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Yesterday, I called the doctor's office to wait on hold for 30 mins to find out I can't
get in till Wednesday the 2nd. =c[ Oh well, if I die, I'll sue.
I've been trying to read more about operating systems and threading and semiphores(?).
I have two different books that I am reading through at the same time. One for class,
and one for fun.
I am now in my 3rd week or so of being sick. It has went from respiratory, to sinus,
to earlier today it was sore throat. I did have an allergic reaction last week that makes
me look like I have chicken pox. =[
Currently I am in an Operating Systems class at school. We are going into processes
and fork()'ing a child! Pretty soon we will be doing threads. Sounds like fun.. we are
doing it all via command line on a linux server though.
w00t! The largest mass defacement of websites occurred yesterday. Over 800 sites
. Or, on another site a little different view.
Okay, Winex 3.0 pre release is out and I can now play Medal of Honour: Allied Assault
in Linux! Battlefield 1942 also works fine, but the copy protection hasn't been worked
out yet.
Finally got a recent screenshot of my computer uploaded. The window manager
is BlackBox. It is also using some icons from the Conectiva crystal icons theme,
which in BlackBox is only possible with iDesk.
"Stop looking over your shoulder and invent something!"
-David Stutz, former Microsoft researcher

I'm gonna frag your ass Microsoft!