the Icarus Line


by: Cynthia Ruiz
Icarus Line w/Paris Texas and Thistle @ Top Cats in Cincinnati, OH

Well I think the easiest way to do this is to just give you guys my interview, review, story, etc...all at once rolled up in a little ball of craziness titled "Evening with the IcarusLine". Well, the evening started out with me getting to the club, meeting up with Captain, the drummer, and going for a walk to find the rest of the band. We found them down the street at a music store and after the formal introductions with Joe and Aaron, we just proceeded to walk down the street to an ice cream shop because Joe wanted a milkshake. Then we went back to the club and into the van to start the interview. I was kind of nervous at first, but after talking to Joe and Aaron on the way back from the music store, I realized that they were really nice. So we got to the van and this is pretty much how my interview went. Before you read it, you must note that if you don't know who these guys are, most of this interview was done in humor, so don't take it seriously. Just read it and enjoy:

Cynthia: What are your names?

Joe: Max

Aaron: I'm Cobra

Cynthia: So where are you guys from?

Aaron: We are from Los Angeles

Cynthia: How long have you guys been around as a band?

Joe: Well I don't even know if we actually qualify as a band yet, but we do own instruments so I'm gonna have to go with like two and a half years.

Cynthia: How would you describe your sound to people that haven't heard you before?

Joe: Which is like everybody.....umm......go for it Aaron.

Aaron: Acid, polka, jazz, dub...

Joe: LA's answer to Menudo.

Cynthia: What are your musical influences?

Joe: Well we were already talking about the RxBandits but I don't wanna push them too hard and give it all away.....theres this band Homegrown we actually like....Aaron...come on Aaron.

Aaron: Thistle....

Joe: Fuckin A...umm Homegrown....

Aaron: Shat and Gayrilla Buscuits....thats GAYrilla buscuits not garilla buscuits....

Joe: Have you everheard of Gayrilla Buscuits?

Cynthia: Yes I have.

Joe: Oh yeah. She knows.

Cynthia: I read Buddyhead....So how do your fans react to your new CD?

Joe: Umm.....Some people let us tag on them and some of them don't.

Aaron: You see, we're from LA and people from LA like to tag....we have names and stuff....Me and Joe used to work at Pizza Hut and we would get off work and I would pick him up and we would just go and spray paint and Joe...what was your name?

Joe: It was Chaka and then it was Turbo....I'm Turbo right now.

Aaron: I was always Cobra. So we would like tag...this is actually a good story....this will tell you how we got the name the Icarus Line....

Joe: Yes...Here we go....You're gonna tell her the story?

Aaron: Yeah. We were tagging out on like, the Santa Monica Blvd....Have you ever been to LA before?

Cynthia: No.

Aaron: Well in Hollywood, Santa Monica Blvd is like where all the proffessional sex hookers and prostitutes hang out....

Joe: Mostly men though.....

Aaron: Mostly men dressed like women. Santa Monica Blvd is where little boys hang out and one of the little boys was really good at doing what he did....

Joe: Sucking cock.

Aaron: Yeah, and for some reason his name was Icarus....his nickname was Icarus and we were out spray painting one night and we found a story of how he was so good that he actually had a line to like, get his services performed....

Joe: Like freaky ass fucking fags....Like, seriously...Freaks, know what I mean? Like kinda bordering on crack whore. Like, have you ever seen Thriller by Micheal Jackson? Kinda like that but he had a line of dick just wanting to fucking get down.

Aaron: So basically thats when we said....Oh, the fucking "Icarus Line".

Cynthia: Thats a good story.

Joe: Yeah, that is kind of a good story.

Aaron: And then we tagged more...So now we tag on people...Only if we like them though....

Joe: Yeah, mostly only cute girls.

Cynthia: Thanks....I read Buddyhead and I like it even though you make fun of bands I like......

Aaron: What bands do you like that Buddyhead makes fun of?

Cynthia: Well, Saves The Day.....

Aaron: You like Saves The Day?

Joe: Theres this crazy thing about the singer of Saves The Day....He has this, like, intestine problem and he just fucking, like, farts dude....I'm not even lying....This is not a fucking lie....For a person thats so small, it smells really huge, like his whole intestines collapse...He has some condition. Its really sad, but I just wanted to let you know since you're a fan. Its good to have trivia on the band.

Cynthia: Yeah.

Joe: And you can even print that in our interview.

Aaron: Yeah, thats good to know because if you happen to be in a van interviewing Saves The Day, you might want to leave the door open.

Joe: But thats true shit. We're not supposed to be talking about that because we found out from somebody on the "inside", but I think its funny and I think people should know because, I mean, who wants to walk into a jetstream?

