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Rat Cult
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The Rat Cult

Beneath the streets of Aysen, vermin of all sizes scuttle about their sinister business. But the people of Freelance don't realise how sinister the vermin beneath their city really are. The rats of Freelance aren't ordinary rats, but the servants of the Rat Cult, a powerful band of lycanthropic thieves whose soul goal is to reek terror and slaughter across the Known World. Not only does the Rat Cult possess the 'gift' of Lycanthropy, but its members also share a dark affinity with the rats, using them as spies and weapons. Only the most sadistic and skilled thieves gain access to the Rat Cult, and even then they must succumb to the curse of Lycanthropy.

Rogues, Monks and Bards are the most common Rat Cultists, where t heir natural speed is complimented by the skills of the Rat Cult. Fighters and Barbarians become Rat Cultists to augment their combat skills and add some speed to their class. Wizards, Clerics and Sorcerers rarely join the Rat Cult, but those who do become the most dangerous members of the cult. Clerics are not uncommon, and worship Erythnul.

When encountered as NPCs, a Rat Cultist will likely be leading some foreign band of thieves in the employ of the Rat Cult. If not in such a position, a Rat Cultist will usually be encountered with several other cultists on official business. A solitary Rat Cultist is very rare, as they can easily swell their ranks by biting local thieves.

Hit Dice: d6.


To become a Rat Cultist, a character must meet all of the following requirements.

Alignment: Any Evil.

Move Silently: 4 Ranks.

Hide: 8 Ranks.

Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative and Weapon Finesse (Any).

Special: The character must worship Erythnul.

Class Skills

A Rat Cultist's class skills (and the key ability for each) are Animal Empathy (Cha), Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Control Shape (Wis), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Locks (Dex), Pick Pocket (Dex), Search (Int) and Tumble (Dex).

Skills points at 4+Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features for the Rat Cultist prestige class.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Rat  Cultists are proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Rat Cultists are also proficient with light armour but not with shields. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pockets and Tumble.

Curse of Lycanthropy: Any bite from a Rat Cultist in animal form may inflict Lycanthropy on the unfortunate victim. Those bitten must make a fortitude save (DC 15) or contract Lycanthropy. A Rat Cultist can also spread Lycanthropy by the use of slashing or piercing weapons.

Alternate Form: Rat Cultists can assume rat form as if using the Polymorph Self spell (though their gear doesn't change). Changing to or from animal form is a standard action. Upon assuming either form, a Rat Cult member regains lost hit points as if he had rested a full day.

Damage Reduction: As a Lycanthrope, a Rat Cultist gains damage reduction 15/Silver.

Bonus Ability Scores: Whilst in animal form, a Rat Cultist receives a +6 bonus to dexterity and a +2 bonus to constitution. In animal form, a Rat Cultist cannot talk or cast spells.

Poison Use: The Rat Cult uses poison in its many assassinations, and trains its members in its use. Rat Cultists never risk poisoning when applying poison to weapons.

Familiar: Upon joining the Rat Cult, a Rat Cultist automatically attracts the attention of a rat, who selects the new cultist as its new master. The rat is very similar to a wizard's familiar. It adds +2 to its master's listen and spot checks, can understand common and can telepathically 'speak' to its master. If this rat is killed, the cultist loses 1 point of Constitution permanently.

Spells: Beginning at first level, a Rat Cultist can cast a small number of Arcane spells. To cast a spell, a Rat Cultist must have an intelligence score of at least 10+ the spell's level. So an Rat Cultist with an intelligence score of 10 or lower cannot cast spells. A Rat Cultists bonus spells are based upon intelligence, and saving throws against these spells have a DC of 10+Spell Level+Intelligence bonus. When a Rat Cultist receives 0 spells, only bonus spells are received. A Rat Cultist prepares and casts spells as a wizard. A spell list is below.

1st Level: Protection from Law, Obscuring Mist, Summon Monster 1 (Always Fiendish Dire Rat), Detect Secret Doors, Cause Fear and Spider Climb.

2nd Level: See Invisibility, Darkness, Cat's Grace and Knock.

3rd Level: Magic Circle against Law, Stinking Cloud and Water Breathing.

4th Level: Solid Fog, Improved Invisibility, Dimension Door and Bestow Curse.


Level     BAB     Fort     Ref         Will

1             +1          +2         +0         +0

2             +2            +3       +1          +0

3             +3            +3       +1            +1

4             +4             +4      +2            +1

5             +5             +4       +2           +1

6             +6             +5       +3            +2

7             +7             +5        +4           +2

8             +8             +6         +4          +2

9             +9             +6         +5          +3

10         +10             +7         +5           +3

Spells per Day

Level     1st             2nd         3rd             4th

1             0                 0             0                 0

2             1                 0             0                 0

3             1                 0             0                 0

4             1                 1             0                 0

5             1                1             0                   0

6             2                 1             0                 0

7             2                 1             1                 0

8             2                 2             1                 0

9             2                 2             1                 1

10           2                 2             2                 1