Disclaimer. I no own, you no sue? Deal! :: Ch-10- We're of to save Usagi!:: Rei sat on her unresponsive Marsmobile. A pout had fixed itself on her lips and she held her thumb out in the "hitch-hiker's" position. "I shouldn't have went to Disney World..." she sighed. Suddenly, a tie-dye obnoxiously-colored bus pulled up and its doors opened. A woman with red-hair sat at the driver's seat. "Hey there!" she called out to Rei. "Need a ride?" "Yes! Thank-you very much!" Rei climbed into the hippie-bus and got the shock of her life. "Holy shit..." "What?!" A blue-blob with eyes and a mouth growled. "Haven't you ever seen a bus filled with imaginary friends before?!" "Uhhhh..." Rei stammered, still shell-shocked. "Not really, no..." "Bloo!" A boy with shaggy brown hair yelled. "Be nice!" The boy cleared his throat and held out his hand. "Hi there, my name's Mac." As Rei shook Mac's hand he pointed to the blob. "This is my imaginary friend Bloo!" Then he pointed to an extremely tall red being, whose left arm and eye were broken. "That's Wilt." "Hello!" Wilt said with a big smile He pointed to a large purple haired beast next. "Here's Edwardo," "Hola!" Edwardo said shyly. Mac pointed to the driver. "This is Frankie." Frankie smiled warmly. "Nice to meet'cha." And finally, Mac pointed to-- "COCO!" Rei screamed with joy. She let out a girlish squeal as she ran to the half-airplane, half-plant, half-girl thing and embraced her warmly. "Coco!" Coco wailed. They snuggled like two best friends. "You know Coco?!" Mac asked. "You know her?!" Bloo shreiked. "Of course I know Coco!" Rei huffed. "After all, I'M the one who created her!!" (dun dun duuuunnnnnnn) "WHAT!?!?!" Meanwhile... "Okay!" Minako screamed. "That's it! I'm through with you losers! "But Minakoooooooooooooooo!" Soldier # 1 whined. "We love you!" "I...don't...CARE!!!" "MEANIE!!!" Meanwhile meanwhile... "Ami-koi!" Makoto cooed. "Mako-koi!" Ami cooed. They sat there, outside the house, cooing sweet nothings and all that other junk. It was enough to make even the elegant and sophisticated Michiru sick to her stomach. As Ami and Makoto began to nuzzle, Haruka stopped sulking. "I guess the only three who haven't made it in is Taru-chan Chibi-chan and Mamo-baka." she pondered. Michiru nodded. "True. Then again, most fanfictions don't have poor Taru and Chibi-chan in anyway." Haruka scratched her chin. "I wonder what they're up to..." :::: Elsewhere...:::::: "Wow..." Chibi-usa breathed. "I didn't know that a person could BEND like that..." "I know..." Hotaru agreed. "but there's one thing I don't get. Why do they have to make such weird sounds while they doing it?" "I dunno," Chibi-usa said. "I mean, the sweat and the panting I get, but those grunting noises? Weird." "Oh well. I guess Haruka-papa thinks it's cool. Hey Chibi-usa! Wanna try it?!" "You bet!" And thus, the wrestling match began between the two best friends! Yes, you heard me right! Wrestling! ...What were YOU thinking of you pervert!?!?... ::: Back with Rei::::: "So let me get this straight," Frankie began. "YOU'RE Coco's creator!?!?!?! Rei nodded as she cuddled up with her imaginary friend. "Yep." "...What were you SMOKING when you made her?!?!?" "Give me a break! I was watching Pokemon and eating Frosted Flakes okay?!?!" Rei sighed. "Can you pleae take me to my friend Usagi now?" Frankie nodded, still alittle confused about the sanity of the raven haired beauty. "What's your name anyway?" "Rei Hino." "Cool." And with that, Frankie revved up the Foster's bus and then they were off! TO SAVE USAGI!!!!!!! Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile... "LET ME GO!!!" Usagi shrieked. Plumber-Setsuna huffed and threw the blonde-haired vixen to the ground. "What do you want with me?!?!" Usagi growled. Plumber-Setsuna shrugged. "I wanted to fita in witha de others. Plus, I wasa bored." "Oh C'MON!" Usagi wailed. "All the other girl's got kidnapped because the other Setsunas liked them! How come you don't?!" Plumber-Setsuna shrugged again. :::Back with Makoto...:: "Heya Minako." Ami greeted the exhausted blonde. "Where have you been?" "Disney World." she grunted. "Where's the soldiers?" "Dead." "How!?!" "Don't know don't care." "Aren't we a bit touchy?" "Tell ya what. Why don't I leave YOU with three immature guys and see if YOU'RE all rainbows and butterflies afterwards." "...Point taken." "GUYS!!!" Haruka screamed. "Rei just called me! She says that Usagi's been KIDANPPED!!!!" (dun dun dunnnn) "No!" Makoto wailed. "Not KIDNAPPED!!!!!" (dun dun dunnnnnn) "Yes! KIDNAPPED!!!!!" (dun dun dunnnn) Makoto turned to see Michiru, Ami, and Minako looking extremely bored. Not shocked. Not surprised. Not horrified at all. Just bored. "What is WRONG with you guys!?!?" "The fact that Usagi's been kidnapped really doesn't surprise us." Minako yawned. "It was bound to happen sooner or later." Ami finished. "...YOU GUYS SUCK!!!!" ::::: TO BE CONTINUED!!!!:::::::