Aaron: I don't.

Cynthia: Me neither.

Joe: Well, there ya go.....But Saves The Day are great kids, and they're even better when they're called Lifetime.

Cynthia: I want to say I liked the Death by Stereo CD review you did.

Joe: You like Death by Stereo?

Cynthia: Yes.

Joe: Did it get props?

Cynthia: Well, not the full amount, but the second to full amount.

Joe: Only the best get the full.

Aaron: Do you do record reviews for this site you write for too?

Cynthia: I've done one.

Aaron: Who'd you do?

Cynthia: Fabulous Disaster.

Aaron: Oh I know that band.

Cynthia: Aaron, do you know that you have a reputation for being an asshole? In fact, my ex-boyfriend is supposed to be at this show tonight and he said I shouldn't do this interview because you would probably just make fun of me because you're an asshole.

Joe: Who is this guy?

Cynthia: Just a guy.

Joe: What band?

Cynthia: He's not in a band.

Aaron: Is he big?

Cynthia: No

Aaron: That's absurd.

Joe: Aaron is anasshole though.

Cynthia: I just think he's jealous.

Joe: Well he's gonna be even more jealous when he sees our tags all over your body.

Aaron: Yeah. Seriously though, we're the nicest people you'll ever meet.

Cynthia: Man, this interview is going to be way too short. You guys talk some more.

Aaron: Do you want me to give you some pointers? Me and Joe interview bands all the time and what you want to try to do is you want to get to the point where you're just talking.....

Cynthia: But I have bad communications skills anyway.

Aaron: You get them going and then when they say something that you think is interesting, you go up on a tangent on that and then pretty soon you're rolling....

Joe: And then you're just sweating in a van and its like, what the fuck happened?

Aaron: And when you get lost, thats when you go back to the questions.

Cynthia: Yeah, and then you're getting tagged up....

Joe: Uh huh.

(Enter Lance, Alvin,and Droadie)

Aaron: Ok, now let us interview you. Let us see your got some stars going on...ooh, MxPx....

Cynthia: Yeah, they used to be my favorite band.

Lance: You have three stars on your wrist?

Cynthia: Yeah.

Lance: Its amazing....everybody picks three.

Aaron: You should cover that MxPx tattoo with your new favorite band, the Icarus Line.

Cynthia: They're not my favorite band anymore.

Aaron: Well who is?

Cynthia: Theres way too many....

Joe: Dashboard Confessional?

Cynthia: They're one of.....

Aaron: Midtown?

Cynthia: They're one of....Alkaline Trio is definitely up there.....

Joe: Did you just say Alkaline Trio is your favorite band? They ripped us off. Did you see the new issue of Spin?

Cynthia: No, why?

Joe: Well once you see us play tonight, and then you see the new issue of Spin, you'll see whats going on and you'll be like "fuck that shit"...

Cynthia: So how's the road?

Joe: The road's been OK.....Some shows are great.

Cynthia: Well my next question is what does the future hold for the Icarus Line? Where do you go from here?

Joe: Well, we hope you're included in that somehow but......Much touring, more recording.....

Lance: More drugs, more sex, and more rock n roll.

Joe: There's definitely a paved road of parties in front of us. It looks like its gonna extend......So are you gonna head bang tonight?

Cynthia: No. Will you guys promote my zine? Cuz I forgot my fliers.

Lance: How old are you?

Cynthia: 19, why?

Lance: Cuz we don't promote anyone under 15.

Joe: Tell her about the future Aaron, the fucking future for Cobra.

Lance: Yeah, for Cobra.....

Joe: What's in Cobra's future? Can we take it on an individual level?

Cynthia: Yeah.

Droadie: Come on, Cobra's future. I want to hear the answer to this.....

Aaron: We're going to England....

Cynthia: Really?

Aaron: A UK tour.

Joe: Right after we get home, we hop on a plane and go do John Peel sessions at the BBC.

Aaron: Woah, look at her boots. What are these called?

Cynthia: I think they're called shitkickers.

Lance: Can I lick them?

Cynthia: No, they have my throw up on them.

Lance: Can I lick them anyway?

Aaron: I want you to know, we've never told anybody else how the name the Icarus Line came from. You're the first one. You got the scoop.

Cynthia: Wow.

Joe: Yes, seriously.

Droadie: You actually gave her the straight answer?

Aaron: Yes.

Droadie: Wow.

Lance: Its all these people waiting in line to give Aaron Icarus a blow job.....Is that what they told you?

Cynthia: Something like that, yeah.......OK the last thing is just any last comments you guys have....

Aaron: Come see the Icarus Line play cuz we are the nicest people you ever met.