Copyright Disclaimer: See previous chapter. Comments: One thing I have noticed, was the original show (not Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog) based on She-Ra, Darkwing Duck, Super Mario or even this show or even unique? I like to see the cast of AoSTH meeting the cast of AoUTK whether as a fan fic, a cartoon or a drawing since it could be interesting to see the similarites of the two whether as pals or enemies like the legendary Mario and Sonic ones. Back to Subterrania. Update: The original 07-09-06 release was buggy so this is a slight bug fixed version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adventures of Usagi Tsukino (AoUTK) - Episode 102 Subterranean Serena / Underground Usagi Meanwhile above ground, Queen Beryl and her henchmen Nephrite and Kunzite were ready to dig near the area where Burokko, Usagi and Ami are which is the underground mines. "Are you sure that there are diamonds and gold down there?", asked the repulsive queen. The brown haired lackey replied, "Absolutely, you fingernailedness." However Kunzite got his driller machine and rubbed the glass pointing at the direction of Nehprite's driller. "Oh Queen Beryl, I was the one who found the treasure", grunted Kunzite. Nephrite replied, "Did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" The evil dictator got her black tiara and threw it towards her henchmen which quietly calmed down the aggression. The queen grunted, "Remember you two are part of the Super Special Serena Search and Smash Squad which is a team, you fools!" Nephrite and Kunzite quickly nodded and started to dig the territory searching for the treasure which the evil queen was rubbing her hands with happiness that she would be the richest person in the Dark Kingdom. "I like destruction and devastation while finding that Sailor Moon", spoke Beryl. Back underground, Usagi woke up from her tiara throw that expected her and Ami to be free from the miserable miner which he blue haired pal stopped crying and started smiling. "Usagi, are you okay?", asked Ami. The blonde haired heroine replied while picking up her tiara, "I'm fine, just that my chest is a little weak but that would go in the morning". It seemed that the fineness is short lived because of the drilling from the villainous trio, the roof of the mines has become unstable and rocks were starting to fall which caused Burokko to run about in a circle avoiding any possible rocks hitting on him. "Do you know that it is Queen Beryl who is bring this whole place down?", suggested the recovering blonde haired heroine. Burokko replied, "Nope, don't care cause it is all your fault you blonde teenager for people getting all my treasure," "I can stop this if you let us out", yelled Usagi. Ignoring the pleas from the heroines in distress, the miserable miner instead pulled a lever which opened a bottomless pit from the cell which hoping that the girls fall down with an evil grin on his face. The schoolgirls tried to shift towards the edge of the cell so that it would take longer for the drop while the miner was shaking his fist. Ami anxiously spoke, "I have a confession to make." "What is it Ami?", asked Usagi. "I'm really scared." The blonde haired teenager then went towards her shaking buddy and rubbed her back knowing that this is the end of their young lives, however the teenager was also shaking and crying. The blonde haired girl sighed, "Me too Ami, me too." Suddenly the miner pulled the lever again so the hole would open faster. Seeing the edge of the platform, both Usagi and Ami were gushing out in tears, hugging in a friendly way since the blonde haired girl would not see her future boyfriend plans and the blue haired girl not able to be a professor like Professor Von Schlemmer. Beryl asked in a strong tone, "You promised me diamonds, you promised me gold, you promised me this that and the other, where is it?" The two henchmen looked at each other and continued to dig, however Kunzite got from his pocket an explosive and patted the dust of the dangerous weapon. "This ought to do it, a Claymore explosive so you can blast the place", suggested the grey haired henchman. Nephrite replied, "This is so we'll all be rich." Queen Beryl got her long fingernailed hands and squeezed the second in command's nose while looking like a furnace burning up. "Who's gonna be rich?", asked the evil queen. Nephrite stutteredly replied, "You're going to be rich, Queen Beryl." The queen let go of her henchman's nose and patted on him knowing that he has said the right words. Back in the mines, Usagi is trying the last time since it is the only chance before the heroic duo would be lost forever and erased from the history books while she and Ami were holding onto the bars now that the platform has gone. "Haven't you heard of Queen Beryl, the