Disclaimer. I no own, you no sue? Deal! Ramblings: I'd like to dedicate this chapter to: spiegel-octopi; If I'm your hero, then you're my rich English butler. :: Ch 4- The death of Pirate-Setsuna! (du--OH SCREW IT!) The pirate ship was crowded with happy pirates, all participating in the large congo line started by the captain's new bride. "Arrg!" one pirate said. "Me likes the capitn's bony blue 'aired lass me does!" "I'll drink ta that!" another pirate shouted merrily as he chugged down his pint. Suddenly, the battle music for 'Pirates of the Carribbean' came on. The fiesta halted in its tracks. "HALT VILE EVIL DOOERS!!" a young woman's voice cried into the night. There, on top of the mast, were four young woman, each clad in pirate clothes. They had a yardstick tied at their waists and one of the blondes had shouldered the boombox that was playing the background music. "Small versions of friends shouldn't kidnap others!" said a blonde with odangoes. "In the name of the--" "OH YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" "What the-?" the blonde turned to see a humongus jug of living red juice swing down to the deck, landing right on his face. "Koolaid Guy!" A black haired beauty yelled. "Are you okay?!" The jug shot to his feet and proudly declared with a valiant grin, "OH YEAH!" "Oh no!" said the blonde with the boombox. "Koolaid Guy, WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!!!" "Oh yeahhh?!" Koolaid Guy squeaked out. The pirate crew was leering towards him, thirst for the delicious red liqiud evident in their eyes. "OH SHIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTT!!" he screamed as the pirates pounced. "NOOOOOOO!" the odango-haired leader sobbed. The black-haired beauty wasted no time, swinging the smaller blonde in her arms and stroking her hair soothingly. "He w-was a good beverage." The girl said softly, still stroking her leader's hair. She shot to her feet and drew her yardstick. "IN THE NAME OF KOOLAID EVERYWHERE, HE SHALL BE AVENGED!!!!!!" Suddenly, out of nowhere, a brunette strode up next to the black-haired maiden. And she had on... "NO!" the first mate cried. "Lads, she be wearin' SUNGLASSES!!!!! (dun dun dunnnnnnn!) "No!" the crew shouted. "Not SUNGLASSES!!!! (dun dun dunnnnnn) "Yes!" the first mate answered. "SUNGLASSES!!!! (dun dun dunnnnnnn) "That's right you evil pirate dudes!!" the brunette snarled as she drew her yardstick as well. "We shall avenge our fallen comerade" With that decleration. she swung out her arm, which accidentaly hit the blonde with the boombox in the nose. The blonde cried out in pain, then cried out in terror as she lost her balance and tumbled over the edge of the mast. "I HATE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" SPLASH!!!! The brutnette with the sunglasses(dun dun dunnnnn) slowly looked over her shoulder and grinned nervously. "Oops." "Excuse me, pardon me!" a voice said. A blue-haired girl shoved her way through the crowd and gazed up at the three girls on the mast. "Ah! Me Amigas!" she shouted happily, opening up her arms as if to hug them. "C'mon and join the fiesta!!" "No thank you." the leader said politly. "Ahhhhhh c'mon Usagi!" the blunette said as she waggled her eyebrows. "I have quesadillas!" "QUESADILLAS?!?!" Usagi shouted as stars appeared in her eyes. "I love those!" She leaped from the mast, and fell into the crowd of pirates. "USAGI!" Rei screamed. "I'll get her!" Makoto grunted. She grabbed a rope and swung like a monkey. "Wait for--" "Don't you take another step lass..." Rei gasped and turned to face Pirate-Setsuna. "That be my bride down there," she hissed. "The blue-haired lass belongs ta me now, and there's nothin' you can do to stop me!" Rei growled and leveled her yardstick at the enemy. "I'll fight you for the release of my friend!" she declared. Pirate-Setsuna laughed and drew her sword. "So be it." As the two warriors clashed, they could hear the slight tune of the 'Pirates of the Carribbean' battle music wafting up from below. Meanwhile... Makoto swooped down and caught Usagi in her arm and jumped down to the deck. "Are you okay?" she asked her blonde-haired friend. "QUESADILLAS!" Usagi shouted as she began to drool. Ami appeared with a tray of quesadillas. "Say ello!" she