Copyright Disclaimer: Usagi "Sailor Moon" Tsukino, Ami "Sailor Mercury" Mizuno, Queen Beryl, Nephrite, Kunzite and Tuxedo Kamen are created by Naoko Takeuchi. Based on a cartoon created by DiC Animation City and Bohbot Entertainment who also partly made the map salesman. The only character I own are the Bayou cannibal and the insider of the ice cream palour and they are free use anyway. Comments: I have absolutely struggled writing this chapter due to illness and other things, so much that I had to watch Woody Woodpecker for a hint. Tell me something, this was the first and the last romance story I will ever write but has a famous character in the show anyways. Just one question, why do they call him Tuxedo Kamen if he is wearing a magician's suit? A tux is what James Bond wears, not a top hat and cape or is it something else. Now for the story... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adventures of Usagi Tsukino (AoUTK) - Episode 103 Lovesick Usagi / Serena le Romantique (French title) A man dressed up in a top hat, wearing a black suit and some glasses that look liked a magician was quickly running away from the two henchmen men in danger down a street in Tokyo while it was getting near to mid morning. The man yelped, "Help, Help!" The grey haired man was in front of his leader carrying a harpoon ready to aim at the magician while the duo are running to try to keep up with the top hat and cape man. "It's ideas like this that make Queen Beryl proud of me", cheerfully spoke Kunzite. Nephrite replied, "You fool, Queen Beryl would be proud of me!" Kunzite got out his hook which he was aiming from the running man, however the hook instead caught a canopy of a shop which flung the grey haired henchman towards the shop making him temporary out. Quickly, Nephrite got hold of the hook and started to aim at the tuxedoed distress which the hook got hold of his coat and like Kunzite, it flung but this time into a brick wall. "Two crooks have kidnapped me, save me anyone, help!", yelled the magician lookalike in a terrifying tone. Meanwhile nearby in an occupied house, the blonde haired heroine and her blue haired pal were about to have some cake, when Usagi heard the unusually loud yelp. She had placed her ear to find out where it is coming from and quickly slammed the door as she was heading out towards the danger zone. Back in the area, the brown haired henchman and Kunzite gave the tuxedo man an evil smirk as he was tied to the wall capitive by Queen Beryl's hired goons. Nephrite grunted, "We have ways of making you talk, tuxedoed man!" His partner scratched his head as he now pointed the flashlight at the top hat and cape person. "We never thought that we have ways", asked Kunzite. Thinking that his grey haired partner was stupid, Nephrite slammed the back of Kunzite's head which he counter reacted by rubbing the sore spot. As soon as they stopped they approached the tuxedoed man. The brown haired henchman asked in a harsh tone, "Tell us where you can find Sailor Moon?" "I haven't even heard of Sailor Moon so you can't tell me where to find her", slowly spoke the magician lookalike. Has the Super Special Serena Search and Smash Squad stare directly at the top hat and cape man, the blonde haired heroine was behind them making a heroic pose with her arms on her hips ready to act towards the henchmen. Usagi shouted, "Until now!" This had caused the henchmen to look directly at their enemy who had her blue haired pal right behind her waving at the tuxedoed man which is a mistake as she was suppose to be in the house. Suddenly the blonde haired heroine pointed right at the henchmen as Ami disappeared for no reason. "Why do you pick on this attractive young man?", asked Sailor Moon. The brown haired goon replied, "No but Kunzite has a great plan for a change." His grey haired pal got out an oversized magnet from his left coat pocket ready to aim at his enemy. "This is my magnet, it would attract your tiara to something metallic and stuck right at ya," suggested Kunzite. The second of command of the villainy duo which is Kunzite aimed the magnet at Usagi but luckily she had ducked down that caused the magnet to polorise at a metal girder above the blonde haired heroine and caught towards it. Nephrite laughed yet also got hold of the magnet which caused his partner to crash back down and slapped the back of his head which had caused Kunzite to be very angry. Nephrite scratchily spoke, "You missed, wait till I tell Queen Beryl what you did." The grey haired henchman was getting towards a breaking point so he grabbed the magnet and aimed towards Nephrite with the curved end at the mouth. "Not from you, I'll crunch your mouth first," angrily replied Kunzite. As the villains were arguing, Usagi sneaked away and pressed her disguise pen which transformed her into an elderly man wearing swirly glasses and has a grey beard while wearing a reporter suit and hat. She then got out a camera from her pocket ready to take a photo and approached the henchmen. The disguised heroine asked, "You two young men are perfect for..." However the voice was still the