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To Who It May Concern

August 22, 2001

It’s come to my attention that this world is a crock of shit. I spent centuries earning my reputation as an Anarch, which has provided both a lot of grief and opportunity over time. I was branded a moron, a fool and uneducated. Too many elders presumed I was a moron simply because I held a different philosophy. I originally moved to New York with the vision of turning the city into a free haven for Kindred of every age, clan and reputation. This didn’t work: the old ways took hold.

So I named myself Prince of the Bronx. Not because I wanted the political power, but because I wanted the freedom that should come to every Kindred, in the same way that mortals are given freedom and control over their own lives. Why is it that vampires, who are “superior” to mortals, don’t have the same priviledge of freedom and movement that their lessers do? Again, I feel this is a travesty.

And now, although my “city” has done everything required of it to maintain the integrity of the Camarilla, I have been asked to move. They refuse to remove me themselves – that would take too much of their effort and put their pathetic little lives at risk. The elders who attempt to pressure me to do this do this politically because they are afraid. Afraid of me, and afraid of Democritus.

At the same time that they feel the need to push me aside, they sign a cease-fire with the humanity-less monsters of the Sabbat. The war, whose sides are defined largely by their belief in the relevance and importance of, and respect for, the Kine population, is a Holy War to many and the Sabbat have made it clear that, if they had their way, they would rule the world without the Masquerade. We have seen what happens with the Spanish Inquisition – imagine if that same Inquisition were armed with flamethrowers, machine guns and nuclear missiles. I don’t care how much Fortitude one has – if a Ballistic Missile hits the building you are in, you are dead. The Sabbat are the real enemy here – not me.

So let the Sabbat get you while you focus on me. They are the real enemy, I tell you. I hardly think that I am as active a threat as they are: I seek no measure of external control or invasion. I want as little as possible to do with the internal politics of the Camarilla.

However, if the Camarilla decides to willingly destroy the cease-fire against the Sabbat, then I will relinquish my claim as Prince of the Bronx. Indeed, I will be amongst the first to charge across that Canadian border.

At some point, one has to stand up for his principles. While I can respect the political situation here and fully understand it, I also feel the need to stand up and speak my mind. For if I go the way the Camarilla (or the local elders, in this case) wants me to, that serves no purpose. It not only makes me no better than them – it makes me worse, for I am doing what others tell me to.

Democritus makes me out to be the villain – the cause of all this strife and chaos. Humanity has learned, over time, that alternative methods of living are not bad – look at the nearly 200 countries of the world, all with differing governments. My self-contained government has made no effort to expand, nor will it. I just want to run the little corner of the world that I am the most qualified person to run. So, after some consideration of your offer, I have decided to change my mind. With apologies to Jeremiah Hartwood, I have decided not to abdicate my position as the Prince of the Bronx.

Until that day, I remain Prince of the Bronx.

If the Primogen doesn't like it, fuck the Primogen.

If the other Princes don't like it, fuck them.

If Democritus doesn't like it, fuck Democritus.

To you all, I say: Come get me.

Prince of the Bronx
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