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New York City

Last Updated:  Monday, September 8, 2003

The Big Apple/The City That Never Sleeps

New York City’s political structure is as muddled as it has ever been. The city’s first Anarch leader, Grendel, is now the Prince of a major borough (Bronx). The other boroughs are run by other Princes: Imogen (Toreador, Manhattan and Staten Island), Elijah Hightower (Ventrue, Brooklyn) and Denver Hammersmith (Tremere, Queens & Long Island).

The Princes of New York are in disarray, and the only people who seem to have any ability to pull cohesively together is the Primogen and the Tremere. Of the 150 or so Kindred in New York and the thousands of ghouls, only the most powerful and relevant are mentioned here.

In recent months, the city has come under some fire from up on high in regards to the Grendel problem. The other three Princes and the Primogen have agreed to meet on this very topic. The Primogen consists of Ventrue elder Wilhelm Gearhart (Chairman), Angelique Montgomery of Lasombra, Persephone and Veronique of Toreador, Monroe and Chelsea Gray, the latter two of which are both Tremere.

The following is a listing of the most well-known Kindred of New York City. It is by no means complete; New York City has over 10 million people and nearly 200 vampires. Also note that most well-known does not necessarily mean the same thing as most important or most powerful.
In addition, please note not all the Kindred listed are present (such as Democritus), but their influence is strong enough in New York to be felt even when they aren't currently residing in the city.

Quick Reference:

  • Brujah/Caitiff/Anarch
  • Gangrel
  • Giovanni
  • Lasombra
  • Malkavian
  • Nosferatu
  • Ravnos
  • Toreador
  • Tremere
  • Ventrue

  • Northern New Jersey
  • Sabbat
  • Dead Kindred of Note


  • Alexis

    Alexis' battle with Grendel has become infamous. She originally arrived in the Big Apple, fresh off the west coast with all sorts of grand and glorious visions of Grendel. After Grendel's declaration of Prince, however, that all changed.

    Alexis has become Grendel's foremost and most outspoken opponent. It's pretty obvious that she despises him, wants him out of power and, most likely, out of life. She has pushed him close to the edge of frenzy several times, but has always stopped just short of breaking that final straw.

  • Andrei

    This young Follower of Set has not followed in the ways of his elders. Usually, he is found with a couple of street gangs he runs or in the company of the younger pseudo-Anarchs, such as Sascha.

  • Azure

    An influential Anarch new to New York City, she has made a name for herself in the last year and a half. Setting herself up as a rival to Alexis' brazen defiance, Azure has quietly gathered a small number of Kindred to her side to promote her particular brand of Anarchy.

  • Calvin Waters

    Waters is a relatively new vampire, one who seems nervous to be around. A Brujah in the Bronx, he tends to just run some of the smaller gangs.

  • Castle

    Although once known as Alexis' muscle, Castle is now one of the most feared Brujah in New York. Although perhaps not as physically powerful as Grendel, he is also not as visible. His mere presence can change the entire nature of an encounter. He came back from Los Angeles with Alexis, and is known to have connections there. He is infamous for his vengeful blood feuds against those of the Sabbat.

  • Chystas Chembryl

    The most noteworthy Caitiff in New York, he runs the infamous London Bridge night club. Well regarded by the other Kindred despite the unaligned status. Balances on the tightrope between the elders and the Anarchs quite deftly, maintaining cordial relationships with both.

  • Damien

    A young Caitiff, he has taken refuge in the Bronx. Rumored to work for the Tremere.

  • Deacon

    This new Caitiff is the product of a recent religious uprising in New York. His non-denominational church is small but growing, and his charisma and charm are legendary, even for Kindred standards.

  • Grendel

    Rarely has a Kindred caused so much debate at vastly different levels of the Cainite pyramid. Merely mentioning his name is enough to cause brawls in certain Anarch circles.

    On December 8, 1998, Grendel declared himself Prince of the Bronx. A former Anarch leader of New York, Grendel settled in New York shortly after it was recaptured from the Sabbat, making it his first permanent home in decades if not centuries. His "coronation" as Prince caught many by surprise, but some Anarchs quoted a noted Cainite philosopher by saying "When the Anarchs get old enough, they are no longer Anarchs, but the very thing they once fought against."