same as the blonde haired heroine as she thought that the disguise was not able to trick them so she coughed and started again but this time with a different voice. "Official photographer as Queen Beryl was looking for a good moment to show for her diary", suggested the photographer. Nephrite and Kunzite nodded thinking that this would make either of them fall in love of the dictator and the photographer was posing by bending down making a fake broken back noise. The photographer spoke, "Okay, get your arms around each others shoulders like you two are best friends and say Cheese." The henchmen stopped posing for a fight and followed the photographer's instructions and gave peace signs which the camera clicked and the photographer winded down the camera ready for another photo. "This time, bring your magnet, step three steps back and say Stuck", suggested the disguised heroine. Like last time, Nephrite and Kunzite followed the instructions by taking out the magnet and stepping three steps back which conveniently was the spot of the girder that Kunzite was stuck on earlier and predictably the two henchmen were stuck on the girder. "Stuck?", the henchmen spoke in unison. This had caused the photographer to hide at a brick wall and repressed the lid of the disguise pen causing the photographer to turn back into the blonde haired heroine. Usagi then got back to the no longer danger zone and untied the tuxedoed man which they both set off back towards the occupied house which it had started to approach midday. Inside the occupied house, Ami was on her computer until she saw her pal Usagi and the tuxedoed man open the door which the first thing she did was look at the man. She was thinking and saw his eyes being shifty which being out of character became angry. The romantic duo then arrived at the living room which the first thing the tuxedoed man did was rub the blonde haired heroine's head slowly and softly making her smile and perform the cheesiest grin around Japan. The magician lookalike shouted, "My hero!" He then breathed out and continued in a smooth voice, "I heard you were reliable, I heard you were courageous, I heard you were loyal, I couldn't believe that you are so beautiful." Sailor Moon then brushed her cheeks as she was embarassed by all the good things that the mysterious stranger was saying to her so all she could do was smile and put her tongue slightly out while closing her eyes. "You really think that I'm beautiful?", asked the blonde haired girl. The strange tuxedoed man then rubbed his chin briefly before going back to the schoolgirl. "You're also a brilliant cook and helpful and how can I help you?", bravely asked the magician lookalike. Straight away without regrets, the tuxedo man kissed Usagi on the lips which shows their true feelings over each other like something from a blockbuster Hollywood movie however the blue haired girl found this disturbing and held her hand over her nose trying to hide her shocked face. The man stopped kissing which caused the blonde haired heroine to have her eyes into love hearts and nonstop smiling. Usagi blushed and spoke in a monotone voice, "It was nothing, any Salior Senshi would have done the same thing by helping you." "Not as dashingly as you", replied the stranger. The blue haired girl wants is going to have to her pal safe from this potential stranger and doing the right thing to protect her pal so she stood in front of the romantic couple. The blue haired girl quickily spoke, "Hi, my name is Sailor Mercury and Sailor Moon and I have got to go now!" Ami was dragging her pal away from the magician lookalike knowing that he might be bad news but her pal refused to move which her eyes were heart shaped as she was lovestruck. "My name is Tuxedo Kamen", introduced the top hat man while holding Usagi's right arm. The blue intelligent girl jealously replied, "Nice to have met you, bye." Over at the table, there were ice cream bowls and cake layed out on the table ready for mouse to have an banquet which the tuxedoed man was licking his lips as he has found food. "Oh look ice cream, gotta try some for someone who is as cute as a bunny", spoke Tuxedo Kamen while making a goofy pose. This had caused the blonde haired girl to blush yet again as she think that maybe she might have a future boyfriend. The blonde haired heroine asked, "That's my favourite food over there, do you want to stay and have lunch together?" "I can't unless I have a cushioned chair to munch my meal", replied the tuxedo stranger. However all this love surrounding the house had caused Ami to act like she was a bit like Rei since she has a feeling that the magician lookalike is not what as he seems so she tried to be happy while her pal brings a cushioned chair for the stranger. Ami sarcastically shouted while waving her hands, "Like I said, it was nice knowing you, bye." The two past prince and princess sat down on the chairs for them to start eating lunch so the tuxedoed man got out a spoon and stopped. "What is wrong with Sailor Mercury?", asked Tuxedo Kamen. Usagi replied, "I have no idea, she is usually honest and