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Welcome to NavicLand - Anglefire Site Home
This site is part of the NavicLand hacking group website. This site is maintained by DuckTape.

This site is gonna be all about top notch programming. Soon there will be files and texts about QBASIC, GWBASIC, Visual Basic, Visual C++, CGI and ASM. Check the Programs page to download a copy of QBASIC and/or GWBASIC if you need it. Sorry VB and C++ aren't gonna be uploaded here, their too large. I'm gonna teach you how to start off writing BASIC programs and have some tutorials for you to print out and learn, then we'll get into writing some nasty hacking programs, virii, and trojans. Keep in mind the hackers code: Don't damage another computer! I understand sending a virus or trojan to an enemy or for use in hacking wars, but never never put a virus or any other damaging program on another system!

Navic's Site has most of the security exploits, tools, backdoors and how to get in a system with all this security that companines and home users have. I'm pretty much the programmer, I write all the stuff to make hacking easier and faster. Orian, CyberHulk and the others find out how to bypass security while Stegic maintains the network and communications for everyone. Navic is a jack of all trades, he knows security, networking hardware and programming. There are a few other members but they come and go, the guys I mentioned have been around for a while and are here to stay. NavicLand wants to get some serious phreakers involved. We've spanned the information and data network, why not get into the communications and voice network? Any phreakers that have done stuff and know a bit about current fone systems, send me an email or Navic.


Site List
Navic's Site

HeavenWare Solutions
NavicLand - MaxPages Site

Network Security Library
Programmer's Heaven

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