Disclaimer: See previous chapter. Comments: This was quite hard was this episode so I had to include some generic DiC cartoon injections that would be handy for a parody and there is a reason for the alternate title. Theory of the day, SM means Super Mario so how come people call this SM? Then instead of Super Mario Bros. Super Show (oh yeah!), you get Sêrâ Mûn Bishôjo Senshi Show (SMBSS). Now for Part 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adventures of Usagi Tsukino (AoUTK) - Episode 104 (105) High Stakes Usagi - Casino Night Serena (American name) - Usagi Should Be So Lucky Inside some prison, the villianous Queen Beryl walked into the dungeon which in the cage was the blue haired damsel holding onto the bars desperate to get free. "So your Sailor Senshi cohort doesn't approve of my little gambling establishment," grunted the dictator while pointing the finger at her. Ami yelled, "It's a rip off!" The devious queen then walked slowly away from the captive Sailor Senshi rubbing her hands but then she stopped and looked at her foe. "Well, you double dorsalled dope, Sailor Moon is going to help me win one big bet", gloated Beryl. The blue haired girl shook the bars and replied, "Nobody calls me a double dorsalled dope and also my pal will never help you." "You better hope that she does since I've got the perfect plan to get my labour workers back", bellowed out the red haired bad queen. Back in the Green Hill Casino, the blonde haired heroine has returned to the casino looking for her pal who was kidnapped by the villian. She had put her hand over her head scouting up and down which the blonde girl had stopped. Usagi yelped, "Ami, Ami, where are you?" Very quickly the blonde haired Sailor Senshi walked into the pool area which is at the back of the casino, she stopped looking very annoyed. "Ami, Ami, This is no time for hide and seek", spoke the bored blonde haired heroine. In the pool was the green suited crook laying on a float resting while reading a generic newspaper in English. The stranger had a smirk on his face while staring towards his enemy who was rubbing her tiara. Jeffrey plotted, "Ah, Sailor Moon it is good to see you again as Queen Beryl is challenging you to a cook off." "Forget about it", yelled Usagi. Jeffrey Hunter was wiping his hand and then put his tissue back into his pocket which he put a piece of paper into a miniture boat. The boat floated towards the blonde haired heroine which she picked up the paper revealing that it was a photo of the blue haired friend of hers caged up. The green suited crook spoke, "If you'd like to see your little friend again, you'll cooperate and what's more you'd better lose the cook off." As the American gambler was saying this, Usagi got extremely angry gritting her teeth but she then stopped and got upset that her pal is in danger which she then put her head down. "All right, I'll go along providing that my pal is at one piece", disappointly spoke the blonde haired heroine while trying to stop a cry outbreak. A quick scene change then reveals that inside the DiC Grand which is a parody of the MGM Grand in Las Vegas due to some mysterious copyright law. Inside there was a boxing ring with a crowd of various misdrawn people including the North American tourists. Near the crowds was a commentator's den which inside the brown haired henchman was with a microphone and is wearing a press hat stretching his neck for the announcement. Nephrite bellowed to the audience, "Welcome to the great Kunzite-Sailor Moon cook off!" He breathed out and continued, "It's a great day folks and this is your favourite announcer... your old friend... nice local Nephrite!" Suddenly Queen Beryl slammed the door of the commentator box and got hold of her henchman's nose while the brown haired henchman looked very scared and got himself a glass of water which he drank it. "Get on with it, you worthless whiny worker", yelled the red haired queen. Very quickly Queen Beryl let go of the brown haired goon's nose which she left the commentator box slamming the door again and smartly the henchman put a silver padlock on the door. Nephrite laughed, "Place your bets folks, please your bets." Down by the entrance of the DiC Grand, the green suited stranger was now a bet collector as the queue was long and full of tourists. The grey shirted teenager put out a bunch of dollar bills towards the clerk. "I bet my life on Sailor Moon", happily spoke the American tourist. As quick as a robbery, Jeffrey took the money from the grey shirted teenager which he responded by a laugh. Meanwhile in the dressing room, the blonde haired heroine was sitting on her bench ready to defeat her foe smiling like nothing has happened. The long fingernailed queen walked into the dressing room and stopped near to her enemy, rubbing her hands with happyness. Beryl gloated, "You'll be happy to know that seven billion and one people have staked their freedom on your victory except someone in Europe". "It's a dangerous bet, you evil queen", Usagi replied as she pointed towards her villain. The evil dictator from the Dark Kingdom banged on the lockers trying to avoid any real threats towards her arch enemy which she stopped a few moments later after she breathed in and out. Queen Beryl