Chapter 7

It was suppose to be the unsinkable ship of the time. The RMS Titanic was the grandest ship of the time. Though stupidity and carelessness ended the Titanic's reign on the sea. As Sailor Moon watched the stern go down, in the future Sailor Cosmic who was supposedly ill became better and went to America for business. With Jack and Rose, Rose survived when the stern went down and grabbed onto a door that was floating nearby and waited till she was rescued by a lifeboat that was nearby. Though Jack was caught in the suction and sucked down to the depths of the ocean and drowned.

The Titanic now sits on the bottom of the North Atlantic and no one can pull it up because it has been sitting for almost 90 years and it has been encased in very hard mud. But now you know the story of the courageous scouts who tried to save the Titanic from being destroyed. Even though they failed, they saved people from third class, second, class, and yes even 1^st class people. Though this is not true, and it is all fiction, one would like to think that we could travel back to 1912 on that night and try to save those 2,100 souls on the ship. I hope that you liked this story, and please continue to read more of my fanfics.

Continued in the prologue of Sailor Moon Crystal AS: Attack on Crystal Harbor.