nastiest villain in the entire universe who would steal all your treasure and all of your lively memories?", struggledly asked the blonde haired girl. The miner gave a nasty look and shrugged, "Nope, Burokko doesn't pay attention to current events." "Maybe you should need a job in politics and you will be good at it", strangely spoke Ami using Usagi's voice like the old DiC cartoons. Meanwhile Kunzite has planted the explosive which is set to five seconds so he, Nephrite and Beryl walked slowly away. The five seconds was up and the entire ground collapsed which has caused a large diamond from the top of the mines to fall down landing directly at the cell where the two heroines are. The diamond crash landed that made Usagi and Ami free which they were on the ground laying down relaxing that they are now safe. Ami was relieved and shouted, "That was way too close, Usagi." While the ground collapsed, the three villains had fallen into the bottomless pit due to the power of the Claymore explosive. Nephrite and Kunzite were armed with nets to catch their leader but they failed and Queen Beryl was falling down to the end. "Let's go, you know that Queen Beryl would come back", readily spoke the off model blonde schoolgirl. The miserable miner was shoveling all of his treasure into five sacks to keep with him since he has found his claim a long time ago. The mid-40s man picked up two sacks of treasure and pointed at the rock since he does not want to leave his home. Burokko yelled, "You are not going anywhere since the rocks have sealed the only exit of these mines and I'm not leaving my treasure neither!" The heroic duo were scratching their heads and tried to push the miner out of the damaged home however he made a pose and looked at the blonde haired heroine in disgust. "I can get you out of here before you say all teenagers are trespassers", determinedly spoke Usagi. Her pal Ami adviced, "If you don't leave, you would be buried with your treasure and that will be the end of you!" Slowly the miner had his arms crossed not knowing that these girls were trying to save his life but thinking that they wanted all of his treasure and lowered his eyebrows. "These pieces of diamonds and gold are my only friends", sighed Burokko. Suddenly a large rock was heading towards the miner which he yelped and thinking that this was the end. Bravely, the two schoolgirls ran towards the miserable miner scooping him up and moving him away from the rock. The rock crashed into the ground which Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury were holding the miner that looked very relieved. The blonde haired girl happily spoke, "You've got new friends." Burokko was smiling innocently for the first time and was wiping his tear filled eyes realising that somebody has saved his life even though he was not expecting his prisoners which he had tried to dispose of. "You... you have saved my life by risking your own which you two are the first ever people who have cared about me", stuttered Burokko. As soon as the miner finished wiping his eyes, the blonde haired heroine put him down while her blue haired buddy gave her a thumbs up. Usagi calmly bellowed, "This is what Sailor Senshis do, we save lives of people no matter how badly affected the person is unless it is a bad guy." Burokko then grabbed his treasure which his new friends also grabbed the sacks but their heads were scratching that they can not escape. "What are you waiting for?", asked the miner. The blonde haired heroine threw her tiara which quickly cut the rock into dust and ran out of the crashed site that seemed like hours down the mines. Her blue haired buddy Ami and Burokko followed her into the last section of the mines, haphazardly the girls chose the middle tunnel which they started walking. Burokko spoke, "My real name is not Burokko, I was the great Koujiro Naganuma who I was a miner of these mines, however everyone abounded me so I had to protect this treasure." The heroic duo were looking gloomy which the blue haired girl even gushed a teardrop from her eyes. "Why do they call you Burokko?", asked Usagi. The miner stopped and looked around the mines while he was removing his blue hat which he rubbed his head and replaced the hat back onto his head. Koujiro sighed, "After being here for twenty years, I had to call myself for what I am, you see Burokko means cavern so my name could be Cavern or even Spelunk." "If you promise me not to tell anyone, my name is Usagi Tsukino which means Bunny over the Moon", replied the descriptive blonde haired girl. Suddenly their long walk ended short has there was a square hole on the wall just before the clearing which the blue haired girl pointed to her friend to the gap in the wall and the key card on Koujiro's chest. Sailor Moon asked, "Can I borrow