. After class me and Lita headed to our lockers and then to meet up with Darien.

When we meet up with him he gave me a peek on the cheek and then we head to the cafeteria. We sat with him and his friends Greg, Ken, Andrew, Chad and three other girls Ray, Mina and Amy. He introduced me and Lita to all of them and they where all supper nice to us especially the girls. It seemed as though Ken and Lita where flirting and getting a long great. I just chatted with mina, rei and Amy the whole time. They continuously apologized form all those years of calling me names and said how it was a big mistake and I didn’t deserve any of it. I just accepted they seemed like very nice people. Ken ended up asking Lita out on a date by the end of lunch. We had drama next so Darien and me where heading in the same direction as Mina and Lita was headed to art. As I was getting ready to leave Ray said something to me.

Serena, me and the girls are having a sleepover at my house this weekend do u and Lita want to come?”

Sure ill go and ill ask lita”

Okay bye”

Darien and me held hands. The whole way there and unfortunately for me Beryl was in our drama class. Darien told me about how Beryl always had a thing for him. So me wanting revenge I kissed Darien passionately right in front of her. You should have seen her she was mad. The day went on.

The next day I was in for it. Darien picked me up again and we went through the same schedule as we did yesterday I really enjoyed hanging out with Darien and his friends. I forgave Andrew too because he seemed like a good guy after all. The only thing that went wrong all day was Beryl and her little click. I guess I really did piss her off huh. That day she grabbed my bag and threw it in the guys bathroom and I really didn’t want to go in there. Luckily Ken was in there and he brought it out for me.

Serena what was your stuff doing in there?” he asked

Oh Beryl and her little losers threw it in”

Oh here s your bag bye”


That Friday Darien and me went to go and see a romance movie. My choice of course. Sometimes I wonder where I found a guy so great. He paid for everything and I got to pick the movie. During the movie we started making out and we didn’t notice but beryl and her friends where there too and While at the movie theater, they saw us making out, and one of them and told us to stop making out and concentrate on the movie! And made a huge scene. I was so embarrassed but Darien just ignored it and grabbed me and made out with me more and more.

That night I was meeting Darien’s parents and was going to sleep over.In different rooms of course and my mom was fine with it. We drove up to his house and he parked.

Dare-bear im nervous what if they hate me?”

No one could hate you, you’re amazing”

Thanks Darien”

We walked into his house. No let me rephrase this. We walked into his mansion. He was beyond rich he was loaded. His parents answered the door and greeted us and we went and say down at the table.

So Serena how long have you been with our Darien?” his mother asked.

6 months I think. And id like to thank you for having me over for dinner ” I said smiling.

Not a problem” said his father

im surprised Darien invited you here ive never met any of his other girlfriends” his mother said

Oh really? I never knew Mrs. Sheilds”

So Darien what does make Serena so special?” asked his dad

Well dad, Shes the only one of my girlfriends ive ever really loved” Darien said

I blushed so much. Darien noticed and just chuckled.

After the dinner I went to the guest bedroom and changed into my pajamas and got ready to go watch a movie with Darien. I went into his room and he already had been ready with the snacks waiting. I jumped into his bed with him and cuddled.

Darien you’re the only guy ive ever loved ”

I love you bunny”

I love you dare bear”

We sat and began to watch the movie with snacks and it was a really scary movie so I screamed once and a while. After that movie we popped in another movie but this time it was an action movie.

Darien did your parents like me?” I asked

They loved you. They told me so”


Really” he reassured me .

During the movie we cuddled and I had my head lying on his chest. I ended up falling asleep like that. And that was the way I woke up too. Darien hadn’t moved either he stayed in the same position. Around 11 o’clock Darien’s mom came to tell him that someone was on the phone for him and saw me and Darien lying like that. Which woke up both of us.

Uh Mrs. shields its not what you might be thinking I just feel asleep like this” I babbled

oh its alright Serena no need to worry”

Mom what did you want?” Darien asked “oh it’s the phone it was Andrew ill just tell him you’ll call him back”

Darien nodded and then she left.

good morning beautiful” he said

He always said the sweetest things. I turned to him and kissed him before I went to go and get ready. Then I left. When I left and was leaving Darien’s there was a girl standing there. “Oh hi im Darien’s close friends”

Oh hey”

You must be abagail. Darien’s girlfriend I have heard so much about you”

Oh I got to go bye”

I ran home with tears flowing from my eyes. Who was abagail? Darien was cheating on me?
I thought he loved me? I had to find out from him!

When I arrived home I ran to my room and picked up my cordless and dialed his cell number.
With fresh tears still rolling down my cheek.

He answered.


Darien” I managed to say

Serena is that you?” he asked

Yes” I squeaked

What’s wrong bunny?”

I thought you loved me” I cried

I do with all my heart what is this about?”

Who is Abigal?”I asked

My ex girlfriend why? Did she say something to you?”

No it was one of your friends said it was nice to finally meet your girlfriend Abigail.”

