This is my new story.

For any of those who have read my other story

The unexpected”

Yeah I know the names Serena Harvey and Darien Shields.

I just like the names okay:) They are totally different people in this story alright : )

Also , This is being told as if Serena is telling it.


My name is Serena Harvey. I’m 14 years old I go to Celeron High school. I guess you could say I’ am

your average teenager. I love Shopping, my favorite color is pink..Im A Major KLUTZ, And You could say I’

am not that great in school I think I only got a A once and my mom almost had a heart attack.I guess you

could say I was pretty my mom always says ‘Serena, your gorgeous ,if you only wore clothes to show off

your figure and wore a tad of make up you would have all the guys drooling’ I guess she is kind of right but

shouldn’t a guy like me for who I am and not for looks? My mother is a News Anchor and well my dad he

died when I was 6 of cancer, I miss him terribly. We don’t really talk that much about it. Im not a only child,

Unfortunately sometimes I really wish I was. I have an older sister named ray she is 17 and how do I put it,

she is the worst possible sister a girl could ask for. She is popular, beautiful, smart and dating the most

wanted guy in the school, oh and did I mention she is such a bitch, she is so mean to me, doesn’t care

about me at all and my mom totally doesn’t realize it because ray is so good at covering up and I guess

because she’s older she’s right huh? Well no. My mom is really nice don’t get me wrong I just don’t get how

she could buy all Ray’s phony lies. Well anyways,here is my story:)