9-Ball Dreams Part II by Mr_Jazz ~Disclaimer~ Read part one for the disclaimer please. I don't want to get sued, but I'm too lazy to copy/paste right now. ~End Disclaimer~ It had been over 5 years since Ami Andersen had been defeated by Eddie Phelson at Phelsons Billiards. It had been five years since Ami had heard from Vincent; and despite everything she had to be depressed about, she realized a dream. She had finished High School, and then College at the top of her class. She had attained masters in medicine, education, and physics. But she decided to put her life goals on hold for a few years, so that her new dream could be fulfilled. Now, today, after over a year of scrounging together money, finding a location, and renovating it, Ami Andersen was standing outside the location which would be HER pool hall, awaiting the arrival of the truck which held her precious tables. Reflecting on the past five years, she still had butterflies about the subject. Phelson Billiards hadn't expanded to new locations, but it had prospered, and extended it's current building to house over twice the tables it had five years ago. Billiards had caught on BIG in Japan, and on the weekends, despite it's massive size and capacity, Phelsons Billiards was packed. Also, Ami realized that her friends had helped her so much. Ken and Lita had donated all they had to her project. Chad and Raye donated as much as they could. Serena and Mina had dontated what they could, but had been at her location, which was in the basement of a large office complex almost everyday, helping with the renovation. A few years back, the place had almost burned to the ground, but it was rebuilt. Unfortunately, they had decided to store a lot of the garbage in the basement. But that was all behind her now. The basement was renovated, carpeted, painted and ready to go. The bar was already built, with the kegs hooked up, glasses and various bottles of liquor. Chad, who had bartending experience had offered, much to Ami's gratitude, to run the bar until a real bartender could be found. Chad came out of the door (which was literally at the top of her newly built staircase, which led down to her pool room) with a tape measure in hand. "Just finished marking where you wanted the tables. I also put up the cue racks and cues, and some chalk on each one." Ami nodded and said "I think it was a good idea to order the cues from the Dufferin in Canada. Top quality for almost a really great price." "Yeah, but I still think that we should have gone with their tables as well, I'm not a huge fan of Brunswick. But then, it could be a whole hell of a lot worse." "Chad," Ami said, "We've been over this, Brunswick are the international tournament table. This may be a small pool room, but I want it to have class." "Uh huh," Chad repied with a lopsided grin. Ami hugged him. "I love you guys so much for helping me out with this, and believing in me. I have something for you." She led him by the hand down into the pool room. As they entered, Ami noticed that the air was cooler, and guessed that Chad had finally figured out the air conditioner. Which actually didn't surprise her considering the paint scheme on the walls. Different shades of blue with a white trim. "Ami, I can't take it anymore, what do you have for me." "Just this," she said as she pulled out a soft cue case. Chad's eyes opened really wide, and he unzipped the top of the case to reveal a beautiful Dufferin cue with a white linen grip. "I don't know what to say." Before Ami had a chance to reply, they heard a knock on the door. They looked into each others eyes, hugged, and ran like hell up the stairs. Her tables had arrived. There were two trucks, and the driver, with a grin, said the words that would start her new life. "Delivery for Ms. Andersen." * * * * Four hours and many cups of coffee later (and beer) later, Ami and Chad were waving good-bye to the delivery men. They had set up her six nine ball tables, and two snooker tables with a lot of care and percision. They had also delivered the racks of balls (with a plate for each set) and the triangles. As they looked around at the pool hall, Ami looked so happy. Before she could say anything to Chad, they heard the door open, and Mina and Serena walked (more like tripped) into the pool hall. "Hey Ami," Serena yelled, "looks awesome!" "Yeah, totally," added Mina. "By the way, I brought the sign, it's in the trunk of my car." "That's great, thanks guys," Ami said, as she hugged and kissed them both. Ami was straight, but Mina and Serena were not. "Hey, what about me?" Chad said, opening up his arms. They laughed at him! * * * * ONE WEEK LATER * * * * One week later, Ami's Place was in full swing. The signs were up, the advertising was out, and it was