Serena, listen to me alright.what did she look like”

She had brown hair really short”

That was Abigail Serena im so sorry listen to me you have to believe me”

I really want to Darien”

Then believe me. I would NEVER hurt you”

I can’t believe you im sorry”

And then I hung up. Maybe Darien was telling the truth. But I couldn’t just go and believe him maybe he was just a good lier. He began to rain out side pouring rain. They said we might even get flooded and that scared me. I hate storms. I heard a loud knock on the door minutes later. I went to the stairs to see who it was. It was Darien and he was talking to my mom and asked if he could see me. I went down to the door.

Darien Go home its going to be a storm soon bye”

And I closed the door. He left for about 15 minutes and then I saw him come back with a sign in his hand.

It read:
Serena I love you.
Please believe me

I began to cry. I didn’t know what to do. I loved him so much and if it was a lie I didn’t want to loose him over this but if he was cheating I didn’t want to be in a lie of a relationship. it started to rain harder and harder and there was even some thunder. I had to let him in I could let him stay out there. I was going to forgive him I don’t think he would stay out in that weather for nothing. I didn’t even bother grabbing my coat I just ran out into the rain and kissed him.

When we finally stopped kissing I spoke.

Im so sorry I didn’t believe you”

It’s alright im just glad you believe me now”

I do. I love you”

I love you more”

He went to kiss me again.

Can we go in first? Storms scare me”


After that day we decided to never Ever let anyone try to break us apart. Trust me people tried, they continued to try all through out high school. Near the end of high school when they finally got the hint that nothing would ever separate us they just gave up and kept saying “oh just wait , after high school when you two go to different collages you’ll break up” but it always did bug me if we ever would break up.Lita and Ken started dating and have been ever since they started going out and im also really close with the other girls. After graduating Darien was about to leave for Harvard university of medicine and I was going to University of Oxford for writing.Although when we finally left it was supper hard to be apart but we visited eachother every chace we got.After being away studying for about a year that christmas he asked me to marry him and I said YES!

4 years later

It had been 4 years since me and darien have gotten ingaged.After he was done his studies we got married right away and bought a house.It had been the best years of my life.But today was not one of them.It was our high school reunion and I really didn’t want to go but Darien insisted that we show them all that we made it through all those hard times but I really didn’t want too,but the thought of seeing Beryl and showing her off sounded great to me. I was now just putting in my earings before we left.When my daughter came inthe room.Did I forget to mention I never actually finished my studies due to the fact I got pregnant.She was now 2 years old and her name was Rini.And oh yea im pregnant now too. Im actually 8 months so im as big as a house.

mommy”rini said

yes munchkin”

will you and daddy tuck me in?”

sure we will do that before we go” I smiled

I got up and grabbed her hand and went and found Darien.He was still as handsom as he was in high school and still as sweet.He was sitting down watching a football game with andrew who was going to be babysitting Rini.

muffin,come tuck rini in with me before we go”

okay” he said and got up and picked up rini in his arms.

He then placed her down in her bed.

goodnight mommy,goodnight daddy I love you”

we love you too “I said

goodnight sweetheart”he said

We left the room.And got ready to leave the house.

Bye andrew,thanks for babysitting”I said

not a problem,shell be sleeping most of the time anyways”

Darien and me went down stairs and began to drive.

dare-bear I love you so much you know that”I spoke

and I love you too bunny”

your never going to give up on that nick name are you?” I chuckled

you going to give up on dare-bear?”

nahh”I said

than bunny stays”he smirked

you know what I always wonder?”

what beautiful?”

how we went through so much,we had a wonderful child,we have one on the way and even though we did all that and are 23 now and I still love you the way I did when I was 15”

same here”

When we arrived at the school building.

Here goes nothing.Where going back to high school”I said

When we went in the school.I saw some people I noticed and said hi.When me and darien seperated to go and say hi to people I noticed him talking to some girl.It was beryl.I demissed myself from a conversation and hurried over.

Hey hunny” I said
and kissed him on the cheek.

hey babe.oh beryl you remember serena right?”

uh huh. I mean you guys are still together?”she asked

yea been married 4 years,we have a child at school and im pregnant”

oh that’s how you got him to stay with you.You got yourself knocked up.Gee darien im so sorry”

Shut up you bitch! Darien loves me and I love him that’s why where together”

Beryl you never did learn me and serena are meant to be”he spoke

babe lets go home”

I just nodded

oh yes what ever fatty leave, I found out about your anorexia”

What!? How could she? No one had called me fat in years.

Shut up you whore. Im not fat! And what I went through when I was younger is my business” I began to tear up.

you say so fatty”

That was it I was a pregnant woman and you know what they say don’t you? Don’t get pregnant person mad.So I punched her.Then darien pulled me away from her and out of the building.

Rena shes not worth it”

I know.Darien im so happy we don’t ever have to go back to high school.Let go home and back to reality” I smiled

lets”he smiled

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