Disclaimer. I no own, you no sue? Deal! :: Ch 5- The second Chibi: Ninja-Setsuna:: Rei groaned and opened her eyes. "Man," she rasped. "Those were some DAMN good margaritas." She took a good look around. "Uh oh." This certantly wasn't her room. (or Usagi's for that matter) She gulped nervously. "This is either really good, or, really bad." "Hello lover." a calm voice said. Rei turned around to see another mini version of Setsuna staring back at her. "AGGH!" she shrieked. Rei tugged at her hands, shocked to see them bound by handcuffs. A tug on her feet revealed that they too were bound. "Crap-in-a-basket!" she growled. "Don't worry," the new Setsuna purred. "I am nothing like my sister." "Oh, so you two were related. That makes me feel better." Rei snapped sarcasticlly. The Chibi's eyes narrowed in anger. "I belive that it would be wise for you to stay silent lover." This Setsuna's voice never rose, only maintained a calm state that set warning bells off in Rei's head. "What's with the 'lover' crap!?" the miko yelled. SLAP!! Rei blinked as she processed what just happened. "YO!!" she shouted in anger. "YOU DID NOT JUST PIMP-SLAP ME!!" Her rant was cut short as Chibi-Setsuna straddled her waist. "WHOA!" she sputtered, a ferocious blush encompasing her face. "Excuse me, but this is kinda overstepping some boudaries here!" The Minitized-crazy-dominatrix-Setsuna began to lean in for a kiss. "You need to be taught some respect my flower." she purred. "Personal sapce...PERSONAL SPACE!!" Rei yelled as she turned her head and closed her eyes. Then, all of a sudden, Chibi Setsuna stopped. "Someone is at the door." she growled. She turned to a tense Rei. "I'll be back little bird," she whispered, stroking the miko's cheek. "It seems that your friends wish to die early." She got off Rei, pulled on her ninja suit, and walked out the door to face the other Senshi. Rei cautiously opened one eye, then the other. "It's official." she sighed. "This is really bad." Then, the final sentence from the Setsuna lookalike came to her mind. "USAGI!!" Meanwhile... "This is it gang!" Minako shouted as an army helmet bounced on her head. "Sources indicate that our Rei is here in this building!" "That," Makoto began, "And that very large neon sign." The Senshi looked up and there was, indeed, a large neon sign that flashed the words 'Rei is Here!' and an arrow pointing at the door. "Oh." A pause. "I never noticed that before." CRASH!!! "FLAMING MONKEY POOP ON A STICK!!! Ami shrieked as a ninja girl crashed throught the wall, shurikan at the ready. "The priestess belongs to me now," the kunoichi growled. "And you worthless bags of flesh just interupted my first kiss with her." "What did you say?" Usagi asked darkly. "Oh jeez," Makoto whimpered, "Usa's pissed." "What did you say?!" "Shouldn't of said that." Ami said to the kunoichi.. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!?" Usagi screamed. "Now she's in for it." Minako grinned. "NO ONE KISSES REI, BUT ME!!!" Usagi roared. She leapt at the shocked kunoichi, rage shining in her blue eyes. "AAAAAA!" the kunoichi wailed. Usagi ripped off her mask to reveal that the waist-high kunoichi was none other than-- "Ron Howard?" Minako asked. What? No! Ahem, Usagi ripped off her mask to reveal that the waist-high kunoichi was none other than-- "Are you SURE it's not--" "Minako," Ami growled evily. "Finish that sentence, and I swear to God, I'll rip out your vocal cords." Minako eeped and grabbed her throat. "Continue." she squeaked at the narrarator. ANYWAY, Usagi ripped off her mask to reveal that the waist-high kunoichi was none other than-- All eyes turned to the surprisingly silent Minako. "What?!" the blonde squeaked. "I happen to like my vocal cords thank you very much!" --Setsuna Meioh! (DUN DUN--oh c'mon. You saw this coming a mile away.) "Another one!?" they all shouted. Ninja-Setsuna whipped out a kunai from her pouch. "Do you challange me for the miko?" she whispered to Usagi menacingly. Usagi blinked. "What? Oh! OH, yeah! I do you, you...MEANIE!!!!" She turned sharply to her left to see all of the Senshi trying to contain their laughter. "Shut up you guys, or I'll rip out your--" "Vocal cords?" Minako snickered. "Puh-LEEEEZE!" "I'll rip out your livers, squeeze the jelly from your eyes, and grind your bones to make my bread!" The Senshi were silent. "Yes!" Usagi cried to Ninja-Setsuna. "I challange you for Rei!" She pulled out her yardsitck from the last chapter. "To the death!" Meanwhile meanwhile... Rei pulled at her arms and legs, writhing on the bed. "HELLLP!" she cried. "MY NOSE IS ITCHY!!!!!! HEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :: TO BE CONTINUED::