Disclaimer. I no own, you no sue? Deal! Ramblings: Dedicated to: heatqueen and spiegal-octopi --They're my biggest fans, and this chapter is dedicated to them! :: Ch-6 The third Chibi!- InuSetsuna?! After a considerable amount of time, Rei and Usagi managed to stumble out of the room, their clothes wrinkled and their hair messy. Though a cat-like grin was plastered on their faces. You would have to be a moronic idiot not to guess what THEY were up to. "Hey you guys," Minako chirped from the back. "What were you two up to?" ...See my point? Ami sighed and grabbed a steel chair (outa-the-blue) and smacked her blonde friend. "YEOWCH!" Minako yelped. "WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?" Ami shrugged. "Someone had to do it." Minako grumbled. "I'm gonna start my own organization." she muttered. "Kill All Blunettes." "I HEARD THAT!!" Makoto shook her head and noticed a shadow that wasn't supposed to be there. "Guys," she warned. "I think there's another--" "WOOF!" "Wah!" Makoto yelped as a yet another waist high Setsuna tackled her to the floor. "What the--?" LICK!!" The Senshi watched in frozen horror as Setsuna with dog ears and a doggy tail licked Makoto on her cheek. "Oh," Rei started. "Shit." Usagi finished. "This can't," Rei started again. "End well." Usagi finished again. "What's wrong with you guys?" Minako asked. "Since we've taken our relationship," Usagi began. "To a whole new level," Rei continued. "We've started finishing each others," "Dinner." Usagi blinked and looked at her girlfriend. "Sentences, Rei. We've been finishing each others sentences." "Oh." A pause. "What'd I say?" Sigh. "Never--" "Do drugs?" Sigh. "Forget it Rei. Just forget it." "Yo!" Ami shrieked. "Get off my girlfriend!" Inu-Setsuna stopped licking Mako's cheek. "Why?" she asked innocently as she cocked her head. "I don't see your name on her anywhere." Makoto perked up. "Actually, her name's kinda tatooed on my--" "Don't," Rei began. "Even," Usagi continued. "Go," Minako pleaded. "There." Ami finished. Inu-Setsuna shrugged. "Even so," she picked up a struggling Makoto. "She's mine now so NYAH!" She ran off. "YOU BITCH!" Ami screamed. "Bring her back right now or I'll rip out your vocal cords!!" "Oooooo!" Minako monotoned. "Rip out the vocal cords. You are SO--" "Minako," Ami growled. "Finish that sentance and I'll--" "I know, I know!" Minako sighed. "Shutting up now." "C'mon!" Ami cried. "Let's go--OH FOR THE LOVE OF--!!" Usagi and Rei had gone back into the room. "HEY!" Ami rapped her knuckles on the door. "Make out some other time you two!" "Ah leave'em." Minako waved. "We'll go save Mako-chan ourselves." "Hmmm." Ami pondered. "Good point." Meanwhile... "Are they gone?" Usagi asked. Rei listened closely. "Yep!" she grinned. "They're gone!" "Cool!" Usgai turned on her Nintendo Gamecube. "Let's play Mario Party 7!!" "FRIGGIN' RIGHT!!!" And Rei and Usagi played all chapter. Meanwhile meanwhile... "So," Makoto droned as she sat in a corner, tied up with rope. "What are you going to do to me." Inu-Setsuna laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head. "I didn't think that far ahead." Makoto sighed and let her heas thump against the back of the wall. "Great. Juuuusssssstttttt great. I've been kidnapped by an idiot." She turned her head to the heavens. "CAN THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE!?!?!?!?!" Then the funniest thing happened. Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile... "This is it gang," Minako said as an oversized army helmet bounced on her head. "Makoto's inside!" "Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy!" Ami whined, a lutenants baret on her head. "How come I have to be second in command! She's my girlfriend!" "Yes," Minako nodded. "But I look better in green than you do." "Fuck!" Back to the Setsuna and the Makoto... "Faster!" Makoto pleaded as the jeep bounced along the road. "He's gaining on us!" She looked in the rear-view mirror to see the purple T-Rex run faster. It opened its mouth... "I love you! You love me! We're a great big family!" "AAAGGGGGH!!" Makoto screeched as she held her ears. "MAKE IT STOP!!!" Barney laughed and ran faster. "Come back kiddies!" he giggled. "Someone needs a hugggggggg!" "I need you to DIE!!" "Now that's not nice!" "You know," Inu-Setsuna said to a furious Makoto. "He's gotta point." "WHO'S ASKING YOU!?!?!" "Right. Shutting up now." Barney leaped and landed in front of the jeep. "Come on kids! We need to have a group hug!!" Makoto shouldered a rocketlauncher. "There is no way IN HELLL!!!!" Later... Makoto sobbed on Barney's shoulder as he held her. "And then they stole my puppy! MY FREAKIN' PUPPY MAN!!" "It's okay," Barney whispered soothingly. "Let it alllllll out." Makoto sniffled and turned to the screen where, no doubt, the audience was laughing at her. "What?!?!" she asked furious. "I have a few issues okay?!?! I'll swear I'll kill him after!" "Awww Mako-chan!" Barney giggled and began to tickle the chef. "Turn that frown, UPSIDE DOWN!!" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA!" Makoto roared. "S-STOP I-IT! HAHAHAHAHAHAA, Please, I-I, hahahahahahaaa!" :: TO BE CONTINUED ::