    Grendel's rules are less strict than most, but naysayers would have you believe that this makes him no worse than any Prince. Many do, however, applaud the efforts that he has gone to in creating a new place for the younger Kindred to call home.

    There are Kindred who feel he has sold out like so many others have before him, selling out to the Camarilla and their power. The fact that the Camarilla really doesn't like Grendel much doesn't seem to mean much to those who are opposed to his reign.

  • Henderson

    A new Brujah to town, he is one of Grendel's people. Not much is known of this one, but he is thought to be out of LA. Whether LA actually claims him or not is another story.

  • Jaime

    A quiet Anarch, he tends to work with Xenon and Young. Since Cancer's death, he has taken a more proactive role in the distribution of illegal narcotics throughout the city.

  • Ransom

    This Anarch Brujah was the winner of the Anarch Tontine in 2000 -- the respect brought by the Tontine victory has aided his cause via recruitment and status. Although Ransom still resides in Boston, all of New England has gained throngs of new Anarchs and many of New York's Anarchs have been looking to Ransom for guidance. As such, he has a if rarely a physical presence.

    Ransom has made quite a name for himself fighting the Sabbat, most recently in 1999 during the Siege of Boston. Due to his help with this (and other) events, the Camarilla is willing to give Ransom a little bit more leeway than most Anarchs.

  • Rao

    A Brujah from Jersey, his Hindu lineage is well known. He is involved in a violent war with another faction of Brujah -- many suspect the Sabbat of antagonizing (or being the force behind) one or both sides. Regardless, no Prince or Camarilla elder really wants to take any responsibility for what is happening in Jersey, for they certainly don't want to be blamed when something goes wrong.

  • Regan O'Keefe

    This Irish Brujah runs the city's INS and prison system. He also controls the IRA and several other violence-oriented organizations. Despite his influences, he is not counted amongst the city's Anarch population, and runs most of his business through Brooklyn and Queens rather than the Bronx.

  • Soprano

    Soprano is the head of the Jersey Mafia.  Although some made fun of the relevance of his name, his influence over the filming of the show has rooted out several enemies by revealing (and, indeed, filming) their havens on HBO.  A very clever ruse, but he's made some enemies.  A fair amount of violence between his men and those of Rao's.  The two are sworn enemies, and their war has caused some people to wonder about the risk to the Masquerade.  No Prince is willing to make claim over northern New Jersey, however, and a smart Kindred might be able to make their name here. 

  • Tempest

    A Caitiff of curious origin, she is rarely lucid, waffling between episodes of rage, confusion and transcendence. She has been abused mercilessly by elders before, and the abuse has torn at the fabric of her soul.

  • Tyson Law

    This young Brujah is a progeny of Castle's and has been used to help manage the Marble Hill Shipyards. Unfortunately for Grendel, he hasn't been doing it very well.

  • Xenon

    Another Anarch, mostly found in Alexis' company, he has been in New York for a considerable amount of time.

  • Yeardley

    One of the more prominent Anarchs to have arrived since Grendel's declaration of Bronx free state.  This Caitiff has accrued a large number of favors in a small amount of time in the Bronx. A "cultured" back man, he is rumored to have been a Black Panther.  He seems to support the cause with words (and perhaps money) rather than action.

  • Young

    One of New York's most notorious Anarchs, he is Grendel's progeny and constantly torn between sucking up to his sire and telling him off. Until he decides one way or another, neither social circle is likely to give him full credit.


  • Dalton Locke

    A powerful Gangrel, new to New York City. One of the few Kindred known to travel in all social circles but seen most frequently amongst the Anarch population. However, it is not unusual to find him visiting elite Toreador and Ventrue events.

  • Sascha

    This Gangrel is surrounded by mystery. She arrived in town accompanied by Xaviar, then Justicar of Clan Gangrel. She has remained in town, usually in the company of Dalton Locke, although she frequents the Anarch circles as well. Recently, she has been seen with Azure on a number of occasions.

