Well. . .this is mah. . Homepage. . .cheesy?. . .Perhaps. . .but its MAH house. . . *L*. . .  Anywho. . .  You prollee come to this Hogan wondering what kinda person I yam. . .  Well. . .First and fore most. . .  As I do when i meet people, I present mahself with mah Clan. . .  *A navajo Thang* 

Anywho. . . Todachii'nii niish lii' (I am Bitter Water), Kinlii' chii' nii ei ba shiish chiin (I am born for the Red House), Tobaa haa ei da shii' Chei's (Mah Maternal grandparents are the Beach Boi's. . .ayez, (the Edge of the Water)), and Haash klii'sh nii' ei da shi Na'lii' (The Mud Klan).  That's how I traditionally address mah self to anyone I first meet that are Navajo.  Cuz dat's the way I been raised, learned and taught and i still teach.  Anywho. . .Hugs and greetings to all mah bruddahs, sistas, aunts, uncles, mah grandparents, no matter how young you are, and all other relatives.  If yer none of the above, then welcome to mah family, I enjoy meeting a making new peeps a part of me. Chances are you've contributed to my well-being in one way or another and i'm thankful for that. 

Ya ah teeh (hello) to all new people that are lookin up info on me.  I currently live in a place called Dzil' Dootl'izh (Blanding, UT)with mah family of four: Me Mahself, mah alter ego and I. . .ahhhh. . . Me, Mah lovely Wife Kendra, My Sweet, Precious Daughter Kortlynn, the king of the house, and his brudduh
TJ, mah lil boi. HE'S FINALLY HERE! ! ! Well actually he's been here like almost 16 months now ;). . .
I finally put this in like today. .. I just haven't gotten around to updating this Crazy site yet. . . Ya know that obnoxious thing that adults do . . . . WORK!! ! :) Yip. . . I finally got one of those to support mah habits. . .;). . . Update: Since this website is old! ! ! I've had another kid since this site was originally established. Yup.. I"m a busy dood. . . If it was up to me. . .ayez. . .I'd have like 5 kids now. . . *hints to women out there. .* *L* ayez. . .j/k. . . May new lil boy is KADEN SHANE JOHNSON. . .I dont have any pictures yet but someday soon we'll have one up. The rest of my web site is generally gonna stay the same. The only reason why is because i'm busier than . . . Hunting season was just finally over and I only got a small 2X2 deer. . .No elk this season. . .maybe next year. *L* ****Crosses Fingers**** Yesterday was the day that they caught the "DC Sniper". So to say, I survived. . . *L* @ the fact that I'm over 3,000 miles away *L* Anywho. . . The date when I Updated this site is OCTOBER 25, 2002 at 3:55 pm. Mah lil bud looks like he's got the shit scared outta him. . . Well. . .he did. . *LMAO*. . . He wouldn't keep his eyes open when the light was on. . .soooooooooo. . .being the kool dad i yam. . . . I turned the lights out and *FLASH*. . .from the camera. . . ;) . . . and got his mugg. . . ;) . . . oh. . . that lil puppy came out with him when he was born. (if you believe that, I also got a 85' Chevy truck i could sell you for $30,000.00) *LMAO* DUMMY! ! ! his lil guard dog. . . to keep me away from him ya know. . ;) . . . all dem rez bunnies. ..:D

I am also 28 years old if you don't know and if you STILL haven't figured it out. . . I'm still married. . *L* for over 7 years now. Known mah wife round 8 years. On April 15, 1996 (TAX DAY) we decided to have a SHOTGUN marraige and applied for credit to get hitched. . . *You have to get married these days to know what i am talkin bout, all them Damm forms you gotta fill out *LMAO* anyways that's me. . .

I was seeking a degree in Psychology but now i'm not. I have only mah Azzociate Degree in General Studies. Dat's all. . . :( I'm hopefully gonna keep on goin to get mah Master's in High Skewl Couseling. *Dreamin* That's where i love to werk, in the high skewl setting. . . I was goin to Utah State University - the Blanding extension, but like i said, now i'm not. I'm actually a Computer Geek working with a Federal Program within the Navajo Nation.

anywho. . . Browse 'round if you'd like but fo now.  . Stay Tuned and gimme a holla if ya see me 'round.
  This work of art is still in progress. . .  *L*.  ..later taterz. .

Only Natives have been up in this mugg. . . Kewl. . . Never felt this much love before :D *LMAO* Thanks fo droppin in. . .
:o) (o:
