i recently saw a show at the pavilion wich included the moot soopers, this was their 2nd performance at the pavilion. my first impression when i heard them (this second time) was 'they have gotten a lot better than the last time they played here.' this in itself is a very good thing. not that they sucked before but they definately werent as good. this shows that if over such a short period of time they can improve so much than they are on the right road to becoming a real band. the moot soopers tend to be a good pick to play at any show because they have a seemingly eclectic sound. seemingly because everything has a sort of element that brings it back to a familiarity with the other songs, but eclectic because they have a variety of styles. unlike most young bands these guys are actually good this is rare. i dont know know much about music but i can tell that they know what they are doing when it comes to writing a song worth listening to. each member brings theyre own style to the band both musically, in the basic way they carry themselves, and how they act. all that really needs to be said i guess is they are not amazing yet but they could definetly get there someday. -freedMAN!!!