your key card please?" She breathed out and annoying spoke, "I shall punish you." The miner pulled out the key card which he gave to her new friend while shaking her hand. Ami then put the key card in which opened the wall and the trio finally escaped. Back outside, the Super Special Serena Search and Smash Squad were shoveling the rest of the treasure into bags. "We're rich, we're rich, we're very very rich", the henchmen sung in unison. The black haired queen grunted and gave her workers a dirty look. Nephrite and Kunzite replied, "You're rich, Queen Beryl." Beryl was rubbing her hands in glee, but a few metres away near some treasure, Koujiro and the girls were hiding and whispering in their native language. "Right my blue haired pal, you go over to them henchmen over there disguised in what you feel comfortable in while me and my blonde haired partner would go and defeat that devious disaster!", signaled Burokko. Ami then walked off which she has tried Usagi's disguise pen to form an accountant who is wearing red stylist glasses like Usagi's favourite superhero, a green suit and a clipboard that then quickly walked towards Nephrite and Kunzite. The accountant spoke, "Afternoon gentlemen, I see that you two are making a profit that breaks a break-even this year, is that right?" Nephrite and Kunzite were scratching their heads as the accountant was too smart for them which she winked at the audience knowing that it was Ami in disguise. "Yes, we are making a profit and shoo", waved Kunzite. The accountant then got her fake badge and showed it towards the henchmen. The disguised girl pointed, "I am agent double-o-seven of the Inland Revenue and I see that you two have illegally stolen shares and have not deduced your taxes from your s-a-i-l-o-r's, your m-o-o-n's, your w-i-l-l's, your d-e-f-e-a-t's and your y-o-u's." This had caused the duo to gulp knowing that they owe the tax woman a lot of debt. "Can you help us?", stuttered Nephrite. The accountant was getting her calculator out of her pocket while Usagi and Koujiro sneaked towards Beryl who was snoring away in slumberland. She typed some numbers on the calculator which a large receipt came out wrapping the brown haired goon and his grey haired pal up. The miner then lit the the paper as the blonde haired teenager was lifting to duo towards Beryl while the disguised accountant was taking the treasure out of Beryl's driller. The fire lit paper had caused the driller to explode but then the villains landed deep down in the mines, very quickly the blue haired girl pressed the lid on the disguise pen to turn back to normal. Koujiro dusted his hands and spoke, "Good riddance to bad dictators, why I never met such ignorant, selfish, misery, dirty, and terrible people in my life". The two schoolgirls gave the miner a funny look as they were describing him. "We have but you got a lot better, sorry about your home which we would happily offer any of ours", replied Usagi and Ami. Koujiro waved to his new friends and then hugged them showing the true sides of friendship which he did not have. The miner yelled in a calm tone, "Ice cream is on me, I can't believe that you two has shown the error of my ways and don't worry, I am certain that a local company such as the Aspect Company would give me a good home which also I would help people just like you two and I have enough to last me a lifetime!" So the miner and the two girls were walking with arms side to side towards the sunset which shows that a stubborn old miser can become your new friend. Sailor Moon Says Koujiro and Ami are sat on a park bench looking at each others lunches while Usagi was watching some people playing J-League Football while wishing that her date would turn up. The miner asked with a box of cones in his lap, "Hey Ami do you have an extra tub of ice cream?" "Sorry Burokko, this is all I have but do you have an extra cone?", replied the blue haired girl. "Sorry but I have only ate one cone which is very dry." Usagi looks at the two people and quickly gets out a spoon as she puts ice cream on Koujiro's cone and gives an ice cream cone to Ami. The blonde haired girl bellowed out while turning to the audience, "If we share we can turn them dry cones to delicious ice cream cones, you see if we share some unlucky people would be better off and happy." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Phew, just made this story in time since I only had a five hour limit this time (due to a special day 07-09-06 or 09-07-06 if American) but since I enjoyed the original story, it was hard making this parody. By the way, the Spelunk clue and the Aspect clue are hidden. Try to figure them out... Next parody would be the famous episode with Tuxedo Kamen and Usagi going out together at a cost while saying That's NO good at the end