gentle." "Great, Usagi should have quit while she was ahead", Sailor Mercury whispered while not approving what is going on. While the strangely acting Sailor Senshi sat next to her pal, the tuxedo stranger was looking around and his jaw dropped thinking that there was something missing while looking devious. Tuxedo Kamen suggested, "All we need are flowers." So the blonde haired heroine nodded and left the house looking for some flowers, ten minutes later or a scene change Sailor Moon came back with some multicoloured flowers and gave them towards the stranger which her eyes have returned as love hearts. However the tuxedoed man put them on the floor as he was disappointed so the hearts disappeared from Usagi's eyes. Tuxedo Kamen grunted, "Too bad these flowers are not the special Redious Rososa that are found in Osaka which are my favourites that I hand out to women." This had caused the blonde haired heroine to think as she stood up for what would happen next and approached to the off character blue haired girl. "Ami little buddy, you stay here with Tuxy while I go and get the flowers", planned Usagi. While the blonde haired heroine was smiling, her pal looked shocked as she has to have a chore but when she was ready to reply, Sailor Moon had already left the house. A few kilometres away, the blonde haired heroine was lost and as she was heading for the train station to Osaka, she had tripped up and landed on the floor which handily there was a map salesman offering maps of Japan including short cuts. The map salesman was very different looking than most people in Japan as he looked very Jamaican with a regaee hat and wearing a green t-shirt with a face stucture of Tom from a game called Shenmue. The blonde haired girl asked very politely, "I want a map to the Redious Rososa flowers in Osaka, please." However the map salesman waved his hands trying to tell the person that it was a bad decision which Usagi was tapping her foot which also she gave a blank and bored look towards the possible audience. The man salesman spoke in a deep non-Jamaican voice, "No way, someone like you should not have a map to the Redious Rososa flowers in Osaka." "I shall punish you", annoyingly spoke the blonde haired heroine while pushing in front of the map salesman very rudely. The map salesman looked shocked that he could be hurt as he has heard of the legend and quickily pulled out of his pocket which said in Japanese: After the train, avoid the alligators and be careful of the Bayou female muncher. The blonde girl thanked the seller and took the map which she headed towards the flower shop. A quick scene change later, the blonde haired heroine is still reading her map which she tripped and bumped into an alligator which it was licking its lips towards Usagi. "Sailor Moon Kick", she had dully spoke while looking fed up and uninterested. So very quickily she had kicked the alligator towards the swamp and headed out towards the second thing to avoid which she had sneaked of the area until a man wearing a brown hat and a jacket saw her in plain sight. The Bayou cannibal put on his stove and a cook book that said oddily in English: How to Cook Sailor Senshis. He flipped the book which went past Ami, Makoto, Minako, Rei and finally reached Usagi which all had pictures of the heroines. Quickily, the man had approached the blonde haired meal. The Bayou cannibal asked, "Do you want some cake?" The blonde haired heroine nodded which suddenly the North American man keeped on given Usagi plates and plates of cake which she munched like someone who has not eaten in days. The scales above her show the blonde haired girl in a position which the arrow says Well Done. As the blonde haired heroine suddenly got sleepy, the Bayou born person was licking his lips that he was going to have a good meal. In the background, the most corniest music comes out of nowhere was starting to play. The brown hat wearing man joyfully bellowed while rubbing his hands, "Now for some good old cake-fed Sailor Moon!" The stranger then lifted the girl towards the oven ready to have a tasty dish which he was also thinking of other Sailor Senshis to munch on but as he opened the oven door, Usagi started to wake up which she got up and push her predator into the oven. "Sorry about that, my hand slipped", sarcastically replied Sailor Moon. However being clumsy, the blonde haired heroine slipped on a piece of cake ending her on top of a frying pan. The pan had started to roast her so she jumped off and walked off towards the flower shop. She had reach there however her forehead was sweating buckets after the close encounter of the Bayou cannibal. A elderly woman wearing thin glasses and wearing an old fashion gown shook hands with the Sailor Senshi. Usagi puffed out, "A bunch of Redious Rososa flowers please." Without any problems, the elderly woman give the blonde haired heroine some red roses as her customer was sweating. "You're acting like Sailor Jupiter today", replied the elderly flower woman for no reason. A scene change later shows Usagi returning to the occupied house sweating very heavily to try to get