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Emily's Webpage

(here are a few new pics)

Happy Summer Break! I bet almost everyone is set in their summer plans now. I wish everyone the best of luck, whether its nannying in NYC, or exploring the foothills of Europe, or finding out what people do in the summer time in East Lansing, and extra luck to those braving the summer at home with the parents! I am off again, this time the destination is Washington D.C. as an intern for Michigan REPUBLICAN Congressman Mike Rogers. I will be living with relatives and also working at a gym. It will be an amazing summer, hopefully I will meet a bunch of cool kids :) It will be sad leaving everyone...fam, megs, dom, dre, kell...BUT COME VISIT!! DC isn't too hot in the summer...(kidding!) Email me and update me on how your life is going!! xoxoxox Em

**Click Here for a link to a picture of my sister's team competing at Nationals in Orlando** (Maureen is dancing, second from the left, with the big pony tail)

Rush Gamma Phi Beta FALL 2002

Hi my name is Emily and I am a student at Michigan State University. I am in James Madison College and am majoring in International Relations. At school I am a member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority, and also a coxswain on the MSU Women's Crew team. This past spring the Novice II boat placed second at Big Tens (infront of u of m!) and our team placed third overall. Our team is headed to Nationals this year to make our mark in the world of rowing. Last summer I had an AMAZING time working as a nanny with my sister in the Hamptons for my cousins three kids. It was an absolutely fabulous summer, getting to know my cousins better, and meeting kids from all over the world, but i must admit, I did missed mybuds, especially the ones who go to different schools and I NEVER get to visit!!! My happy family consists of my mom, dad, sister Mo who is attending the University of Michigan :( and my little brother John who is a wizard at computers and is helping me with this site. My best bud is a crazy girl named Meghan. This past year at school was a really fun time, especially because of the great friends I made. Jacque, Hannah, Andrea and I spent pretty much 24 hours a day together in gool ole Case Hall, and had an awesome time learning the ropes at State. The best part of the year was the last few weeks, playing volleyball and studying outside;) Also, having awesome visitors like sarah and my sister made it a great adventure. Oh yeah, did I mention I was a member of a kniting/book club? Some of the members wish to remain unnamed;) hehe! This year, my roommates are Kellie and Danielle(back right on either side of me), and we definitely have the coolest room of the house:) I am a big fan of kids from royal oak, studying for economics, hanging out with my Big Sis at Lambda Chi, teaching Andrea the fine art of being ridiculous;)and pretending like I am actually from New York;)

the summer bosses

our first polo match

Novogratz Family Reunion 2001

partying NOVO style

the irish boys

the new beau :)

my gamma phi fam

crew girls in Spartan Stadium

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my new # is (517) 336-7224, so call me and my roommie (kell) or on my cell (248) 872-2980