We didn’t mention anything that had just happened but we just sat in silence through out the whole movie. Of course me being me I screamed about 3 times and of course I clutched on to Darien a few times. When the movie was over I was dumbfounded it was the most scary/confusing horror movie I had ever seen. He turned off the movie and changed it to the channel that Csi came on too. Then he spoke.

Now time for some Csi You’re going to love it”

If you say so”

Do you want anything before it starts like a drink or food?”

I guess ill have a coke and popcorn if you have any?”

Yup ill be right back”

When He returned Csi started. We watched csi it was a little different from what I was use too but I actually did like it a lot. It was about 2 teenagers who always bullied this nerd and then one day the nerd kills them. It was so sad at the end I was crying which of course was a good laugh for Darien.

Serena why are you crying?” He chuckled

Its just so sad that kid was bullied and he had enough, trust me im never going to bully anyone.”

Oh Serena”

Darien what time is it?”

Its 10:12 why?”

I need to go home bye”

Oh okay bye”

I dashed my way home I wasn’t suppose to be home this late I knew mom was going to kill me. When I finally got home mom was waiting at the door.

Serena where have you been and what are you wearing!?” She questioned.

Uhm I was at a friends house. And it’s a dress”

Well at this hour and it looks more like a shirt .And you better not pull this stunt again young lady ”

I didn’t bother to argue. I knew ray set me up little miss I think im perfect.Yeah she was right I was trying to steal her boyfriend and I kind of did but she didn’t deserve him. Well she was right but still.

The next morning at school I saw Darien of course I always did it was just as if nothing ever happened. It hurt so much but I knew it would be something I would have to learn to deal with.

That night I went on to my msn. I didn’t go on that frequently but I did go on once a week at least. When I went on I had a friend request.

DD453 has requested to be your friend.

I accepted not quit sure who it was but I had about 100 people on my msn I didn’t know but oh well.

DD453: Hey Serena

Serenapink132: Hi :) who is this?

DD453: its Darien.

Serenapink132: OH HEYYYYY!

DD453: lol

Serenapink132: Darien, I don’t think us keeping this secret is a good idea.

DD453: I know what you mean. When ever your ready. She is your sister and you will have to live with her.

Serenapink132: Thanks a lot. That make me feel so much better…. not

DD453: I know im sorry its just I want you to know this is going to be hard

Serenapink132: oh im aware of that.we will tell her next Friday okay?

DD453: well I have to go. Do you want to go out tomorrow for lunch?

Serenpink132:suree call my cell tomorrow.

DD435: Okay bye

I couldn’t wait till Friday so that this secret would finally be with him. I couldn’t stand to see them kissing in school. And most of all I felt guilty. I know it had only been a couple of days but I have to live with the girl.

When I woke up I decided not to get all dressy I just wore a pear of jeans and a shirt. When he called he said to meet him at the mall. When I went I saw him standing but for some reason he was talking to a little kid.

Hey Darien” I said cheerfully

Oh hi Serena, I hope you don’t mind I brought my sister Rini she was suppose to go to her friends house but last minute plans changed”

Oh not at all I don’t mind.” I kneeled down to the little girl she looked around 4 or 3.

Hi my name is Serena”


We walked to the food court .My favorite place to be in the whole world. Don’t bug me okay! I have mentioned before I loved food and I wasn’t joking.ahaha

So girls where do you want to eat?”

Darien can I eat at mc.donalds?”Rini asked

Sure. What do you want Serena?”


Okay why don’t you two go get that while I go to burger king”

We headed into different directions. I decided might as well get to know rini and maybe even become friends and if Darien and me where going to be officially dating I knew id see her a lot more often.

So rini, what do you want to order?”

A happy meal please”

Okay 1 happy meal coming up” I smiled.

So how old are you?”

Im 4 how old are you Serena?”

Im 14.Hey you want to do something tomorrow we can go see a movie together my treat”

Really! You mean it.”

Of course I do. I promise and I never break promises.”

Oh goodie”

When I got to the cash I ordered her happy meal and ordered 2 cheeseburgers and a poutine and a soft drink of course for myself . After we got the food we went to go and find Darien. When we sat down with him I began digging in to my meal right away.

Darien. Guess what!?” She exclaimed

What rini?”

Serena said she is going to take me to a movie tomorrow”

Wow that’s nice of her”

Dare is she your girlfriend?”

Yea she is”

I almost chocked on my food. I was his girlfriend and that meant he was my boyfriend .He was my first official boyfriend I was so exited. The rest of the day went great. I got to act like Darien was my real boyfriend with out having to worry that ray would see. I held his hand the whole time. We went to the arcade which was such a blast and just looked around .Later that evening we were about to go home.

Well my cars broken so I cant take you home but if you want ill take you by metro?”

Nahh ill be okay. Bye rini you better call me for that movie tomorrow” I said

Oh I will. Bye Serena” She said and came and gave me a hug.

She was the cutest little kid I had ever seen.

Bye Darien”

He pulled me over and kissed me. “Goodbye Serena”

I went home that day. In the most happiest mood ever.