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Welcome to the UIUC Physics Helper

1) You should do the homework yourself first; you need to learn the material. This is a service provided only if you've exausted every other option you know.
2) I don't have very many homework sets up yet, but they will grow with time; please be patient.
3) Although I do my best to provide the right answers, I do not guarantee the correctness of them.

1) Find the homework you need help on.
2) Input your numbers into the red text fields <-- if you can't see the red text box it's because your browser doesn't support CSS correctly, please upgrade to NN6, IE5.x, or Mozilla.
3) Use "e" notation for large and small numbers, i.e. 9*1023 should read 9e23.
4) Don't use fraction's in any of the red fields, 1/2 should read .5
5) Click on the button after you've filled in all your numbers.
6) Cut and Paste the respective answers into your homework set.

Where do you want to go?

If you have any corrections, questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, help, threats, or thanks, please direct them to UIUC Physics Guru.

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