Dear Moot Soopers, you are my all time favorite band in the world; your gig at the pavillion was the best gig ive ever seen at the pavillion. I really liked your drummer. My other favorite part was when the singer went into the guitar and it cut his beautiful face and blood was streaming onto the stage and into the audience almost! That was so clip. Another favorite part was when bassman guy said "I'm in heaven," as he began to sing. I heard a rumour that the drummer was supposed to hump the bass player, but instead he jumped into the audience and started weirdly talking to me...he touched my hand. Another rumour that didnt happen was that someone was suppose to be naked, and there were supposed to be some dream theatre songs. you said so onstage, and i cheered because i didnt expect that, but then i didnt expect after that to have a whole lot of NOT dream theatre. it was pretty good though, and the pavillion usually doesnt work for me but you guys werent bad. Kirstin Elspeth Howell