  • Benicio Giovanni

    The newest elder of Clan Giovanni, he has not met with the elders of other clans, and he is an unknown variable. The other Giovanni have become decidely less cooperative and communicative since he arrived, however.


    It's important to note that the Lasombra in New York City are all declared Antitribu, and not members of the Sabbat.

  • Angelique Montgomery

    An elder of Clan Lasombra, she is one of the Primogen members who help keep the Prince of Manhattan in power. She is most decidedly not Sabbat, and gets very angry when anyone implies otherwise.

    Angelique's clan runs the megacorporation Moonshadow Enterprises, and as its branch CEO, she controls tremendous financial and corporate resources.

  • Christof Trevalian

    A younger Lasombra, he has a lot of financial skill and is renowned for his abilities. He is also rumored to have a number of ties to the Ventrue elders.

  • Moncada

    A very powerful Lasombra who does not dabble in city politics. Angelique, although the purported "clan elder", defers to him when forced to. She obviously despises the fact.



    The majority of New York's Malkavians are descended from or have some indirect connection to Benedict. Although Benedict is no longer present (see the Dead or Inactive Kindred list at the bottom of this page), he is (or was) the single most influential and notable Malkavian in New York.

  • Jasmine Hartwood

    The bride or sister or some other derivation of Jeremiah Hartwood, this Malkavian has something going on. She is an advocate of feminism, and thinks about as much of the male species as she does the gum on her shoe. Relatively new to the city. Very crass. Jasmine is known to deify Veronique for her role as a sexually strong, confident woman who has taken control of the adult industry away from the oppressive male gender.

  • Jeremiah Hartwood

    This Malkavian spent a long time working as an Archon for Benedict. Indeed, as one of the Justicar's progeny, Jeremiah Hartwood commands a lot of respect to those who know. His position as Malkavian elder provides him for a lot of flexibility, and he spends time both as elder and Anarch, devoting most of his time to whatever seems more fun. Oddly enough, both groups seem to accept him.

    His influences and interests are not nearly so well-respected, however. He controls much of the city's prostitution and adult entertainment. Known to openly despise Jasmine Hartwood, and goes so far as to say "I don't even know her, the fucking bitch."

  • Satan

    What? You don't know Satan? Satan is the Malkavian with the most, the crazy from the east coast, the toughest, the meanest, the gruffest, the leanest! I like oven cleaner. Has anybody seen my pants?


    The Nosferatu of New York are even more secretive than those in other cities. Rumors of a Methuselah-like elder who secretly controls the underthings of New York persist from below, but most chalk that up to the Nosferatu trying to make themselves even more mysterious than they already are.

  • Hawk

    A Nosferatu from Jersey, this one is bound to have useful information. Well respected as an information broker.

  • Lovejoy

    A loathsome Nosferatu, this one is another wealth of useful information. Known to sometimes speak for the clan when Masters is not present.

  • Masters

    The closest thing clan Nosferatu has to a public elder, Masters is known to take a more political interest in the city than most of the sewer rats. The city's elders often refer to Masters as "the guy to talk to".

    Now that the Nosferatu have put a stranglehold upon virtually all of the city's police influence, they have greatly increased their share of the Kindred spotlight. This is not a position they greatly relish, however, and do what they can to stay out of it.


  • Rebecca Rockefeller

    One of the city's most enigmatic elders, she runs the Ravnos clan. Many of the younger Kindred have flocked to her for several reasons -- her overpowering Presence and virtually unlimited pocketbook tend to draw the weak and huddled masses.

    On a political level, Rebecca is a savvy opponent and has strong allies in Grendel and Wilhelm Gearhart. As with any good Ravnos, she and Gangrel elder Dalton Locke have a bit of a feud going on.


  • Armitage

    This Toreador Archon of the Camarilla has taken up semi-permanent residence in New York City, and seems to be in charge of keeping the Camarilla presence visible. She is one of the most powerful active Toreador Archons, and her physical prowess is feared even by Grendel. While most Toreador are laughed at on the battlefield, Armitage is a widely feared and respected opponent.

