Copyright Disclaimer: Usagi "Sailor Moon" Tsukino, Ami "Sailor Mercury" Mizuno, Queen Beryl, Nephrite and Kunzite are created by Naoko Takeuchi. Based on a cartoon created by DiC Animation City and Bohbot Entertainment. The only character I own is Koujiro "Burokko" Naganuma due to that there is no similar character in the anime. Notes: The 2nd episode of the parody and the episode with Spelunk in it. This is actually based on the unreleased script of the unreleased Adventures of Super Mario Bros. episode Mario Goes Underground so this is a parody of a parody of the original (confused?). Oddily like the blonde heroine, I actually wrote this half awake. Now for the DiC style of the show, from memory... Update: The original 07-09-06 release was buggy so this is the slightly bug fixed version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adventures of Usagi Tsukino (AoUTK) - Episode 102 Subterranean Serena / Underground Usagi Inside the dark and dusty lair of Queen Beryl in the Dark Kingdom, the evil dictator was planning another idea to defeat her foes. The queen shouted, "She's out there still, mocking me with her good looks; you know she stands the way of total domination!" The short brown haired henchman stuttered and scaredly spoke, "Are you taking about Serena?" Nephrite turns on the light which brightens the room thinking it was the end of the speech, however the black tiara wearing queen was getting angry and walked towards her lackey. "Turn off that light!", shouted Beryl. Kunzite turns off the light which the evil queen goes towards the dark blue coated villain looking like that she has a secret meeting with him and turned towards her hired goons. The dark queen yelled towards the henchmen, "I want that Sailor Moon and I want her defeated now!" Nephrite and Kunzite saluted to the long finger nailed, repulsive queen while they were shaking due to that they might get shouted at. The brown haired man replied, "Yes, your highness." "We will do it at the morning", yawned the grey haired man. Very quickly Queen Beryl grated her teeth and pointed the Super Special Serena Search and Smash Squad towards the door which they walked very slowly and closed the door loudly. The next morning after sleeping on the outskirts of Tokyo, Nephrite and Kunzite woke up stretching their arms and rubbing their eyes. The brown hair man asked, "Did you sleep well?" "A little bit, now that Serena has to be here somewhere and we will never find her!" shouted the long grey haired henchman. Suddenly the weather has turned foggy and this made the lackeys hard to see anything beyond their toes, as soon as they turned Usagi and Ami were heading out for breakfast snacks as it had just turned 8 o'clock in the morning but they saw the henchmen in front of them. Kunzite asked, "What is that blurry yellow object?" The two heroines walked towards the workers of Queen Beryl as they were still half asleep which the loyal henchmen saw perfectly. "That's better, you can see now", loudly yawned Usagi while rasing her arms. Kunzite thanked, "Thank you very much... Sailor Moon?" "That's it, I'm getting them since I'm the only one awake!", shouted Nephrite. Nephrite got himself a harpoon ready to shoot at the two half asleep girls which he fired directly at them, however they saw the harpoon at their sight and quickly jumped thus waking them up. As quickly as the schoolgirls woke up, they had started running which logically the villains were chasing them but Kunzite was running slower than his counterpart. Ami asked while blinking her blue eyes, "Do you think you lost them Usagi?" "I'm afraid not Ami, they are still chasing us", slowly replied her blonde hair pal while looking behind them. While the heroic duo were running down a mud path, they did not notice that there was a fence in front of them due to that they were looking at the the dusty duo. Ami quickly spotted, "You better have a special plan quick, otherwise we are going to hit the fence." Usagi had now noticed the fence so she intentionally tripped up just before hitting the fence while she made a "whoa" sound. Her blue haired pal also stopped but she did not trip as she was running slower than her buddy. While they were stopping Nephrite and Kunzite were laughing and hid behind a rock which was near the mud track ready for a catch. The cute looking blue haired girl asked, "What are we gonna do Usagi?" "See that hole behind the two henchman?", replied the fruity off model blonde heroine. The heroic duo then waved their arms at the Super Special Serena Search and Smash Squad to grab their attention. "We see you!", the heroine schoolgirls shouted in unison. Kunzite asked, "Do you think that they saw us?" "No way, they are probably doing some sort of practical joke