Chapter 1

"He did what?!" asked Mina.

"Shiria Katzio has just destroyed the Twin Towers in New York. Michelle was there when the second plane hit her tower, I heard her die on the cell phone. We are leaving now to go to America! No buts, we are leaving now!" said Serena.

The girls were stunned to hear this but they had no choice but to follow Serena's lead. The girls were relaxing at Cicio Island off of the coast of Japan, and were having a great time. Serena went to talk to Darien about what happen on their Titanic adventure, but they were interrupted by the television. As they watched, the 2 twin towers in New York were deliberately attacked. Serena called her friend Michelle who worked in the second tower but she died when a second plane and what looked like a missile hit the tower and then it collapsed right on T.V. and Serena could hear Michelle scream right before she died. Then Shiria Katzio announced that he attacked the Towers and he would focus his attention on his next target Japan's only harbor, Crystal Harbor. Though he wouldn't attack the harbor only if the sailor scouts surrender their powers. Now the sailor scouts prepare to go to the site where the towers collapsed.

"Darien, did you reserve the tickets?" asked Serena.

"Yep, but will the other sailor scouts join us?" asked Darien.

"I don't know, I will go and check with them," said Serena.

Serena left her cabin and went to Sailor Sun, Earth, Scirius, and Firestar's house right on Coco Beach. She was still quezy but she pressed on, not knowing that she had a baby stirring inside of her. She knocked on the door and Sailor Sun answered it.

"What's up?" asked Sailor Sun.

"We have a big problem Jake, and I think we will need your strength to help us out," said Serena. "Oh...god, May I use your bathroom."

Then Serena rushed to the bathroom and threw up, and Sailor Earth noticed it.

"Serena, what's wrong? Are you sick?" asked Sailor Earth.

"Oh, Mimi, I don't know what to do now. I am... oh god!" sobbed Serena.

"What happened, oh no, was it Jack?" asked Mimi.

"I think it was, but I have this...for months...oh Mimi!!!!" sobbed Serena.

"Oh Serena, my baby, it will be all right," said Mimi.

The next day, all of the sailor scouts were packed and ready to go. Sailor Earth and Sailor Sun, but Scirius and Firestar stayed behind just incase Shiria Katzio moved his plans up. They boarded the plane and off they went to New York on their private plane.

"Oh god...guys, I am think this it," said Serena.

"Wait, wait, Serena how long has it been since you have been pregnant?" asked Amy, who just finished a course in pregnancy birth.

"Well this sickness started right after we got back, and that was 8 months ago. Today it would be 9 months!" yelled Serena.

"Well she will have to go through it Darien, we have no choice!" said Amy.

"All right, I have done this back in America, but wait! We don't any equipment! She might need the equipment they use in the emergency room," said Darien.

"Wait, my powers have been used to ease the pain in pregnancy. Earth Smooth Wave; make this baby come out with ease! Here it goes!" said Sailor Earth.

Out Sailor Earth's hands came a wind that went towards Serena. Serena then didn't feel anything.

"What just happened, is the baby dead? OH MY GOD!!!!!!" screamed Serena.

"No Serena, I gave you a chill pill, you won't feel a thing when the baby comes out. Here it comes!" said Sailor Earth.

Out came a bouncing baby, who was very cute and very loud. Rini then came on the viewing board.

"Guys, this is Rini, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, Hotaru, and I are in New York and we've got a problem. Is that a baby crying?" asked Rini.

"Rini, Serena just gave birth, she can't fight, what is it?" asked Mina.

"Um...well we.... I have to go now! Just land soon!!!" said Rini.

Their plane landed soon, and Serena's baby was put in the ambulance and sent to Memorial Hospital in downtown New York.

"What the hell are you doing, you are not going to fight!" yelled Darien.

"Out of my way! I am strong enough!!!! I have my crystal!!!!" yelled Serena.

"No you will not fight!" yelled Darien.

"Try and stop me you bastard! I am Sailor Moon; I am the scout who protects the Earth from anything! Now out of my way! Sailor Cosmic Power!" yelled Serena.

Soon the power of the ancient sailor scout, Sailor Cosmic (Who is still in Japan, resting after his brief flirt with death, Sailor Moon AS: Titanic Heart), came to Serena and her crystal was powered to full critical mass.

"Sailor Cosmic Ancient Crystal Neo-Queen Moon Power make-up!" yelled Serena.

Then Serena was turned into the all-powerful Sailor Moon the protector of the Milky Way galaxy.

"Now you can help me or go with our child to the hospital. It's your choice!" yelled Sailor Moon.

"I will join you. But you must be careful," said Darien.

"Tuxedo Golden Crystal Power!" yelled Darien.

"Inner Planet Scout Power Make-Up!" yelled the 4 girls.

"Sailor Ancient Earth and Sun Power!" yelled Jake and Mimi.

Soon the sailor scouts were ready to go.

"Moon Transport Beam, Cosmo Engage!" said Sailor Moon.

Then the girls disappeared in a flash, and they appeared at Ground Zero.

"Oh my god! This is where it happened!" said Amy.

"Pink Lady Cosmic Hurricane!" yelled Sailor Mini-Moon.

"Uranus Space Cosmic Uplift!" yelled Sailor Uranus.

The scouts then noticed Sailor Uranus and Sailor Mini-Moon fighting off what looked like an armada. Ships and soldiers fired and fired at the sailor scouts but their powers protected them.

"We are here! What happened?" asked Sailor Moon.

"We came to clean up and then they surfaced and they arrived around an hour ago. We've held them out to at least 3 feet but they are really hard to beat. It's an invasion, they're trying to get to Washington!" said Sailor Mini-Moon.

Suddenly, gunfire was heard and the guns were pointed towards the group. Then three scouts jumped out from the rubble.

"Neptune Tidal Wave!" yelled Sailor Neptune.

"Pluto Time Bomb!" yelled Sailor Pluto.

"Saturn Silent Wail!" yelled Sailor Saturn.

The three blasts hit the incoming soldiers, and stopped them for a while. But then they regrouped and headed towards the group firing away.

"I can't fend them off with my powers as an ancient! Moon Cosmic Wand!" yelled Sailor Moon.

Then a wand appeared and came into Sailor Moon's arm. She then prepared to fire.

"We've got to fend them off for a little while longer! Amy just got into Washington's Pentagon; they say they will send a fleet to help us out! Here it goes! Moon Tri Cosmic Super Nova!" yelled Sailor Moon.

Soon the wand started to glow with tremendous force and the nova was created.

"Serena, release it now!!!" yelled Tuxedo Mask.

"Moon Cosmic Super Nova release!" yelled Sailor Moon.

The nova was released and of the armada was destroyed. Though the invading army kept pressing onto the grass where the trade towers were built. The sailor scouts were trapped. There was nothing they could do. Was this the end?

"Florida Rocket Blaze!" yelled someone.

Then a rocket came out of nowhere and hit the army.

"California Surf Wave of Angels!" yelled another voice.

The blast hit the army and they started to retreat.

"For the final blow, New York Pollution Blast!" yelled another figure.

Out of the person's hand came a sudden blast that made one of the ships explode.

"Who are you?" asked Sailor Mars.

"We are the American Sailor Scouts. Welcome to New York, Sailor Moon," said the scout.

Was this ragtag team friend or foe? Find out in Chapter 2 of Sailor Moon AS: Attack on Crystal Harbor.