Disclaimer. I no own, you no sue? Deal :: Ch 1- WHEEEE! CHASE MUSIC!!!! (dun dun dunnnnn):: Rei Hino blinked and looked around. "That was...odd..." the raven-haired beauty murmured. "What was?" Ami asked her friend. "I thought I heard the sound of someone yelling." Minako perked up. "You think Haruka and Michi-chan are at it again?" "WHAT?!?!" Rei yelled as a furious blush covered her cheeks. "No not THAT!" "Oh." Minako sighed in dissapointment and continued to read her manga. Makoto walked in with a tray of sweets. "What'd I miss?" the chef asked lightly. "Rei said she heard a noise." Usagi reported as she drooled at the sight of food. "Ruka and Michi again?" "Not that!" Makoto sighed in dissapointment and handed the tray of food to a starving Usagi. "So, what did it sound like?" Ami asked. "What sounded like what?" Rei asked back. Ami blinked and said slowly, "The noise you heard." "I heard a noise?" Twitch. "Yes, Rei-chan you heard a noise." "Oh. Cool." Twitch twitch. "What did the noise sound like Rei?" "Noise? There was a noise?" Flinch. "Yes, there was noise!" "Cool." "DAMNIT! WHAT WAS THE NOISE REI!?!" "I heard a noise? Cool. What'd it sound like?" "GRAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" As Ami tried to launch herself at our favorite raven-haired miko, Makoto leaped to the rescue and grabbed her blue haired girlfriend by her waist. Usagi finished the dumpling in her hand and leaned to Rei. "You're evil. You know that right?" Rei grinned impishly. "Oh yeah. But it's just so fun to see her all worked up." Usagi laughed and leaned her head on her girlfriend's shoulder. "Too true." Rei cleared her throat and said, "This is what the noise sounded like." That got everyone's attention. Ami leaned forward. "Yes?" Rei closed her eyes. "It sounded like..." Minako leaned forward. "Yes?" "Like..." Makoto leaned forward. "Yes? "Like..." Usagi leaned forward. "Yes?!" Rei smirked. "Like this." She blew a raspberry. Ami launched herself at Rei again, except this time, Makoto didn't stop her. "EEEEEK!" Rei shrieked as Ami wrapped her hands around the miko's neck. "YOU TELL US WHAT THAT NOISE WAS OR SO HELP ME--" Ami stopped strangling Rei to pick up a butter knife and held it up in the air. "Okay, OKAY!" Rei gasped hoarsly. Ami got off her friend and sat down next to Makoto. Rei rubbed at the finger-print shaped bruises on her throat. "The noise sounded like someone screaming in agony okay?!" Ami smiled happily as she put down the butter knife. "Now was THAT so hard?" she asked sweetly. Rei was hiding behind Usagi, looking at the (slightly) insane blunette, shivering. "I SAID," Ami growled evily as she held up her Butter knife-of-Doom. "Was That SO HARD?!?!?!?!" "IT WASN'T HARD! IT WASN'T HARD!!!!!" Rei wailed. Ami put the knife down again. "Good!" she chirped. Minako raised her hand timidly in the air. "Excuse me," the bubbly blonde said cutely. "But if someone was screaming in agony, shouldn't we, you know...DO something about it?" At the confused look the others sent her, Minako sighed. "Remember? We're the Sailor Senshi. Superheroes, defenders of the peace." The other Senshi blinked in unison. "Oh yeeeaaaaaaaaah!" Mianko groaned and rubbed her temples. "Why didn't I just STAY in London?" the blonde whined. Cue 'Flight of the Bumble Bee' music Together, the Sailor Senshi ran out of the temple, down the stairs, around the corner, into a movie theater, OUT of the movie theater, into a mall, in and out of several clothing stores, over the river and through the woods, and down Dreury Lane, where they met the Muffin Man, had several pastries, drank tall glasses of vitaman enriched milk, used the little Senshi's room, washed their faces and had a nap. Deep breath After their nap, the Senshi ran out of the Muffin Man's house, up Dreury Lane, through the woods and over the river, re-visited the clothing stores they had been to before, out of the mall, back into the movie theater (to see Shrek 2), back OUT of the movie theater, around the corner, up the stairs and back inside the temple. "Wow!" Sailor Moon panted. "That was fun!" The blonde blinked before asking, "What were we doing again?" The Sailor Senshi all blinked in unison before they realized the uselessness of their trek. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy!" "Oh boy," Sailor Jupiter murmured as 'Flight of the Bumble Bee' was heard in the distance. "Here we go again." Together, the Sailor Senshi ran out of the temple-- "HALT YOU SCURVY DOGS!!" --and were stopped by a gravelly voice. "What the-?!" There, standing on top of a cherry tree was-- "George Washington?" Sailor Venus asked. What? No! Ahem, there, standing on top of the cherry tree was-- "Are you SURE its not George Washington?" Venus asked the narrarator again. Yes, I'm sure the figure on top of the cherry tree isn't George Washington. "Arrg," Figure on Top of the Cherry Tree began. "I be speakin' like a pirate lassie. I be no George Washinghams." TON, Washing-TON!! "Whatever." ANYWAY, there, standing on top of the cherry tree was--- "Abe Lincoln? Teddy Rosevelt? Thomas Jefferson?" Sailor Venus asked again. NO! THE FIGURE ON TOP OF THE CHERRY TREE ISN'T A FAMOUS PRESIDENT!!! "Oh." A pause. "Then is it Micheal Jackson?" GRAHHHHH! THAT'S IT! I QUIT!!!! A door slams Sailor Mars glared at a sheepish Sailor Venus. The fire maiden slapped the blonde upside her head. "OW!" Venus cried as she held her head. "Smooth move blondie." Sailor Mars growled. ::: TO BE CONTINUED::::: Oh noes! Will the Senshi stick together, despite Minako's mistake?! Will the Figure on Top of the Cherry Tree get more that just 2 lines?! Who IS the Figure on Top of the Cherry Tree?! Will the Senshi figure it out?! And if they do, is it Micheal Jackson?! And if he is, will his nose be kicked off?!?! (again) Will they get Shrek 2 on DVD?!?! Will they meet up with the Muffin Man again?! Will I hire a new narrarator?! WILL I STOP TYPING THESE STUPID QUESTIONS?!?!?!?!?!?!? Find out, in chapter TWO! echoes