the new area hot spot. It was always packed each night, and was already gaining on her business debt. She felt great. It was Friday night, and already the place was packed. Ami was on the floor, bringing drinks to players as fast as Chad could take the orders. Chad was one hell of a bartender. Suddenly, the whole pool hall went silent. Ami looked to the door; Eddie Phelson and Vincent stode in like they were God almighty. "Where's Andersen." Eddie said, not yelling, but loud enough to be heard over the whole hall. Everyone in town had heard of "Fast" Eddie Phelson, and then Vincent Lauria when he defeated the legendary Minnesota Fats. They were like Gods. But since Eddie had gotten involved with the Japanese mafia, he has become a feared man. "I'm right here Eddie, what the fuck do you want?" Ami said as she put down her tray and untied her apron. "Ami, please, why the hard tongue, I only wanted to play a friendly game of pool." He replied sarcastically. Chad had now come out from behind the bar. Raye, Lita, Mina, and Serena (Serena was the other waitress) came out from the back. Ami also noticed that Chad had his hand gun in his pocket. Vincent stepped forward. "Call of your bartender Ami, we don't want no trouble." "Then get your sorry asses out of my pool room." Ami replied, not wavering in the slightest. The customers, instead of vacating like Ami expected, had only sat at the stools near their tables. This was first class entertainment, and they didn't want to miss any of it. "Come on Andersen, I'm here to challenge you," Phelson yelled, "players honor and all. I may have won our first match, but I didn't beat you. You did even better than Vincent, and he was a pro when I faced him. You hadn't even been playing a week." "So I guess she's better than both of you." Said a voice from the door. Ken walked into the pool room. He was holding his cue case. Vincent looked embarrassed. Ken walked over to Vincent and measured him up until their faces were mere inches apart. "Remember me Vinnie, huh, you want to get back at me don't you. I kicked your ass then and so help me I'll kick your ass now." "Sure man," Vincent said, as he put his cue case down on the table nearest them and took of his leather jacket, "Any time." Ami looked back to Eddie Phelson. She wanted this guy so bad, after all he had put her through. It didn't end to losing to him 5 years ago. She was just a kid, and she had a school girl crush on Vincent, even after she and Vincent had sex on a table. But it was over the years, as Ami became the national women's champion over Michelle Yo, who then proceeded to kill herself. Ami then went on to win the womens international title, and has since then established herself as one of the finest players in the world. "Ami," Chad yelled from the bar. Ami turned around, and Chad tossed her cue case (the one Vincent gave her 5 years ago) from behind the bar to her. She caught it, then turned to Eddie Phelson. "You're on." She then walked over to the groups at tables four and five. She smiled politely and said "Excuse me folks, but I'm going to have to ask you to vacate your tables (by now, Vince was racking for 9-ball, and Ken was assembling his cue.), but you won't be charged for table time, and please feel free to as many free drinks as you like." The people at the tables were more than happy to leave, and headed for the bar to get a good spot for the show. The customers began to murmur among themselves, and Ami picked up things like "Bet ya 20 Phelson takes her," and "Wow, Andersen-Phelson II!! I was there for the original." Ami opened her cue case and pulled out her two halves, and her chalk. She then threw the case back to Chad at the bar (narrowly missing a customer). As she screwed her cue together, Eddie Phelson was racking for 9-ball. Ami thought "No, I'm going to beat him at his own game." "Phelson," she said sharply. He looked at her, and all she said, was "Straight pool." This sparked more murmers from the audience, and Eddie tilted his head, and then said "Well, I knew you were a fluky bitch, but I didn't think you were a stupid one." By now, Ken and Vincent were already into their second frame, and Ken was losing badly. Vincent was pulling off what looked like easy victories, setting up the cue ball perfectly for each shot. And when he didn't, it seemed like he would just pull of trick shots. Ken was looking depressed. Ami vowed that it wouldn't happen to her. Eddie had already broken the balls, and hadn't left her much... (NOTE FROM AUTHOR: At this point, many of you may not be familiar with the rules of Straight pool, or 14.1 continuous, so I risk of ruining the atmosphere, I'll explain them. 1. Each ball, regardless of "gender" (solid or stripe), is worth one point. The first player to reach 50 points wins. 2. All shots are called, but only the ball and the pocket. How it gets there or what it takes down with it are extras, as long as it sinks. 