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The Duchess and the Devil

Acting Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower
Glaring out over the rocks
In the words of Dr. Sam Beckett, “Oh, boy.”
“Don’t froth at the mouth, Stiles.”
Mmm… Sarcasm
In French duds
Mmm… Irony
“[Darn] him to [Tartarus].”
At least one man has the decency to turn around
This is just cool lookin’
Glaring at Hunter
It’s Gesture! Well, sort of.
Looking a little scruffy, there, dear.
During one of his walks with the duchess
“Good. I’ll ask the innkeeper.”
“Archie, you’re raving.”
I chew on my finger when I’m nervous, too.
The Callow Youth, a little displeased with his new title
In the rain
Aww! Baby! (either the man or the rat. Take your pick)
Smushed up against the bars of his hole
See, if you had put the Carmex in your pocket, this would not have happened
“Are you alright?”
“Aside from feeling I’ve been bent in two.”
Somehow not as cute when you can’t hear Kennedy tittering
A walk on the beach
“It’s my old ship!”
“I gave my parole.”
Lieutenant Hornblower
Mistah Aitch
Grinning at the duchess
A thorn in the sides of the Spanish
“I shall endeavor not to disappoint them.”
Silhouette on the beach

The Duchess of Wharfedale
At the Government House
On La Reve
At the prison
Peeping in on Archie and Horatio
That looks really uncomfortable
“You expect me to carry the [darn] things around again?!”
Saying farewell to Mr. H
“The highest.”

Midshipman Archie Kennedy
“Is that…It’s Archie!” Kelly shouts.
Insomnia sucks, don’t it?
“He’s dying!”
“No! Simpson!”
In the infirmary
They really take care of you in this prison
“She’s an actress”
“If Mr. Hornblower has given his word, that holds good for me, sir.”
Returning to the prison

Midshipman Hunter
Glaring out over the rocks
Demonstrating how to carve rock ape
Sizing up the opposition

Other characters
Sir Edward Pellew
“England, boy. A big, damp, foggy island nor-noreast of Ushant. Think you can find it?”
“Not in six bloody months, I haven’t.”
Estimating their odds
Don Alfredo de Massaredo
Captain Joubert (I think…)
And again

Multiple characters
Bracegirdle and Pellew
Major General Sir Hew and Lady Dalrymple
Surrender of La Reve
Hornblower trying to get help for Kennedy (Recommended audio-enhancement for full effect: the beginning of “King of Pride Rock”)
Cassius and the conspirators. (I guess that would make Oldroyd Brutus, right?)
Kennedy observes the conspirators as Hornblower studies Don Quixote
Stiles, Matthews, and Oldroyd
Hunter, Oldroyd, and that guy that resembles my cousin
Hornblower and Kennedy planning their escape
Horatio and Archie are puzzled by Matthews’ urgent message
Stiles and Matthews
Hornblower and Hunter
Hornblower’s much abused crew
“Ya bloody idiot.”
Oldroyd protests with Matthews in the background
“How’s your leg, Mr. Hunter?”
The Duchess and Hornblower
The Duchess and Captain Pellew
Oldroyd and that guy
Another shot of most of Hornblower’s men (Look at Archie)
Stiles and Matthews in the row boat
Hornblower and Kennedy at home

“You don’t have to kill it again.”
Some very clear water
The Spanish prison atop a hill
And the beach

An Even Chance/The Duel
Examination for Lieutenant/The Fire Ships
The Duchess and the Devil
The Frogs and the Lobsters/The Wrong War
Mutiny and Retribution