My name is Serena Harvey. I’m 22 years old. When I was 14 years old as you all know I fell for my sister’s boyfriend. At 17 Darien asked me to marry him. I know that 17 is pretty young but it wasn’t right a way. Of course I told him yes. Well let me tell you how it happened because that was such an amazing night. We went to a new restaurant it was actually one that my friend Lita owns and we had a romantic dinner on the deck. After that we had a midnight stole in the park. It was a beautiful night the moon was full and the stars where bright. We took a horse carriage around the park and when we were getting off he got on one knee and said” Serena I love you so much. More than I ever thought possible will you do me the privilege of being my wife.” I was so ecstatic and I said yes super loud I think the whole park heard. And incase you where wondering about mina she is now a talented actor and singer. That year Darien was going to Cambridge University that was abroad. It was the hardest year of my life. We wrote to each other every day and he called me once a mounth. It was the hardest thing I had ever had to do. During that year I met up with that guy Seiya who stood me up and he explained how that night his mom died in the hospital and of course it made me feel like such a bitch and during that time I felt as though seiya was trying to capture my heart, we were good friends but I think he wanted more but unfortunately for him my heart belonged to Darien. While he was away I stayed in his house and watched Rini, She is now 12 years old soon to be a teenager and she is like a daughter to me I love her so much and still is as adorable as she was when she was little. When he finally came back from his studies we got married. It was truly one of the most blissful times in my life. I had the most wonderful dress. That year was the best of my life. I got married to the man I loved and graduated high school something I never thought I would be able to pull off but thanks to my wondering tutor and boyfriend I managed to pass with a B average. And if your wondering about my sister, She met a nice guy named Chad who she is now married too and she is a much nicer person now and we get along great and resolved everything. When I turned 20 I found out I was pregnant. Later on that year Darien and me got a house together and I had two twins. One boy named Endymion Daniel and a little girl named Serenity rose. Darien also finished his internship that year and is one of the greatest doctors you can find. I don’t really have a job I guess my job is being a great mother and wife, which I must say, is the best job ever. But in my spare time I have been working on this novel.

My wonderful readers.
I hope you liked this story.
it was my first one ever I hope the ending is good for you.
I truly think it was a good ending.
let me know what you think : )