Fury "Resurrection" (Jade Tree)

This six song EP is a re-press of sorts, so it's not actually new music from a new band. I believe it is actually something coming to compact disc for the first time now, which is good.
If you didn't know, Fury has a very punk rock sound with some hardcore influences perhaps. Bands like the Sex Pistols combined with TSOL and other such bands combine to make the overall sound. This is a sound of punk that isn't really too common right now. I remember an old CT punk band called the Reformed that sounded a bit like this, but otherwise, there aren't many current bands that sound like Fury.
Definitely a band that has paved the way for punks to come, as well as other bands in genres that branch off of punk such as Four Hundred Years.
Six songs. If you have the means to get this, do so. If you've been waiting to hear it because you don't have a record player, it's your lucky day.