grinned. "To mah little amigos!" Usagi leaped toward the blunette, snatched the tray from her hands, and ran off. "Oh, hello Makoto-chan." Ami said calmly to the stunned chef who still had on sunglasses (dun dun dunnnnnnn). "Ready to go?" Makoto asked her girlfriend. "Yes." Ami answered smiling. "While it has been fun at this fiesta, I really have to get home to study." "Ah, Ami!" Makoto laughed. "You never change." Meanwhile meanwhile... Setunsa finished gluing the final piece of velcro to the final piece of the final Gates of final Time. "Finished!" she decleared. "It took me another chapter, Five million pieces of Eazy-Stick velcro, but I'm done!" The Gates rumbled once, twice, thrice, fwice-- "Not again!" Setsuna whimpered. The Gates of Time fell to the ground and shattered into a million pieces. "It's not fair!" she sobbed. "IT'S NOT FAIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRR!!" Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile... Rei and Pirate-Setsuna were locked in a fierce battle. And they were evenly matched. "C'mon you midget!" Rei taunted. "My Grandpa fights better thatn you!" "ARRRG!" the Chibi snarled in anger. Suddenly, Pirate-Setsuna knocked Rei's yardstick from her hands and kicked her to the edge of the mast. "Ha!" the pirate laughed. "I guess you'll be takin' this bit o' information woth ya down in Davy Jone's Locker!" she mocked. "This will be the day, that you almost killed Captain Setsuna Meioh!" After she finished the sentence, the Chibi fell into a fit of evil laughter. Rei smirked. "Well you seem to be forgetting one small thing." she began softly. Pirate-Setsuna stopped her cackling. "And what might that be lass?" "That the Senshi have MAD SKILLZ YO!!" And with that, Rei, using her MAD SKILLZ YO!, swung her self up, slammed her feet into the pirate's stomach, sent her flying, and landed on the mast, all in one graceful move. "CURSE YOU REI HINOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Pirate-Setsuna screamed as she fell down to her death. Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile MEANWHILE... Minako gasped as she hauled herself from the sea to the deck of the pirate ship. "Oh thank God," she panted as she laid on her back. A sharp whislting sound drew her attention to the screaming black dot that was getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until Mianko could tell that it was the pirate version of Setsuna falling. And she was about to fall right on top of Minako. "Eep." was all she could say as the pirate captian crashed... ...right next to her. "I'm gunna LIVE!" The blonde shouted. "SUGOI!!!" And she began a victory dance with the other pirates. Meanwhile (x5) Rei laughed triumphantly as she pointed at the deceased Chibi's resting place. "This will be the day that you--" SLAM!! Rei slumped in her attacker's arms, unconscience and a small trickle of blood coming from her scalp. "Such a beautiful priestess..." Rei's attacker murmured. She stroked the knocked out miko's cheek lovingly. "And she's mine." the mysterious woman muttered darkly. She reached into the fods of her kimono and pulled out a piece of paper. The attacker let it fall to the other Senshi, before she gathered the unconscience Rei in her arms. "Come my love," she whispered. " We need to plan out the rest of our lives..." Then, she leaped into the night, Rei in her arms. (Back on the ground...) "Rei-chan!" Usagi cried. "Rei-chan, where are you?!" A paper fluttered nearby and Usagi caught it. Her cry was muted in her throat as sobbs spilled forth. "What's wrong?!" Minako asked her fellow blonde worridly. Usagi shook her head and handed the note to Minako. Minako's heart plummeted. :: "I have your precious miko." :: Minako crumpled the note in her hand. Makoto approached the two blondes. "What happened?!" It was Usagi's shaky voice that answered. "Rei's been kidnapped!" Ami gasped and covered her mouth. "Don't worry Usa," Minako said, her voice too calm for her bubbly nature. "We'll find this sick bastard." She looked up, hatred evident in her skyblue eyes. "And he'll pay." The Senshi stood there, a dramatic wind blowing. SPLAT!! Makoto looked at the white poop on her brown shirt. "That better not be what I think it is." :: TO BE CONTINUED::