to get back very quickly holding the flowers to the tuxedoed stranger. She gave them to Tuxedo Kamen and he gave her a pat in the back. However still sitting down the blue haired pal looked very angry with her pal and the mysterious person. Ami bellowed out, "What took you so long?" The tuxedoed man got off his chair and walked towards the panting blonde lady while looking angry. "Mercury is right, I waited so long for the flowers that I got famisher and famisher", quitely spoke Tuxedo Kamen. The blonde haired herione asked, "How come you didn't offer Mr. Tuxedo an ice cream cone?" "He refused to eat our ice cream cones or cake or my sandwiches", replied Ami. The mysterious stranger then sat back on his chair looking at the ice cream and was disappointed that it wasn't a good make by the pale colour of the ice cream which he gave a shrugged look. Tuxedo Kamen suggested, "I only have Hogging Dos ice cream which is at an ice cream palour in Kyoto." As soon as the suggestion was given, Usagi rushed back out of the door again and headed towards Kyoto which she had arrived there looking for the ice cream palour. She then bumped into a suited man with a black hat, black sunglasses like an FBI agent in America who was working for the company which was behind the blonde haired heroine as he just came out of there. "Hogging Dos ice cream palour please?", asked Sailor Moon. The mysterious business man replied, "Go straight ahead and turn by Mr. Donut." The heroine thanked the man and headed towards the ice cream palour, however as soon as Usagi left, the business man pulled out his celluar mobile phone which like the rest of him was black and dialled a number. The man then placed the phone on his ear waiting for a reply. Meanwhile in the Dark Kingdom, Nephrite picked up the phone and was looking around for his partner Kunzite but was unsuccessful. "Queen Beryl's labyrinth lair, Nephrite narking", spoke the brown haired goon. As soon as Nephrite was finished, he gave the phone to the devious and nasty Queen Beryl who was wearing a purple robe of the finest quality and a small hat; sitting on a normal chair instead of her throne relaxing. The queen spoke, "This is better be from the insider from Kyoto." Beryl picked up the phone to wait for the person for the other end to reply which the business man started walking very slowly in the area. "Listen up, your sugarness; I just saw Sailor Moon around here heading towards the ice cream palour", whispered the business man. The dictator slammed the phone down which had caused Kunzite to come to the room while the brown haired henchman was just standing there giving a small smirk. "My devious and tactical scheme is working like a charm," gloated the villian. The grey haired henchman scratched his head thinking which scheme that the queen was on about which caused Nephrite to laugh but Kunzite takes a pen and chucks it at his partner in crime. Beryl bellowed, "My brainwashed secret agent Tuxedo Kamen has got that Serena doing daring tasks across Japan." Nephrite and Kunzite asked, "Tuxedo Kamen is your brainwashed agent, we thought he was one of Sailor Moon's human pals?" "No, I wanted it to look like that Tuxedo was on her side but he isn't really", replied Queen Beryl. After asking for the devious plan Queen Beryl walked towards her disguise room proving that Usagi is not the only person in the land that can disguise herself. The grey haired goon looked at the queen which very quickily she had punched him but showed no damage. A few minutes later, the queen was diguised as a pilot with a brown hat and googles to avoid her long hair, alos wearing a white scarf and a brown jacket to look masculine. Beryl grunted, "Phase two of my sneaky scheme can happen now that Sailor Moon is at another city." Outside the lair was a drilling machine which she hopped into while Nephrite and Kunzite were impressed that the queen could afford another driller. The troublesome pilot then pressed the High button which had caused the driller to start working while the henchmen were screaming and got out of the way towards the tuxedoed man. "I will flood Tokyo by tunneling into the main reservoir, stealing the water and turn it into Lake Beryl which my henchmen Nephrite and Kunzite would help Tuxedo Kamen into finally getting rid of Sailor Moon for good, and this is the only time that I will do some rottenness with the Sailor Senshi out of the way", breathed out Queen Beryl while explaining the plan to her Super Special Serena Search and Smash Squad and the audience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Phew, that was a long one and the famous education part hasn't even started yet. Remember folks, feel free to translate these episodes into other languages, permission is granted just PM if you want to accept. (Francais - Les Aventures de Sonic le Herrison (Les Aventures de Serena Campbell), Espanol - Las Aventuras de Sonic el Erizo (Las Aventuras de Marinero Luna), Deutsch - Sonic der irre Igel (no clue)). Also in the cancelled Mario version, this would have a song called The Power of Love. Now for the break and then part 2.