3. When is gets down so that there is only one ball (excluding the cue ball) on the table, the balls are re-racked without the head ball. 4. On the break, a player must make two balls and the cue ball touch the rail. If he wants to sink a ball off of the break, he must call it. * These rules may or may not be 100% correct, but they are used in this story and I don't care if you hate me cause they're wrong. Enjoy the rest of the story!* Now Ami took to the table. She looked at the rack, nodded her head acknowledging a good break, and then said "6 ball in the side." Eddie nearly choked with laughter. Ami took her shot, and took it hard. The balls flew around the table, and sure enough, the 6 ball dropped in the side pocket, along with the 8, 12, and 14 in various other pockets. Eddie Phelson was beside himself. "Fluky bitch," he stammered. "You know Eddie, nine in the corner, (shot, sink), I'm getting real fed up with you calling me that. Two in the corner (shot, sink)." "You think I care Andersen. You think I care about you or your pathetic little pool room. I'm Fast Eddie Phelson, I'm the greatest hustler of all time. I don't give a RAT'S ASS ABOUT YOU!" "Well Eddie, if you don't, 4 in the side (shot, sink), then why are you here." "Play pool, Ami," Vince said from his stool as Ken sunk the nine ball. "Shut up Vincent, you pig." "I never stopped loving you." "Up yours, 1 in the corner, (shot, miss)." "He made me into what I am." "Does it look like I care," Ami replied as she sat down on her stool. Lita brought her a beer. "He Ami, you beat this guy, ok?" Lita asked. Ami took a long drink before replying. "I will, don't let me get drunk." "That's non-alcoholic beer." Ami lifted an eyebrow. "When did I order any of that, and what is it. For non-alcoholic beer, it's excellent." Lita smiled. "I had Ken order it. It's called Duff Zero, and it's brewed in a little town in the states called Springfield. They didn't like it too much, so it was cheap. Something about prohibition." "Oh," Ami said as she turned back to watch Eddie Phelson run the rest of the balls on the table, and out to 50 in the first game. That means it was Andersen 7, Phelson 50. Fucking joy. This is going to be a long evening, Ami thought as a spectator racked for the next frame. * * * * It was one in the morning when everyone had left. Ami and Lita were left alone in the hall to clean up. Ami had lost again, but not badly. It finished 5 to seven in a race to seven frames. Ken had lost badly to Vincent, 3 frames to 15 in a race to 15. Nasty. The hall was not in bad shape at all. The Japanese were clean people. There was not a single piece of litter on the floor, or shelves, or tables for that matter. All of the cues were in the racks and all of the balls were back behind the counter. Chad had finished washing up and vacuuming the tables, so he left with Raye. Serena and Mina had gone off home to "sleep". Ken said to Lita not to come to his place that night, as he would be to pissed to be civil. Lita agreed, and then was thankful when she heard him screech the tires on his Aston Martin when he drove off. Ami screwed the snooker neck onto her cue, turned the lights on, on one of the snooker tables, grabbed a rack and walked over. She then just dumped al of the balls onto the table. Lita walked over to her and began to massage Ami's shoulders. "Don't practice now," Lita said, in a soothing, soft voice. Ami put her cue down on the table and closed her eyes. She was enjoying this massage, but was kicking herself for not beating Phelson. "I should of won." "It's for another day." Ami then lightly reached up and touched Lita's hands and brought them down. She then turned to face her. "No it wasn't. He came looking for me. The first time, do you remember, Ken had just won, like, three grand of Vincent, and then I took on Phelson. It was right for him to win the first time, but now, it was my turn." She then turned to the table, and picked up her cue, and fired the cue ball to sink a red in the side pocket. She then proceeded to line up another shot, but dropped her cue to the table. "You're right, Lita." "Come on, lets clean up and go home. You cover the tables, and I'll put your cue and the balls away." Ami, nodded, but felt tears forming in her eyes as she set around to cover the tables with their vinyl sheets. When she got to the snooker tables, Lita met up with her. But when they saw each other, and looked into each other's eyes, then ran and kissed with a passion. Lita then lifted Ami's shirt over her head and lowered her to the bed of snooker table. End of Part II