Copyright Disclaimer: See previous chapter. Except for the fisherman which is free use. Comments: The part two of the hardest thing that I have ever written, since I am not in the community like the Sonic or the Master System ones, this is even harder. Plus the show has not been on air for five years, so it is a long time ago. At the rate of these parodies just imagine if Usagi got into Sonic, then it would be Usagi Tsukino, Usagi Tsukino 2, Usagi Tsukino 3, Usagi and Rei, Serena Campbell Spinball, Queen Beryl's Mean Bean Machine, Usagi Triple Trouble (aka Usagi and Ami 2) and so on. Shudders at the thought of Usagi Underground (not the episode, the cartoon). Back to Usagi (Serena) and Mamoru (Darien) falling in love. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adventures of Usagi Tsukino (AoUTK) - Episode 103 Lovesick Usagi / Serena le Romantique (French title) Down beneath the drains underground was a large driller which inside was a repulsive queen with long black hair and wearing a tiara. Queen Beryl who was dressed up as a pilot was sitting comfortably while the drilling was going on with a grin. "I'll tunnel, I'll steal the water and the best thing is that Serena is too busy to notice", gloated the dictator. While Queen Beryl was drilling a map came out to the audience which explains the positioning such as Tokyo above the villian which was pointed on the map as The Dastard Ditch that was the gap between the reservoir and the entrance of the tunnel. Meanwhile back in the occupied house, Tuxedo Kamen was looking around waiting for the blonde haired heroine to come back which the blue haired girl was also looking fed up and depressed. Suddenly the door slammed open and in came the sweaty Usagi since she travelled a long way to get the Hogging Dos ice cream tub that she was holding in her hands. The blonde girl apologised, "Sorry Tuxedo Kamen but I got your ice cream right here." So the blonde haired heroine put the ice cream tub onto the table however her blue haired pal gave a funny look towards Sailor Moon. Luckily the tuxedoed stranger was smiling as soon as the girl wiped her forehead of achiving this dangerous task. "You're so brave and thoughtful for bringing me the ice cream", cheerfully replied the mysterious stranger. Usagi whispered while blushing her cheeks, "Oh, no big deal." The stranger who is in love of the blonde haired heroine was about to have his ice cream when he had noticed something very wrong as he was scratching his head. "All it is missing is a drink of warm tangy orange juice, perfect for ice creams," suggested Tuxedo Kamen. As soon as the tuxedoed stranger finished his sentence, Ami got up and pushed her blonde haired pal away from the man with a determined look. Sailor Mercury bellowed, "Not again!" She then breathed out and continued to pull her pal away, "Can't you see how tired she is?" Tuxedo Kamen started to drag Usagi to counteract Ami's pull which he had done successfully. Then he had started to rub the blonde haired heroine's head very slowly which her eyes shrunk smaller than normal. "Even if she is tired, a greatest love like Sailor Moon is not going to let her future boyfriend starve to death", grunted the tuxedoed stranger. The blonde haired girl was is no longer sweating started to look directly to her admirer and back to her angry pal which she tried to pull a brave face to please both. Usagi asked, "No way but do you where to get the tangy orange juice from?" "It is down by Sunshine Street, about 15 minutes from here," replied Tuxedo Kamen. Very quickly yet again, the blonde haired heroine slammed the door to head towards the store that sold the juice which caused the blue haired heroine to stand up and pointed towards the mysterious stranger. Ami asked very angrily, "Why do you pick on Usagi and treat her so meanfully?" "Why don't you just float down the river and stay away from us?", replied the meanful tuxedoed man. So Tuxedo Kamen reached towards the smart blue haired schoolgirl, pinched her nose and chucked her out of an open window while yelping very loud towards the river which the tuxedoed stranger laughed like an mad man that his plan is working. Just as the man closed the window, bursting out of the door came Nephrite and Kunzite standing waiting for a reply. The blue haired damsel shouted, "Help! Help!" The brown haired henchman put his thumbs up towards the magician lookalike while smiling that the job is done very well. "Nice work, Tuxedo Kamen", complimented Nephrite. The grey haired goon replied, "Very nice, that smartypants is a real pain in the..." "But she's gone now!", interrupting his partner. The tuxedoed man was scratching his head and gave a note from Queen Beryl towards the brown haired henchman while figuring out who the henchmen are which the goon quickily read, however the note was in Japanese which he could not understand and threw it in the bin. Nephrite greeted, "My name is Nephrite and I'm the boss of the Super Special Serena Search and Smash Squad." However his partner in crime got hold of Nephrite and pushed him towards a wall showing no damage. "I'm Kunzite and I'm the boss", also greeted the grey haired minion who was pointing at himself. Tuxedo Kamen replied, "So you two must be the guys that Queen Beryl said would help me trap Sailor Moon one and for all time." The two henchmen nodded and started to prepare the traps to capture their enemy. Meanwhile down the river, Sailor Mercury was paddling trying to reach shore since the water is not safe or clean. "Help, Help", screamed the blue haired heroine. A fisherman who was wearing a damaged brown coat got his fishing rod and hooked towards the river looking for a