
In the Museum of Natural Traveling, the Titanic display shined like a new pearl. The clock in the recreation of the 1^st class Grand Staircase was spinning out of control, and soon the clock disappeared and a portal opened and out came 9 scouts that were drenched to the bone, and 3 cats that were also equally drenched.

"Well, we got out. Where is Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask?" asked Sailor Venus.

As Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Mini-Moon, Sun, Earth, Scirius, and Firestar looked into the portal to see if anyone was coming out, Luna sensed something that was urgent to tell.

"Scirius you need to use your Cosmic Ancient Blast, hurry their right near but they need the extra push!" exclaimed Luna.

"Scirius Cosmic Ancient Blast!!!!!!!!" yelled Sailor Scirius.

Soon the portal was hit with a ancient boost and then out came Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, drenched and freezing.

"Oh my god... it is so cold the water is freezing my hair! Where is Jack and Rose?'' asked Sailor Moon.

"Serena, remember they're dead!" said Sailor Venus.

"No they maybe dead and we don't know it! Before the crystal acted up, the stern was halfway down in the water, and it was going down so fast! Please we need to check!" said Tuxedo Mask.

"Darien you have to calm down! If you watched the movie, Jack dies of Hypothermia after he puts Rose on the door. Rose has survived that's why you weren't needed anymore," explained Sailor Sun.

"All right, I get the picture. Our job is done people, lets go home," said Sailor Moon.

Two months have passed after the mission with the Titanic, and the girls have gotten a 2 week lease from college because they were ill after being checked out for extreme coldness to the body and a little bit of pneumonia. They were sent to Cicio Island on school orders, and Darien was relieved from work so he could join them.

"Hey, Serena do you want to go to the beach?" asked Mina.

"Um... No I have to go to see Darien, and plus I am a little quezy too, so maybe no beach for me today," said Serena.

Serena left Coco beach, and went to the restaurant and found Darien dining by himself.

"What's up?" asked Serena.

"Oh nothing, I am just sick and tired. And I have been thinking about what happened on Titanic. Did you make-out with Jack?" asked Darien.

"Well we almost got to it but we never did it, or I hope we didn't," said Serena.

"What do you mean?" asked Darien.

"Well we had a couple of vodkas and martinis and next I knew I was in Jack's bed," said Serena. "Oh my I did it with him, no wonder I have been sick!"

"It's okay! It's okay! Look I kissed Rose too, so we both had our faults," said Darien.

"NO, NO, NO!!!!!! I had sex with him god dam it! And this doesn't bother you?" sobbed Serena.

"It bothers me but, hey what's that on the T.V.?" asked Darien.

Soon their attention was toward the T.V. and they saw 2 Twin Towers, one was on fire.

"Oh my god! Michelle works in Tower 2! I have to call her!" said Serena.

Serena pulled out her cell phone and dialed in Michelle's number.

"Michelle are you there?" asked Serena.

"Yeah I'm here, we just heard an explosion in Tower 1. Serena, I don't know what to do! You have to get over here!!!!" yelled Michelle.

"Look, I am in Cicio Island! My sailor power can't get me over there!" said Serena.

"Well do something. What is that? Oh my god that was an explosion! A plane is coming right here! Serena, tell Mom and Dad that I love them.... please now... agh!!!!" screamed Michelle.

"Michelle, MICHELLE!!!! Darien look on the T.V.!" said Serena.

As they watched a missile hit the building and then a plane hit the building and then the tower started to collapse.

"Serena I can power up the crystal to get us there now," said Darien.

"No, our powers can't help them. Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and Hotaru are there but they probably will leave to come back to Japan. Oh Darien she died on the phone! I heard the explosion!!! OH.... Darien," said Serena.

Then the T.V. screen went blank and on came a man who was in his mid-30s and a very ugly facial features.

"Hello Americans! I am Shiria Katzio of the Terrorist group: Ji-Hadien. And I have a message for the Empire of Japan, tell the Sailor scouts to surrender their powers, in 12 days! If they don't then the Empire's own my Armada will attack your only harbor, Crystal Harbor. So, if your watching Sailor Scouts, surrender your powers or the Empire will be defenseless against my invasion," said Katzio.

And then the picture came back, but then the other Tower came down with a giant crash. Serena looked in horror as she watch it come down.

"He was kidding right?" asked Darien.

Serena just shook her head.

"I don't know what to do! Okay, pack our bags we are going to America to visit the President," said Serena.