like they always do", replied Nephrite. The blonde haired heroine was trying to think of a way to avoid their enemies and asked, "How long do you think it would take for them idiots to spot us?" "About 1.25 seconds", softly spoke Ami while working it out of top of her head. Very quickly Usagi pressed the lid on the disguise pen so she transformed into a miner who was wearing grey trousers, a large red bib to avoid censorship, an orange light hat and was carrying a hammer. The blonde heroine shouted, "We're going underground!" Back behind the rock, the brown haired man was preparing the bear traps while the long grey haired man was armed with a net ready to please Queen Beryl. "Here comes the Sailor Senshi, get ready to nab her", yelled Nephrite. Usagi and Ami has started running as fast as they could bearing in mind that a schoolgirl could not run anywhere near a blue hedgehog while carefully avoiding the bear traps and while Kunzite looked down on the floor to fix his net, the heroic duo jumped into hole which haphazardly Nephrite and his grey haired partner in crime got caught by the nets and bear traps due to the slowness of their trap. Kunzite bellowed, "I thought you had her." "I thought you had her", repeated his work pal. "Where did they go?" "They couldn't have!" "Sure they could have." Nephrite and Kunzite looked at each other and started walking towards the direction of the fence, however they had forgotten about the rock in front of them which collided with each other rubbing their chest of the pain. Down below the hole, the blonde haired girl and her blue haired buddy were looking up the hole. "Where are we?", asked the blue haired heroine. Usagi quietly spoke, "A long away from the nearest bakery or ice cream palour that's for sure." The blonde hair heroine turned on the light which the darkened underground mines were lit up with a brown sign in front of them. "Look it says Saitama Mines", spotted Ami at the sign which is in Japanese, their native language. The girls turned around which presented a problem, there were three tunnels but they were struggling which one is the way out. The blue haired girl asked, "Which way?" "I would choose the right tunnel since it is always that way", replied her blonde hair buddy. While Usagi and Ami were running down the right pathed tunnel, Nephrite and Kunzite were back at the top but the weight of the duo had caused them to collapse down the hole to the exact spot where the heroic duo was a few minutes ago. The grey hair henchman moaned, "If you let me sleep then we would not be in this mess." "I would personally blame Queen Beryl, why would we chase a young attractive schoolgirl anyway?", asked the brown hair man which he was expecting no answer. Kunzite sees some glowing light coming from the left tunnel and pointed towards his leader henchman, Nephrite nodded and put his thumbs up. The henchman spoke, "Nevermind, we would get the treasure at least that's better than going home yenless." So the SSSerenaSS Squad headed towards the left tunnel, meanwhile back at the right tunnel, the two Sailor Senshis were walking down the tunnel while they were heading towards a polished room. The room was full of gold, diamonds which would please the heroines for a very long time which the floor was a tiled marble effect. Usagi and Ami had just about to enter the room when they both slipped on the polished floor, trying to balance themselves. Unluckily they had collided with some treasure which they had to rub their poor heads but they were impressed with the diamonds. "Wow, do you see all this stuff?", impressed the blue haired girl. However her pal was getting impatient as she was hungry since she did not have anything to eat yet. Usagi quickly spoke, "Yep! Great! We have to leave, gotta leave keed." Just as the blonde heroine was about to leave, a large diamond fell from the treasure and landed on Ami's head which she then rubbed grabbing the diamond at the process. "Can I keep this diamond or give it to you?", asked the blue hair girl. Suddenly a gruff male voice was heard after the sentence was finished as the heroic duo looked shocked. The mysterious voice shouted, "Drop the diamond, Mercury Blue!" While the girls were looking around where the voice came from, lurking from the shadows was a short mid-40s man with a grey moustache wearing a blue uniform and a blue hat. He was armed with a black cannon ready to fire at any foe that got in his way. Not like to see her friends in danger, Usagi stood in front of her pal and shooked her fist at the miner. "Don't you dare scare my pal like that!", shouted the blonde haired heroine while her eyebrows lowered. The miner waves at the schoolgirls and has started to light the match which would be aiming at