It was a normal Monday morning at my house. My mom had just been trying to get me up for the last hour. Ray of course got up right away she had to put on her mask of make up and spend like 4 hours on her hair.

Serena, honey, Your really pushing it your going to be late”

Yeah mom im up” I moaned.

are you sure you said that like 20 times already” she laughed


I got up and rushed to get dressed. Now all I had to do was my hair and brush my teeth and Eat of course. Have I mentioned how much I love food? Well I do. I decided just to leave my hair down in waves with a head band. With in like 10 minutes I was ready to go.Yeah I know im quick eh.I went down stairs to the kitchen.

Good morning mom .What’s cooking?”

French toast”

oh I love that” I said.

I grabbed a seat and drowned my 3 French toast in syrup. And began to scarf them down.

Serena. God. Calm down with the syrup and can you eat any faster? They aren’t going no where” She mocked.

Leave me alone ray. Your just jealous that I can eat this much and still be my size. Unlike you. What are you eating anyways?”

its called fruit .You should try it and I so could. And did you say im fat?” she questioned.

I didn’t really call her fat. I just said she wouldn’t be her size if she ate like I did. And Hey! Its not like im wrong?

mom, Serena just referred to me as fat!” She exclaimed

Serena, that wasn’t very nice.” She said in an fed up voice.

This was one of the normal arguments we had daily. Of course I ended up looking like the bad guy.

Im going bye mom.” Said ray

bye hunny. You have to take Serena to school today alright”

alright. Lets go”

but im eating”

but im leaving”

I got up and grabbed her so-called fruit off the table to run and my luch of course I don’t know where id be with out my food. I went and headed out the door.

Bye mom”

Bye sweetie”

Ray had already gotten her licensed and she just loved to rub it in. but today she wasn’t going to the car.

Darien, is picking me up and you better hope he’s in a good mood to give you a lift brat or else your walking”

who’s Darien?”

my boyfriend. You should get one”

Buzz off Ray!” I practically screamed

Your such a loser” she responded.

About three minutes later. A car appeared in front of us. It was a red sports car and it was so amazing.

Rays boyfriend must be rich too afford a car like this I thought. When it drove up a window rolled down.

hey ray”

hey Darien, I don’t want to bug you , but is it okay if my loser sister tags along my mom asked me to drive her to school?”

I couldn’t believe this me a loser!? As if. And why is she making me sound like a 2 year old. Ive told my mom I was capable of getting to school my self. I am 14!

Yeah sure I don’t mind at all”

I opened the back door to the car and did up my seat belt.

He turned around and looked at me and smiled.

When I saw this guy. I swear I felt like I just died. He was so Hot! Not one of rays boyfriends have ever been this hot. And his smile. Oh my I don’t want to go there it was just so . so amazing.

About 15 minutes later we were at the school.

thank you for the ride” I said

not a problem. Any time. “he responded.

We all got out of the car. When I got out unfortunately I had one of my famous klutz attack and tripped on the seat beat and landed face first on the cement and man did it hurt. But worse of all I was embarrassed.

Ray was laughing I could hear her laugh. But did she come to see if I was okay of course not. But for some weird reason Darien did.

Are you okay?”

Yea im fine this is the usually mornings for me”

he chuckled.

wow it looks like you cut yourself bad”

before I could respond ray cut in. I guess she was pissed her boyfriend payed attention to someone besides her for a whole minute.

Dare, can we go?”

don’t you even care if your sister is alright?”

she will be fine shes such a klutz come on”

Well ray im going to take her to the nurses. Ill see you later”

Wat ever, ill got find someone who wants to see me” she said furiously

Darien helped me up the stairs too the school and took me to the nurses office. For some reason this cut really hurt. When we got to the nurses office he sat me down in the nearest chair.

thank you, you can go now if you want ill be fine”

nah, its alright ill stay”

your choice”

Well serena, I was wondering, why was your sister being so mean to you before? Ive never seen her like that?” he asked.

she isn’t usually like that, its just to me. Aint I lucky?” I said sarcastically.

Wow. Well, that’s the bell, I wont get a note so, find me at lunch okay?”

sure but why?”

well I want to make sure your alright , okay, bye”


This guy was so nice. Ray made him sound like such a jerk. But he’s not.