bite to eat. Luckily he had caught the intelligent sailor and reeled her towards shore. Ami smiled and pleasantly spoke, "Thank you fisherman, now I got to investigate that Tuxedo Kamen since he is more trouble than I thought." So has the blue haired girl travels back to the occupied house; the tuxedoed stranger, Nephrite and Kunzite who were holding clipboards have finished setting up the traps and just needed checking. "Is the electric magnetised treadmill ready?", asked Tuxedo Kamen. Nephrite pressed a button on a remote control which a treadmill sparking out electricity all over the room came up but it torn the carpet so Kunzite quickly put some tape to fix the problem. The brown haired henchman exclaimed while sounding off voice, "The electric magnetised treadmill is all set, just needs one Sailor Senshi to the mix." "Yeah, the soon spikey haired crybaby will be no more", grunted the grey haired lackey. Kunzite grabbed the remote control off his partner and pressed the button which the treadmill came back down. While the machine was coming down, the magician lookalike got his checklist and flicked towards the last page. Tuxedo Kamen asked, "Is the double insurance extra duty when all else fails special surprise smasher from the roof ready?" Suddenly a giant sledge hammer came down smashing on an inflatable Usagi which became flat out of nowhere which the henchmen nodded and gave an evil smirk which was the largest that was given. Very quickly, the sledge hammer came back up to the roof which a flat fake was turned into dust. "Sailor Moon would be cancelled," bellowed out Kunzite while slapping his hands with perfection. However little do the henchmen and the mysterious stranger know that the blue haired heroine was spying on them through the window while scratching her head. Back inside, the magician lookalike got out his celluar mobile phone out and placed the phone to his left ear explaining his plan to the receiver at the other end. Tuxedo Kamen whispered, "So as soon as Sailor Moon gets back, she will be gone forever, your beautiness." At the other end of the call, Queen Beryl who was still inside the driller wearing the pilot suit was gloating and smiling while putting the driller to Maximum. She then started to file her long repulsive fingernails. "Good work my prince, soon we will be the couple that we once was", smirked the evil queen. Tuxedo Kamen asked, "Any other instructions?" "Just get me that Sailor Senshi, since I would be at the reservoir in twenty minutes and before you know it, Tokyo would be flooded", replied Beryl. The mysterious stranger put the phone away and laughed with his two work partners while outside, Ami was shocked that her predictions were right. The blue haired girl shouted while putting her fist up in the air, "I was right that Tuxedo Kamen works for Queen Beryl, I gotta warn my best pal Usagi about this." Very quickly, the blue haired Sailor Senshi walked towards the road and saw her blonde haired pal walking from the store with a bottle of tangy orange juice in her hands so to grab her attention, Ami waved her arms side to side to hope that her pal would respond. "Stop Usagi, stop!", shouted Sailor Mercury. However the blonde haired heroine walked past her not really noticing her pal but she did listen to her yelps. Usagi calmly spoke, "Can't stop, my beautiful perfect Tuxedo Kamen is waiting ready to make love with me." It was too late for the blue haired girl to encourage her pal to stop and put her head down in disappointment that the blonde haired schoolgirl is getting near to danger which then she coughed. "Usagi come back, you got to listen to me", dully and upsetly spoke Ami. Back at the occupied house, Nephrite and Kunzite were hiding behind the wall near the kitchen waiting for a certain Japanese anime hero to come into the door whispering in English their next plan after the defeat, however the speech was not clear for the tuxedoed man so he signalled the plan and Tuxedo Kamen stood next to the table with the Hogging Dos ice cream and the Redious Rososa flowers. Suddenly for probably the fifth time, Usagi slammed the door open with the bottle of tangy orange juice which she then walked towards her lover. The blonde haired heroine panted, "Your orange juice, my love." While Sailor Moon put down the orange juice bottle, in the kitchen the Super Special Serena Search and Smash Squad were spying on the plan. "What would you do after she is gone?", asked Kunzite. Nephrite replied, "We would get our own TV Show called Nephrite and Kunzite Superstar Saga." Bcak in the living room, the mysterious stranger and the blonde haired girl were ready to have their ice cream surprise, however Usagi got out of her pocket a piece of paper which was written in Japanese, their native language. "While waiting in the store, I have written you a poem of what I feel, it may not be the best thing ever but I have put a lot of effort into it", spoke the blonde Sailor Senshi. The tuxedoed man was shocked that he had got a present that he didn't send out for but as soon as Usagi reached towards the Hogging Dos ice cream, Nephrite pressed the red button on the remote that pulled the blonde haired heroine into the treadmill by the magnet attracting to her tiara. She then struggled to break free showing frustration on her face as electricity was sparking out ready to electricute the heroine. Tuxedo Kamen cried as he was reading, "Beryl is bad not like Ramen, the minute I met him I loved my Kamen." After the last sentence was read from the poem, the electricity from the treadmill was starting to reach the blonde haired heroine causing her hair to frizz and her skin to turn red. Meanwhile