    Not an overly outgoing socialite, she tends to watch activities in New York with a wary eye. She trusts very few, and certainly is no longer the puppet of any Prince. Armitage tends to be a Kindred of little action and much forethought. If stirred to action, however, she is a soldier and assassin of utmost ability. Grendel is known to fear her physical prowess. And admit it.

  • Coltrane

    A famous New York tattoo artist, he was, until recently, among the breathing. No longer, however, as Veronique has decided his art should be preserved for all eternity.

  • Gabriel

    Gabriel is one the eldest Toreador in New York City and perhaps the least politically active. Generally considered a very knowledgeable scribe and historian, his presence is usually indicated as an omen of something to come. Whether a good omen or a bad omen often depends on whether you know what that something is.

  • Imogen

    The Toreador Prince of Manhattan has changed. Formerly known as a tool of the Primogen, this formerly timid anscillae puppet has suddenly developed quite the spine. She stood up before the Primogen and told them in no uncertain terms that she was the Prince, and they were to respect that. If not, they could kill her where she stood. The Primogen chose not to, and she has begun to crack down on Anarch activity.

    In January of 2003, after a particularly vicious Anarch attack, she personally tracked down and killed a well-known Anarch who had been particularly troublesome. Some wonder where this sudden burst of chutzpah and power came from. Others know better and simply realize who's really in charge. you know enough about her to look here and read this, you must belong to her.

  • Persephone

    Persephone is arguably the eldest Toreador in New York City, and rightfully sits on the Primogen. She is the sire of the Prince of Manhattan, Imogen, and Persephone's support is one of the primary reasons Imogen remains in power. Imogen's recent change in outlook and attitude seems to trouble Persephone some.

  • Rapture

    One of the most liked Toreador in New York. She seems to have little or no interest in material goods, and concentrates more on the music that she makes so well. She is an amazing singer, and occasionally performs on Broadway as an "understudy" for an evening. When she does, it takes a rare person, Kindred or Kine, to leave the theater unmoved.

  • Robert Lockley

    One of the more politically active Toreador, if not quite an elder. Well regarded by most of the city's leadership, although seen by many Anarchs as the Princes' lapdog. That doesn't mean they will turn away his not inconsiderable wealth, however.

  • Siren

    When the young Toreador Siren first arrived in New York, she took a touch of interest in a young television network that everyone presumed would die in about 20 minutes. After a couple of years, however, the other Kindred realized that MTV was here to stay. And Siren still owns it. While she may not be physically or politically powerful, she controls more influence over America's youth than certain elders are comfortable with. The recent push to get high school and college students to vote has caught many an elder Kindred's incumbent influence by surprise. Siren is also the lead singer for Plague, a popular but fading New York grunge band.

  • Timmins

    A young Toreador, he has the reputation for being able to find anything you need -- a fixer of sorts. Not well known in the vampiric community, but has tons of contacts in the mundane world. Was once Veronique's progeny and flavor of the month, but now seems to have grown up.

  • Veronique

    This former adult film star turned Toreador turned Prince turned Primogen member/manipulator is a firmly established elder in New York. One of the most hated (and lusted after) by the local Anarch population, she is a powerful, influential elder whose Presence is overpowering in her immediate vicinity and felt throughout the rest of the city.

    She now spends much of her time behind the directorial cameras, and has recently started up a new adult entertainment company which rivals the biggest in Los Angeles.

  • Zaragossa

    The city's most famous artist, he seems to alternate personalities between raving flake and artistic virtuoso. Either he spends very little time in New York City or he spends most of his time in a place nobody else knows about or understands.

    The youngest Toreador are constantly fawning all over Zaragossa in a (usually) vain attempt to gain his attention or favor. Simply a positive word from Zaragossa can make or break a young Toreador as an artist or a poseur. Some claim he was influenced personally by Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Beethoven and Aesop. Others claim he was them. Still others claim he was the one who influenced them.


