About 10 minutes after Darien left the nurse finally came. She wasn’t surprised to see me there I was always there due to my klutz attacks. She As usual washed it out ,Which really Hurt and then I headed to class.Im not sure if it was just me but the day seemed to go on forever. I was so happy when the lunch bell rang. Lunch was my favorite period of course. I ate with my usual friends Lita, Mina and Amy. They where really great friends ive known them since we were in grade 1 and we’ve been inseparable ever since. I was thinking about going to see Darien although I decided not to. He was probably just being nice and plus he eats with my sister and if I went to talk to him she would either tell mom I was bugging her and her friends at school or some other one of her lies so I saved my self the trouble and just decided not too. I went to my other 3 periods and after school waited at the front of school for ray to pick me up. For some reason she was so late, She always was and she always said it was important as if. So I decided to walk home , in a way I was kind of happy I couldn’t wait to tell mom and ray would be in so much trouble.Hey! I know what you must be thinking im not causing problems she’s the one who lies all the time and tells mom anything just to get me into trouble and a long time ago I just use to go along with it until I realized if she wants to play her little game I might as well play it too. I walked about 2 blocks and then I heard a horn honking at me. I turned around and surprisingly enough it was Darien.

Hey.Want a lift?”

Uhm I guess so if you don’t mind”

nope I don’t get in”

I got in the car. It was so awkward I never ever talked to any of my sister’s boyfriends, they where all jerks. but not him.

So how’s your leg? I didn’t see you at lunch.”

uh sorry I was very busy and its fine” I lied I wasn’t busy not at all.

The next 5 minutes of the ride there was silence. I guess there wasn’t anything too say to him. When we finally got to my house I got out of the car .

Well bye Darien thanks a lot”

no problem bye”

I was finally home all I could think about was food and sleep.I went up to my room to get changed and then I heard ray come in.

SERENA!” She yelled.

I went down the stairs.Like what the hell was she screaming at me for.i didn’t do anything that I can remember.


serena, my friend molly said she saw you with darien in his car?”

And your point is?”

He’s my boyfriend!”She screamed.

I had enough she wants to scream at me I could do the exact same thing.

Ray does it matter, and maybe if you would have picked me up I wouldn’t have needed a lift home”

That’s when my mom cut in.I loved having the last word between me and rays arguments.

Girls ,why are you two arguing? ”she questioned

no reason mom” I said and I went in the kitchen so I could have dinner it would be ready any minute so I decided to be the first one there.After dinner I went and started to do some homework.Later on that night my mom came in to give me some laundry.

Serena, Are you actually doing homework?”

yes mom”I said in a very aggravated voice.

Well okay keep at it honey”

And then she left. Around 10 oclock ray came and knocked on my door.

What?”I asked

its me , I want to talk to you.”

sure come in”
This was so weird she actually sounded nice for a change. But I knew it wouldn’t last and I was right.

Serena ,Leave me alone and my boyfriend”

ray, I don’t frigen want your boyfriend get it through your scull”

Sure, That’s why you where with him? And you obviously like him every girl in our school does.”

okay you didn’t pick me up he offered I said yes big deal! And I don’t”

you know what serena,I really don’t care you made me realize something,I don’t care if you have a little crush on darien,because hes mine and he would never fall for an ugly,loser with no style whats so ever person like you. I don’t think any guy will.Your like 14? And you’ve never had a boyfriend and you never will.because Serena your ugly.”

And then she left.I don’t know why, but that really got to me.I never let ray get to me before she said anything to get me down but I think this time it worked.All my friends have had a boyfriend before, maybe she was right.maybe I truly was ugly.But then I came up with an idea. Something that would teach her for good not to mess with Serena Harvey.