slyly spoke, "Not for your Sailor Senshi pal, and remember, if you win she's doomed." The blonde haired heroine started to think by placing her hand on her chin which she rubs while the Dark Kingdom queen was holding her arms like she has been to court with one hand on her chest and another hand in the air. Rapidly, the evil red haired villain placed her hand on the blonde haired schoolgirl's shoulder. "You must throw the cooking contest then the people will be my slaves", shouted Beryl. Usagi replied while trying to push her enemy, "I can't do that!" "It's the people or Ami, you decide!" laughed Queen Beryl as she walked out of the training room. A few minutes later, the blonde haired heroine had entered the boxing ring waving her hands which the crowd roared as their Japanese anime superheroine came towards to save the day. Also the grey haired henchman came out waving his arms but the only responses were boos, even a few eggs and tomatoes were thrown directly at him. Kunzite and Usagi came towards the middle of the ring which side by side there were two white ovens with two sets of frying pans on each cooker as the brown haired goon came out of the commentator box. Nephrite explained, "You know the rules because there isn't any, take your places and may the best and only henchman win!" He added, "Remember you set the oven on and head towards outside to get some ingredients, go!" Kunzite lit the oven on which the brown haired henchman hit the opposition with a frying pan. Very quickly the blonde haired heroine rubbed her head and turned on the oven which she got off the ring heading towards the nearest supermarket that her enemy followed very quickly behind her. As the two were heading out, the North American grey shirted tourist also followed them by the other entrance. "Hey Sailor Moon, don't forget your pal, sucker", yelled the grey haired minion. This caused the blonde haired schoolgirl to stop which the crowd made an "awww" sound as Kunzite was outside the stadium. Usagi sighed, "This is going to be hard since I've never had any practice at losing cooking contests." Outside the stadium, the grey haired henchman was running towards the supermarket which was quite far from the arena. Very slowly, the blonde haired heroine walked putting her head down as she is upset that her pal is going to be destroyed. "Say it isn't so Serena, say it isn't so", disappointedly spoke the grey shirted teenager as he was a big fan of the Sailor Senshis but he only knew they American names for their real identities. Depressingly, the blonde schoolgirl walked slowly while wiping her eyes that are full of tears. The upset girl also sulked that she has to risk her friend or the population bar one of the world. The flashback of Queen Beryl with only her heads spoke, "You must throw the cooking contest, throw the cooking contest, throw the cooking contest, throw the cooking contest..." She then added, "The people or Ami, or Ami, or Ami, or Ami..." Very quickly during the flashback, the black tiara wearing queen repeated the evil laugh all around the upset blonde heroine. While the heroic side looked grim, Kunzite had reached the supermarket and he scratched his head thinking what to do next. "I always knew I was the best cook and Queen Beryl said that this fire hydrant would slow her down even more", gloated the grey haired henchman. With a wrench handy, the partner in crime of the Super Special Serena Search and Smash Squad was ready to turn on the hydrant. In plain sight, the depressed Usagi walked slowly which the henchman turned on the hydrant casuing the blonde haired heroine to be soaked. As the schoolgirl was splashing the water away from herself, Kunzite smiled away from the heroine. Usagi yelled, "This losing business is really getting on my nerves!" The grey haired henchman walked towards the soaking girl and pointed directly at her with a cheesy grin on his face. "Remember, if you don't let me win, you'll never see Sailor Mercury ever again as she would be evaporated" grunted Kunzite which he added, "She'll be trapped forever in that secret cell under the stadium and you need a key to get in to free her." Thanks to the leaked information, the blonde haired heroine winked towards the audience smiling that she can free the people and her pal who has been missing for a while. Usagi whispered to the audience, "Since the dumb henchman leaked the whereabouts of my friend, I would go straight away and win my bet." Back in the DiC stand, the grey haired goon was running back towards the ring with a supermarket carrier bag that said AMTS-Mart on it with a delightful look on his face. "Entering the ring is the winner with only the stuff to fry, my partner in crime, my co-henchman, Kunzite", announced Nephrite. As the brown haired henchman laughed, the entire crowd booed towards the minion which in the middle of the ring was the long fingernailed villain laughing at the audience. Beryl yelled, "All right, start sending all these people to Egypt as they have to finish my beautiful pyramid." "Yes your repulsiveness, right away and I'm glad Sailor What's-her-name is long gone", replied the leader of the SSSerenaSS Squad. However outside the DiC Grand, some strange background music that is a cover version of "I