    The Tremere of New York City are in two separate, rival Chantries. The Long Island Chantry is run by Denver Hammersmith, and is the more powerful of the two. The Manhattan Chantry is presided over by Chelsea Gray.

  • Chelsea Gray

    Chelsea Gray is the new head of the Manhattan Chantry of the Tremere. She replaces Derek Fleming as both Regent and Primogen member. Tries to take a fairly inactive role in city politics, although she has become much more social as of late. Well regarded.

  • Clark

    The Tremere Prince of nearby Atlantic City, he has made some efforts to extend his influence into the northern New Jersey area, dangerously close to domain that certain New York Princes might call their own.

  • Denver Hammersmith

    Denver Hammersmith is the most powerful Tremere in New York City. He holds the rank of Lord and he is also the Prince of Queens and Long Island -- Anarchs dare not tread in those areas. His Chantry, located somewhere in the Hamptons, is a series of interconnected cul-de-sacs full of multi-million dollar mansions that have been converted to nefarious Tremere purposes.

  • Kari Justice

    A recent transfer from upstate, this Tremere solicitor from the Long Island Chantry has been helping out her elders on a number of tasks. Tends to be found in the company of Toreador Robert Lockley.

  • Matthias Swift

    A Tremere from the Long Island Chantry, Matthias Swift is a wizard first and a vampire second. On the rare occasion he is seen outside of the Chantry itself, he is usually gathering components for some arcane ritual.

  • Monroe

    Denver Hammersmith's right-hand man, he is the Regent of the Long Island Chantry, although begrudgingly so. An important elder due to his position within the Tremere, he despises the political obligations required of him due to his seat on the Primogen. Denver Hammersmith wants him on the Primogen, however, so on the Primogen he is.

  • Samantha Hall

    A Tremere from the Manhattan Chantry, she is Chelsea Gray's second. Although she seems to follow her elder without query, she harbors resentment taking orders from a position that she feels should have been hers.

  • Thomas Brooks

    Thomas Brooks is a Tremere from Chelsea Gray's Chantry.

  • Uriel Rehnquist

    Uriel is one of Chelsea Gray's Tremere, new to town. Thought to be a skilled thaumaturge.


  • Democritus

    The Ventrue Justicar -- Democritus is perhaps the single most publicly influential Kindred in the entire world. He controls the bulk of the United States Navy, and has considerable influence over virtually everything that happens in Washington D.C.

    The Justicar team of Democritus and Payne (the Tremere Justicar) has been referred to as a Hammer and Chisel, Democritus being the Hammer. When he arrives in town, people die, often independent of actual guilt. The very threat of his presence is often enough to put frightened Kindred in line.

    Although he has not been in New York for a couple of years, his presence is frequently felt and he is known to keep a close, personal eye upon the city. It is well known that he does not approve of Grendel as Prince, and expects the Kindred of New York City to take care of the problem on their own.

    Armitage, the Toreador Archon, is the senior Camarilla representative in New York, and Democritus' words are often heard from her mouth.

    You can read a firsthand account of Democritus in action.

  • Elijah Hightower

    The Ventrue Prince of Brooklyn is quite possibly the richest vampire in the city. He controls a good portion of the city's heavy industry, as well as having a hand in Wall Street, the media, the Mafia, entertainment and the police department. Although regarded as far weaker than Grendel or Hammersmith in terms of personal prowess, he is also assumed to be the least forgiving and most temperamental of the Princes, so Anarchs tend to steer clear of Brooklyn unless they are deliberately looking to get in trouble.

  • Fessicus Wyle

    A very old Ventrue, although he is not looked upon by his peers as an "elder" of the clan, he is revered as a wise, aged one by all those who know him well.

  • Guinevere

    Guinevere is a young Ventrue, having a number of ties to elder Kindred, notably Veronique and Rebecca Rockefeller. She is Elijah Hightower's progeny, although the two have a very strange relationship.
  • Isiah Jericho

    Although Jericho is the Prince of Boston, until a couple of years ago, he was the most popular Ventrue in New York. Since he left, however, the Ventrue's PR has suffered terribly. His absence is sorely felt by the clan.

