draac guy

Day Dreamin'


I'll be that Girl

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Your Mom-Amber's Sec



Toronto Trip

Guide to Success

Seth Green

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"I'm so cool, too bad I'm a Loser"

-Barenaked Ladies Falling For The First Time

Welcome to my Loser Cave!
Just chill while we dust stuff off.
Right now the editors are Liz, yeah just Liz.. aww

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  • 04-24-06, Liz stardate.. wait, so I haven't updated this since uhh right after high school.. kind of sad.. Loads of work to be done, so bare with me and all that jazz.. you super fresh, funky kids!

  • -12-23-02, Liz again.. now.. I have updated and started to rebuild i'll be that girl.. check it all out and for gosh sakes sign the damn guest book.

  • 12-19-02, WHERE ITS AT?!? Hello, and good day! Its Liz here, and I am going to do some MAJOR updating... cuting down and staff, (because no one does anything!!) and Re-doing a whole lotta stuff... Keep a look out!

  • 2-24/02, Well, Don't ask me how, but half my pages were deleted, or partly .. so NOW Liz gets the joy of reconstruction. It wont be that bad... *grummble*
    I added more to "Your Mom" and FINALLY, finally, Top Ten Lists!! and some, very little to Toronto Trip is up!
    Check out Jess' Guide to Success!!

  • 2/17/02, So, did you miss us? We're back and we have a new editor, Welcome Amber! Our buddy Amber has joined the team, look at her new section "Your Mom". As for the rest of the editors, they'll have to stop slacking... hehe

Any questions, comments concerns,money,complaints,oh dear god, please email Liz at:

Thanks, The Losers

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