Should Be So Lucky" except the I was changed to Usagi for some reason as typical of a DiC cartoon was playing. The blonde haired heroine winked towards the audience and showed her tiara was in her hand. Quickly the heroine threw her tiara towards the Danger Keep Out door that cut through and quickly she walked inside. Little did she know that there were stairs going down and she tripped down them towards the bottom. Sailor Moon then started to cry as she was rubbing her hurting knee in pain. The blue haired girl yelled, "Usagi, is that you?" Suddenly, the blonde haired heroine got up and walked towards her buddy while she was limping from the pain of the stairs. "Yes Ami, it's me", reassured the Sailor Senshi. Using her tiara, the blonde haired Japanese anime heroine cut the bars of the cage and caught her pal who is now free. The blue haired girl then wiped her eyes that her pal has returned and gave her a hand shake. Ami spoke with excitement, "You found me!" "Sorry it took so long, now we have something special to win", replied Usagi. As the background music stopped, back in the arena the grey haired goon was putting some ingredients into the frying pan which busting towards the ring, the two schoolgirls got the pan and put the ingredients into the bin. The blonde haired girl dusted her hands with perfection and she looked at the audience who was still there except it was just multicoloured blobs. Sailor Mercury asked, "You won Usagi, but where did everyone go?" It was revealed at that moment that the crowd was completely empty which a cricket noise was playing, Kunzite then laughed towards the Sailor Senshis which they gave him a funny look and walked towards the nervous lackey who was biting his nails in fear. "Queen Beryl took them prisoner to Egypt, oops that's the second thing I accidentally gave out", spoke the grey haired goon. Meanwhile in Egypt, a group of men and women who were shirtless but kept their undergarments were building a pyramid which Nephrite was closely supervising looking angry. Just a few kilometres away, the blond haired henchman who was called Jadeite was fanning down the long red haired dictator who was dressed up like Cleopatra with an expensive white gown laying on a lounger just like before as this was recycled animation. "Pick up the slack, you slackers", yelled Queen Beryl. As Jadeite was cooling the leader of the Dark Kingdom down, he thought that this was similar to yesterday. The queen gloated, "Imagine my face around the world, my prince would be so proud of me and he might love both the pyramid and myself who needs a relationship." On the slave labour area, the tourists and other people were pushing the blocks of the pyramid while they were wiping their sweat off their foreheads. "What are the odds of us escaping this slave labour work and for any hero to save us?", asked one of the workers. Usagi replied, "I say better than winning the lottery." The slaves then stared towards the oddly glowing blonde haired heroine as she made a pose by putting her hands on her hips as her blue haired pal whispered something towards the posing heroine. Very quickly clouds were appearing as both schoolgirls were working on changing the face of the pyramid and in a few hours, Usagi walked towards the Cleopatra lookalike who both her and Jaedite looked very worried. "Now that's a pyramid", bellowed out the blonde haired heroine. Suddenly as if on cue, the pyramid reveal that it was Sailor Moon's face and winked towards the evil dictator which caused her to cry like a baby or Usagi by banging her fists on the lounger. The people of the world were cheering and danced around the two heroines happy that they are free which then the population laughed. The Alex Kidd lookalike asked, "Hey Sailor Moon, do you think that we could make good Sailor Senshis too?" The blonde haired heroine then started to blush which her blue haired pal gave a funny look towards her. "You got to be very special like me and my best buddy plus it is very risky business", replied the Japanese anime character. The Sailor Senshis and her grey shirted American fan then shook hands with each other which suddenly the blonde haired heroine winked towards a possible audience. Sailor Moon Says Near a train station, the two henchmen that work for Queen Beryl were on the road ready to take a shortcut on the railroad tracks. Nephrite grunted, "I dare you to cross the road." "I hear a train coming", nervously replied Kunzite. Ignoring the grey haired goon, the brown haired minion was walking on the railroad tracks which he stood looking around that nothing is coming. His partner in crime soon followed on stopped by the tracks. Suddenly a bullet train came which they quickly ducked as this would have risked their lives. Towards the possible audience the blonde haired heroine got out her photo collection of her friends which are from top to bottom; Ami, Minako, Makoto, Naru Osaka. Usagi excitely spoke, "I hate to see any my friends wiped by some dumb dare, play it safe, don't end up dead!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Finally this episode is done and now for the next one which would include a major character from the original anime instead of a made up character so prepare to Shake It Up.