  • Marcus Riven

    A Ventrue from Atlantic City, he has been in New York for a year or two, making some effort to prevent the Bronx from enacting the legalized gambling ordinance.

  • Thomas Skinner

    Thomas Skinner is a young Ventrue, having a number of ties to elder Kindred, notably Grendel and Rebecca Rockefeller. He is Elijah Hightower's progeny, although the two have an estranged relationship.

  • Tobias Rockefeller

    This young Ventrue has a large interest in the stock market. Probably not even 5% of what Gearhart has, but a substantial wealth nonetheless. Has some limited influence over the banking industry as well. No known relation to Rebecca Rockefeller.

  • Wilhelm Gearhart

    The eldest Ventrue in New York City, his influence on Wall Street and Madison Avenue are second to none. He is the elder of Prince Elijah Hightower, but defers to him in matters of politics. When push comes to shove, however, Gearhart is the power in Clan Ventrue. Gearhart is also the Chairman of the City's Primogen and a likely candidate for New York City's single most powerful Kindred.

    A key aspect of Gearhart's power is that he was the Prince of New York before it fell to the Sabbat more than 100 years ago, so has watched it grow up. Some might say he is naturally sensitive to the lines of power in the city.

    Kindred in northern New Jersey

    Jersey is a battlefield, the site of a constant struggle between Rao and Soprano, each the elder of two rivaling groups of Brujah..  The two are sworn enemies, and their war has caused some people to wonder about the risk to the Masquerade.  No Prince is willing to make claim over northern New Jersey, however, and a smart Kindred might be able to make their name here.

  • Rao

    A Brujah from Jersey, his Hindu lineage is well known. He is involved in a violent war with another faction of Brujah -- many suspect the Sabbat of antagonizing (or being the force behind) one or both sides. Regardless, no Prince or Camarilla elder really wants to take any responsibility for what is happening in Jersey, for they certainly don't want to be blamed when something goes wrong.

  • Soprano

    Soprano is the head of the Jersey Mafia.  Although some made fun of the relevance of his name, his influence over the filming of the show has rooted out several enemies by revealing (and, indeed, filming) their havens on HBO.  A very clever ruse, but he's made some enemies.   

  • Warhol

    Until recently, he was one of New York's many Toreador, he is one of the few male Toreador that actually has much status at all. He is a fairly well-known artist (although not THE Warhol), and is genuinely respected among the city's high society elements. Certainly a regular at Elysium gatherings.

    Recently, his new childe was slain by Imogen (blood hunt) due to his failure to ask for permission before the embrace.  Warhol understandably threw a fit and moved across the river to Jersey.  According to gossip, he has found some formerly untapped avenues of artistic expression in Jersey.



    Obviously, the Sabbat are not in control in New York, so their presence is minimal.  There is a tremendous Sabbat presence in Ontario and Quebec, most notably Toronto, so they are certainly aware of the presence of the Camarilla in New York.  The vampires listed below are publicly Sabbat.  Of course, they have extenuating circumstances that make them untouchable.  Or, at least, unfindable.

  • Charles Lancaster

        Charles Lancaster.  A couple of Justicars have begun communication with Cardinals in Canada and elsewhere.  This has led to some weird form of "ambassador," with this Venture Antitribu having the ear of various Princes and Primogen members.  He's here on a trial basis, however, and nobody (including the Sabbat) trusts him.  Some speculate that Charles Lancaster was placed here by Madeline with the hope that he would get killed.  Grendel has told Lancaster that if he enters the Bronx, he's blood hunted.

        One story about Lancaster is that some poor Sabbat schmuck ran to him for aid, whilst being chased by a pack of crazed Brujah.  Lancaster simply pinned the unlucky neonate to the ground and called Grendel.  His diplomatic protection does not extend to the spies around him, and he knows better than to put that to the test.

  • Trelain Carver

    Trelain Carver a.k.a. Fear a.k.a. The Prince of Nightmares, he is a Malkavian with tremendous dementia and control over emotion.  He controlled the Prince of Boston for a few years before two Justicars and a small army of Archons rooted him out.  He's currently suspected to be wandering around the Northeast, and could make his appearance known at any moment.  Highly feared by both members of the Camarilla and the Sabbat..

