Disclaimer. I no own, you no sue? Deal! ::: Ch-14: Neko Setsuna:::: "So, you don't love her?" asked Usagi with tears in her big baby blue eyes. Rei smiled softly. "I love you," she whispered. "With all my heart..." "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" Cooed all the Senshi plus Kagome. Well, almost all the Senshi. "I think I'm gonna be sick." Haruka rolled her eyes. Michiru slapped her arm. "Be nice." she hissed to her tomboyish partner. "YO!? WHEN WILL YOU BITCHES PAY ATTENTION TO ME!?!?!?" screamed the fed up Pimpette Setsuna. The Senshi turned to see the Chibi grab Minako by her, ahem...assests...Minako shrieked and fought against the straighforward Chibi as she began to drag her to the Pimpettemobile. "Let go of me!" the blonde screamed. "Shut up bitch!" hissed Pimpette Setsuna as she delivered a quick backhand to the Senshi of Love's cheek. Silence. A furious Setsuna focused her ruby red gaze on Pimpette Setsuna. The Chibi blinked a few times, before it gasped and held its chest. "H-h-h-heart attack yo!" she gasped. She then fell to the ground and laid still. More silence. "Peace out diggy dawgs!" The gangsta bitch cried out, before she flopped to the ground; dead. Even MORE silence. "Holy hell." Haruka whimpered. Makoto and Ami had latched onto each other and were quietly sneaking away from the Senshi of Time while Kagome was in complete and utter awe. Usagi and Rei were too busy cuddiling to notice the disturbance, crazy lovebirds they were. Chibi-usa and Hotaru had ran into another room to injest sugar and play very violent videogames. Minako gazed at Setsuna with a strange light in her eyes. "You," she whispered. "You saved me..." At this, the green haired woman coughed a bit and turned to hide her blush. "O-of course Minako-chan! I would never leave one of my friends in the dust..." She then ruined the rare serious moment to whip out her best friend Phillip the nickel and ask it, "Right Phillip?" Everyone face planted. ...Just as four very pissed off women crashed through the already ruined window. "KAGOME!!!" they snarled. "Oh shit!" the miko of the future squealed. Ayame, Sango, Kagura, and Tsubaki grabbed our favorite lesbian playa, (or, the ONLY lesbian playa that I know of...) and began to pull her out of the house. "So this is were you've been hiding!" Sango growled. Ayame cackled evily. "Well, we'll just have to tie you up then to make sure you DON'T go away." the wolf princess smirked. "And my dear frind Yura of the demon-hair knows just how to tie up people juuuussssst right." Tsubaki snickered. "Damn physcotic bitch." Kagura murmured under her breath. "Well girls," Kagome sighed as she was dragged from the room. "It's been swell meetin ya. Catch ya later...if I live that long." The four demonesses/demonslayer/dark miko pulled Kagome from the house. "Aw," Usagi moaned. "I'll miss her." Just then, Kagome poked her upper body back into the house and made an imaginary phone with her hand, placing it to her ear. "Call me!" she mouthed to Rei, before she was re-dragged from the house. A pause. "I hope that bitch burns in hell." Usagi snarled, tightening her grip on Rei. "I dunno," Michiru said. "I kind of liked the prostpect of hot miko love." Everyone looked at her. "What? I'm a grown woman damnit! Can't I have freakish kinks too!? Fetishes? Obsessions!?" "Like that Pokemon collection in your closet?" Haruka chuckled. "Like my Pokemon collection in my--Wait just one mother fruckin minute here!!" The Senshi blinked in surprise at hearing calm, cool, collected Michiru curse like Haruka. The Water Senshi turned to her sandy haired partner. "You've been in my closet!?" she shrieked. Haruka shrugged. "That's my freakish kink. I'm nosy." "Really?" Minako asked. "Of course Minako-chan." Haruka droned, sarcasm dripping from her words. "In fact, I get all hot and bothered just by gossiping at the local mall. Sometimes, I just wanna pin Michiru down and--" "TMI!!" Makoto shrieked as she clamped her hands over her ears. "You know," Ami began, holding Makoto, "I really didn't need to hear that." "Oh?" the Senshi of Uranus smirked. "Then you'll certaintly love this tid bit of information about what types of positions there are for--" "Hey! Knock it off!" Rei snarled. "This story might get deleted because of you! This is PG-13 for cryin out loud!!!" "What?" Haruka asked, genuienly confused. "I was just about to discuss the types of positions there are for--" "TmiTmiTmiTmiTmiTmi..." Makoto chanted. "--baseball." A pause. "Baseball." Setsuna stated. "Duh," the sandy-haired tomboy said. "What the hell did you think I was talking about?" "Uhhh..." Setsuna looked to Minako, then back to Haruka. "Nothing. Absolutly nothing." "Nyow!" "What the--Ack!" With that, a kittified version of Setsuna tackled the real Setsuna to the ground. "WHERE THE HELL DO THEY KEEP COMING FROM!?" Ami roared. "Maybe they're like bunnies--" "MINAKO!!" "TMI!!!" "Sowwy." "Get her offa me!" Setsuna grunted. Neko Setsuna giggled and chirped, "Nyow!" again. "Hang on Setsuna-chan!" Minako cried, dashing to the fallen Senshi. Neko Setsuna hissed and grabbed Setsuna under her arm. The chibi gave one final "Nyow!" and leaped through the window, taking Setsuna with her. "Oh no!" Rei cried. "Oh no!" Ami cried. "Oh no!" Haruka cried. "Oh no!" Michiru cried. "Oh no!" Minako cried. "Oh no!" came the muffled cries of Hotaru and Chibi-usa. Usagi flung herself through another window and jumped to her feet, a proud grin on her face, and shouted, "OH YEAH!!!" Silence. "Oops!" The odango-atama said weakly as she wobbled on her feet. "Forgot about the glass...and the blood..." THUMP! ::::::: TBC::::::