in the kitchen, the henchmen were laughing and dancing like a famous TV baboon. "We got her, we got her!", cheered Nephrite and Kunzite as they pressed the Go Faster button on the remote. The tuxedoed stranger got out a tissue from his trouser pocket and wiped his eyes that were full of tears, while the heroine is getting an electric shock. Tuxedo Kamen whispered, "Nobody has written a poem to me before, I will save my sweetheart before she's gone". Back in the kitchen, the henchmen have other ideas instead by the grey haired goon grinning at the sight of a frazzled schoolgirl as they watched every move. "We will get the credit, but how?" asked Kunzite. Nephrite replied, "Simple all we have to do is activate the double insurance extra duty when all else fails special surprise smasher from the roof trap." As soon as Nephrite was about to press the button for the final trap, the tuxedoed man sneaked behind them and got the remote which he pressed the blue button and crushed the remote which had stopped the treadmill but it caused the blonde haired heroine to be on the floor laying there without any motion. "Aww... I never got to cancel Sailor Moon properly", sulked Kunzite. Very quickly the henchmen escaped through the window which Tuxedo Kamen went towards the silent and possibly defeated blonde haired heroine holding her head up while trying to avoid crying. Tuxedo Kamen yelled, "Speak to me Sailor Moon, please be all right." Just before the first tear came out, very slowly the blonde schoolgirl got up and looked very frazzly. She then blinked her eyes and saw the stranger who save her life in front of her. "You save my life", yelped the magician lookalike. Usagi slowly replied, "You saved mine!" The two people then walked towards the kitchen window and laughed at the site of the two henchmen who were failing to swim at the same river as Ami was earlier. However the smiles and the jokes did not last long as the tuxedoed man put his head down. "I was brainwashed by Queen Beryl to trick you into loving and defeating, it wore off when I cried", upsetly spoke Tuxedo Kamen. This had caused the blonde haired girl to be slightly angry but she put her hands on the tuxedo stranger's shoulders trying to show forgiveness. The man continued, "Oh no, Queen Beryl is going to steal all the water from the reservoir and flood Tokyo, you got to stop her quick." A quick scene change revealed that Queen Beryl was still in her driller and is her pilot costume reaching towards the main entrance of the reservoir which was padlocked. "Ten more seconds and I will reach the reservoir, bye bye Tokyo", gloated the queen. Out of the blonde haired heroine's pocket, Usagi got out Kunzite's magnet that was left behind on the street corner and held it towards the way out of the tunnel. The magnet got hold of the driller and headed straight for the exit which made the queen very angry. Beryl grunted, "I hate that Sailor Moon". A few hours later, the upset blonde heroine was wiping her eyes on a park bench that her lover has gone and betrayed her for the trap that he had set up. Out of nowhere, a smiley happy Ami came out with a letter in her hands. "I'm sorry Usagi for earlier, I didn't trust that Tuxedo Kamen but he sent you a letter", spoke the blue haired girl. The blonde Sailor Senshi cried, "It's okay, you was right all along Ami." So Sailor Mercury gave her pal the letter from the tuxedo stranger which she read and chucked it into the nearest bin. This had caused the blue haired girl to smile and nodded. "Come on Ami, we're going down the line", spoke Usagi while putting her breakup away. The two Sailor Senshis then walked towards the sunset and disappeared out of thin air. Sailor Moon Says The blonde haired heroine was standing in front of a TV camera in a television studio smiling towards the audience. Usagi spoke, "Will I only have to hold it with the person who loves me?" Very quickly the blonde haired schoolgirl changed her pose by her left hand holding her hip and her right hand pointing towards the direction of the lighting. "By the way, it takes care if a thought of a strange person feels after my friend and grabs." She breathed out and continued, "I must defend my body but what should I do if it's unpleasant?" Sailor Moon then shooked her head while putting both hands on her hips, trying to imatate Sonic the Hedgehog. "Well... That's no good!", shouted the blonde haired heroine. Suddenly she started to wave her hands into a pushing position and put her finger towards the edge of the camera determinely. "If anything unpleasant happens to me or my friends, I would first say no and then run away", Usagi continued. Towards the audience, she then then walked away but then put her head towards the edge of the screen. "It is important that above all I must say this to my parents and my teacher", the schoolgirl politely spoke. Suddenly the camera man at the other side shook his head knowing that the message did not make sense so the blonde haired heroine started to cry and gushed out lots of tears. Usagi upsetly yelped, "Sorry kids for not saying things right, I am bad at English." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: There, the episode which was hard to do is finished. Oddily the Sonic Says is a bit different due to that I have used the Korean version instead of the English version but I have put the famous line in it to make it more parody like. If anyone does a parody of a parody of a parody (aka Lovesick Sonic Sailor Says), remember if there are words ran out, you could use the Super Mario Bros. 3/Super Mario World cartoon since it has the same voice actress (English dub not the Japanese unluckily).