    Kindred of Note who are Dead or Unaccounted For:

  • Benedict

    The legendary, now retired, Justicar of Clan Malkavian, he was the key figure in taking New York City back from the Sabbat. His leadership and presence was key during the creation of the current city's political structure. Although he has "retired" from public duty, and is not known to still reside in the city, it is assumed he does and is keeping an eye on things.

    One of Benedict's first actions upon retaking New York was to claim Father Carpenter's infamous tower-top castle as his own public haven. This was very symbolic, but was also on the top of the south tower of the World Trade Center. Benedict has not been seen nor heard since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Many fear the worst.

  • Chandra

    The most infamous Kindred in recent New York history, Chandra was responsible for the deaths of at least three elder Kindred, and was finally blood hunted for the murder of Jasmine de Corason. She was blood bound to her clan elder, Helena Garibaldi, and when Helena was killed, whatever self-restraint Chandra had crumbled. Chandra destroyed the Assamite, the Brujah elder who placed the hit (Saul), and several others in a fit of frenzy. It took a Justicar, two Archons, a Prince, a clan elder and a handful of others to finally bring her down.

  • Derek Fleming

    The original elder of the Manhattan Chantry of the Tremere, Derek Fleming was killed during the Conclave of 1999. Although the identity of his murderer was reportedly discovered within the Tremere clan, they simply brushed the matter under the rug.

  • Father Carpenter

    Father Carpenter was the Cardinal of the New York Sabbat from 1895 until Easter Sunday 1992. On that night, all Sabbat disappeared without a trace. He was legendary for holding court in an Obfuscated castle which he had built on top of the World Trade Center during its construction. Once the Justicar Benedict retook the city, he took control of Carpenter's castle and made it his haven.

    After the Easter "exodus" of 1992, rumors of Father Carpenter surfaced in the middle east, and whispers of his dealings still surface in New York City today. He is presumed dead, however. Some Anarchs suggest that September 11 may have had some of his fingerprints on it, as a sign of revenge towards those that took the city from him.

  • Harcourt

    Harcourt was the original Toreador elder in New York, and the most powerful member of the original Primogen.  She was intimately involved in a number of high-visibility Kindred politics until she up and disappeared one day.  The general assumption is that Harcourt has taken a seat behind the scenes.  Persephone, Veronique, Gabriel and Zaragossa are all rumored to have ties to her.  A very powerful Kindred, if indeed she's still active.  However, considering her previously visible social status, she doesn't seem the type to sit behind the scenes and watch.

  • Helena Garibaldi

    The sire of current Ravnos elder Rebecca Rockefeller, Helena Garibaldi was killed (reputedly by an Assamite) in the late 1990's. Her lover, Chandra, reputedly extracted some months of revenge upon both the assassin and the Brujah who did the hiring.

  • Jasmine de Corason

    A former elder of Clan Lasombra, Jasmine de Corason was killed by a Ravnos believed to be Chandra during a particularly bitter power struggle. She was the most popular member of the Lasombra, and Angelique's position as clan elder became more firmly established. There is still discussion over who put Chandra up to it.

  • John Diamond

    Although never a political force, the threat of his involvement in any situation was quite a trump card for his clan. The most powerful Tremere to have ever lived in New York, John Diamond held the office of Pontifex. He was Denver Hammersmith's sire and an incredible force. Shortly after the Conclave of 1999, John Diamond left New York quickly and suddenly. Not much is known as to why he left, but everybody knows he did.

  • Rasputin

    A Malkavian Archon who helped hunt down and kill the infamous Chandra. Shortly thereafter, Rasputin himself disappeared and is presumed dead. Supposedly, the Nosferatu had a hand in it.

  • Saul

    R.I.P. Saul was the original Brujah elder of New York City after the re-taking by the Camarilla in 1995. However, he was slain by Chandra in 1997 -- apparently Saul had contracted an Assamite, who successfully killed Chandra's lover, Helena Garibaldi.

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