the Sailor Senshis. The 40s man yelled, "This is my claim and you two can't have not even one gold bar of it, since I'm the only person who can ask questions, what are you last requests?" Very stupidly, the blonde hair heroine walked towards the miner in front of the cannon and was waving her fingers which quickly formed a peace sign. "We have five ice cream cones and let us get outta here", replied Usagi. The miner then pointed at Sailor Moon's nose while her innocent eyes have started to leak trying to show forgiveness to her recently met villain. "You're just like the rest of them teenagers, wanting something of mine for nothing!" barked Burokko while shaking his fist. The blonde hair heroine then wiped her tears and started to run away with Ami on her side. However she stopped and ran back towards the miner to try to encourage the softer side. The blonde haired girl spoke, "Hey you got us all wrong, we are Sailor Senshis." "Looks to me that you are sailor swashers", replied Burokko the miner. The schoolgirl heard the fire going out on the cannon so she started to run while then she caught up with her blue haired friend who was past the treasure and they both jumped up towards the hole, however the both slipped down so they grabbed a ledge and climbed up. Meanwhile Nephrite and Kunzite were coming out of another tunnel and stood at the area where the girls jumped up. The brown haired man scratched his head and sighed, "Could have sworn that I heard Serena just a second ago." His partner in crime ignored him and started walking towards the left which he followed him. After the quick encounter of the villains, above the hole was some tracks used for mine carts which the two heroines were standing there and started to walk up the hill. Ami softly spoke, "That miserable miner is so mean to us, I almost miss Nephrite and Kunzite." However their escape was short lived as the miner returned from another entrance shaking his fist with fury following the trespassers. "Oh he probably won't be so bad if he spent some quality time with us!", replied Usagi. As the grey gruff moustached miner were shouting inaudible curses, Usagi and Ami jumped onto a mine cart which the music Sonic Goes Underground from Sonic Gems Collection is playing at the background, the blue haired pal was behind the blonde heroine in the mine cart. While the two girls were on the beginning of the tracks, Burokko jumped into the free mine cart and started to chase them on the tracks. The miner grunted, "I'll get you, you young teenage trespassers!" The girls decided to take an alternative route and go down the hill while holding to each other leaving the miner scratching his head as he was chasing nobody and came rushing back. "That is not the quality time I had in mind", whispered the blonde hero girl. As time went by, the schoolgirls and the miner were chasing each other but seeing an opportunity, the 40s moustached man pulled a lever which the Sonic Goes Underground music has stopped playing and also pulled the tracks leading into a room. The miner yelled, "If them two teenagers tell Nihon about my caves, they have another thing coming." Suddenly the musky miner jumped out of his mine cart and saw the heroic duo heading towards a room which then the mine cart crashed onto a stopper and landed in a cell which is similar to the previous episode except that it was covered with diamonds. Usagi and Ami landed in the cell which the bars knocked the girls out with stars flying about on top of their heads and accidentally pressed the lid on the miner costume to change back to normal. The miner then slammed the cell door with a grin on his face that he caught some trespassers. "How are we going to get out of this mess, Usagi?", asked the blue haired girl. The blonde haired girl replied, "Simple, I will just use my tiara to cut the bars free like I did a couple of weeks back." Usagi then threw her tiara towards some bars hoping to make her and her buddy free however unexpectedly the tiara boomeranged back knocking her out. Her pal Ami looked at the unconsious blonde haired heroine and started to cry over her chest where the tiara got her. "You two will spend the rest of your lives which is what Burokko does to interfering interlopers", laughed the miner as he walks off. Will Burokko finally get his happiness? Will Sailor Moon wake up (I hope not /Earthworm Jim Narrator)? Will Nephrite and Kunzite get the treasure? Tune in the next 5 minutes after the break. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The original story was going to have Shakedown by Bob Segar as the featured song but a) it is copyrighted and b) Was already used in Captain N, c) Also used in the unrelease prototype version of this called Mario Goes Underground.